Re: uysr
Allot of what you say checks out.
You were unclear when you came here and I think that you gave the impression that all people in your time were Satanists.
Other problems are, the torture bit, which I feel is worrying people in this timeline a bit?
There are some reports in this timeline, of secret sects of the government torturing people and then replacing people back into this society, as robots of cult factors.
For example, the Alias series that ABC network is producing has a part in it, where they subjected the children in Alias to mind controls at a very early age.
How do we know that you are not a Montauk subject and are connected with either Rainbow or Phoenix Projects and are just fooling us about the future?
>It was said in a Star Trek Next Generations of an episode, where a Star Fleet office was captured by the Cardasians and subjected to both torture and mind control, that in the end, nothing was ever proven by mind control, as there were other methods of finding out information, that would have yielded the same results.
This is our problem with you, as we it seems all view you as a Trojan Horse attempting to get into our times.
We don't trust you.
You also don't have any reliable sources, to further to prove what you are saying.
Why wouldn't a time traveler just come back in time, plug his computer into the history net, let it autofish a download and then leave and go back to the future with this information?
Everyone knows that the Vietnam War, was a drawn out political affair that eventually fell apart anyway,
There are other events in history that if you use a decipher code, that you can find the trust pattern of history.
Allot of what you look for, is hidden history.
>About me, Rainman, I don't use a cipher and you would have a hard time figuring me out, if you had plotted a cipher code over me anyway?