I am from the year 2522

You don't really know what your talking about do you? Any biologist will tell you that the rainforest is essential for life on earth. If it dies, we all die. Therefore I seriously doubt that if it was reduced to an acre and encased in glass that human life would survive. It is very difficult to pull off a hoax when you don't understand the principles of what you are talking about. Why don't you explain the science of how you can warp your emails through time, and as someone else posted, send some back to this site a year ago, then I can go look it up. I bet you can't even think up a reasonable excuse for not doing that either. Shouldn't you be memorizing the multiplication tables for school and not wasting peoples time on the internet?
It is impossible to travel forward in time.

It depends really, if we have been gone two hours then earth will have aged two hours.

Gilmer-if you are from my future then why do I have to come back here to get historical files and does the same problem repeat itself?
Are The Transam still making lots of new inventions for us?

Lunarium is a metal, it is mined by going inside the moon and digging it out.

If you would read you would know that to travel in star ships we use francium, lunarium and.
We don't heat homes with lunarium usually.
Note to self

...Hmm if the word skaaran, which is a character race created for the tv sci-fi show Farscape, is still known forth 500 years then it must have been a pretty good show. Too bad it was canceled.

Until later becomes now.
It is impossible to travel forward in time? Did you not read my post? It is very possible, in fact it is possible now. Your idea of travelling the cosmos in a spaceship and having time pass at the same rate on earth is impossible (unless it used a "wormhole" to travel).

You obviously have not read very much on the topic. Have you even heard of the theory of relativity? Time is relative to the individual, it does not pass equally everywhere in the universe. Your descriptions of space and time travel make no sense, maybe read a book and come back with some better science fiction, this is worse than the old Buck Rogers tv show. I really see no point in continuing posting to your useless threads since not only are you NOT a time traveller, but you don't even know the basic science of it. You couldn't even come up with your own name for the alien race.
Look at how many web hit there are for the word shaarns, http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=skaarans&ei=UTF-8&fr=fp-tab-web-t&cop=mss&tab=

This might be because society is contigual and words even in their varaied forms, pass down.

There are possabilties that many words we use now, will be presented in varied forms later.

The word Yahoo is yiddish in lineality pertaining to Isreal and Judeaick use there, however yahoo is also used in the American west, when riding a horse as an expression.

There are probably words that we use here on Earth, that have similar sounding phenoms, in other galaixies?

Physics, light phenomenon, where photonic contiguality, is known now to be expressed dormant within standard matter, so matter can never exceed the speed of light, without the universal energy constant being appeased,, eg., other methods also known as the Lorentz contraction, concerning accelerating matter:

Because photons are inherent in all mass, matter can not be propelled past the speed of light, without something first happening to that matter.

On your starships, what and how is this process, please.

Take as long as you can, muddle through this is you have to, but please, to us all here, explain what this process is? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Actually, you are wrong again chronohistorian, it is my understanding that theoretically, as you approach the speed of light you travel forward in time, when the speed of light is surpassed, then you will travel back in time. Maybe you should go talk to your ship doctor again?
Im glad that Im not the only one that thought that ch was full of it, now I see that this thread has attracted another one. I have one question for our 2 time travelers.

tell me, in a mathmatical formula the very first calculation a time traveler, from any time, past, present, or future, going forward or backwards in time is. I know what it is and Im not telling you why I know but I know for a fact. Dont give me any lame excuse like we dont know because a computer dose it. You tell me what it is. If you are right I will tell everyone one the thread that you are truley who you say you are and I will explain, in plain english why and they will all understand and believe. This will end all the idiotics and waisted time. After you fail to answer the question, I will tell you who I am for real. I am tired of this assignment and I want it to all stop. Please just answer the question.
Re: uysr

Did you really say that people from more than 500 years in the future know that Britany Spears posed for Playboy?
Yes, amazing isn't it? What I find even more amazing is that an inane "fact" like this is something that a "historian" from the future can rememeber, but this same "historian" cannot remember that nuclear FISSION was discovered by Enrico Fermi in the 1930s, and that it powers all our nuclear powerplants of today. Ergo:

History of Britney Spears = Important knowledge.
History of atomic energy discoveries = Trivia.

(Now it's my turn for the evil laugh) Bwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!
I've got the debunking bug up my butt tonight, so I figured I would expose more of our resident future "historian's" problems remembering his history. The following were Chrono's answers to trollface's very good questions. ALL the answers are incorrect, so now I figured I would try my hand at them, because I am fairly sure of these answers:

Q:Why was the telephone exchange invented?
A: I can't really remember why the telephone exchange was invented but I think it was so that the troops could get information easily to base.
Wrong. Assuming trollface meant the FIRST (manual switching) exchange, the reason was because it is impractical to perform point-to-point connections between your phone and everyone else's phone, which would have to be done if you could not figure out some sort of switching mechanism. Therefore, the first telephone exchange was invented to permit a single set of wires to be run into a home/office for use by a phone, and telephone operators manned the central patch-panel locations where the work of the exchange was performed to connect caller to callee.

Q:In the latter half of the 20th century, what was the bloodiest war since the end of WWII?
A: The bloodiest war is probably vietnam.
Wrong again! The Korean War was FAR bloodier than Vietnam. Over 2 million people died in Korea, whereas the Vietnam War totaled about 1.6 million people. And last but not least, our "historian" is batting a complete ZERO since...

Q:In what many Americans consider to be the biggest cultural event of the 20th century, Woodstock, there was a famous public saftey announcement over the tannoy. What was it?
A: The public safety announcement was about performers injuring their heads but not really sure.
WRONG AGAIN! I do believe that you are referring to the warning about "Don't eat the brown acid."

Some historian. And notice how each answer was hedged with words like "probably" or "but not really sure." This is another mark of a non-historian, for a historian would NEVER answer a question of history with a guess! They would simply state they did not know, but would research it for the precise answer.

Care to continue, Chrono?
Re: uysr

Nonhostile code:Due to the fact that all time travelers can and will have problems, I will digress from hostility.

However realize this information within these formats.

The Pleiadeans trade consortium of 1970-80-90-2000s used both a sonic vibrational format, with a harmonics change into null space via metal combination composing hull structures.

So' where eletro-conductivity is based with blended metals on the hull, innerspace, or off-frequencies, are achieved in type five saucers, by horned harmonics directed from a series of sound outlet, encompassing the entire ring.

This is a state of the art ship, now in service for the Pleiadean consortium.

Zeta Reticulans utilize for their trade missions, magnetic, which cancel out the effects of gravity, so dimininishing mass substance, as being less resistance, from any traveled point A, to B.

So they bend gravity and mass to make their ships travel to distant point stars.

The Grays Hybrids of Mars, who landed in an egg shaped ship at a Midwest wheat farm, on the outer surface of their egg shaped ship, to gather a good-will bag of manure.This was given in good feelings from this farmer, utilize an event of mass gravity outer propulsion, which in-part forms a plasma sheath, on the outer surface of their ships.

Ummoites utilize a forced micro-generated plasma sheath, on the outer surface of their ships, in order to propel their ship, to see and meet the people that they need to see.

The Ummo ships are very intricate, as their ships are the only ones that utilize a microcapailary compostion to the outer shell, to effect the production of both mass gravity and plasma.

The theory, Earth time ships utalize a superfast localized over-bolace of light pressure, or simply C-overpumped. This feature, in order to eject their time crafts, as in Anderson and the principles of the remake of the Time Machine et al.

This was in order to establish over pressure C, which is light at both force and electrical values, so that an assigned frequency of space-time can be made.

Okay, this stuff is old had, how in relationship to what I've given here, do your ships work, Chrono?

Please and thanks

A special thank you to the Pleiadean, Zeta Reticulan, Ummoties, Grays Hybrids and Anderson and Time Machine Movies makers and their associates.

To all, thank you very much for the use of your fine ships, as demonstration items, of how other vehicles could work!
Re: uysr

billagain-I think it is this but I aren't sure because I have never needed tom know:

L112 (the 2 is squaring it) (x2-x1)2 + (y3-y2)

the numbers that are next to the letters are just above them like squared and cubed. This is probably wrong because why would I need to know it?

RainmanTime-I know I was probably wrong about some but I am positive that it was the vietnam war.
Why would I know something about brown acid? I think it was about what I said it was. if not then please give me a source telling me it was.

creedo299-I didn't read most of what you said because you ramble on.
I do not know how the ships work because I aren't an engineer
Re: uysr

chrono ... what rainman said about the brown acid is the truth .. i have the quote on vinyl somewhere.

it goes .. "we have been told to inform you that the brown acid isn't that good .. but it is ur trip so its up to you" or something like that ..

as for the rest of ur tale .. it sounds like the future is straight outta the movies ..

and the theory of relitivity is wrong ? oh man ur a funny fella

