I am from the year 2522

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

You don't have to speak arabic if you are going to be in an english speaking country.

I was chosen as the best candidate because not many people volunteered and I was best at the physical and intellegence exercises.

I know lot about history which makes me important as a time traveller.
Re: Where no man has gone before.........

I was chosen as the best candidate because not many people volunteered and I was best at the physical and intellegence exercises.

Ironically, "intellegence" is actually spelt intelligence. I dispair for the future.

So what's the deal with the doctor getting the money and not you? Are you not trustworthy?

And you don't go out because you don't want to alter the timeline? Exactly what do you think you are doing by interacting with people on a message board?

Just keep digging yourself deeper....
Suppose a traitor from your time comes and destroys the world, what would be left of your time?

Your answers seem quite shorthanded to me and it comes pretty contradictory to what most analysts has to say of our inevitable future and suffering due to disasters like El Nino. What does the government do to curb the tides that drown the islands? I guess by your time most of Asia should be covered in water too? How do you all survive the lack of fossil fuels and the increasingly depletion of metals? You can't exactly recycle everything, what do you about plastic litter? Are there any revolutionary alloys? What are computers like now? Do they still run on little 17"" monitors like the rest of us have? What about the sound system? Does it all come with some ear implants to hear everything now? What are your toilets like now? Do they still come in a toilet bowl/tap kind of design? How do you rest or sleep? What are beds like in the future? Are they all standard beds or do the Japanese still sleep on tatami mats? What about the Easter Island mystery is that all solved? Is there any answers to the Bermuda Triangle? What about the lost island of Atlantis, do you know anything about it? What about pyramids, do you know how they exactly do the Egyptians built it?

How did your world clean the mess up? Plastic bags imbedded in the ground, rusty ships in the ocean. Does anyone get to the bottom of the sea? How do they overcome the overwhelming pressure of the sea if they did? Are there any new discoveries in the deep dark depths of the ocean? What have you found about dinosaurs in the past, are there any significant discoveries?

Does your time have the power to control the weather? Do you all still use AC generators and 3 plug circuits for most household appliances or do you all go with an improved version of wireless 'BlueTooth'. Based on the technological advances on cellphones in Korea, which has the utmost ability to take crystal clear images, record video, go online, watch tv, radio access, GPRS & 3G technology, listen and record mp3s and the abtility to store large amounts of things.

What does the internet have besides our HTML, JAVA, C++, FLASH etc? Are there new forms of scripts?
Supposedly easier and professional?

Do minds ever get lost in the Life Simulator? Do they get so engrossed in it that they choose not to come out, or does the machine have a certain time limit for you to use it. Sounds like it is very addictive and brain damaging and it also comes to me on how your people are not very clever and socially adapted due to such technology. Does anyone really talk face to face? Do you all eat artifical food? What has become of REAL meat, vegetable and fruits. If cancer is cured, why is there still cancer in your time? What happens when people die? Do they hold funerals? What about weddings too, is it still the same religious ritual, are the matrimonial vows still the same? What does the society do about homosexuality? Are they all out against it or take it into stride? How is education like for children, do they still learn the same way? If there is no more religion, then what do you all believe in? Its a fallacy to say man need not worship something, as you can see if man does not worship anything, he will worship himself and deem Mankind is God by itself. What is the cigarette and Alcohol industry like? Does it all close down? If there is trading, there must be some universal stock market? How do you measure weatlth? Are there any trillionaires? Are there still lotteries and is gambling still ramapant? How do you handle the child smuggling, prostituition and abuse problems? What has become of the middle east now. I don't see how they will adapt to such situations. Isn't the one government a New World Order? Does the one government originate from the United Nations? What has music become like? Do you have any music samples from your future? Right now there is evolving music like trance, new age and alternative. Do DJs still use vinyls to spin? What has become of DJs and such, music producers? What about Hollywood, TinselTown? Is it still as big? What has become of big actors, actresses? Do they still have golden globe awards etc? I don't see why your future ignores the paranormal or even have not heard of it, have they become ignorant of the past fears of such as in ghosts and hauntings etc? What do they do if they experience in strange event, where they are left in a dark place with no one and are trapped in it? Do they have ghoshtly experiences and such? Are there any things we should know about what you have learnt from history and would intrugue our craving curious mind?

If you are really a historian, shouldn't you be asking us some things as in like a personal response on our world? Wouldn't that give you more to discover and have more exposure? What do you use to collect your information. I don't see how TV helps you to gain knowledge with all its trashy programs they show nowadays, and besides you can't possibly believe everything the Discovery Channel tells you. The best place to learn history is to be at that place and experience the atmosphere and deduce from what you have learnt. It's pretty pointless to learn history by watching TV. You certainly wouldn't learn anything about the 1970s' but 70's jargon from That 70's Show, right?

Wow, ok I had better stop. This is getting really lengthy. Hope you would take serious time and thinking and answer my questions.

Thank you,

All you have to do, is ask him to describe what his time bubble trip was like, from the future to back here and this would solve it?
The doctor is in charge of the mission. She has seniority. I am not in the army yet so I don't have a rank. The Time guard is a lieutenant.

Interacting with people on a message board is keeping the altering to a minimum.

If a traitor from my time comes back and tries to destroy the world then the time guards from my time would also come back and stop him.

Nothing is covered in water in my time. Like I said near the start we did a little terraforming on the planet.

We do recycle everything and if we need anything extra we trade for it at andromeda.

My personal computer that I have at home has got a memory of 250 terabytes and like I said before you attach a something like a microchip to your head and you do it like that. You also say what you want to write and words come up on the screen.

The toilets in my time are quiet. When they flush you don't hear anything. You don't use toilet paper to wipe your bum. When you are finished water is sprayed up your bum then warm is dries the water.
The waste is then analysed to see if there is anything wrong with you and if there is a doctor comes around. The waste is then sent to the nearest power plant for the waste to be made into power.

We sleep the same way we do now. We have smart beds, they analyse your temperature and adjust the temperature so you aren't hot or cold. They also can be in any shape you like and move around anyway you like.

I don't know about easter island or anything like that but I know the egyptians never built the pyramids. According to the Lizarans a much older race built them who have since died of a mysterious plague that wipedout everyone on their planet.

The pyramids are essentially weapons that destroy incoming asteroids or deflect them away from earth but they only deflect or destroy meteors that could destroy the world.

We recycled the rusty ships and left some to be museums.

We get to the bottom of the sea. We stop the pressure by shields and we find new kinds of animals that die if you give them too much light and a new element.

We still think that the dinosuars were killed off by an asteroid but some people have a theory that there was another dinosaur that breathed fire (yes I think it is ridiculous too and it sounds much like a dragon) and the earth became so scorched that there was always ash in the air so the sun couldn't get through so nothing could grow so everything died. I think this is a ridiculous theory.

We don't have the power to control the weather. Computers run most things in the home and we don't use plugs. they are pretty primitive.

I think we have more programming languages but I can't remember the names of them because I have never had to use any.

Minds never get lossed in the life simulator but sometimes terrorists are abducted and put in their to find out what they know because they would do their daily routine and maybe go meet a terrorist. It is a very good way to see if someone is innocent.
There is no time limit on it. You can stay in as long as you have the money for it.

People still talk face to face, at pubs and restaurants and other places.

We all eat normal food. Some is grown on venus because it is a farming planet.

Cancer is cured. We are vaccinated against it when we are children

When people die there is a funeral but then the body is burned.

There are still weddings but hardly anybody has them because there is no need but the weddings are the same as now.

We aren't against homosexuality afterall they are humans and it is their lifestyle choice.

You still have to go to school to get an education but you don't use paper, we use computers.

I believe in science and evolution and not religion. If there was a god how do you know he would be good?

Cigarretes are banned. alcohol is legal but if you get some disease from it then you will have to be payed to be cured. Healthcare is free as long as you try and keep yourself healthy.

Andromeda is a trading post. We measure wealth by how much money you have.There are trillionaires.

Gambling is still legal and it happens.

there is no child smuggling. prostitution is legal, afterall it should be. you can have sex with someone for free but you can't make them pay for it, doesn't that sound a bit stupid?

The middle east is ok. there is no violence.

How is the government a new world order?

The government originated from europe but france was one of the last to join.

like I said before most people like opera.

Hollywood still exists and it also makes movies for aliens now and there is still awards for actors.

We have heard of paranormal but no one believes in such things.

I can tell you to watch out for aids when it mutates.

As I have said I have been asking over messenger.

I watch normal programmes to see what people of this time enjoy. I like the simpsons and when they bring their movie out I will watch it.
Re: Where no man has gone before.........

Chronohistorian, you are welcome in this era as a visitor, however not as an operative.

Please keep this in mind?

*Please answer this question if you would, in as much detail as you can, would you describe what New York looks like in your era?

Also please from news file footage of your era as you can recall, what occurred on date 9-11-2002?

*On religion, in your belief system a mean central Christian God is mentioned however it is said that the main Devil is lonely, due to that God having to vacate his offices here?

&Do you have any foreknowledge of the Montauk Experiment and if so, what is the content of this knowledge within your allowed cleance level, as you are allowed to say?

&In your trade with Andromedia, there are also other humanoids who trade there, who are of general good character, however are not from Planet Earth?

*Thank you very much, these questions asked under proper time travel protocols?! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Where no man has gone before.........

I have never been to new york but it is the capital of earth.

on 9-11-2002 the world trade centre was hit by a terrorist attack.

I don't know anything about the religion that you just mentioned or the Montauk Experiment.

The Zkanam seem to be the most friendly.
Re: Where no man has gone before.........

on 9-11-2002 the world trade centre was hit by a terrorist attack.
Sorry, "historian", but I think you missed by one year! You have again shown that you do NOT have the capacity for being a good historian, as a real historian would have never made that mistake!

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

Yes the world trade center was hit on 9-11-2001.

Chronohistorian you have made error whether it may be human error or some other kind of error you still have error.

In your time, is it that you do not know of the Christian God because Christianity does not exist in your time? Strange thought isn't it. But Satanism exists?Isn't Satan is of the Christian Religion? Although it is not the main focus he is in there. Jesus is the main focus. That is if you did not know Chronohistorian.

I believe what I want to believe.
Believe what you want to believe.

-Guy D.
Re: Certain festivities in this timeline


Mary neatly tooled her small import, with the rolled down rag top, to a parking space, so enjoying the beginnings of this day.

Morning wasn't too bad, with only one tiny glitch for unaccountable parts, that were enroot in the audit.

The Italian eatery was packed as usual, with many festive colors viewed, as a platen of Springtime full abloom.

People worked their laptops, chatted endlessly and ate salads and pasta, as they always did this time of year.

The clerk at the checkout counter saw Mary and picked up her order from the lower shielf, as Mary now dug through her purse, looking for her wallet.

"That will be forty dollars and twenty cents"., the checkout informed Mary as she briefly looked around while handing the clerk his payment.

As the clerk stared at Mary, with her makeup making her seem like part of the season itself, Mike began to notice a horrid change come over he face, as he processed the bill.

Her sweet pinkish grin, was now transforming into a sneer, then this sneer starting to appear as if it was an insane rage.

Mike noticed that she was looking over his shoulder, into the outdoor eatery section, where her finance was seated.

She looked closer. Tim's hands was laid upon the small hands of another woman.

Mary now had an if to bite sneer on her face, with her eyes now almost crossed, looking very beady.

Mike handed Mary her change from the fifty she gave him.Instead of neatly placing the return change in her wallet, she simply jammed the money back into her purse.

She then grabbed the lasagna from Mike and stomped over to her convertible dropping the takeout orders into her passenger side of her import.

Mary was now returning to the counter where a very large kettle of to-go tomato sauce was simmering.An extra complement takeout sauce, used in the orders.

Mary grabbed this kettle, however realizing that it was too hot to pour on anyone. She now spied Tim's new cobalt blue Lexus Port, parked futher before the eaterie's curb.

The kettle went with Mary. Cord or not, as the counter attendant could do or say nothing to stop Mary's progress.

With one quick toss, the entire contents of the kettle was now on the Lexus.his red mess, obscuring the front windshield.

With the edge of a carboard container, Mary now scribed out the words, (SLUT), on the front windshield.

Mary promptly removed her engagement ring, placeing it down over the antenna, that Tim has specially installed, so that he could catch communications.

Mary now gunned her ownn car's engine, she had made the turn too wide. She drove her wheels over the curb, making a full circle and then circling once again, to get her bearings.

As a cop saw her drive over the curb the second time, the officer put on her lights and pulled the distraught drive over.

The cop was a lady and was on routine patrol, as she happened by chance infront of the eatery.

Mary obliged as her import was now pulled to the curbside, now ready to receive a ticket.

The lady cop walked to Mary's car, with ticket book in hand preparing for the citation, for improper driving.

Mary's face instead of having neatly applied mascara heightening her eyebrows, were now marked in long streaks, looking as if a character in some grade B horror film.

The cop knew she would not need to unholster her pistol from some reason and began to probe as to why Mary had driven over the curb.

The cop slightly stepped forward and began her sentence, "You know mam,...as she said this she looked up, observing the late model Lexus with the word slut scribed on the windshield and continued further,.. You know slut?....blurted out the officer instead of the sentence; Do you know that you drove over the curb?

Mary blurted out, "Yes I know slut, he's with her in the resturant holding her hand, right now"?!

Something very odd began to occur in the cop's mind as an odd sort of grin came over her face.

The state rule book says, that we should be very careful in how we make turn-arounds going through opposite lanes of traffic.

The cop, in a very weird way placed her hips, as if to siddeled on Mary's cars, as her pen began to touch the ticket pad.

She went on, " You know I always look both ways, when I turn into traffic?, she said, so now starting a series of large nondescriptive circles on the Ticket pad.

As the officer drew on, there were now little pictures, flowers, cats, clouds and a cow, all neatly drawn overt the spaces intended for name license and registration.

This lady cop was letting this go, because it was just the thing to do. Because nobody does a nice girl wrong, makes a promise and then gets away, not like was being done to this one,..she had pulled over?

As Mary stared at the steering wheel expecting a one hundred dollar ticket, the lady cop handed over the ticket, with the advice, "Be a little more careful driving, would ya"?

By the time Mary began to notice all the strange drawings on her ticket, the cop had pulled away and was now making a turn at the intersection.

Mary looked at the series of doodles once more and somewhere in her mind she said to herself, "I guess they aren't all bad"
Re: Where no man has gone before.........

What do you know of the Space Interferometry Mission?

It is calculated that in a couple hundred years Earth will have evolved into a Type I energy consuming planet. So how is it possible you have enough energy to travel to Andromeda and not have enough energy to alter the weather?
Re: Where no man has gone before.........

i have tried to believe what ever he said in this forum.but when i chat with him in YM i know he probably not the future man.

he told me that pluto is not planet from solar system .the reason he gave me pluto is too small to be considered as planet. i don know about u all guys but from what i have learnt we classified planet not according to size.

i asked him who invented way to live in lunar he said he dont know.

i wrongly mentioned that aids virus is double stranded DNA he did not comment about that.he said he dont know about aids virus since there are no more aids in his time.
i asked him what the names of the virus he said AIDS virus.as we know AIDS stand for accuired immunodeficiency syndrom and the virus name is HTLV anh has got many types
Hello all, I am new here, meaning to this forum, not to this time or place /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I find this discussion to be rather fascinating. I am a linguist. More so a linguist who works with mentally ill people. My job is to study the language used primarily by mentally ill deaf people. Decipher it, interpret it, make sense of it for their mental health care providers. The first thing I would like to mention is that some of the posts from Creedo and Chrono sound very much like the incoherent babbelings of a unmedicated actively hallucinating schizophrenic, but that aside, my observation of language usage has picked up on something that may discredit our dear friend Chrono. In all of Mr. Historians posts he is very clear on making a definate distinction between US and THEM, meaning people of our time and people of his time. However in this post he states "We produce they same as we do now" this language suggests a confusion or perhaps a slip up on his part. He has been trying to convince us he is from another time, seperating himself from us by time and therefore should have said "WE produce the same as YOU do now." The fact that he used "we" instead of "you" suggests to me that he got a little caught up in his "hoax" and placed himself in the time he truly exsists in and is from...the present. Just an observation. I shall continue to read and watch closely.
Please retract everything i said in my last post, if i had only read a little further i would have not needed to use so much observation of Chronos language because the mention of Britney Spears still being around in the future is enough to make everyone know this is crap! I dont think anyone today is dialing up naked pics of some chick from hundreds of years ago! Any true historian worth his or her salt would not even think that Britney Spears posing nude would be a monumental moment in history!!! Ok now im moving on...
i do agree with you.
historian supposed to know who invented anti gravity device rather than nude photo of somebody of 500 years
If I am 500 years from the future of cause I would make that mistake. I was only one year out. Do you know when britain Had their civil war and who took over britain after it?

christianity does exist but hardly anyone is religious.

The weather is unstable and I believe the weather should never be altered in any way.

backforgood-hi. In my time sign language is a universal language. I never said that britney posing nude was a monumental moment in history I just said she is one of many celebrities that you can download.
i cant imagine people from 500 yrs still appreciate and like to virtual sex with britney .
such a lovely historian
The fact that he said to me that we will have laser weapons in about 50 years is what convined me, the USA military already has lasers mounted on teh back of hummers, and anti-missle laser systems. I'd be willing to bet that in the next 10-15 years we would have potrable laser weapons.