Ok, I'll start off by saying that I don't personally believe John Titor was either from the future or psychic. I am prepared to go as far as saying that he was perhaps well read and/or researched his topics on the 'net before he started the whole show, but thats about it.
Secondly, I will say, that from a scientific point of view, I'm open to the chance that I'm wrong, but in the absence of any hard evidence to suggest this, I'll stick with my opinion and the facts at hand.
NOW, that said, the posts by rainman on this forum have irritated me slightly, because as informed and credible as many of them are, there are some that are quite ignorant (and I mean factually, attitude aside).
For instance:
The majority of people who were stranded in New Orleans were of a socio-economic group who were incapable of making there own way out of the city in the time provided. Now, apart from the humanitarian aspect of leaving your old, sick and poor behind, if you look through the history of civil wars, it is the poor and down-trodden masses who ar emost likely to instigate such actions.
I am not for a second claiming that this WILL lead to Civil War, however I think that there can be little arguement with the claim that "Civil Unrest" has already taken place.
Continuing, the major problem I have with your post (in jest or not) is this
No it isn't.
To suggest that the majority of peple left behind were either stupid or subject to "Natural Selection" or Darwinism (which ever of the many meanings this term may have) is just plain obtuse. Why were incapacitated patients in hospitals left to die? Are you going to suggest its natural selection? If so, I believe you don't fully understand what evolutionary mechanisms are.
Apart from anything else, as has already been mentioned, the US government withdrew funding for upkeeping the failed water barriers and also had poor emergency management in place. The tsunami response, in a relatively romote and rural part of the world (not to mention poor) received a faster and more efficient response.
These are the sort of issues that can and do (historically) lead to civil war. And remember, science, rational thinking and logic have little to do with civirl unrest and uprisings, all you need is a critical mass of angry people and weapons (thank god for the 2nd amendment eh?).
Just on the note of the governments role, it should be noted that an offical statement in the run up to Rita, warned that the government did NOT have the facilities to evacuate everyone from densely populated areas. They called on neighbours to help one another and especially the old, the sick and the poor. Two things strike me about this. 1) Surely this sort of statement should have been made before Katriona 2) It doens't bode well for something that doesn't give you 3 days warning, like say ohhh I nuclear explosion or chemical/biological strike (not that I'm saying there is any danger, but as a critique on emergency strategy management, its a fair point).
If civil wars and such were easy to predict, they wouldn't happen, because governments would quell them before they start. But the seeds and ingredients for them are easy to see, and while I rate the chance of a US Civil War taking place as tiny, some ofthe ingredients are surely there.
Finally, like so many horoscopes, its easy to take something from a vague, random or co-incidental comment/prediction, I couldn't help but double take when I read this seemingly random and out of place Titor comment regarding cvil war "Perhaps you are familiar with the story of the Red Sea and the Egyptians"
Secondly, I will say, that from a scientific point of view, I'm open to the chance that I'm wrong, but in the absence of any hard evidence to suggest this, I'll stick with my opinion and the facts at hand.
NOW, that said, the posts by rainman on this forum have irritated me slightly, because as informed and credible as many of them are, there are some that are quite ignorant (and I mean factually, attitude aside).
For instance:
by RainmanTime
Consider this as a big lesson of Katrina: Take responsibility for yourself, and prepare yourself beforehand such that you don't have to ask for help. Instead of RELYING on help, make it your absolute last resort. Too many people ignored the warning to evacuate, expecting that "well, the government will help me out of anything I get into." THIS is the problem with the way so many people look at the government. GOVERNMENT IS NOT AN INSURANCE COMPANY AGAINST YOUR OWN STUPIDITY AND WILLINGNESS TO AVOID LOOKING OUT FOR YOURSELF.
The majority of people who were stranded in New Orleans were of a socio-economic group who were incapable of making there own way out of the city in the time provided. Now, apart from the humanitarian aspect of leaving your old, sick and poor behind, if you look through the history of civil wars, it is the poor and down-trodden masses who ar emost likely to instigate such actions.
I am not for a second claiming that this WILL lead to Civil War, however I think that there can be little arguement with the claim that "Civil Unrest" has already taken place.
Continuing, the major problem I have with your post (in jest or not) is this
by RainmanTime
but people ignored it and thought they knew better, and thought they would be fine. They chose wrong. They chose wrong. And that is part of Darwinism, isn't it?
No it isn't.
To suggest that the majority of peple left behind were either stupid or subject to "Natural Selection" or Darwinism (which ever of the many meanings this term may have) is just plain obtuse. Why were incapacitated patients in hospitals left to die? Are you going to suggest its natural selection? If so, I believe you don't fully understand what evolutionary mechanisms are.
Apart from anything else, as has already been mentioned, the US government withdrew funding for upkeeping the failed water barriers and also had poor emergency management in place. The tsunami response, in a relatively romote and rural part of the world (not to mention poor) received a faster and more efficient response.
These are the sort of issues that can and do (historically) lead to civil war. And remember, science, rational thinking and logic have little to do with civirl unrest and uprisings, all you need is a critical mass of angry people and weapons (thank god for the 2nd amendment eh?).
Just on the note of the governments role, it should be noted that an offical statement in the run up to Rita, warned that the government did NOT have the facilities to evacuate everyone from densely populated areas. They called on neighbours to help one another and especially the old, the sick and the poor. Two things strike me about this. 1) Surely this sort of statement should have been made before Katriona 2) It doens't bode well for something that doesn't give you 3 days warning, like say ohhh I nuclear explosion or chemical/biological strike (not that I'm saying there is any danger, but as a critique on emergency strategy management, its a fair point).
If civil wars and such were easy to predict, they wouldn't happen, because governments would quell them before they start. But the seeds and ingredients for them are easy to see, and while I rate the chance of a US Civil War taking place as tiny, some ofthe ingredients are surely there.
Finally, like so many horoscopes, its easy to take something from a vague, random or co-incidental comment/prediction, I couldn't help but double take when I read this seemingly random and out of place Titor comment regarding cvil war "Perhaps you are familiar with the story of the Red Sea and the Egyptians"