Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil War)

That may be true, but I think the electrical circuits also (along with the computers) have something to do with it --- but mainly the price. I sure they could build ones that are better, but at something like $15,000 dollars (and that doe not inlcude the postings or guy wires -- add another $3000 + and tax) they would not be anything to buy to save or make energy. Like solar panels, they just are too expensive, even if in California, 50% is (I am guessing) given back as incentive to buy the things in the first place. 3000 watts is not all that much, and 30MWatts takes an entire field, and costs more than any other form of energy as of now. Around $650-800 when done for a 400 watt small wind turbine, and that does not included the dc/ac convertor and the rest of it, all adding up (if one is lucky -- with a small one) to over $3000 dollars. There are a lot cheaper things (like nuclear energy) because they are just too cost prohibitive!

That is just the way that it is!
Perhaps not as much as the engineering, but still that is the way that it seems to be!
as far as civil war in the united states....I doubt it....
all our troops are in iraq....who would fight?
civilians? america is past the civilian civil war state
it's almost impossible as long as the military obeys the president
there may be some revolting....but uhh the incredible precision and power of the military
versus anything civilians can brew up is like a heavy weight champion boxer fighting featherweight contender, anything COULD happen...but chances are...the heavy weight will win
usually the people who play the "race card" during such disasters are just people looking for excuses to blow up a possible racist act, so what, this time the colors will fight for the south???
everyone commenting on the response times or anything in general about this just meaninless comments coming from people who actually have no idea what happened...why things took as long as they did, and where it's going to go from's an impossible equation with too many variables......kinda like the future in general....

life goes on....and hey...I have an idea...lets build a city on the delta of the one of the worlds largest rivers, that connects to the most active section of hurricane waters in the world....see how it pans out....I believe this same thing has happened a couple of times already...not on this scale...but uh....yeah
RMT... You were wrong.
That may be true, but I don't think you or any one article is what is going to show me wrong in this regard. Rather, history will be the proof.

One thing I am certainly not wrong about is that this (Hurricane Katrina) is NOT a spark for civil war. And I would point out that the article you cite is one that points to political underpinnings. When I say disasters like this bring the people together, I am NOT talking about politics. I am talking about just what you are seeing: People (not government) coming together to give time and money to help people who have been displaced. You can argue all you want about politics, but you cannot ignore the FACT that people ARE coming to the aid of those areas that have been ravaged.

And the article does make a good point in its comparision between 9/11 and this tragedy: No clear enemy caused this attack. Thus, since it was a NATURAL disaster, it is typical for people to want to assign blame wherever they can. And thus, they blame the government for their response not being "fast enough".

And once again I point out that this is what *I* view as WRONG with American society: Always wanting to BLAME someone/something else for your misfortune, instead of accepting responsibility for getting your life back together, regardless of what happened in the past.

Note to those who think Katrina will "fulfill" Titor's 100,000 dead prophecy:

From CNN: "Lt. Gen Russel Honore, the Army general in charge of the U.S. military's hurricane relief effort, said today that Hurricane Katrina's death toll in New Orleans will be "a heck of a lot lower" than 10,000. "

You can all now move onto your next speculative event that you think "validates" Titor! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

I'm not seeing how Katrina could possibly spark a civil war OR be the "100,000 dead" prediction. I looked over Titor's posts, and far as I can see he never made a prediction involving 100,000 dead. He simply said there's nothing so terrible as telling someone 100,000 people will die tomorrow; he said that more like it's something he's done in the past that he'll never forget, rather than a prediction of the future.

Oh by the way, I'm new (joined today), but I've been watching this forum for a few days now because something suddenly re-sparked my interest in the John Titor fable recently when I remembered that Titor's due date for the Civil War was 2005 and I noticed that 2005 was almost up. For the record, I think Titor's the biggest load of (yeah) since Nostradamus, but I enjoy the tension of having him "maybe" be real with his "hauntingly" accurate predictions. It's like a murder mystery where we don't find out who the killer (or, liar) is until the very end! That and I love seeing RainmanTime trash everyone.
The Titor thing was a hoax to bring internet traffic to time travel websites.

Create a celebrity and thus creating interest...

Do you know how I found this website? John titor. A friend of mine was sent the link via AIM, and he sent it to me while playing online Poker. The link was about John Titor and his supposed time travel. I only stuck around because creedo's entertainment value is priceless. Oh, I can't forget Siegmund. He was hilarious. Even though he is banned, he was an intelligent guy with a great sense of humor.
The past storm will do the same thing that people want to do --- make a political issue out of it, as if it is something that is not a force of nature, unless one is in it, and suffered from it, or is dead!

For those of you less inclined to time-travel, perhaps!

For those of you bent on politics, politics is only a word used for some type of attitude!

For those of you looking for something else, there are thousands of other artists there to perhaps download and listen to, even some videos. Eventually someone may even make some money, while politics is being discussed!

The fallout from the storm will fade, however, it is assumed that the politics will not!

Dumb people own guns sometimes in the USA. If you must play with a gun, and are old enough to know better, then aim it at yourself, for if like what happened, you shoot someone else, some other people like me (who live next door) may conclude that the rest of us may need a gun, because some people are just plain stupid with the attitude!
Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

Wait is getting better....

Pentagon Revises Nuclear Strike Plan
Strategy Includes Preemptive Use Against Banned Weapons

By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, September 11, 2005; Page A01

The Pentagon has drafted a revised doctrine for the use of nuclear weapons that envisions commanders requesting presidential approval to use them to preempt an attack by a nation or a terrorist group using weapons of mass destruction. The draft also includes the option of using nuclear arms to destroy known enemy stockpiles of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons.

The document, written by the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs staff but not yet finally approved by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, would update rules and procedures governing use of nuclear weapons to reflect a preemption strategy first announced by the Bush White House in December 2002. The strategy was outlined in more detail at the time in classified national security directives.

At a White House briefing that year, a spokesman said the United States would "respond with overwhelming force" to the use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States, its forces or allies, and said "all options" would be available to the president.

Ouch anybody sells a cheap nuclear shelter?
Re: Hurricane Katrina ties it all together (Civil

the "100,000 dead" prediction : Maybe that was the tsunami that killed 225 000 people?

And what could lead to a civil war is the bird flu...

It would probably start by the poor and outraged and further divide the rich and the poor.
You all saw what happened to civil liberties after katrina, that was a practise run really to a more large scale disaster.
And looting, killing and military abuse will be 100X than the post-Katarina...

So we'll see...