Hello again

Hows this for a Hoax !

Hows this for a Hoax !...

Watch the Video.... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Spots on Venus

Here is another update by the same source....

Someone suggest that this could be some viral marketing stuff...
God knows what it is...

ATTENTION - Solar Impact 08-22-2009 Quote

The time is getting near everyone. Again, please do not panic over all of this.
Panic is the last thing you need.
I understand this is a bit hard to swallow but bear with me. Ask yourself, what
do you have to lose but a few minutes of time reading my warnings? Please do not
fill the page(s) with hate and unbiased assumptions. My ass is on the line so
have a little respect.

First item of Business

Jupiter does appear to be hit by a chunk from Hellion-1957. Since I am out of the
'loop' I can not confirm but my instincts and prior knowledge tell me it is.

The Staged War

North Korea will stage a few provocations right about now. Designed Warfare will
break out, or at least a small skirmish or even arms build up to cover the
transfer of selected individuals. But as far as I know war is the best option in
their minds.

One of the signals is the Chinese flag raised at the White House. The Chinese are
a very important nation in the plans that are in operation as we speak. For the
casual individual, there will be fake tensions between Russia and China against
the USA. This will allow a massive Chinese build up of forces along the North
Korean - Chinese border. This is the fence.

Israel may or may not attack Iran. It will be done if further political
distraction is needed. But the cost of secrecy is paramount so I anticipate an
Israeli-Iran war and yes, it will involve many other nations as well in the

As said prior, Jupiter was hit by a very dense chunk of dead dwarf. The density
is really high, about 1 tablespoon weights 800lbs, and would not break up during
entry into the dense Jovian atmosphere. The penetration was deep enough to stir
up the deeper layers of Jupiter. Our understanding of the inner levels is limited
to none, this is new science for all of us. Know one I knew was informed of
planetary impacts predicted but I'm sure they were. More classified then my level
at the time. Expect the potential for more impacts to exist until months after
the solar impact.

One big issue was the gravitational strength of the Sun and Hellion-1957. They
literally attract each other thus aiding in the proper path for impact.
Look for disturbances in the Southern region of the Sun. They should be very
noticeable now. For many, Hellion will be visible hours before impact but only
that. It is expected to generate a large burning tail due to the dense, frozen
oxygen and carbon.

Smaller chunks may be visible at any time now and months after impact.
What can you expect to happen from now until Aug 22?

More magnetosphere surges and weaknesses due to the rotation of Hellion and it's

Unusual tidal surges from gentle yet strong Gravitaional distortions leading to
increase in tides up to 6 feet estimate.

SUrprise 'comets' seen at sunrise and sunset. Depending on location. Comets will
be the excuse given to the masses.

More cover stories of tragic deaths, accidents and even glory stories like
technology breakthroughs.

Increase in deployment of strategic forces of all capable nations. Especially the
Indian Ocean. I don't know why but there is a huge interest in the Indian Ocean
of all nations with a decent Navy.

Swine Flu and Bird Flu fears are ramped up.

Regional power outages. First will be temporary but may be shut down to protect
the grid from possible electromagnetic surges.

Conclusion for now
Keep food, water, medicine and other vital items stocked for a 2-3 month
duration. The side of Earth that survives will be rescued. This is a world wide
effort. There are clandestine agencies that operate beyond national means. They
are global and will attempt to rescue as much of the civilized world as possible
after the event.

DO NOT be on the first round of people who need to 'voluntarily' seek government
provided shelter. You will be put in harms way working for them. Very dangerous
work involving the rescue and rebuild effort.

When a large comet is viewed by the sun, prepare to face the moment as it will
unfold in hours.

God Bless you all. For what it is worth, I hope my words save at least 1 family.

What ever I can do to redeem myself before the great Lord. I fear my judgement.
Do not go with guilt or unsolved issues in your heart. Spend time with close
friends and family.


Anon Shelter Tech
Re: Spots on Venus

Please do not
fill the page(s) with hate and unbiased assumptions. My ass is on the line so
have a little respect.

The point is, the "hate" and "(Unbiased?--don't you mean biased ,or should that be bi-assed ?) assumptions", are the result of an unbroken run of B.S. artists.Many here are quite ready to hail a true prophet. But we never see any. Can we count on you to have enough respect for this forum to show up, following August 22, and admit you were full of B.S.? Or will you slink away and disappear into oblivion like all the rest?

I think you may have a chance for something--that date has been on my mind recently, but we shall see what we shall see. :D
Re: Spots on Venus

Can we count on you to have enough respect for this forum to show up, following August 22, and admit you were full of B.S.? Or will you slink away and disappear into oblivion like all the rest?

Most excellent point, PB! As soon as I read this post this morning I thought "well, this one is close at hand, and should be readily easy to either confirm or debunk." And I agree that it is not "hate-filled" to ask people spreading such claims to stand-up and be responsible if/when their claims are proven false. Rather, what we tend to see are such people ignore the failure and just move on to the next bogus prediction of doom.

Someone needs to hold such people accountable, because it seems clear these people are not willing to actually BE accountable when the proverbial chit hits the fan.

Re: Spots on Venus

Hi Mayak1,

Thanks for the post/link,

Who knows what may be going on... Yes it may be another hoax, but I dont surpose 99.99% of the population would ever really be able to make true judgement of threats that could occur from space unless we could see something like a 2nd sun or some sort of earth impact.

Looking at google I couldnt see anything obvious or scienticfic articles about Hellion 1957 .

There doesnt seem to be anything about it on wikapeadia..

As you point out many viral articles about it on the various consiracy groups including Godlike productions.

heres a video version that attempts to try and explain what the article refers to in a bit more detail..


As I undertand There has been a few unusual solar system impacts recently ( Jupiter being the main one)

IF this were true is this also part of the Planet X theory...or a seperate relatively unknown unexpected event...?

Lets prey its a hoax..

I dont surpose it ever does any harm to have a few months of food and water stored especially with all the hype of potential solar activity etc..
Re: Spots on Venus

Charlie has just replied my message, saying their absence will continue for a few more months.

So I presume until they return, it's still fine for us..
Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

This guy says he works in NASA and got a video on Nibiru:






(Milk coming out my nose here!)

Come on Forest Keeper! You CANNOT be that gullible, can you??? Wow, there are just so many ways I can debunk this! One I will just hint at right now: Are you aware of how NASA uses the "overscan" area (the part you never see on your screen) in all their video transmissions? If you were aware of this fact, then you would immediately see that the alleged videos in this youtube clip are soooooo fake!

But let's start out with the poster, who allegedly works for NASA. Did you bother to follow through to his youtube profile?

<font color="red"> Profile
Channel Views:29
Joined:December 24, 2008
Last Sign In:2 weeks ago
Videos Watched:350
Country:Brazil [/COLOR]

Where, exactly, in Brazil is NASA doing business? And could you explain why NASA is hiring 19 year olds (to do anything other than sweep the floors!) and giving them access to what would be "classified" videos?

Dude....come on!
Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

Mr. RMT,

Aliarom was not the original user who uploaded this to youtube.

It was by the user called: orcus2012.

If you read the full details of this clip..

It says the following..

This video contains several images taken from NASA showing the planet known to most as 'Nibiru'.

NASA knows the planet exists and has been tracking it's process. It is officially called Orcus, which was the name for a Roman god of the underworld, and also the Roman name for the land of suffering.

Most rumors are true of 'Nibiru', so prepare for the coming disasters! Nibiru will affect us in 2011-2012!

There is a mistake in the video. I said the planet will pass through our galaxy. I meant to put solar system. I apologize for this mistake. It was made before the video was posted and I wish not to go through the trouble to fix it for only this one thing.

<font color="red"> Also, I'd just like to let you all know, that if you believe this video is real, you're a gullible fool. If not, then congrats, you're no idiot. There is no such thing as Nibiru, or Planet X or any of that. Or if there is a Planet X, we need to discover Planet IX first, and it definitely won't be Nibiru!


The part in red was added long after the initial posting by orcus2012, most likely by the powers that be who does not want the masses to believe it. The clip was gaining popularity at the very begining, then everything stops. His account was most likely hacked. No vidoes were posted after that by this user under that account. I smell a rat...

I love this game...

Until 2012 is over there won't be a clear winner that includes all the debunkers(That includes you too Mr. RMT
and hoaxers.


By the way thank you everyone who appreciate my input to the forum.

Now here is something for the weekend. ROSWELL 1947 started it all...

Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

Until 2012 is over there won't be a clear winner that includes all the debunkers

I have to disagree.

I am not a mathematical wizard, but it seems to me that there are enough "known" factors that would allow us to calculate the probablities of Niribu passing through Earth's orbital plane, and other mathematical equations that could be applied to this whole Niribu scenario.

The video linked with the NASA image states that Niribu or officially known as Orcus, was 6 months ( or so ) from passing the orbit of Pluto at its farthest distance from the Sun .

( note: seems to be some confusion among the Planet-X theorist's as to exactly where Niribu is located - some posted video's claim it can be seen with special filters on anybody's telescopes verses the others who place it beyond Pluto, only visible with special equipment that everyday people don't have )

IF we were to assume that Orcus was in the same position of Pluto at it's closest to Earth , that would be 2.67 Billion miles away.

There are 29,000 hours left for Orcus to travel 2.67 Billion Miles to arrive on-spot with Earth ON 12-21-2012.

So, for the math wizards...how fast would Orcus have to be travelling to reach Earth on 12-21-12 ?

There are more calculations that could be done to determine if ( in theory ) it is probable for such a rouge planet ( as described ) to exist and IF it is probable that such a object could be near Earth in the time alloted.

Maybe Rainman could figure the math regarding the speed of Orcus, which seems to me that it would have to be relatively fast to travel 2.67 Billion Miles distance in 29,208 hours, but the only reference I have seen so far about the speed of Nirubu/Orcus is "slow".
Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

Of course, Kerr is hitting the nail right on the head.

IF we were to assume that Orcus was in the same postion of Pluto at it's closest to Earth , that would be 2.67 Billion miles away.

There are 29,000 hours left for Orcus to travel 2.67 Billion Miles to arrive on-spot with Earth ON 12-21-2012.

So, for the math wizards...how fast would Orcus have to be travelling to reach Earth on 12-21-12 ?


Maybe Rainman could figure the math regarding the speed of Orcus, which seems to me that it would have to be relatively fast to travel 2.67 Billion Miles distance in 29,208 hours, but the only reference I have seen so far about the speed of Nirubu/Orcus is "slow".

Indeed, if you perform the simple division suggested above you find that Niburu/Orcus (or whatever the crackpots are calling it today) would have to be traveling in excess of 92,000 miles per hour to reach earth on that date, and that presumes a straight-line path as well as constant speed.

But we have a bigger problem once we realize that things do not travel straight-line distances in space. They follow curved orbits that conserve angular momentum, as Kepler taught us. That means Niburu/Orcus would have to be traveling even faster than 92,000 mph to catch up with the earth... at least twice as fast, but one would need to have a solid estimate for the alleged Niburu's orbital elements (the parameters that define the orbital ellipse or hyperbola that Niburu allegedly follows) before one could calculate precisely how fast it would have to be traveling to reach the earth in time.

Now compare the number calculated above (and realize it really has to more like double that, or 184,000 mph) to the known velocity of the earth around the sun: ~66,700 mph.

And finally we have to realize that the sun's gravitational effect is accelerating to smaller bodies which it interacts with. That means planets way out around Pluto and beyond are moving MUCH slower than the earth does around the sun. For example, Pluto moves at a speed of only about 10,600 mph while Jupiter move at a speed of about 26,500 mph.

So yes....Houston, we have problems with the claims made by Niburu/Orcus crackpots! :D

Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus


This is the information about the Niribu orbital ellipse as posted by Recall. According to Recall, the orbital duration of Nibiru is 3674 years.

I don't see how the data as shown in this image support's what some of the other's here are claiming.

As you pointed out, Rainman, we were using straight-line factors, which would be not the actual numbers of the behaviour and path of Nibiru. Plus, according to Recall's image, we aren't just speaking of one planet, but also of a 2nd Star, that has Nibiru as a Satellite.

in this drawing i include nibiru orbiting the twin star system...

Nibiru was captured by this system...

i think that the other brown dwarf will be captured too...

If this "system" is beyond Pluto, which is what seems to be the claim of others, then Recall would be in-correct with this image of where he claims Nibiru is currently:

Just see it on the NASA Footage...


I am confused as to what it is we are seeing in the whistle blower footage of the other NASA video linked by ForestKeeper ? The planet Niribu ? or the Dark Twin Star ? or both ? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

With what has beeen presented so far...the numbers just don't add-up, in any of the claims.
Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

Absolutely choice find there, ruthless! Well done!

Of course, the conspiracy theorists will just claim "this is NASA's story for the public, but the reality of the Orcus object is as told in that youtube video."

Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

Thanks for the link Timecycle.

Very informative....

Mr. RMT,

The reason I gave the links about Orcus2012 in youtube was just to let you know the real facts.

I have no clue if any of this is going to affect us.

The reason for the 2012 conspiracy theory is because of the US government cover up of ROSWELL incident in 1947. I am hoping that if planet x exists then another ROSWELL type cover should be averted. In this internet age it is a hurculian task for any government to cover up if something big is coming our way...
Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

The reason I gave the links about Orcus2012 in youtube was just to let you know the real facts.
1) But clearly they are NOT "real facts". Why you think they are is beyond me.
2) You have given absolutely no corroborating evidence that would even hint at what was in that video as being "real facts".

I have no clue if any of this is going to affect us.

I do. There is no boogeyman floating around our galaxy, and 2012 is all about something else and it has nothing to do with Niburu/Orcus/Planet X.

The reason for the 2012 conspiracy theory is because of the US government cover up of ROSWELL incident in 1947.

More baloney. The only "cover up" the US GOV executed with respect to Roswell 1947 is an attempt at a poorly-conceived counter intel operation against the USSR by an opportunistic colonel (William Blanchard). People above his head saw the error of his ways within days and made him fix it. But much later (in 1978) we heard from a lieutenant-colonel all sorts of amazing things that were simply embellishments... Embellishments from a man who has a history of lying to pump up his status:


<font color="red"> Timothy Printy points out[14] that Marcel positively identified the material he appears with in the photos taken at Fort Worth as part of what he recovered, debris which skeptics and UFO advocates agree is debris from a balloon device.

"Actually," said Marcel in The Roswell Incident, "this material may have looked like tinfoil and balsa wood, [emphasis in original text] but the resemblance ended there." And, "They took one picture of me on the floor holding up some of the less-interesting metallic debris...The stuff in that one photo was pieces of the actual stuff we found. It was not a staged photo."[20]

After it was pointed out to him that the material he posed with was balloon train material, he changed his story to say that that material was not what he recovered.[14] Skeptics like Robert G. Todd argue that Marcel had a history of embellishment and exaggeration, such as claiming to have been a pilot and having received five Air Medals for shooting down enemy planes, claims which were found to be false, and his evolving Roswell story was another instance of this.[30][/COLOR]

Marcel was a bit, fat liar. There is ample evidence to support this. You will likely not face it, but those are the "real facts".

Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

Something to keep in mind, timeline AND mayak, that sometimes "secrets" aren't really "secret's".

Imagine if you worked for NASA, and you posted a photo of a piece of dust caught in the image as the SOHO photo ( and it was mentioned that there is no reference as to the distance of the object photographed, and could be something that was close to the lens and accounts for the seemingly large size ).

You get to work, sit down at your desk with your morning cup of Java, and notice your message machine is full. You hit the play button and every message is from people asking you if you captured a death dealing celestial object and they want you to tell them when they can expect it to strike the Earth.

Then your phone begins to ring non-stop with more people asking the same.

At first you might try to explain that it wasn't anything all that unusual, but after awhile, you'd stop saying anything and just hang-up, finally just ignoring the phone all together.

Then, you'd become part of some sort of cover-up simply because you are tired of trying to tell "everybody" that calls on you to tell them what the image you posted really is of...and you might even take the farkin image off the internet so the farkin call's stop, and you can enjoy your morning cup of Joe in peace.

No big secret there.

The reason why I asked Rainman about the math, was to open the door for people to think about some of these so-called facts.

IF there was such an object as described, NASA wouldnt be the only source -- there are hundreds if not thousands of Observatories around the world. IF there was even a hint that some object was headed towards Earth, all of the Obervatories would line-up to see the object.

There would be no way to stop them from posting "their" findings.

IF you came up with data from a solid list of recognized Observatories, then you might have something worth taking a bit more seriously.

Zeta Talk was addressed some time back in this thread, and doesn't merit repeating again.