Hello again

Nibiru seen on the last Eclipse...

Just see it on the NASA Footage...


Link to Youtube
Re: Nibiru seen on the last Eclipse...

Just Wondering:

While VLBI, laser ranging and other related technologies do a good job at determining the earth’s orientation, the sun’s movement through space has not been coordinated with these findings resulting in unintentional bias of precession inputs. In examining the phenomenon of precession of the equinox (which was the original impetus for the development of lunisolar precession theory) we have found that a binary orbit motion of our sun and solar system is a simpler way to reproduce the same observable without any of the problems associated with current precession theory. Indeed, elliptical orbit equations have been found to be a better predictor of precession rates than Newcomb's formula, showing about ten times greater accuracyover the last hundred years. Moreover, a binary orbit motion of our sun provides a solution to a number of solar system formation theory enigmas including angular momentum. For these reasons, BRI has concluded our sun is most likely part of a long cycle binary system.

More at:


<font color="blue">This animation shows a binary star being lensed by a binary lens. The small black dots show the unperturbed positions of the red and blue stars, while the black circles show the size and location of the Einstein rings of the lenses taken individually. The sharp changes in the size of the lensed images of the stars lead to sharp changes in the brightness of the stars, which can be analyzed to determine many parameters about the objects doing the lensing, even though they are not bright enough to be seen. [/COLOR] end quoted

more at:
Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

Hi Recall / RM,

Thanks for the comments and images...

The images look interesting... and they must have took a fair bit of time to prepare..
It is quite a complex scenerio to try and demonstrate...

I will have some further comments to add..

I will try and reply in more detail when I can find the time...I have been a bit short of time the last few days and may still be busy for a few days more..

cheers TC
9/11 twin towers

Just a quick comment..

I know many suspect that the twin towers destruction on 9/11 was done diliberately...

That is certainly a huge debate..as well as a well past one !

I have seen some interesting programmes that did show good possible theories about what may have happened...

BUT what I did not realise was how the two towers were positioned to each other..

I was watching a TV programme the other day about a tight rope walker who walked across from one to the other and there was an ariel shot of the two towers..

to my surprise I noticed that they were not directly square on side by side to each other..like

instead THEY were diagonal....or off set.. and only slighly overlapping when looking from above...

without rechecking exactly what happened on 9/11 and how the planes impacted into the towers...
and how far from the centre lines or towards the edges of the blocks..

I seem to recall that the planes hit almost square on into the towers...although I cannot recall again without double checking if both went into just one of the towers or if one plane went into
each tower.... and if they were square on in their impact...

IF they did hit square on the tower faces, I would have expected the towers to have weakened
at those impact points.... I know the impacts went on to cause fires, that were said to burn
the lower floors / structures ....and they may have been numerous reasons as to what caused the 1st tower to collapse...

but if it did collaspe mainly from the initial square on impact point... I am quite surpised that it took the other tower down with it like it did... which if I recall the 2nd tower collapsed because the 1st one, fell onto it...

my point is I wouldnt expect the structures if they were hit on a square face to have fallen at enough side angle to have easily hit the 2nd tower...

I would have suspected that it MAY had caught the edge of the 2nd tower, but I am not sure that the impact should had taken down the 2nd tower like it did..

this does now make me wonder more seriously if the towers were detenated...as I think the odds of both going down that day were remarkably against it occurring...
Re: 9/11 twin towers

Hi Recall,

Thanks for the link,

I watched one of the videos and it does show a diagram where the two towers were hit..
It was interesting what is pointed out about the Helicopter..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGyW-0MeBOU (see diagram at 28 seconds)

BOTH towers were hit square on... one plane hit WTC 1 tower, and the other plane hit WTC2...
BOTH were hit on Opposite sides...and WTC2 was hit off centre to its far side...away from the WTC 1..

The first tower that collapsed does appear to initially tilt towards the side that it was hit..

I surpose no doubt that when it crumbled and with it being very close to the other tower, that some of the debris would have hit the other tower to weaken it with it being such a tall structure..

But I am not sure if this should had been enough to destroy the 2nd tower alone....

and hence I suspect that it may well had been detonated...otherwise it is amazing how they both more or less fell or collapsed vertically in the way they did...
Re: 9/11 twin towers

Collapses of 3 WTC
Link to Youtube

and synch demolition video:
link to youtube Gravity at works...

Some Timetravelers said Early that it was an inside Job of the Administration on POWER at the time... using Thermite in a bagpacs...in their timelines
moon rising

Been and may still be a bit busy for a while...

but I came across these messages on another forum..

RM.... You say that you looked into J.Lears theories... Have you seen these before ?

they are certainly very thought provoking....

if its BS... they certainly go to a lot of trouble to create it and why would they waste their time with it ...


Very intriguing documentary. Brings up, in my mind a lot of questions. WHO is living on the moon? HOW are they living there? WHY are they living there? HAVE the U.S. really sent a nuclear bomb to the moon to be exploded there in October, and if so, what is the real reason, IF beings are living there? This is really wild.
http://www.realufos.net/2009/07/moon-rising-nasa-lunar-anoma lies.html

U.S. sends nuclear bomb to moon, to explode on Oct. 9th, 2009....
If this is true, we better get praying!

Past PX related cultures..Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

Hi RM,

Unfortunately I havent managed to find the time to reply in detail as i would like after our last
discussion... Hopefully I will in the next week or so..

mean while hopefully this article that I found will answer one point that you raised... that I did want to try and answer when I confirmed my own past readings that I have come across over the last year or so..

Apart from the Mayans referring to 'PX' As far as I have read, so did many other cultures worldwide including... the Several middle eastern civilizations inc the Sumerians and mesapotainians, the Egyptians,....American Indians the 'Hopis' ....Far Eastern cultures 'Buddest' and even the Christians according to this article that I came across which hopefully sums up the point...


History and Prophecy

· During its last passage the Sumerians named the brown dwarf star Nibiru, and referred to it as the “planet of the crossing”, since its orbital path crosses the solar system. It has also been called Wormwood, The Destroyer, Planet X, and many other names by various cultures and writings.
· Its last passage was observed and recorded by numerous civilizations and cultures around the world. Most historians dismiss these writings and pictograms as mere mythology.
· Its next passage and the crossing of the galactic plane, and the effects thereof, have been foretold in the prophecies of numerous civilizations, cultures, religions, and individuals throughout history. These include Sumerian writings, Egyptian prophecy, Mayan prophecy, Hopi prophecy, Buddhist prophecy, the Christian Bible (especially Revelations), the Kolbrin Bible, Edgar Cayce, Mother Shipton, Nostradamus, and many others.

Which "many past cultures"? As far as I know, it has only been one: The Mayans.



I surpose what is fasenating is how this all points to 2012 and all the material that has been wrote about it from many past cultures


Which "many past cultures"? As far as I know, it has only been one: The Mayans. And their calendar was tied to the completion of one cycle of the precession of the earth's pole (NOT a "pole shift"). Everyone else that has come along has simply created their stories (like a pole shift!) and hung them on the Mayan calendar saying "THIS is what they Mayans were predicting."
Past PX related cultures..Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

· Its last passage was observed and recorded by numerous civilizations and cultures around the world. Most historians dismiss these writings and pictograms as mere mythology.
· Its next passage and the crossing of the galactic plane, and the effects thereof, have been foretold in the prophecies of numerous civilizations, cultures, religions, and individuals throughout history. These include Sumerian writings, Egyptian prophecy, Mayan prophecy, Hopi prophecy, Buddhist prophecy, the Christian Bible (especially Revelations), the Kolbrin Bible, Edgar Cayce, Mother Shipton, Nostradamus, and many others.

NOTE: This is someone saying that these cultures wrote about them. This is not providing any actual evidence that they did so. There is a massive difference.

Let's take Revelation, because I know it quite well. Nowhere does Revelation speak of Niburu/Planet X or even anything like it. Likely, what this person is talking about is what people do with the Nostradamus "prophecies", which is: If you apply the "proper" interpretation to the writings, then you can infer they may have been talking about a celestial body. I have also studied Edgar Cayce and I do not know of anywhere that he makes a claim about anything like Planet X/Niburu.

Until you, or the people who wrote the above, can actully cite the actual evidence, instead of propagating what amounts to heresay, I will stand by my assertion that only the Mayans discussed the 2012 event, and even they did NOT speak about a rogue planet. It was merely the end of a major cycle on their calendar.

Please post evidence in the form of actual citations of writings, if you can find them. I believe it is all like the above...someone saying it but not supporting their claim.

Past PX related cultures..Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

Hi RM,

IF I can find other related info that I think is more relevant I will..

Mean while although not a direct written ref.... see the image that Recall posted on July 16th that shows the so called winged globe on one of the Egyptian monuments...

They often used drawings to refer to things as well as hyrograpths if i recall...

It may be a ref to it...

wAnunnaki Pyramid Cap Stone [re: recall15]
07/16/09 04:31 PM (
Past PX related cultures..Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax


Good to ask questions, and try to follow the myth's and legends to the source. In the case of Niribu, and other supposed translations, I will repeat something quoted in a post awhile back in this thread.


" Zecharia Sitchin (born 1922) is an author of books promoting an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts.

Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the "Annunaki" (or "Nephilim"), a race of aliens from a planet he calls Nibiru , which he believes to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth's own Solar System. He asserts that Sumerian mythology reflects this view, though his speculations are entirely discounted by professional scientists, historians, and archaeologists, who note many problems with his translations of ancient texts and with his understanding of physics.

In recent years, the work of Zecharia Sitchin has garnered much attention among ufologists, ancient astronaut theorists and conspiracy theorists. He claims to have uncovered, through his own retranslations of Sumerian texts, evidence that the human race was visited by a group of extraterrestrials from a distant planet in our own Solar System. Part of his theory lies in an astronomical interpretation of the Babylonian creation myth, the Enuma Elish, in which he replaces the names of gods with hypothetical planets.

However, since the principal evidence for Sitchin's claims lies in his own personally derived etymologies and not on any scholarly agreed interpretations (including scholars among the Sumerians themselves) , his theories remain at most pseudoscience to the vast majority, if not the totality, of academics.

Beginning in 1995, websites such as ZetaTalk have identified Nibiru or "Planet X" as a large brown dwarf currently within our planetary system, soon to pass relatively close to Earth. Sitchin disagrees with the timing of passage. "


Even the man that came up with Planet X AS Niribu disagree's with the timing of it's passage. Something to seriously consider there.

The Native American's never wrote anything down. This has been a problem for Anthropologists for awhile. The telling of the myths and legends often change, depending upon who is doing the telling, and who is being told the tale.

Mother Shipton was proven a hoax a long time ago.

As far as the Capstone, if there are any question's about that...simply e-mail the image to any museum that has expert's in reading Eygptian Hieroglyphs...and find out what the translation is from them. Then determine for yourself who to believe...an expert from the Eygptian Museum IN Eygpt, or the alternative's.

Keep in mind, there are only 3 shopping years left before those 2012 doomsday books become fodder for the fireplace.
Past PX related cultures..Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

If I remember correctly I think alot of people got that mixed up with this;

Since when that first came out, the main idea was 'it wasn't named' -
and 'x' being an unknown variable.
(Actually read the url for the planet-x reference)

Feel free to correct me on this one, but that's what I remember and the conspiracy theorists jumped on it for that reason then backed off.
Past PX related cultures..Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

Fascinating links mayak1. Enjoyed reading through the material, and there are quite a few paper's of interest. Thank-you for posting them.

As far as what has been presented regarding "Planet-X", there are always commentaries that address the issues as proposed in papers such as the one's shown in the link's.

Such as:

Where is Planet X or Nemisis ?

There are some interesting comments below the article as well.
Past PX related cultures..Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

Hi KT...

I have to admitt one of the main forums I have followed on PX has been very quiet lately after there had been a fair bit of activity about images of what some thought were PX on the various the nightsky software packages that appeared to be blanking something out deliberately... it was then found the software was not updated to present day and things have been quiet since..

So I agree as time is moving on and there is not as yet any real visual aspects to it either by telescope or by Naked eye, that its loosing credibility... as at the moment I dont see too much to keep my interest..

Maybe !.... some may be burning their books in the fire some months before the 2012 deadline,
but you can bet your house on it that many will be hanging on to them when the next wave of theories come in suggesting that there was an error with the date of its arrival..

be it a hoax or a real possibility...

Keep in mind, there are only 3 shopping years left before those 2012 doomsday books become fodder for the fireplace
Past PX related cultures..Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

Hi Mayak1,

initially I did not see the PX related article with I briefly looked at the page.. ( the 2nd link did not work) can you recheck the 2nd link..... but

I agree with KT that the articles are of new interest... I havent seen anything like this before.

I dont fully understand all that is wrote, but I think that I have a basic understanding of what may be Saturns retrograde being effected by a possible effect from another object somewhere in the solar system...but is seems very minute in terms of what most of us would think is of too little
time frame ie miilisecs to suspect anything of importance or to suspect it may be the cause of PX most believers would expect to be a reasonable sized object. Maybe other objects in space effect things by milliseconds per century.

this time unit to be over that length of time period seems severely minute ! so many space objects
out there effect all objects by millisecs by gravitational effects etc surely...

I am surprised any scientists would make any comments of these time frames/ units seriously..

BUT they do indicate that it may be an object that is at least as big as Mars to the size of the sun and within what seems inside a specific distance....

although I am not quite sure what the difference would be between what they describe in terms of miles or astronomical units of distance that this may vary from..

would this be within the borders of the solar system ?

"The minimum distance would occur for X located perpendicularly to the ecliptic, while the maximum distance is for X lying in the ecliptic."

The perihelion precession of Saturn, planet X/Nemesis and MOND
Authors: Lorenzo Iorio
(Submitted on 27 Jul 2009 (v1), last revised 5 Aug 2009 (this version, v2))
Abstract: We show that the retrograde perihelion precession of Saturn \Delta\dot\varpi, recently estimated by different teams of astronomers by processing ranging data from the Cassini spacecraft and amounting to some milliarcseconds per century, can be explained in terms of a localized, distant body X, not yet directly discovered. From the determination of its tidal parameter K = GM_X/r_X^3 as a function of its ecliptic longitude \lambda_X and latitude \beta_X, we calculate the distance at which X may exist for different values of its mass, ranging from the size of Mars to that of the Sun. The minimum distance would occur for X located perpendicularly to the ecliptic, while the maximum distance is for X lying in the ecliptic. We find for rock-ice planets of the size of Mars and the Earth that they would be at about 80-150 au, respectively, while a Jupiter-sized gaseous giant would be at approximately 1 kau. A typical brown dwarf would be located at about 4 kau, while an object with the mass of the Sun would be at approximately 10 kau, so that it could not be Nemesis for which a solar mass and a heliocentric distance of about 88 kau are predicted. If X was directed towards a specific direction, i.e. that of the Galactic Center, it would mimick the action of a recently proposed form of the External Field Effect (EFE) in the framework of the MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND).