Hello again

Re: Spots on Venus

just an update from this reporter in the field... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Here is another update by the same source....

Someone suggest that this could be some viral marketing stuff...
God knows what it is...

ATTENTION - Solar Impact 08-22-2009 Quote

The time is getting near everyone. Again, please do not panic over all of this.
Panic is the last thing you need.
I understand this is a bit hard to swallow but bear with me. Ask yourself, what
do you have to lose but a few minutes of time reading my warnings? Please do not
fill the page(s) with hate and unbiased assumptions. My ass is on the line so
have a little respect.

Well, I am writing this on 8-22 and it is almost 3PM here in California... nice day here in HB.

What can you expect to happen from now until Aug 22?

More magnetosphere surges and weaknesses due to the rotation of Hellion and it's

Unusual tidal surges from gentle yet strong Gravitaional distortions leading to
increase in tides up to 6 feet estimate.

SUrprise 'comets' seen at sunrise and sunset. Depending on location. Comets will
be the excuse given to the masses.

More cover stories of tragic deaths, accidents and even glory stories like
technology breakthroughs.

Increase in deployment of strategic forces of all capable nations. Especially the
Indian Ocean. I don't know why but there is a huge interest in the Indian Ocean
of all nations with a decent Navy.

Swine Flu and Bird Flu fears are ramped up.

Regional power outages. First will be temporary but may be shut down to protect
the grid from possible electromagnetic surges.

Any body hear about any of these yet????

I'm just sayin' errr, askin'! :D
Re: Spots on Venus

I believe mayak posted a quote made by someone else, and wasn't mayak's own prediction. No real reason for mayak to hide. And to answer the question of Rainman...nothing unusual to report from this part o' Texas.
Re: Spots on Venus

I know nothing about Hellion, Nibiru or PX. I come to the forum to read Charie's comments.

Thank you KerrTexas for putting things in perspective.

I really appreciate that mate...
Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

Hi KT,

Thank you for your comments, you make some fair points of possible explanations... yes it may had been some sort of particle that was close to the camera.... but it initially did appear almost sun sized from the point of where the image was taken...also you have noted that Mayak had not wrote that article , he had only posted it..

Theres so many theories about PX and where it may or not be its hard to calculate, but your suggestions and RMs rough calcs will make one question some of the theories...

something to consider and dwell on..

Just one thought, being from the UK I was taught a billion miles is a million million ..... 1,000,000, 000, 000 in the US if I recall its a thousand million.... I wonder if the suggestion that Pluto is 2.7 billion miles from earth is a uk or US number !..

There could be a HUGE difference in the distances involved..
Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus


That everage distance to Pluto from the Sun is ~39.5 AU where 1 AU is 93,000,000 miles, the average distance from the Earth to the Sun.

It works out to ~3.7 billion miles (3,700,000,000 miles).
Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

Maximum Distance from Sun: 49.31 AU ( 7.376 billion km or 4.583 billion miles )
Minimum Distance from Sun: 29.66 AU( 4.437 billion km or 2.757 billion miles )
Minimum Distance from Earth: 28.6 AU ( 4.28 billion km or 2.66 billion miles )

Pluto Statistics

Remember, the orbit of Pluto is elliptical, I used the "closest" distance from Earth. IF the object was any further than the closest point, for it to reach the Earth's orbital plane ON 12-21-12, it would need to be travelling at a much higher velocity than Rainman calculated.
Re: Spots on Venus

As said prior, Jupiter was hit by a very dense chunk of dead dwarf. The density is really high, about 1 tablespoon weights 800lbs, and would ot break up during entry into the dense Jovian atmosphere.

I'm surprised that no one has taken time to dissect the above to see what it implies.

A "dead dwarf" with a density of 800lbs/tbsp

Do some conversions and we have a density of ~24kg/cc. Pretty dense but not totally unheard of.

He said it was a dwarf star and it was dead. Some sort of brown dwarf star or substellar body. Active brown dwarves have average densities on the order of 70-100g/cc. Much less than Helion-1957's 24kg/cc.

But brown dwarf stars have huge lifetimes - about 100 billions of years. It's likely that no brown dwarf star in our or any other galaxy has actually burned out. The universe hasn't been around long enough.

But he said it is burned out so the only alternative is that it was a Class M star (our star is Class M and it is in the general classification of dwarf stars) that has ended life as a cool dwarf. Well, we'd detect a star, burned out or not, in the M class. The planets would have long ago assumed some really weird orbits that we don't see even if this star has an orbital period of ~3,700 years and a probable orbital radius on the order of 240 AU (T^2 ~ r^3 where T is the orbital period, r is the radius of the orbit).

But no, it can't be an M Class star. The Solar System hasn't been around long enough for a Class M to leave the Main Sequence, bloat to a red giant and cool to a brown dwarf that can't be detected visually. We'd need another several billion years for that to happen. And the density is far too low.

Whoever made up this fantasy didn't do any homework before tossing out some numbers that actually can be evaluated.

Long and short of the story:

Re: Spots on Venus

Long and short of the story:


My bologna has a first name, it's N-I-B-I-R-U
My bologna has a second name, it's P-L-A-N-E-T-X
Oh, I love to post fake video's about it everyday,
And if you ask me why I'll say. . .
'Cuz Conspiracy Theorist's have a way. . .
With B-O-L-O-G-N-A.

Sorry, couldn't help myself. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Spots on Venus

Just in case someone just has to ask:

No, it's not a wandering star that formed in intergalactic space out of the virtual nothingness of intergalactic space;

and no, it didn't escape from the Andromeda Galaxy (our nearest neighbor) and wander over to our galaxy. We'd detect a star moving toward us at a good portion of the speed of light - which is how fast it would have to be traveling to race ahead of its home galaxy 2.5 million light years from here.

Given the relativistic Doppler shift of the approaching body at that velocity it would be the brightest body in the sky, even in the day time, many times over.
Re: Spots on Venus


Thanks for stepping in and adding more veridical science to the mix. That is the great thing about science: Once you understand enough about how the universe works, there are often many different ways to falsify BS claims.

Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

Hi Darby / KT ...

Thank you for the clarification ..

Are any of you actual Scientists or amature Astronomers ?

Darby I noticed your website...Can I ask are you a sceptic of UFOs / ET..

what do you make of this video from Buzz Aldrin on your website about a Monalith on Mars ?

Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

Darby I noticed your website...Can I ask are you a sceptic of UFOs / ET..


I'm assuming that you were refering to Anomalies.net. But it's not my website. The owner is Olav Philips and he really does posess one of the largest databases anywhere on UFO sightings. I'm the senior (in terms of uninterrupted service) Admin/Mod on the site.

No, I'm not a skeptic in the sense that I don't consider that among the billions of galaxies that we are alone as sentient beings in the universe. I believe that the probability that we are alone is extremely small.

I am a skeptic relative to the multitude of "sightings" that are reported. Most of them are really silly. Many of them are admitted hoaxes. A few are problematic but on the whole lack any concrete evidence that the sightings, even if real, have anything to do with beings from some other planet. A "UFO" is just that - a flying object that remains unidentified. To date I have never seen a credible report that involves some craft that undeniably performs in a way that cannot be explained by the physical laws as we know them to be.
Re: Where to find Nibiru

Hi Mayak

I actually enjoyed that video, be it a hoax or for real as at least it trys to illistrate where its surposed to be...although admittedly some details may still be missing and I myself may not be able to find it with what I could understand..

I wonder if the Maths work out on those numbers ? would need to spend a bit of time trying to apply the math calcs ... maybe some of the Maths wizzs on here could give do a quick accessment..

Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

Hi Darby,

Overall I think your comments would be similar to a majority of the general serious UFO/ET researchers.... Interesting if the website is one of the largest data bases on UFOs..

No doubt there are claims made by some very intellegent respectable people that do make most people certainly question are they in our solar system / do they visit our planet.

It becomes a mystery to me though when the likes of John Lear and some US astronauts have made some
very amazing claims / statements...

I know Rainman claims he researched John Lears claims and suggests that his claoims are a hoax.

It concerns me however when Buzz Aldrin also seems to have made a similar claim to that of John Lear..

Wonder what he makes of Buzz's comments...!


what do you make of this video from Buzz Aldrin on your website about a Monalith on Mars ?

Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus


It concerns me however when Buzz Aldrin also seems to have made a similar claim to that of John Lear..

This may well be an indicator that you need to do a lot more serious looking at yourself, instead of outside yourself. I do not mean that in an insulting way, but I mean it very earnestly. Let me expound:

What is it, precisely, about Buzz Aldrin that causes you to be more concerned about such a claim than John Lear? Let me take a stab at answering it: Because he was an astronaut? Because he walked on the moon? Right? If so, then you need to further examine why YOU choose to imbibe Buzz with a higher level of authority than anyone else who would make wild, unsubstantiated claims? Do you honestly think Buzz is "above lying" just because he walked somewhere no one else did? Let me tell you something else about Buzz that you may have figured out on your own (or not): He LOVES publicity. In fact, that is one very solid trait that ties Buzz to John Lear. They both love publicity. They are the aerospace equivalent of Britney Spears or Lyndsay Lohan.

Let me explain it a different way. In my business of airplanes, common folk (those who are not experts in the airplane field) typically imbibe pilots not only with "super-human" powers, but with all-knowing knowledge. When people want to know how airplanes work, those who are not experts in them invariably want to talk to pilots. Guess what? Pilots are "meat puppets" (or in the case of astronauts we call them "spam in a can"). Just because a bus driver drives a bus, do you think he knows all the intricate details about how that bus works? Of course not... some bus drivers can barely speak the native tongue of the country they drive a bus in! The people you really want to talk to are the people who designed and exhaustively tested that airplane/bus. THEY are the ones who truly knows exactly how it works... not the meat puppet who yanks-n-banks and throws some switches.

It is the issue of a person attributing knowledge to another person simply because of their status as a well-known individual. That has nothing to do with others, and it doesn't even have anything to do with people like Buzz Aldrin. It has everything, however, to do with you and why you would assume that just because a guy walked on the moon that he is "in the know" about what may be secret knowledge, or worse... that he is fully-versed on all aspects of technology.

So please, I would like an honest answer: Why does it concern you more when Buzz Aldrin makes a wild (unsubstantiated) claim than John Lear?

Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus

Hi Rainman,

Again you make some very valid points and explanations but I am not sure that they fully relate to my comments on my post....

The Busman example certainly makes sence....and does relate very well to your explanation.

I once had a job at an airport and did have some dealings with pilots.... and some people used to say that some were not all what you would expect....ie not all supermen /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif yes some may be almost switch operators as you describe and may lack knowledge of their tools / craft !...

maybe a few do have engineering knowledge...but most I suspect are drivers as you describe.

I agree yes that Buzz does like publicity and seems to really get a "BUZZ" ( parden the pun /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif when he is in the limelight... yes very similar to John Lear...

BUT........ the main difference here to me IS I am 100% certain that he is many times more well known than John Lear....

John Lears statements to me were difficult to state..... words like amazing, remarkable, incredible, mind blowing come to mind.... others may be Bull S---er, Liar , hoaxer..
depending upon ones views...

To me so far in my relatively low level research that I have done in the last year or so, they were the most outlandish statements that I have come across so far in connection with UFO / ET astro related material...... other than say "Planet X"... before that as I have said before it would have been Bob Lazars or Mr Schniders claims...

After seeing your message where you said that you have looked into his claims and have found them a hoax, I did think yes the chances are they were... as much as I did question some of them...

BUT .... to see Buzz Aldrin now come out with similar claims.... this has made me requestion it...

For him to make such claims MAY help his publicity... but at the same time it may also damage it severely as well in my opinion....

if he is challenged and fails to convince, I am sure that it would make him look bad...

would he really want to risk that !.... at the same time what if he was telling some truth...

again its a remarkable claim... but could it be proved...

Is he doing a John lear here in a publicity stance, or his he bring similar claims into the public eye....

All I will say is I certainly wouldnt have expected it or him to state such things as much as he likes publicity...

Again the general public could never really know the truth...and the powers that be would probably deny it...

I believe that Neil Armstrong thought that he had seen a ufo on Apollo 11s mission, but later retracted the statement when it was suspected to have been part of the rocket that had earlier broken off but had been closer than he had expected..

Neil has become the opposite of BUZZ and is now a recluse..... but his he quite as he hates the publicity or maybe he is aware of things he wants to avoid discussing..

CAN I ASK... HAVE you as yet come across any other wilder statements than those made by John Lear
that have been made from Potential respected sources.....

if so you may help me save time trying to find other claims made by so called respected sources...

or have you found everything that you have researched to be hoaxs...

have you managed to find any real possible worthy truths ( ufo / et related) in all the research that you have done over the years ? PLease answer me that one !


So please, I would like an honest answer: Why does it concern you more when Buzz Aldrin makes a wild (unsubstantiated) claim than John Lear?
Check this out !!! Re: Spots on Venus


BUT .... to see Buzz Aldrin now come out with similar claims.... this has made me requestion it...

For him to make such claims MAY help his publicity... but at the same time it may also damage it severely as well in my opinion....

I am not sure why you believe it would severely damage his publicity. His day is over. He will not be walking on the moon again, or anything close to that. He is not a scientist or engineer, so he will have no new breakthroughs that such people can have. In fact, given that he is getting older (and less relevant by the way our society works) you could actually claim that BECAUSE he loves publicity and sees himself as older and less relevant, that gives him MOTIVE to make the wild claims, just to remain relevant.

But I think you have also helped answer this issue yourself when you said:

All I will say is I certainly wouldnt have expected it or him to state such things as much as he likes publicity...

Again the general public could never really know the truth

So let's review here:

1) Buzz likes publicity.
2) He is getting older, and hence less relevant to garnering publicity.
3) If he DID lie about a wild claim, the public would never know the truth.

So... what is the DOWNSIDE to lying and getting more publicity? Heck, even if somehow someone were able to prove he was lying, even that (as we see in our society) garners lots of publicity. What is the old saying "there is no such thing as bad publicity"?

CAN I ASK... HAVE you as yet come across any other wilder statements than those made by John Lear
that have been made from Potential respected sources.....

if so you may help me save time trying to find other claims made by so called respected sources...

Lending any sort of creedance to a "respected source" is simply not a scientific approach to attempting to verify any claim they make as truth. This was the point I was making in my last post to you. Someone's status never EVER makes them any less likely to lie.

or have you found everything that you have researched to be hoaxs...

Again, the answer to this question of yours should be viewed to strongly highlight the difference in a casual approach and a scientific approach:

I immediately presume that ALL wild claims are false UNTIL there is evidence to support them.

Doing anything else would simply not be scientific at all. And at that point I would worry about MY reputation!

have you managed to find any real possible worthy truths ( ufo / et related) in all the research that you have done over the years ? PLease answer me that one !

I have found nothing that satisfies the following two criteria:

1) There is sufficient evidence to independently validate the claim.
2) In addition to the absence of evidence to validate, there exists some less-wild, more mundane explanation for what someone says they think they saw.

If more of the "amateur UFOlogists" would adhere to just these two principles, the domain of UFOlogy would not be the laughing stock that it is in the world of serious science. I mean, have you ever watched the UFO Hunters show and seen the lengths that Bill Birnes will go to state something is "conclusive evidence" when it clearly is nowhere near conclusive?
