Hello again


Hi Recall,

The links you posted were interesting.

I am still holding back the coordinates, It may be that the ones given were in fact from a few years back and that they are not present ones as the sky progammes dont seem to be regularly updated... If it is for real It MAY have been Nibiru from 2007...

I am also still being informed that its only likely to still be visable in the Southern Hemisphere

The Eclipses appear to be mainly in the Pacific, Japan main central point for totality.. I am not sure that you will see much in the USA.

Again It may only be visible if you had the eclipe occurr in a more southern location.

wonder what you make of this...

Re: Next earthquake

Longer the Solar eclipse, Stronger the next earthquake.

What do you think folks?

Show me the evidence to suggest this... or at least some physical theory that might support it. (i.e. what physical effect is caused by a longer eclipse that will lead to a physical impact to plate tectonics).

Re: Next earthquake

Where in that calculation does it account for gravitational fields dissipating in distance?

That is accounted for by the distance (radius between two bodies) squared in the denominator of the equations. In case you did not recognize, the equation being used is Newton's "law of universal gravitation":


Force due to gravity = G*m1*m2/Radius^2.

Also: It appears that the person answering the question may have forgotten to square the radius between the earth and moon, but they clearly show the square in the sun-moon equation.
is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

This article may appeal some non believers /to Rainman... as they/ he looks for scientific or technical reasons behind ..

As I am just reporting what I find, I am remaining Neutral in my views on PX until I believe that I have found stronger evidence... or ideally seen it myself...

I found a good series of articles from Non believers..who want to expose some of the so called experts as hoaxers...

I am not qualified to say, so all I can do is post what I find... and hopefully this may be useful
to others in making up their own views.... I got to be careful with some of these articles as there are many of the writers about PX making claims that other PX writers/sites are making false claims about them....I surpose this is like any subject, and it becomes like a polictical debate.

I dont really want to go down that route...

This MAY be an explanation as to what the so called winged object is that can be seen on Lasco/soho as claimed by Zetatalk.

Hopefully the idea behind this forum is for others to discuss such things...and offer any views on such theories..


This article was written by Phil afew years ago now but is still relevant to the newest wave of “Nibiru SOHO” images to hit the web. These images show exactly what Phil describes below.

What is going on in the SOHO images?

A few people have been asking about this, but there hasn’t been much talk about it. As it happens, I have a lot of experience with astronomical imaging. I spent about a decade working on Hubble images, and a few years before that on a ground-based telescope. I still do dabble in digital astronomical imaging. I am not bragging, just putting my credentials down to show that I am very experienced in this field.

Let me say this up front: the images from SOHO are completely within the realm of what you’d expect from such images. The “anomalies” pointed out by Tuatha (who claims spaceships are all around the Sun: do a websearch on the words “suncruiser” and “SOHO” and you’ll see what I mean), Ms. Lieder and the rest are not anomalies at all. They are simply things that happen when you use a digital camera.

The cameras usually used in astronomical imaging are called CCDs, for Charge-Coupled Device. It’s like a computer chip that’s sensitive to light. The best analogy for one is like an array of buckets in the rain. Each bucket (CCD pixel) collects rain (light). The amount of rain collected depends on how much rain falls on that bucket; the amount of light in each pixel of the CCD depends on how bright an object is. When light hits a CCD it is converted to electrons, and when the image is done the electrons are “read off” the CCD and counted. The more electrons you see in a pixel, the more light hit that pixel. The numbers of electrons can be converted to images by your computer. That’s how the images on, say, the SOHO site are done.

So, how does this affect the Planet X arguments? In many ways:

Sometimes, a pixel is more sensitive to light than others. This can happen when a pixel is hit by high energy radiation like cosmic rays (which I’ll abbreviate “CR”), which are subatomic particles zipping around space. What happens then is that pixel is always “bright”, or “hot”, even when nothing is putting light into it. You have to make a map of the hot pixels in a CCD so you can compensate for them.

Ms. Lieder claims the images taken by Steve Havas show Planet X. What they really show is a hot pixel. When the pictures are properly calibrated, as several people have shown (see here and here), the “Planet X” pixel goes away. One giveaway is that stars/planets/etc. are round in the image (they cover several pixels), where hot pixels look like single points. The things pointed out by Ms. Lieder and others are single points, so they cannot be real. This shows two things: 1) you have to be careful and understand CCDs when you look at the data, and 2) Ms. Lieder is wrong.

A lot of the stuff pointed out by Tuatha in the SOHO images is really just hot pixels. They aren’t spaceships at all, they are simply pixels inside the SOHO camera that are a bit too overenthusiastic.

When cosmic rays hit a CCD, they dump their energy into a pixel, making it look very bright. Sometime, if the impact angle is low, the CR leaves a streak. At the end of the streak, it can suddenly dump lots of energy into the pixels, making what looks like a spray. I saw this all the time in my Hubble images. Unless there are billions of spaceships out there leaving little trails in all those random images, I would prefer to assume they are actually the somewhat more common cosmic ray.

In the SOHO images, there are lots of CRs. Sometimes these are particles from the Sun, accelerated during a coronal mass ejection. Matter of fact, after you see a big ejection from the Sun, the particles can hit the SOHO detectors, making it look like they were hit by a shotgun. A few of what Tuatha claims are spaceships near the Sun are CR sprays. Tuatha’s claims are wrong.

Remember the bucket analogy? What happens when a bucket fills up to the brim with water? It overflows. The same thing happens in CCDs. A pixel can only hold so many electrons before it overflows. Because of the way the pixels are made, the overflow goes into the adjoining pixels horizontally, so the overflowing pixel leaks electrons into the pixels to its left and right (or above and below it). If enough light is hitting the one pixel, it can overflow the adjacent pixels, which flow into the next ones, and so on. When you look at the resulting image, a bright object appears to have a bright horizontal line going through it. This is called “blooming”. A bright star may bloom over several vertical pixels, so you get many rows of blooming.

There is a picture posted at http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/indexback46.html which is called the “Ra” image because there is a feature that looks like the symbol for the Egyptian god Ra. This is a perfect example of a bright object blooming. If you go through the SOHO archive, you’ll see this happening whenever a bright object is in the image. Venus is the brightest thing you’ll see, and it blooms quite a bit. I don’t know what was in the SOHO field in the Ra image, but it was bright and it bloomed (it may have been a very energetic CR). Those “wings” are not real. They are simply electrons that overflowed inside the CCD itself.

You can see several examples on this page: http://www.iwonderproductions.com/suncru.htm. In fact, the explanation given by Joe Gurman on that page is correct, and the webpage author didn’t believe him. The cosmic rays and bright objects give the same shape every time because what’s happening is inside the CCD, not on the sky. Also, the “torpedo” in that image is a comet! Lots of comets are seen going very near (and sometimes actually impacting) the Sun. Matter of fact, more comets have been discovered using SOHO than any other single telescope. Hundreds have been seen.

As far as other “anomalies” in SOHO images go, there are many, but all the ones I have seen have rational explanations. Sometimes you see what look like palm fronds coming out, fanning across the image (this one is a favorite of The Millennium Group, which you can see here). I asked a SOHO person, and they said that sometimes debris gets knocked off the satellite (there are a few moving parts on the satellite that can jolt it) and this stuff drifts in front of the camera. They are out of focus at first, and as they move away they get more and more in focus. That’s why you get the palm frond shape; the thick base is actually when the particle is close, and the narrow tip is when it’s far away. It’s a time exposure of something coming into focus.

Well, that was longer than I anticipated, but I hope it clears some things up. The point here is that people like Tuatha, Ms. Lieder and others have no experience with digital astronomical cameras, and assume they simply take pictures. CCDs are far more complicated than that, and in fact I have just scratched the surface here with what you need to know to interpret CCD images. Every single thing Tuatha has pointed at in the SOHO images actually has a far more mundane explanation than alien spaceships.

Like Robert Sepehr (a man who has a Planet X video to sell, and constantly makes easily-disproven claims on a PX discussion group), who constantly claims the Sun is acting up without understanding that this is actually the Sun’s normal and expected behavior, Tuatha and the others simply don’t understand the subject they are talking about. It’s really that simple. I don’t mean this to sound condescending; I mean it to be literally true. I try to stay away from topics (like geology and mammoths) in this field when I do not have the expertise to give an informed opinion, but in this case I do. If more people actually went out and tried to find the answers to some of these questions, a lot of the Planet X “evidence” would go away.
Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

Thanks for balancing out your "reporting" with this, timecycle. It shows responsibility in investigating wild claims.

I am not qualified to say, so all I can do is post what I find... and hopefully this may be useful
to others in making up their own views.... I got to be careful with some of these articles as there are many of the writers about PX making claims that other PX writers/sites are making false claims about them....I surpose this is like any subject, and it becomes like a polictical debate.

It need not become a political debate if you stick with the precepts of science. And you are not only limited to post what you find. You can do more, and that "more" would be to attempt to cross-validate the information that this person uses in their scientific explanation of what causes these artifacts in CCD images. Here is just one example:


<font color="red"> "Saturation and blooming are related phenomena that occur in all charge-coupled device (CCD) image sensors under conditions in which either the finite charge capacity of individual photodiodes, or the maximum charge transfer capacity of the CCD, is reached. Once saturation occurs at a charge collection site, accumulation of additional photo-generated charge results in overflow, or blooming, of the excess electrons into adjacent device structures. A number of potentially undesirable effects of blooming may be reflected in the sensor output, ranging from white image streaks and erroneous pixel signal values (as illustrated in Figure 1) to complete breakdown at the output amplification stage, producing a dark image." [/COLOR]

In seeking to cross-validate scientific explanations, you will be unlocking the TRUE power of the internet, and perhaps it will give you insight into the value (or lack thereof) in people posting claims on forums who cannot discuss the science that may (or may not) validate their claims.

From the description above, we can see that the person who wrote the analysis you posted here is actually capable of describing the physics involved in CCDs that can result in the image artifacts that others are calling "Planet X" or the "Ra image." Now compare and contrast this validated physical knowledge with the people making the extraordinary claims. Are they detailing any science (at all) that validates their claim? No, they are not.

Using science you can weed-out the highly unlikely claims from those that have a higher probability of being true. You can't go wrong, because at least you are able to get rid of explanations that clearly do not match with the science. That leaves a smaller set to continue to investigate.

Good luck, and don't give up a balanced approach that adheres to good science. You will not regret it, and you will grow in your intelligence much faster than those who accept without demanding scientific explanations.

Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

Nice article, but ...

i like this image:

Re: comments

wonder what you make of this...

Nice indeed, you may see an in deep analysis on this interview on:

Link to Youtube...

<font color="purple">Boris Kipriyanovich is an Indigo Child, probably the most famous in Russia. Boriska, or 'little Boris', was featured in Pravda after Gennady Belimov, a university professor in the Volgograd region of Russia, witnessed Boriska, then aged just seven, astound an adult audience during a camping trip in which he held them spellbound for an hour and a half as he recounted tales of past lives on Mars and Lemuria, and warned of catastrophes due to affect the Earth in 2009 and 2013.

Within a short time, word was spreading within Russia about what this diminutive prophet had to say, especially once the story was picked by Moscow's premier newspaper.
Boriska was twelve on 11 January 2008. Nearly a teenager, he is charming, delightful, shy, alert, perceptive, sensitive, and clearly highly intelligent.
Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

This was one post on a forum that suggests the possibility that the images may actually be Nibiru.

I havent researched what he said, but its thought provoking.....


After viewing this on WWT and researching the object in question at http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2008/g19/more.html, I am of two opinions. Either we are being duped by the writers of the article you translated, or there is a coverup ongoing, and Nibiru is being falsely labeled a "supernova". Its image grows larger as it approaches, and this is explained away as "rapid expansion". The image in question bears a remarkable resemblance to exactly that which we all search for, and that which has been foretold in many ancient texts and pictoral hieroglyphs. Also, it was initially located and photographed in 1985, just two years after the announcement that they had found "something" at the outermost edge of our solar system. Methinks that if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and.... well, you get the picture. Now that we have some coordinates to work with, maybe I'll take a look-see at www.global-rent-a-scope.com. Not sure if they have the infrared filters or not, but eventually, this thing will (or won't) be viewable with any lens.
Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

indeed g19 looks like a brown dwarf...
and is a brown dwarf...
but its locations is in the border of the solar system...
meanwhile Nibiru is still near the Sun.

Nasa Wants to everybody buy the tale that g19 will affect the orbit of pluton... and direct all of the optical instruments away from the right direction of Nibiru.
Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

Hi Recall,

When you look close at some of the objects in the pictures, some of them appear see through ( Not just the x ray or radio images)... and It doesnt appear like what I would have thought was a brown dwarf sun...would you be able to see through a brown dwarf ? you certainly could see through a normal star / sun...as far as I am aware..

I was never sure on the PX theory... some information refers to the brown dwarf approach, and Planet 'X' nibiru coming with it..

but the images that I thought were surposed to be Nibiru winged globe... look like that image of the brown dwarf star ( BDS) or what ever g 19 (supernova or BDS )is surposed to be....

so what you are suggeting is the brown dwarf is on the edge of the solar system and Nibiru that rotates this brown dwarf is close to our sun...

I am not sure how big these objects are... How does the brown dwarf compare to our sun..
and how big is Nibiru surposed to be...

These theories have varied... in terms of Nibiru... at one time I seem to recall it being a lot bigger than jupiter.... then I read it was about 4 x the earth..

maybe its the brown dwarf thats bigger than jupiter and Nibiru is 4 x the earth..

just trying to clarify the theory again in my mind as it has varied so many times..

heres an article that may be ref to what you have read about Plutos effect...


Since two weeks ago, Pluto has suffered the impact, warming-up and disruption of a new too next heavenly body to its orbit. The reason: A Brown Dwarf of the size of 1.9Mj that is positioned just in "Sagittarius", and that in these moments is disturbing the orbit of Pluto. But not only that of Pluto, also, is disturbing the orbit of Jupiter, and of the remainder of the planets of the solar system. In fact, the Sun, has emitted CMEs during the last weeks that have caused a displacement of our geomagnetic axis exactly in 19º, as well as an increment of the sismicidad of 1.33 MW with respect to the sismicidad average of the year 2008, for which "literally" the theory is confirmed "binary of our solar system". Something approaches, and clearly, the peak of the cloud of Oort in the zone of Sagittarius, is caused by a Brown Dwarf, that besides, can be visualized in the WorldWideTelescope, (WWT), just, drawing the orbit of Pluto. Now, already it is a fact, we Have there our Brown Dwarf, interacting with Pluto and Bombarding asteroids of Oort against Pluto and against Jupiter. For the time being we can be tranquil, therefore the large exterior planets protect us against the impacts of asteroids of Oort, but, they do not impede the gravitational contraction of the 41% predicted by Murray, be Killed and Oppenhheimer.

If it is observed thoroughly, has two satellites, that can be observed with care. Ésto would explain the disruptions suffered by the cloud of Oort during the last three months, and of course, the alterations that the sun is experiencing in the cycles and emissions of cosmic rays. Clearly, the stellar attraction among both stars, contracts gravitationally the orbits of the remainder of the planets, and clearly, the theories of the doctors are verified Michael P. Aubry, Christopher T. Russell, and Margaret G. Kivelson as well as, the models proposed by the Dr. John. J. be Killed, and Dr. John. B. Murray, and the observations carried out by the Doctors Geoffrey W. Marcy, and Ben. R. Oppenheimer. The model has closed. Especially when the day July 17, 2009, Nasa affirms in a press release, That" The belt of Asteroids should have formed very far from the sun ". The Nasa tries us to count something of form slanted, but already is an advance.

In any case, just as Pluto is found, that is being affected by G1.9 (Nomenclature utilized by WWT to describe the event), and in Google Earth 5,0, can be seen "burned", thus same, this imágen obtained yesterday of Jupiter, puts of relief, the impact of a just asteroid in the zone of its south hemisphere. It be observed the spot that is of the size of the land, for which clearly is a matter of an object originating in the cloud of Oort.

But, ¿ Why the NASA has waited for the 40 anniversary of the mission APOLLO, to count us part of ésto? They are dripping us the information. Somewhat terrible, or perhaps not. The question is in the air. Why duplicate scientific efforts on events that NASA already knew?. Why NASA wait 20 years to recognize that the Dr. Murray was right?. Why expect 20 years to corroborate the theories of the doctors Michael P. Aubry, Christopher T. Russell, and Margaret G. Kivelson,? And above all…¿Why, just two days after the deepest study than has carried out the scientific community with real-time monitoring for the first time in the history? .¿ It Is ésto a tacit form to count us the truth? The certain thing is that very few people will read this article. Perhaps only thousands of people will read this science, all he will be alert of the dead easy news of the 40 anniversary of the arrival of the man to the Moon, while a reduced group of scientists, we are trying to count him to the world what today happens and the cause of it. Today, July 20, 2009, A Brown Dwarf of 1.9MJ is just intercepting literally the orbit of Pluto. Its scientific denomination is: G1.9, and can be seen in WWT, in Sagittarius next to Pluto. Who want, that look at it, and the one that do not want that look not at. The evidences are there G1.9-Sagitarius.
Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

this image will help:


so what you are suggeting is the brown dwarf is on the edge of the solar system and Nibiru that rotates this brown dwarf is close to our sun...

we have 2 of these ... one is behind the sun and is called Nibiru... and the other is affecting pluton orbit near Sagitarius...,

and don`t forget the Dark twin of The Sun that is in the Direction of Orion...

Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

PS what is that on the Lasco soho image that is like a shaft of light ?
they called it a "Tubular Anomaly" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
UFOs \'Prefer Water\' For Close Encounters

Seems that Russia has released their ufo files...

Declassified files on the Russian Navy's encounters with UFOs have suggested the objects are big fans of water. Skip related content

A number of incidents were reported at Lake Baikal, the deepest lake in the world, including powerful lights and objects coming out from the water, Russia Today said.

In one case in 1982, military divers training at the lake said they spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silver suits at a depth of 50 metres.

They tried to catch the visitors but three of the seven men died in the process, while four others were severely injured in the incident, according to the records.

On another occasion, a nuclear submarine on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean detected six unknown objects.

The captain of the vessel ordered the crew to bring it to the surface after failing to shake off the pursuers.

full story....

Re: is the Soho Images claimed to be Nibiru a hoax

Since two weeks ago, Pluto has suffered the impact, warming-up and disruption of a new too next heavenly body to its orbit. The reason: A Brown Dwarf of the size of 1.9Mj that is positioned just in "Sagittarius", and that in these moments is disturbing the orbit of Pluto.

Could you provide us with the original link of this article?
Thanks. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif