Hello again

Re: youtube

I Dont know if anyone else had a problem with their youtube accounts if using Internet explorer.

I could only see a limited ammount of my saved videos since youtube changed their design layout in ones favourites page.

For some reason I am unable to scroll down below a certain point.
Before the changes , I had to click on different numbers

I just tried it in Firefox and fortunately I can scroll down all the way..

so this is actually easier and quicker to find the older saved videos.

So in this respect it seems better.


I just looked into my youtube account and It seems that I can no longer view many of the vidoes that I have saved for the last 18 months...

They have made changes in how its laid out..

I can only seem to see the videos that I have saved in I am guessing the last 2 to 3 months.

At one time I could click on a set of numbers , 1, 2 ,3,4,5 etc where there were several videos
that I could see to click on for each number..

Now I can only get one display of up to about 30 videos..


what ever they have done I do not like it one bit..
Re: youtube

I Dont know if anyone else had a problem with their youtube accounts if using Internet explorer.

I could only see a limited ammount of my saved videos since youtube changed their design layout in ones favourites page.

For some reason I am unable to scroll down below a certain point.
Before the changes , I had to click on different numbers

I just tried it in Firefox and fortunately I can scroll down all the way..

Did you "upgrade" to Internet Explorer Version 8? I have noticed several sites no longer work properly once the IE-8 upgrade was installed. That was when I learned about the new "comaptibility mode" button on the IE-8 browser. Just to the right of the URL address bar there is what looks like a broken piece of paper. If a website is actint strange (such as you suggest) then clicking this button may clear it up by running IE-8 in "compatibility mode".

Beats me why they think this is an "improvement"... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif That's MS for ya...
Re: youtube

in response to my theory about total energy output per sun cycle, researching it very well may prove the point, however I have many other things to do and that is why I labeled it as "intuition". For me, my intuition is all I need as I am not trying to publish a theory.

As for getting in conspiracies...well, this is a "conspiracy" thread right? Just trying to keep on topic. And I totally agree with you that most of government is in it for the right reason. But like my other theory, I believe that although the majority of people in government are good, the ones with the most power are not so much so.

And besides, being how the government recently classified satellite data that scientists have been using for years to study fireballs and meteors, why would solar monitoring satellites be any different?
Yes, I understand that the recently classified sats monitor Earth and not the Sun, but none the less, the information was pulled out right under our feet and without notice.

I think weather good or evil, the government would take into consideration what affects on the masses any apocalyptic signs from the heavens may have on the general public, the economy, and the overall stability of our society. If space happ'ns become so out of the norm or so drastic, there is real danger of destabilizing world governments.

Imagine if, for example an iron asteroid 1 mile around was to come within a brush of Earth. Lets say scientists at NASA knew the roid would only cause a brief disruption in telecommunications and some power outages from some temporary magnetic chaos caused by atmospheric acoustics that magnified the effects. Thats it, 10 hrs or so of lost phone conversations. Yet, lets say this would be visible from space satellites for 3 months before hand, and for a day before hand it would block out part of the sun because it was in direct line between sun and Earth. That would cause chaos, mass stock selling, run on banks, gas and food supplies, crime, mobs, utter chaos. What should the government do? They will hide it as long as they can (until the day before when the sun is blocked). By the time word spread, event would be over and it would be explained on TV right after we find out who Linsey Lohen is fckn that week. Point is, the government would hide information from public the exact same way as if the event was going to one like what Timeline39 is describing.

So, who can tell the difference? Only those in the top echelon of government.
Re: Anunakki Stone Head

The Anunnaki 2nd coming: Fail...

But their followers claim for a NWO!!!
Re: The Next Phase

Time almost up...

We will be posting again shortly. Over a period of 6 to 8 weeks we will upload 3 posts covering these topics as follows:

1) Preparing for the Pole Shift:- A Complete Guide

2) Countdown to Zero Hour:- Complete Chronicle of the final weeks leading into the Pole Shift (From the point when “something” is wrong is impossible to deny)

3) The first 365.25 Days After……..

Then, after the Anomaly has cleared the Sun's primary boundary and the effects on Earth slowly begin we will have another series of posts.

All through this period we will attempt to answer what we can from the forum and private messages.

Stay tuned.

Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicted )

This just in from the "weird newsdesk..."

A likely scenario to consider: Crop circle researchers say that a complex crop formation from late June predicts Earth getting hit by 5 large CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) on July 7th (tomorrow!).

Our reporter in the field (KerrTexas) is telling us that today is July 13th, a full six days after the date predicted above... and to the best of this reporter's knowledge, nowhere on earth has been hit by a massive CME (solar flare).

So there! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif We now return you to your regularly scheduled cornspiracy nonsense. Have no fear, Sexy Action School News is on the beat!
Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicted )

RM as I said all I do is report what I see that is being talked about on other forums.. I didnt say I was a ful time researcher/scientist..

As you have already indicated to me if anything as I recall you do believe solar activity is a main concern... but like many things... many have been false..

I wonder if this will turn out a mislead as well ...as much as I do think hes a respected Scientist.

Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicted )

RM as I said all I do is report what I see that is being talked about on other forums.. I didnt say I was a ful time researcher/scientist..

I realize this. But you do not have to be a full time researcher/scientist to exercise critical thinking. Do you not see that, as reported, there is absolutely no factual evidence (at all!) tying the crop circles to CMEs? NONE! So why would you even entertain it as true to "report" it? The world has too much "reporting" of BS already.

What I am suggesting is that a great many people in this world suffer from a problem where they will believe (or even consider) anything that anyone posts on the internet, without so much as demanding some level of proof. I am suggesting that this trait does not play into the continuation of our species, but actually is a "dumbing down" of our society.

This entire thread is written by a person who seeks to dumb people down. And recall is cheering from the sidelines to dumb even more people down.

Just like your muscles can atrophy if you do not exercise them, I am pointing out that all humans with an IQ of 80 or better have the capacity for critical thinking, and if you do not exercise that you will find yourself dependent upon those who feed BS stories... and they are not the type to become dependent on.

Re: youtube

No , I had been actually still on IE6....I dont really understand the full technical details
as to why youtube would be different on what ever IE version one had..

I had been content with IE6 and at the time for some resaon I dont think I liked the look of IE7.

" Did you "upgrade" to Internet Explorer Version 8? "


That will be useful , I may look to upgrade on IE 8...

when I learned about the new "comaptibility mode" button on the IE-8 browser

fortunately Firefox often comes to the resue if something is not right with IE...

Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicted )

Hi Rainman,

I am again writing this of the top of my head, I may have to ammend it later.

I agree with the majority of what you say...everything in life is relative as I think this sort of thing can be applied to life not just Einsteins theory of relativity in physics.

it seems we all answer to someone..

without going into immense details...

Its just that on certain subjects, I am not sure that if even the brigtest people have all the answers.

No doubt In many cases this is with certainty as one top scientist will totally disagree with another.

Even Dr Kako makes claims that he may have miscaculated as being 20 yrs out on a potential solar flare threat..

in terms of some of the topics discussed on the thread..

It depends if one does believe in certain things in life, evidence or not ?
somethings just dont make sence no matter how you look at them..
and as I say maybe the majority of us just cannot comprehend things..

some things just may not as yet been proven, or we may never find out..

some may say that Maybe we should not discuss or entertain things unless there is realistic proof or reason to believe.

Well I never thought that there was reason to believe in ghost..I had never really seen any proof.
Like many I believed they were just hoaxes...But I do now..as I witnessed something myself.
so I will not count out the paranormal.

even though I will agree that it can be used by many as a form of black hat /mystic misleading to others.

This is how I take a view on 4 main things at the moment..related to parts of this topic,/ or main part of this thread other than time travel.
(probably commented on this before..)

1,Can ETs exist ?, 2,Can Crop circles be made by them ? 3,Could planet X be real ?

4,Could we soon have a severe solar flare or CME that is a major threat to life on our planet ?

I admitt at the moment there appears no complete proof to either of the first 3..

the 4th seems a potential possibilty..but as yet no real proof..

For me the 3 things that I would like to know about possibly more than anything else at the moment
is 1, 3, and 4..

ETs is a huge topic, initially in past years I had been generally open minded on the subject..

but more recently , Prior to your recent comments.. there was only a few things that I had researched in reasonable detail ( for me ..to my ability at the time) that did start to make me
really question the subject... they were BOB LAZAR, JOHN LEARS comments, and the Phil Schnider story....

since I started looking into PX.. I have been informed about John Lears CIA connection.

This has made me requestion... BUT what do I or the majority of us know... this could really be true, BUT its seems so incredible, no one will believe it...it may be a very clever cover up..

why couldnt man have already been to mars or have Bases on the moon ?

why did Nasa appear to had stopped Space travel ? was it purely due to high costs?

Maybe Bob Lazar is telling the truth.. ?

I thought that the Phil Sneider story if its true that he was later murdered was unusual..

IF ET does exist.... then...I am sure that they could create crop circles... as so can man when they are doen as a hoax... I believe that most are man made..(BUT just a few that I have seen.. do seem a remarkably well done and I am quite amazed if Man has made them... but at the same time
, things get better with evolution.. ( But as I have not actually seen them myself.. only in a photo, who knows maybe the photos as hoax)I wont count that out..

With PX.... At the moment again I have no real proof.. but from some of my time spent looking into it... the overall theory would appear to have possibilties.. based upon some of the things that I
interpretate...why it may had been responsible for many of the past mysteries on this planet./solar system.

To me I could not count those out....but there are other theories that could easily also account for these admittedly.

I was on a coach bus this weekend and there was a sticker on the window..
this sticker acted a a great filter when i looked at the sun... It was ideal...
I could see the sun through it excellently without getting blinded..

I could not see anything other than the sun.

I agree with some comments made on another forum, that one would now think its time we would be seeing definate eveidence if it is on appraoch....

BUT there are just two things at the moment that I still keep my interest.

I wonder what your opinion is of the object that can be seen on Lasco that Zetatalk are claiming to be the winged object.. I have to admitt that yes I can actually see this myself...

so unless someone can tell me what it is I am seeing.... other than potentaily PX... I cant disbelieve its possibility ..

secondly one of the poster on a forum I look at has shown an object that he cannot account for on
one of the skywatch software programmes like googles... hes been checking this stuff a while..

It does appear very unusual !

I await his further research...

enough said for now...

Dr Kaku on ETs

some interesting theories, some totally mind blowing in my opinion.

I dont disagree with them...

as he says we have only really JUST begun.....

ETS could be millions of years advanced and been here many years ago... even if they are no longer here.

I do believe that Einsteins idea of we cant go faster than the speed of light is old school.

and that we can cross the universe in ways most of us cannot comprehend.

but even here he may be avoiding other scenerios..that he could comment on..



Parrelel universes

Predicted CME

I can tell you one thing..Today's early morning sun is unusually bright for a mid winter day. I usually switch on the light in the living room early in the morning everyday. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to read.But today it is too bright to switch on the lights. It could be just me seeing this. Outside it is not warm .
I am in Sydney, Australia. Time is 7:45 AM.

Re: Predicted CME

Thinking and wondering about an a Alien Intervention that pause a CME that shall be fried US Here on Planet Earth...

See the Halted Dome of Energy on the Sun:

Ok, take a look of the Sun, There is a dome of Energy there:
in lasco...

Bigger Image

Looks loke some Extraterrestria Inteligence Halt the CME...

Our Physics is Just Obsolete and Useless...
Tsunami alert

A Tsunami alert was issued to South East Australia after a massive earth quake off New Zealand South Island..(7.9 on the richter scale)


Looks like, the next major earth quake will occur South of Equator...

What do you think guys..?