Hello again

Re: Possible Location of Planet X

Not sure what to make of the object if it appears to be moving at such speed other than a large
meteor... Initially I thought it was going to be indicated as Nibiru..

Someone referred it to a speeded up past video showing path of Mercury..

Some interesting other info on 2012 / PX...

Not seen this interview before by David Icke talking about Nibiru.


I just looked into my youtube account and It seems that I can no longer view many of the vidoes that I have saved for the last 18 months...

They have made changes in how its laid out..

I can only seem to see the videos that I have saved in I am guessing the last 2 to 3 months.

At one time I could click on a set of numbers , 1, 2 ,3,4,5 etc where there were several videos
that I could see to click on for each number..

Now I can only get one display of up to about 30 videos..


what ever they have done I do not like it one bit..
CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicted )

If you are not already aware this is what some experts are predicting...

I Hope that they are wrong !.....

A likely scenario to consider: Crop circle researchers say that a complex crop formation from late June predicts Earth getting hit by 5 large CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) on July 7th (tomorrow!). This would likely cause massive disruptions to the nation's power supply systems and complete shutdown of all telecommunications, possibly lasting for several days/weeks/months.

Some effects of a long term, wide-ranging blackout of power and communications: Nearly all businesses would be shut down, unable to operate without power, especially GROCERS, RESTAURANTS, GAS STATIONS, AND MOST WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS (pumps require electricity).

This turn of events would not only devastate our fragile economy (nearly 100% effective unemployment), but would ultimately lead to major unrest nationwide, especially in cities, as people scrounge and fight for scarce food and water (no fuel to distribute food or water from their sources to cities & suburbs). Compounding the problem would be the complete lack of news; wild rumors based on fear and suspicion would run rampant

I'm not saying this will definitely happen, but it's best to be prepared. If all power and communications do go out for a long period, I strongly recommend evacuating and avoiding large cities. Smaller communities have a greater chance of people coming together and helping each other.

Only Time will tell.... ?

Crop Circle depicts solar eruptions hitting Earth on July 7
July 3, 9:44 AM · Michael Salla, Ph.D. - Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner

Credit to Russell Stannard Copyright 2009. Crop Circle ConnectorA crop circle has appeared that researchers interpret to be a message that the Sun is about to emit five Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) that will hit the Earth on July 7, 2009. The crop circle first appeared at Milk Hill England on June 21 and has evolved over three stages up until June 30. Researchers interpreting the complex images in the crop circle believe these represent positions of planets that correspond to July 6 and 7 as dates when CMEs will hit the Earth. If so, this may be the first barrage of CMEs to hit the Earth in Solar Cycle 24. Importantly, scientists will be able to directly study the impacts of large amounts of solar plasma penetrating a breach in the magnetosphere first reported by NASA scientists in December 2008.

An article by the CMM Research Group offers the following interpretation about the complex symbols depicted in the Milk Hill crop circle:

A new crop picture at Milk Hill on June 21, 2009 seems to provide one of the least ambiguous indications so far, that our Sun will truly emit a series of CMEs (coronal mass ejections) toward Earth in the near future, perhaps on the full Moon of July 7, 2009.

The CMM Research Group says that the sun “seems to be emitting five CMEs along curved paths through space that eventually intersect with planet Earth.”

An unnamed Australian scientist agrees with the conclusion of the CMM Research Group and wrote:

Our best theoretical matches to the crop formation boxes were for upcoming dates of July 6 or 7, 2009. Why would those crop artists go to all the trouble of showing us sextant and orrery shapes, then coding that orrery with six rectangular boxes which mean July 6 or 7, 2009, unless something significant were going to happen at that time?

A giant breach in the magnetosphere reported by NASA on December 16, 2008 makes it far easier for solar plasma to enter into the Earth’s atmosphere. For the full 11 year period of Solar Cycle 24 which is expected to peak in 2013 according to latest estimates, the Earth will be vulnerable to any Coronal Mass Ejections directly aimed at it from the sun. If the interpretations of crop circle researchers are correct, then we will shortly directly observe the impact of solar energy from CMEs passing through the magnetosphere breach.

According to crop circle researchers, the source of the complex crop circles clearly answers the question of how extraterrestrials might communicate with an evolving planetary civilization. So Paul Allen and SETI take note for future funding projects. Extraterrestrials may be warning us through crop circles that the Solar Surf is about to go up. If so, better get those solar panels ready to ride the waves since the electric grid is sure to wash out.

Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicted )

Oh boy, here we go again...

If you are not already aware this is what some experts are predicting...

"Experts" in what field? I see nothing describing credentials in solar science! Perhaps they are "experts" (no-doubt self-proclaimed) in "crop circles"? If so, how does calling yourself an "expert" in crop circles make you qualified to make solar flare predictions?

A likely scenario to consider: Crop circle researchers say that a complex crop formation from late June predicts Earth getting hit by 5 large CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) on July 7th (tomorrow!).

Where is the science here? They interpret a crop circle as saying we will have a large solar flare? And what, exactly, makes you believe this is a "likely scenario"? Because someone said so?

Michael Salla, Ph.D. - Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner

How much research have you done on Michael Salla, Exopolitics, and all the wacky "predictions" he has been involved with that have not come to pass? That name right there should give anyone serious about scientitific predictions pause. Salla is a laughing stock of the scientitic community, and you will note his Ph.D. is not in any form of hard science.

The CMM Research Group says

Who, exactly, are the "CMM Research Group". When you google them you do not even find any main web presence. All you get are references to this solar flare prediction. What are their credentials? What the hell does "CMM" even stand for? More info would be nice before anyone believes their predictions, much less that they have any qualifications.

An unnamed Australian scientist agrees with the conclusion of the CMM Research Group

That is a really good one when you peel back the BS:

1) Did you know that Michael Salla is Australian?
2) Why (unless he wishes to hide his identity) does this scientist refused to name himself?
3) Did you know Michael Salla loves to call himself a "scientist", but I will leave it for you to google his credentials for yourself and decide if he practices real science.

When no giant solar flare occurs tomorrow, will you take that as a possible indication that you should be a bit more discriminating of what and who you believe when it comes to gloom and doom stories?

Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicted )

Hi Rainman,

If Its a hoax, thanks for confirming it..Its good someone was good enough to comment further on it.

I was just reporting upon what I found on another forum...

I had been aware of several forums etc referring to July 7th , But I had not had time to research it all in detail.

I also seem to recall that you referred to me that Solar activity could be a more likely
reliable theory /concern than UFOS or PX theories etc.

"Experts" in what field? Not entirely sure what fields.. I only posted the article.

I surpose like anything it depend upon ones interpretation as to how expert someone is .

the only expert that I am aware of other than you who refers to Solar activity likely to occur soon is

Dr Michio kaku ( but he does refer more towards to 2012, but thats not to say he doesnt suggest more earlier activity)


With regards to the Various so called Scientist / UFO alien claiments out there...( maybe Like Salla who I had not heard of before)

I have researched some of them from Bob Lazar and John Lear and some others in the link you posted... Initially I surpose I will say that
I was fasenated by what they said, especially Bob Lazars claims... but since I have questioned him
as It was pointed out to me that Lazar was connected to Lear and that Lear was a CIA op..

I thought that Lears claims were quite extraodenary and I was amazed that he would make such claims. It was suggested by someone else I was in contact with who runs a related forum, that he did this to mislead the public from other things at the time as directed by the Gov / CIA...

Some of the things Lear claimed however to me did seem possible... I would not of counted out that the space race may had continued away from the Public and that Man May had bases on the moon or even had already been to Mars etc... OR that Aliens were in someway interacting with us..
But other things that he cliamed did seem hard to believe..

Finding out that he was friends with Bob Lazar has since made me question Lazars claims..

Prior to this for me this was the most fasenating thing that I had ever known about UFOs ET and Area51..

BUT even that could be a double cover up to try and throw us of the trail if Lazars claims had initially been true... so I dont surpose anyone really knows for sure...

As for Tomorrow... I dont surpose filling up ones car with fuel and obtaining some supplies
would do any harm to be on the safe side if one does find it occurrs....

also between now and 2012.. I surpose such an event could occurr anytime...

But as I say I DO hope that its only a hoax...
Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicte

Here is what i know about upcoming solar solar activity....

Solar sun spot cycles are approx. 11yrs. It is the heartbeat of the sun. The length of a cycle does not change. The cycles can be viewed as waves over time.

What does change however is the compression of the waves. From my studies and intuition, it seems that the amount of energy that is released during an 11yr cycle is for the most part equal to every cycle. The released energy is given off via sun spots that create CMEs (coronal mass ejections).

Over the typical sun spot cycle, there is a minimum for a year or so, where then the spots come back and start releasing energy more frequently until the maximum, then taper down again to the minimum. The minimum is measured in days where the sun does not have any sun spots, or is blank. Average Min. is about 400-500 days. Now, the current min is measured at 653 days. What this means is that for the past 150-200 days, the sun has not been releasing energy the way it usually does. And yet, the sun still need to release a total amount of energy before the next solar minimum. So...the longer the sun does not have sun spots, the larger the sun spots will be when they finally do show up. The total cycle energy release will be given off in 5 years, instead of 8 years, thus there will naturally be either more frequent spot for a while, or larger spots, or a combo.

What I expect is that a large sun spot releasing a CME directly at earth could pretty much fry the portion of the globe that it hits. We are talking massive amounts of solar radiation to the extent that humans would get sever sun burns with just minutes of exposure, majority of foliage could wither, destroying food supplies, fuels would explode, etc. The after effect of a 10-12 minute CME of this scale would be such great amounts of smoke and fire, that it could block out productive sun light for the entire planet for years, dimming and leading global cooling. NOt to mention electrical grids would be milk toast.

So, keep your eye on large sun spots, if you see one rounding the crest of the sun and its located near the equator where the CME would align with Earth. Take precaution. Being vigilant, you should have a few days notice, unless of course them gov'ment boys take away our space weather monitoring capabilities.

It is also my opinion, from studying world religions that this date may coincide with any and all other prophetic dates.
Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicted )

I am aware that Humans have created some crop circles on TV programmes, so I am not a total believer that they come from ET.... I have to admitt though that the more recent ones are a real work of art and one wonders could man create such things especially the complex big ones over night in some farmers field..

IF ETs do exist , I couldnt count out that they may well have created them.

I had not heard of the CMM research group either..nor find any thing relevant of page 1 of google.

I di however find this which refers to it..

It has some interesting facts and images on it


The CMM Research Group says

Who, exactly, are the "CMM Research Group". When you google them you do not even find any main web presence. All you get are references to this solar flare prediction. What are their credentials? What the hell does "CMM" even stand for? More info would be nice before anyone believes their predictions, much less that they have any qualifications.
Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicted )


I don't want you to get the idea that I am "scolding" you. Rather, I am asking questions in the hope that you will examine your own belief system, and how you come to accept/believe in things based on others simply saying they are so. In that regard...

If Its a hoax, thanks for confirming it...

Why would you believe something is real by only reading something that someone has posted online? Or the flipside to this question would be: Why would you not adopt the stance of disbelief until there was some form of strong evidence, or scientific explanation confirming it?

I was just reporting upon what I found on another forum...

Do you believe there is value in propagating questionable information that others have dreamed-up without verifying it? If I dreamed-up and posted a story here about rock people that eat human babies, and that these rock people were planning to take over the entire state of Colorado, would you see fit to post it elsewhere without looking into it yourself? If so, why? If not, why not?

I also seem to recall that you referred to me that Solar activity could be a more likely
reliable theory /concern than UFOS or PX theories etc.

This is true, but I never connected them to theories about aliens attempting to communicate this to us via crop circles.

"Experts" in what field? Not entirely sure what fields..

In my view, any time someone uses that term ("experts") and then does not cite specifically what they are experts in, and further cite their credentials in this field of expertise, it always sets off red flags. Does it not do the same for you?

I surpose like anything it depend upon ones interpretation as to how expert someone is .

I am not sure I am understanding what you are saying here, or if I am, I am incredulous. Do you actually believe that being an "expert" in something is merely left up to interpretation? Wouldn't you expect someone who is truly an expert to be able to show an extant and distinguished career history in their claimed field of expertise? Shouldn't they be able to refer you to their schooling and post-schooling credentials? Maybe they could even refer you to scientific papers they have published in peer-reviewed journals? What I am getting at is: Shouldn't the term "expert" require some form of verification, rather than simply "well, this guy says he is an expert and I guess that is his interpretation..."?

the only expert that I am aware of other than you who refers to Solar activity likely to occur soon is

Let me be clear: I do NOT claim to be an expert in solar activity. There are only two areas where I would claim to be an "expert" and that is aerospace engineering and control systems. Those are the areas where I could cite my background and credentials such as listed above. I would not wish someone to consider me an "expert" simply because I am well-read in several areas of science. Rather, as a result of my studies in areas outside my expertise, I can point you to material that backs-up what I say....material from the real experts in the field.

I have researched some of them from Bob Lazar and John Lear and some others in the link you posted...

Both are rabid hoaxsters. I had a run-in or two with Lear on another forum. Suffice it to say, he can provide no evidence for any of the claims he makes.

As for Tomorrow... I dont surpose filling up ones car with fuel and obtaining some supplies
would do any harm to be on the safe side if one does find it occurrs....

also between now and 2012.. I surpose such an event could occurr anytime...

I am all for being prepared. I was (and still am!) a boy scout. But the point is not to suddendly accept some gloom and doom story that someone cooks-up on the internet (and can provide NO evidence to support it), and then suddenly prepare yourself for THAT outcome. Doing this would have you running around like a chicken with your head cut off preparing for any and every new story of doom that someone cooks up. Rather, the point is to simply be prepared, in general, for your own survival for any host of probable events.

Forget WHY the electrical power grid may temporarily go out... and merely ask yourself "Can I continue to live without electricity for...... 5.....10......30 days?" If not, take stock of your life and simply devise how you WOULD be able to live without electricity for as long as it may be out. I guarantee you that anyone with even meager intelligence can do so. Same thing with gasoline. While I may not be able to go everywhere I would like to go, I could live a VERY long time without any gasoline.

This speaks to why I absolutely detest the "gloom and doom spreaders" that are so rampant on the internet...because they try to get people to believe and "be prepared" for specific events, most of which have a VERY low probability of occurrence, rather than simply helping people to be prepared for ANY type of emergency.

Referring back to my hypothetical story about an invasion of rock people... If you lived in Colorado, and part of my story told you that "the only way you can combat the rock people is to throw red delicious apples at them, and this will repel them", would you then decide that "it couldn't hurt to go out and buy a couple bushels of red delicious apples just in case?" Do you see what I am getting at? People who tell unreasonable stories, and provide no evidence for them, can often induce you to do things that are not reasonable, nor logical. Where you draw the line as to whether "well, it couldn't hurt" or not depends upon how much money you have to waste on their silly stories. Some people cannot afford to be prepared for every wacky gloom and doom story that comes up. Nor should they have to.

Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicted )

Hi Rainman,

sorry if I dont answer in order or full detail... I am just reply what comes out of my head due to time restaints. I may even delete this later and try and reply when I have more time.

I surpose at times we/I can have moments of indepth ways that we interpretate things.. and could
give one another various examples as how we view things and what seems right or wrong..

I also realise that in reality I probably know very little as I probably am not born with the relative intellegence... and that may account for a big percentage of the population if the average IQ is 100 and top scientist are in the 160 to 200 plus bracket...

Why did we believe our parents or teachers at school ? but for many things now I dont ?
further education and experience add to this...

Why would I believe anything that I read IF I am not an expert myself.. ? I wouldnt be qualified.

In my case and I am sure many average persons, IF they read about things from what or who we think are so called experts, or maybe even just more knowledgeable than us, we may be likely to believe them if we dont know any better... or else It may require a lot of time and effort in trying to research if its right or wrong.. This also in relation to our education and IQ..to say if we may or may not understand something and to within what ever time frame it may take.

I have researched some of them from Bob Lazar and John Lear and some others in the link you posted...
Both are rabid hoaxsters. I had a run-in or two with Lear on another forum. Suffice it to say, he can provide no evidence for any of the claims he makes.

I would have liked to have witnessed your run in with Lear... ( or should we call him liar !)
Is there a forum with your posts on that I can view your comments and questions to him ?

In the case of Bob Lazar / John Lear... I certainly Had to ask why would they make up such things.

I am a bit wiser now, and I perhaps believe that the likes of Goverments do mysterious things..
and if they are Connected to them, I can make my own assumptions..BUT in these example these are EXTREME unusual situations..

Why or in what way do they benifit from doing so...

why would I or many others believe them ? They certainly appear intellegent people ( to me anyway)
It may be that I want to believe them for that reason... Or maybe I wanted to believe it initially.. But I did later question it after doing some further research..

The other thing is they are discussing subjects that realy would be some of the most important things that I have ever read during my lifetime...that I really would like to know about...

I do believe many things go on in science and space research that the average person will probably never find out...so I surpose I would not count out some of the things that Lear said..

Why would I believe it ? in my case its just something that I think could be possible.
Maybe I have watched too many Sci Fi programmes I dont know ! but I dont think those egs are too far fetched.

Would I belive your example of invasion of Rock people ? Unlikely as this is totally new to me,
I dont have much ref to it and you would have to show me to convince me..

Why would I believe in Aliens... There are numerous varied life forms on this planet alone.
let alone out there in the universe..

I believe that we really know very little about Space and time.. and Other civilisations
may well be able to travel through it in ways we can only theorise about.

Why would I believe you if I replied as in the eg below ?

In this case it was just a way of acknowledging your statement..

or Maybe you are more knowledgeable (If not an expert )than me (or most of us on this forum) in this area....

if you are a an aerospace engineer you are much clever than me ...and I surpose in many cases
less clever people look up to those above them.

"If Its a hoax, thanks for confirming it... "

Why would you believe something is real by only reading something that someone has posted online? Or the flipside to this question would be: Why would you not adopt the stance of disbelief until there was some form of strong evidence, or scientific explanation confirming it?

No doubt we could go into severe indepth on such issues.

To finalise.... If I find a topic that may or may not be true and dont have time or committment to fully research it... such as the case of the Solar activity stated for July 7th.. should I refer to it or not ?
Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicte

Solar sun spot cycles are approx. 11yrs. It is the heartbeat of the sun. The length of a cycle does not change. The cycles can be viewed as waves over time.

What does change however is the compression of the waves. From my studies and intuition, it seems that the amount of energy that is released during an 11yr cycle is for the most part equal to every cycle.

The 11 year cycle, is of course correct and born-out by historical data. The last part, your theory, is interesting but I would like to see some data that suggests it is true. In essence, what you are actually talking about is something I use in my control systems engineering profession quite a bit, called a Power Spectral Density analysis (PSD analysis). It seems that what you are saying is that the total PSD of the solar output is constant over any given 11 year cycle, regardless of the frequency that sunspots occur. That may very well be plausible, but as I say, I would like to see some analysis of past solar cycle data that would validate this claim. Since we have known about the 11 year solar cycle since the mid 50s, and have thus taken data on solar activity since then, I would think there is ample data out there from at least he last 5 solar cycles such that you could prove your theory. Go for it! Report back here with your results if you decide to take up the challenge.

What I expect is that a large sun spot releasing a CME directly at earth could pretty much fry the portion of the globe that it hits. We are talking massive amounts of solar radiation to the extent that humans would get sever sun burns with just minutes of exposure, majority of foliage could wither, destroying food supplies, fuels would explode, etc. The after effect of a 10-12 minute CME of this scale would be such great amounts of smoke and fire, that it could block out productive sun light for the entire planet for years, dimming and leading global cooling. NOt to mention electrical grids would be milk toast.

So, keep your eye on large sun spots, if you see one rounding the crest of the sun and its located near the equator where the CME would align with Earth. Take precaution. Being vigilant, you should have a few days notice, unless of course them gov'ment boys take away our space weather monitoring capabilities.

Ahhh the cornspiracy aspect! Had to get that in, yes? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Let me first say that I understand why people are and should be suspicious of our govenment, especially when you see the lack of progress and political BS that takes place on Capitol Hill every week. But people who shape their view of government services only based on the actions of their elected officials are doing a great disservice to those government employees who base their career on service, rather than getting elected. The vast majority of services that you receive from your federal government come from "average Joe's" like you and me who are actually out there, doing their jobs and are NOT compelled to woo you for a vote every 4-6 years. And in the case of space weather monitoring, the good people at NOAA are exactly these types of people. They are on the job, and if there is going to be ANYONE that I suggest people listen to and pay attention to when it comes to solar flares and their potential dangers, I would suggest you keep tabs on what NOAA says, and leave the crackpot posts at ATS, GodLikeProductions, and any other non-scientific BS artists on the wayside.

Here is a good report from 2005 where NOAA was actually doing their jobs and letting us know about potential problems from upcoming CMEs:


<font color="red"> "NOAA Issues Another Space Weather Warning: Powerful Solar Flare Erupts "

The NOAA Space Environment Center, one of the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction, is home to the nation's early warning system for solar activities that directly affect people and equipment on Earth and in space. SEC's 24 hour-a-day, 7 days-a-week operations are critical in protecting space and ground-based assets. Through the SEC, NOAA and the U.S. Air Force jointly operate the space weather operations center that continuously monitors, analyzes and forecasts the environment between the sun and Earth. In addition to the data gathered from NOAA and NASA satellites, the center receives real-time solar and geophysical information from ground-based observatories around the world. NOAA space weather forecasters use the data to predict solar and geomagnetic activity and issue worldwide alerts of extreme events. [/COLOR]

There are a great many assets (both public and private) that would and could be damaged by not providing this service. People thought the government failed them in Katrina, but in actuality the National Weather Service did their job by warning people of the size of the impending storm and telling people to evacuate. It was the people who did not listen, and did not believe these government warnings that ended up having the problems. So no, I do NOT think the "government boys" are going to be taking away space weather monitoring. I only hope that people pay attention to their warnings, when they are issued, rather than paying attention to some crackpots who are "reading crop circles" to predict the next CME event! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif

This is the 21st Century people... it is time we acted like it and took responsibility for paying attention to REAL science, not internet nutjobs!

Re: Gary Mckinnon may get 60 yrs for searching for ET

Why is the US Gov trying to make him face 60 years in Jail for searching for E.T

This video is the smoking gun...



The visitors are recording everything before the -Great Accident- / telluride Zeshua`s Incident...

:eek: :eek: :eek:
Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicte

I need clarification here, Recall.

There seems to be different people pointing to different objects in the celestial realm, all claiming that "they" are posting pictures of Planet X...yet, these celestial objects are in different locations.

So, which "one" is it ?

1. Within the Solar System now, but hidden behind the Sun ?

2. Beyond the Solar System and getting closer ?

AND it seems you are getting around with this Planet X "stuff"...as this post in a military forum seems rather familiar..had to re-read the forum I was in, thought I came into TTI by mistake.

Recall posting on Military.com ?
Re: Gary Mckinnon may get 60 yrs for searching fo

The visitors are recording everything before the -Great Accident- / telluride Zeshua`s Incident...

From Google:
THE STRING CHEESE INCIDENT | Download The String Cheese Incident 8/22 ...
Download The String Cheese Incident August 22, 2004, Telluride Town Park, Telluride, CO MP3 and FLAC. Download the entire concert or single track MP3s from ...
livecheese.com/live-music/0,137,135/The-String-Cheese-Incident-mp3-flac-download-8-22-2004-Telluride... - 86k - Cached

<font color="orange">Cheese[/COLOR] is part of the Packer turf ! (lol).
Re: CME July7th ( Dangerous Solar Flares predicte

as i said earlier...2012 is the date for Sheeples...
nothing happend in these date...


Charlie was Right:
quoted from Page 12:
<font color="blue">
In any case, the Anomaly is only a few months away from exiting the primary magnetic boundary of the Sun at which point sunspot activity will start up again. You see, the reason why there has been literally no sunspot activity (baffling Scientists in the process) is because of the Anomaly’s slow and close progression past the Sun through its primary magnetic boundary.

Once clear of the Sun, the Anomaly will start having a greater influence on Earth. To put it a different way….. right now is the calm before the initial beginnings of the storm. And if by some chance Obama has not been completely briefed on the potential of the Anomaly, he most certainly will at this point.

Anyway… moving on…. [/COLOR]

Recall posting on Military.com ?

No, I am not posting there

instead on GT


Same Handle and Same Avatar....to avoid confussions!!!