Re: ART imitating a future event?
That is a very interesting article. thanks for posting it..
From another PX forum that I followed, It has been well discussed about NASA not wanting to
refer to PX..
I was informed that some postings about it in the past had been made on their website and that they had taken them down... another suggested it was nonsence....and thats why they deleted them.
Some of the theories being NASA would never admitt to it anyway if Nibiru was for real.
And My personnel opinion would be I doubt very much they would...
Its just the same as the UFO scenerio... they are constently being asked about it and deny it.
IF NASA are aware of Nibiru being for real, then sooner or later they would have to address
Would it really be wise for them to inform the world.... there would be severe mass panic / caous if they I am sure they would deny it as long as they possibly could...
IF I was Presedent of the USA or head of NASA, I dont think admitting to it would be wise if you knew there was nothing that could be done anyway....
BUT I agree it is a question to wonder as to would we expect many more scientist / astronomers
from non Goverment to keep quite if it was for real...
no doubt some of the various websites / books are claimed to be from some of these experts..
Do I believe in UFOs / Aliens ?
Probably as much as I could many other mysteries / theories out there on many subjects that
often I can only consider from other research that I have read or come across..
I have not seen any myself, that I could honestly confirm that make me 100% believe in them... but
I certainly would not count out they they may well exist... and certainly since the Internet
I have now become much more aware of stories etc , some of which do seem more possible than I initially believed..
As much as I have NOT seen any real evidence to Nibiru as yet...
The one thing that I Really have to question is the constent images being shown on Lasco c3 on that have been posted on many forums..
I have now seen several days when the so called winged globe has been visable..
and this is the one thing that keeps my interest with it at the moment..
BUT Its NOT always visable on it, and I am not sure why..
The Last one that was taken was back on June 10th.... and I thought that it should have been visible daily .. so I wonder why its not updated... does anyone know if it used to be updated on a daily basis..( or is it a coincidence that NASA has made their comments at the same time ? )
I know many have been using various sky software etc (google sky etc) to see if they can view PX and many say that these programmes have been covered up for (eg by google)
if this is true one has to question whats going on...
What ever, no one will really believe anything until we see it for ourselves..
The 1st main video I watched over 1 yr ago ..that I thought was based upon possible real released data suggested that it would become visible to all from May 15th 2009.... (This may be by Telescope or just as a faint star) then they say it will take to May 2011 for all in the world to fully see as an obvious outstanding sky image... ie between that of a star and the moon/sun..
between now and then IF it was to be true , in between time Id expect to see many strange things happening on earth leading up to that.. ie more earthquakes, severe weather etc...