Hello again

Re: ART imitating a future event?

Yet another work that deal with the future:


link to info:
Re: ART imitating a future event?

is nibiru There?

Only in your feeble little mind, recall. Here you go:


<font color="red"> Stories about the fictional planet Nibiru and predictions of doomsday in December 2012 have blossomed on the Internet. There are now (June 2009) more than 175 books listed on Amazon.com dealing with the 2012 doomsday. As this hoax spreads, many more disaster scenarios are being suggested. “Ask an Astrobiologist” has received nearly a thousand questions about Nibiru and 2012, with more than 200 answers posted. Many new questions are similar to those already answered. Following is a list of the most popular “Twenty Questions” organized in a logical succession and answered in some detail.

In addition to my responses, there are some other good resources

Neil de Grassse Tyson posted a nice video clip on the Nibiru-2012 issue.
Wikipedia has several useful entries. Start with Nibiru Collision, then look at Nibiru Mythology and Nibiru Sitchin). Also informative is the entry for 2012 doomsday predictions.
For a detailed description of the origin of the Planet X / Nibiru cult see the discussion by Phil Plait on his Badastronomy website. [/COLOR]

Now, of course, recall will say something like "gubmint disinfo" and such. But honestly, do you think all respectable scientists in the world are in on this cornspiracy???

Read it and weep... you are wrong, recall.
Re: ART imitating a future event?


That is a very interesting article. thanks for posting it..

From another PX forum that I followed, It has been well discussed about NASA not wanting to
refer to PX..

I was informed that some postings about it in the past had been made on their website and that they had taken them down... another suggested it was nonsence....and thats why they deleted them.

Some of the theories being NASA would never admitt to it anyway if Nibiru was for real.

And My personnel opinion would be I doubt very much they would...

Its just the same as the UFO scenerio... they are constently being asked about it and deny it.

IF NASA are aware of Nibiru being for real, then sooner or later they would have to address

Would it really be wise for them to inform the world.... there would be severe mass panic / caous if they did....so I am sure they would deny it as long as they possibly could...
IF I was Presedent of the USA or head of NASA, I dont think admitting to it would be wise if you knew there was nothing that could be done anyway....

BUT I agree it is a question to wonder as to would we expect many more scientist / astronomers
from non Goverment to keep quite if it was for real...

no doubt some of the various websites / books are claimed to be from some of these experts..

Do I believe in UFOs / Aliens ?

Probably as much as I could many other mysteries / theories out there on many subjects that
often I can only consider from other research that I have read or come across..

I have not seen any myself, that I could honestly confirm that make me 100% believe in them... but
I certainly would not count out they they may well exist... and certainly since the Internet
I have now become much more aware of stories etc , some of which do seem more possible than I initially believed..

As much as I have NOT seen any real evidence to Nibiru as yet...
The one thing that I Really have to question is the constent images being shown on Lasco c3 on

http://www.solarcycle24.com/ that have been posted on many forums..

I have now seen several days when the so called winged globe has been visable..
and this is the one thing that keeps my interest with it at the moment..

BUT Its NOT always visable on it, and I am not sure why..

The Last one that was taken was back on June 10th.... and I thought that it should have been visible daily .. so I wonder why its not updated... does anyone know if it used to be updated on a daily basis..( or is it a coincidence that NASA has made their comments at the same time ? )

I know many have been using various sky software etc (google sky etc) to see if they can view PX and many say that these programmes have been covered up for (eg by google)

if this is true one has to question whats going on...

What ever, no one will really believe anything until we see it for ourselves..

The 1st main video I watched over 1 yr ago ..that I thought was based upon possible real released data suggested that it would become visible to all from May 15th 2009.... (This may be by Telescope or just as a faint star) then they say it will take to May 2011 for all in the world to fully see as an obvious outstanding sky image... ie between that of a star and the moon/sun..

between now and then IF it was to be true , in between time Id expect to see many strange things happening on earth leading up to that.. ie more earthquakes, severe weather etc...

Re: ART imitating a future event?

In reply to:
is nibiru There?
Only in your feeble little mind, recall. Here you go:

The Date "2012!" is only for Sheeple!!! act According to it!

and a pic of TTI on the future...

Its Back !

I just checked solarcycle again and its been updated..


when I ran the video initially I could not see any sign of the so called the winged globe.

But I just went through it again slowly and low and behold it is still there...

I really do have to question what it is we are seeing here !...

I am not sure how to send a screen shot, but run the video to the

2009/06/16 17:18 and its in the Top right hand side of the picture around 2 oclock...

I really would like to see what NASA would have to say about what this object is !

heres another youtube video that I have not seen before...
its different .. but I suspect that its done by trick
video work..as who ever shot it proves it by making all the various image alterations.

Re: New 2012 trailer

So Cal Area:

a lot of special effects, but where is the part to "get prepared for the event" if you want to survive?


<font color="red"> June 19, 2009 08:20am

LATEST: AN air and ground search of the area where a bright flash and explosion was witnessed early this morning has failed to find an obvious cause. [/COLOR]

end quoted from:
Re: UFO and IAI

way too slow to be a fighter jet lol.

also, its a camera trick. notice how the scenes are cut together when the orb turns into a pyramid? he cuts in mid pan, then films a television. you can even see the refresh rate from the screen. all he has to do is mess with the color, tint, and contrast until it matches the sky perfectly. he then, more than likely videos a toy pyramid, or spinning top behind a similar colored background. the refresh rate then creates the illusion of the pyramid being some kind of force field.

this is actually a passenger jet and a weather balloon. you can tell it is a passenger jet by its speed and angle of acsent. i could make a much better video of the same thing. this guy is an ameteur who thinks he has to add shake because he isnt skilled enough to pull it off without it. do you really think he couldnt track the orb better, keep the camera stabilized, or use the zoom correctly?

and just to satisfy your curiosity, because, yes, i can read your mind. no, i dont work for the govenment, and i never would. i dont mislead people. i try to keep them informed.

sure, there are aliens in the universe, but none on earth. i promise. look at it realistically. we can barely make it to the moon. we cannot even send a man to the closest planet.

the closest inhabitabal planet is so far away, that it would take a millenium just for them to get here. i dont think anyones down for a ride that long. just imagine how many "are we there yet" moments there would be!
Re: Transparency

Hi Mayak

Thanks for the info... Interesting...

and I have to agree ....

I never watched many of the X files series when the series first came out
but I have been watching a repeat of the series and so far up to series 5..

I do wonder if some of the facts may actually be from how things really may or would be be
if UFO or aliens had visited us...how they can cover things up and deny things OR
even make us believe in UFOs even if they dont exist, if they want to use this to
distract us from other projects that they may be involved in and dont want the public to know about..

the thing is we never really get to know the real truth of it... and I surpose thats what makes
it fasenating..

Ive found the Alien / ufo parts of the series very stimulating so far...


If planet X exists US govt. would not disclose it ... Period...
Re: New 2012 trailer

This is another interesting site that refers to the Movie 2012


check out the link below to see what it says about certain Scientists who according to the site do actually seem to really believe it may be really likely to happen..

I am amazed that a movie site would actually make such a statement..

I think that this is one of the first times that I have seen such a statement that real scientist
actually admitt to it...This is starting to get somewhat more concerning...

Re: timeline to 2012

Yet another alusion of the GC:

December 8, 1986 11:00 a.m.

Daughter, children, here I am as I announced before; some shall feel me… others shall see me between the shrubs… others shall perceive the perfumed roses of my garden from heaven… and even more, some, who are sick, by drinking from the water of my grotto of prayer, shall be relieved: and others, healed, attaining health and peace...!

Daughter, wherever I place my feet, it is as sowing the seed… and behold, the doctrine and Gospel are enacted through the faith that comes forth from the heart of those who seek me..!

And I tell you, all of you shall be saved… for the Church renews and calls to a burning faith… when her children draw close to the sheepfold of my Divine son… to nourish themselves with his Mystical Body… and daughter, today many shall be nourished...! Today there is a Feast of angels in the whole world, and here in my Promised Land I come to call mankind to reconcile with their brothers..! I come to bestow peace upon the world and calmness to the people and nations..! I come to reign in the heart of the most humble... and I come to soften the proudest and the most arrogant… so they may amend their actions… all accompanying me..!

end quoted from:
Re: meteors...

Here are some terms and definitions relating to meteors:

"At one time or another, almost everyone has glimpsed a swift little streak of light dashing across the night sky. These sudden celestial visitors are meteors, commonly called falling or shooting stars. Meteors are pieces of space debris that plow into the Earth's atmosphere. Because they arrive at very high speeds — anywhere from 11 to 74 kilometers (7 to 46 miles) per second — they vaporize by air friction in a white-hot streak. Most meteor parents (meteoroids) range in size from sand grains to pebbles. Occasionally, a larger object will survive its descent and fall to Earth — then it's called a meteorite.

A meteor that appears brighter than any of the stars and planets is called a fireball. The sudden appearance and fast motion of a bright meteor produces an illusion of closeness that can fool even well-trained professionals. Airline pilots have swerved to avoid meteors that were actually 160 kilometers (100 miles) away.

Most meteors are seen 80 to 120 kilometers (50 to 75 miles) above the ground. Occasionally, someone will claim to see a fireball land just beyond a tree or a hilltop, but in fact a typical fireball first appears at a height of about 125 kilometers (80 miles) and loses its brightness while still at least 20 kilometers (12 miles) above the ground.

Much more abundant are smaller, everyday meteors. While most look white, some appear blue, green, yellow, orange, or red. One that explodes at the end of its visible flight is called a bolide.

Shower meteors can appear anywhere in the sky, but their direction of motion is away from the constellation whose name the shower bears. This apparent point of origin is known as the radiant. Some observers feel that the best place to watch is between a shower's radiant and the zenith (the point directly overhead). In general, you'll do best by watching the darkest part of your sky, wherever you may be. end quoted from:

http://www.skyandtelescope.com/ Note that if you can plot the trajectories of the next "fireballs" starting from "July 2009" you will conclude that the <font color="red"> Radiant [/COLOR] will be below the Sun.
Possible Location of Planet X

I found this on another forum...

I don't know how many of your listen to Coast to Coast AM but last night Gilbert Eriksen presented his theory and information that Planet X is Iron Oxide Brown dwarf star that is super heavy and 1/17th the size of the sun or bigger than 60 Earths.

He gave coordinates to find it and said that for right now you will need an infrared lens or technology on your scope to find it and that it might even be able to be viewed in the Northern Hemisphere on a clear night. You need to pick up Right ascension 18 on the tip of Sagittarius between Sagittarius and Scorpius. Then go down from the tip of the arrow or tea pot formation (however your looking at it) to the horizon. You will need to adjust for parallax as well. I'm not an astronomer so I'm really just relaying the info. I think those of your with the equipment need to get on this and check it immediately as the predictions line up with the opening of the 6th seal in Revelation which is gonna be nasty and we could be only weeks away. It's only the beginning. PLease copy and spread this info! Lets get the truth!

Re: Possible Location of Planet X

I found the link to the website very informative and detailed and it certainly covered things that I have not read before... I found Some of the content hard to understand. but I think I have a reasonable basic understanding what its indicating..IF its for real its totally terrifying no doubt..

And its indicating some horrific things that may occurr well before many of us probably had expected. I only prey that it is a hoax...

IT will be of great interest however to see if we start to get any real sightings/photos from the coordinates that is shown. or if any of us can view it.. For me thats only when I will really start to believe...

On the sceptical side...
The forum owner of where I got the info from has in the past questioned any so called Coast to coast radio shows as often being material to entertain the masses, as some of the presenters are masons and he suggest some May be associated with CIA / Goverment... and hence its a source to be misleading or of a hoax.

we are months away.