Hello again

Re: Independent Source tells about TGC

this is the info regarding the Eclipse...

On Wednesday, 2009 July 22, a total eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses half of Earth. The path of the Moon's umbral shadow begins in India and crosses through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar and China. After leaving mainland Asia, the path crosses Japan's Ryukyu Islands and curves southeast through the Pacific Ocean where the maximum duration of totality reaches 6 min 39 s. A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes most of eastern Asia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Ocean.


and the path is over Australia...
Re: Independent Source tells about TGC

Hey recall, did you feel the earth trembling? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Quake Off Honduras Spurs Tsunami Watch

<font color="red"> "Magnitude 7.1 quake reported off coast of Honduras, according to USGS
Tsunami watch issued, then lifted for Honduras, Belize and Guatemala
Damage to buildings, injuries reported; no official word yet"[/COLOR]

Right there in recall's back yard... and barely one day after I point out to him that Charlie's latest earthquake prediction is an EPIC FAIL! So let's review, shall we?

<ul type="square"> [*]Earthquake was NOT at all "not too long after Inauguration Day". [*]Earthquake was NOT in the "region above Australia". [*]Earthquake was also NOT "in the region of the West Coast of the US". [/list]
Hence, the only logical conclusion that one can come to is: <font color="red"> EPIC FAIL! [/COLOR]

I hope Darby does not mind me using his most appropriate catch phrase...

Re: Independent Source tells about TGC

The Cover UP:

What is Google and Microsoft Hiding From Us?

Marshall Masters

We've received numerous emails from yowusa.com subscribers and visitors about a redacted area of space on both Google Sky and Microsoft Telescope. We've been following this and thanks to a new YouTube video by NoStarPanel, there is smoking gun proof of a massive cover up.

The area in question is located in the Southern part of the Constellation of Orion, below the ecliptic (the plane) of the solar system. An area of space that has long been of interest to Planet X / Nibiru researchers.

end quoted from:

Link to more info...


A entire section of stars are missing in Orion. The area of space is of keen interest to Planet X / Nibiru researchers.

This area of space is below the ecliptic, which is consistent with yowusa.com reports regarding the South Pole Telescope.

Look at this area for yourself. I will show you how.

Link to Video
Re: Independent Source tells about TGC

Just as I had promised in my latest warning to recall, he insisted upon adding more conspiracy claptrap to this thread. So since the majority of what is in this thread provides no evidence of a TT claim, but instead talks about conspiracies.... this whole thread has now been moved to the Conspiracy forum.

Have fun in your new home recall, Charlie and all the rest...
Re: Independent Source tells about TGC

This is what coming next
there will be a 10000 fold increase in UFO sightings this summer

Also, when the dollar collapses other countries will not accept the U.S. dollar anymore and will not want U.S. military bases in their country.
The U.S. will then have a problem getting the troops home due to the dollar being worthless and not accepted.

Also the PTB are having the military test on troops "Ormes" which would be for them to stop any radiation problems from the sun and magnet problems we will be having. This is a very dangerous mixture of metals that can harm people and has to be done exactly to that own person's body. It is very expensive - BUT the PTB are having troops tested with it right now - to save themselves in the future!!! It is all about the "elite" being saved not the public from radiation that will increase as our magnetosphere collapses more.

Also the magnetosphere is being affected along with the sun and the rest of the solar system from the milky way magnetics, which we will be fully into on Dec. 21 2012. My own words here: (So when we see the magnetosphere folding - THAT IS NOT NORMAL) - I am stating that due to my thread about the magnetosphere. I have been watching it and encourage others to watch it - and lets keep posting when we see odd behavior of it.

Sept. pandemic really takes affect and becomes a huge problem - he did not elaborate too much on it.

no medicines due to no other countries taking the dollar - so we can't buy medicines from around the world - no health care - end of year.

In Aug MSM info comes out how they are controlled and lie for the PTB - people will become upset.

People taking vids of PTB doing bad things lose their lives as things come out

Lots of people will disappear - be killed off by PTB - that have info etc.
Others will disappear in very odd circumstances (dimensional portals?)

Chemtrails info will come out more - being fear based of needing it from MSM propaganda - to the public (says to combat - global warming) MSM will try to scare people in making sure it keeps happening - all kinds of language with it, not sure the end result.

But then the chemtrails may stop anyway, due to ALL the volcano eruptions, that will be blocking the sun anyway. LOTS of volcano eruptions starting this year but main time of a big amount in 2010 to 2011, they will be going off in lots of places they have not happened before. New volcanos formed and erupting. This is due to the squeezing of the planet by our going into the milky way system.

Nov/Dec - war of Pakistan and Iran together against Israel - in retaliation of their beginning - bombing - once that starts North Korea will also start something. Will become a 5 war problem.

But problem for U.S. as the military bases are kicked out of countries due to no country accepting the U.S. dollar. He did not completely elaborate on how the U.S. will fare, only mentioned 5 war fronts.

That will be the problems with any shipments
or purchases from other countries - no country will accept the dollar. So, no medicines will be available come winter.

Obama / PTB becomes PO at everything in Nov/Dec. as too much info is getting out and not able to control things as much as before.

Many whistleblowers - especially regarding NASA come out over the summer.

Rioting starts end of summer goes into mid 2010 -

People begin to start acting very odd - due to the magnetics and not able to sleep as the earth is being squeezed. This will be completely due to the milky way. This is affecting the sun also - PTB don't want the info out, about what is really going on.

(he didn't say that - BUT I AM)
He said about the only way to really purchase things is with straight gold or silver.
He thinks - not sure that within the U.S. we will still trade with dollars.
Fort Knox - no gold? some language around people being upset over what the U.S. has or doesn't have in gold - in reality. Truth about the gold coming out, there is some language around it. Part of the rioting that will happen later this year?

He said 5 individuals control the MSM - they will do whatever it takes to control and will get angry as things begin happening and truths come out, where their control loosens.

Others who listened please add to this, and post what your understanding of Part 6 is.

The above was my perception of it, using some of my own words at places and using his exact words at places. - Wrote down notes as speaking - not exact words.

I want to make another comment - from another report done earlier - not this last one that was published - the webbot said that our "clothing and fashion would change as the summer came - he said people's faces would be hidden - face mask etc. - CNN right now is saying they are wearing face mask now - as one anchor is taking an airplane today - she will be wearing a face mask the whole time! I would say that is a beginning hit for them.

end quoted
Link to Mp3 file 1

link to Mp3 file 2
And Now I Give You... The Great Catastrophe!

It couldn't be more clearer:

Air France Accident

<font color="red"> The plane was likely the victim of a "huge catastrophe," said Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, the CEO of Air France, who also noted the electrical problems and turbulence. [/COLOR]

It has happened!!! Now all you believers can go back to worrying about Global Warming. :D
Low-Cost Solar Heater Made From Soda Cans

Here’s what you do:
remove the ends of 240 soda cans,
glue 16 cans together with caulk to make a column,
repeat step (2) until you have 15 columns and let them dry for 2-3 days,
drill 15 circular holes into two 2 x 6’s to make column manifolds,
fit the soda can columns between the two manifolds,
make a rectangular box with a plywood base and line with aluminum foil,
place the cans and the manifolds inside the box,
cover the box with Lexan sheeting and seal the edges,
connect the columns with flex duct on the top and bottom of the box,
attach some piping, an in-line fan, a thermostat and other accessories.
Despite all the high- tech research on new products to save energy and the environment, these are the proven, low-tech, low-cost concepts that will see most of us through.

at the end looks like:


we will find this event normal as Nibiru get closer...


BLINDING FLASH: On May 31st, evening sky watchers in northern Poland were temporarily blinded by a sudden flash of light brighter than the full Moon. An automated camera in the town of Gniewowo captured this snapshot of the "un-night" sky...

What happened? A meteoroid of unknown origin hit Earth's atmosphere and exploded. "It was a huge fireball, probably brighter than magnitude -13," reports Gniewowo resident Przemyslaw Zoladek. "The explosion occured at 20:48 UT and was observed by many casual witnesses and at least two Polish Fireball Network video stations." No one knows if fragments of the object reached the ground.

Video of bright light:

Link to Spaceweather

more info in Polish...
Re: Meteorites...

I enjoy the part in disaster movies where (1) the Hollywood Sign, (2) the Seattle Space Needle, (3) the Golden Gate Bridge,and(4) your choice, get destroyed for the umpteenth time. I think they survived the "Day of the Locusts," though, which shows you one of the weaknesses of Bug movies. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: Meteorites...

in the near future will be "actors" of The Great Catastrophe TGC...and the "After Time"...a New World
Re: Meteorites...

Maybe the Sun's "girlfriend" is coming for a visit. Can that be why he is so quiet? Hmmmmmm. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: Independent Source tells about TGC

I was observing the Sun again yesterday in the UK, in conditions that were clear and yet allowed me to still fix my eyes on it without being blinded... I still could not see anything else near by it.

IF Niburu is now here and between the Sun and Earth... and it is bigger than Jupiter or even Venus
I would have expected to be able to see it by now....

If it was say as big as only Venus, it should look like a bright star.. IF its as big as Jupiter or bigger... and now less than 93 million miles away, It should look MUCH bigger to us than what we normally observe when we see jupiter on a average normal nights viewing where it just looks like a bright star.... which compared to the Suns diamater... it may only look like comparing a penny against a pin head at arms view.

distance to the Sun on Average we are led to believe is about 93 million miles..

Jupiters distance when nearest toEarth is about 365 million miles.. over 3.65 times further away.

SO I am guessing IF it was the same size of Jupiter , that it should appear at least 3.65 times bigger than what we normally would observe Jupiter..( and I am led to believe its much bigger) that in reality we should see something stand out severely by now.

IF for waht ever reason its still only observable in the Southern hemisphere , again surely by now it would be obvious to many an astronomer..

If its a so called Brown dwarf or what ever type of object, I still think it should be detectable
by radio astronomers...

Logic at the moment makes me very much doubt it... or its not as yet within the inside orbit of jupiter...


Minimum Distance from Earth: 588 million km
(365 million miles)

Minimum Distance from Sun:
460 million miles)

Maximum Distance from Sun:
(508 million miles)
Re: Independent Source tells about TGC

Hi Recall,

I am not fully sure what I am surposed to be viewing/observing..

It says its Nasas saterlite Sterio, Is this two cameras observing ?

I can see the video compares what is a scan of the sky in 2007 to that of Jan 2009.

I can see that the scan appears to be going towards the right and there appears to be the Sun in the Left of the Picture.

In Jan 2009 the dates show from Jan 11th to 31st..

Two bright objects appear as the scan moves across the sky. with two lines down the screen..
(is this piecing the film images together) ...the larger object passes in front of the smaller one.

I am not sure if the larger one is the Sun or a planet... esp as the Sun always seem to have a glow
effect of the left of the picture.

the larger object appears to mass eject..both in 2007 and from 27th Jan...41 secs into the video.

I could not see a winged globe ...but maybe another bright object that shows up in the screen on 33 seconds on the left. but I thought that this may be sirius ( below Left HS of orion) the brightest star in the sky.

I can see several stars in the background and what may be the constellation of Orion..

can you screen shot what you believe to be nibiru ?

heres another recent video claiming to show the winged globe

Re: Independent Source tells about TGC

IF Nibiru does prove to be a hoax,

there is no doubt they could make a series of amazing Hollywood classics about it !

I think it would have more potential with the story line than any of the similar related types like asteroid impact, or Independence day etc film, ... as well as past Annuki giants that roamed the planet, underground tunnels, Alien intervention / contact exposure, Goverment coverups , etc all into one series of films.
Re: Independent Source tells about TGC

IF Nibiru does prove to be a hoax

If? The real "if" is that if a planetary body currently lies outside the orbit of Pluto in the Kuiper Belt where is the evidence in the form of orbital perturbation? Orbital perturbation is how Pluto itself was discovered. Pluto is tiny on the planetary scale but it has sufficient mass to perturb the orbit of Neptune...which is how Lowell predicted the location of and untimately discovered Pluto (Pluto is actually a binary planetoid system Pluto-Charon).

So, where's the perturbation of Pluto-Charon and/or Neptune? It should be obvious given that this dog is supposed to flip the Earth head-over-heals. Pluto-Charon is the largest mass body/system in the Kuiper belt.