Re: Independent Source tells about TGC
Hi Recall,
Sorry for my delay in reply, I had an late unexpected appointment that I had to attend.
I am unclear about Some of your comments to my earlier post below.
You no doubt know a lot more than me and I sometimes find some of your answers a bit tricky to deciper... but I will try and make some comments as to what I think I understand.
I tried to make my post as simple as I could, but some of your replies answer a bit more complicated.
I AM NOT TOTALLY CLEAR with your comment below... I Know it is claimed that Nibiru has a eliptical orbit.. and as I understand to TRY and simplify things, it goes around the Sun about every 3600 to 3650 yrs and It would NOT have been close to the time of Noah (IF there was any truth in the story..also if the dates that I have read about that if i recall were about 2400 BC as we know it
, which would be about 4400 plus years ago or so... UNLESS you refer that the dates we are led to believe are from a different culture, hebrew / annukki or what ever and would vary as we normally
understand in western culture...
then when you say Wrong year ie 15th May 2009..........if it is from a genuine source NASA scientist good guy.... why is it wrong when that many are now believing it is now visable?
....... The Dates that I referred to as far as I understand on the Video of May 15th 2009 is referring to this year, this month ENGLISH / USA calendar and not some other type of calendar, such as hebrew or what ever other religion or I am not clear why you may be refering to anything different.....nor am I sure how this should refer to the possibility that the Anunakkis rewrite of history should alter the date from the Video if indeed it is say from a Nasa scientist leaking out the date in my example....
Correct date are
Eliptical Orbit with 2 foci one is the SUN,the other the dark twin, on a lenght of 3650 years
The Calendars have some "bugs" that can not permit accurate "dated" events... ie: Gregorian Calendar and the Year 0 Issue, or Hebrew Calendar and the fundation of the 1st Temple...
Then The Anunakki Followers rewrote history! and dates, to allow a "pacific" new comming of them, but the council banned them from Earth!...
then when I refer to or mention May 2011 from the video, 2 yrs later it should be viewable to all on Earth by naked eye.. you say "to late " is this because of some confusion to the calendar type of referral... ie non European/USA.. or a so suggested Annukki date change.... or the fact that you believe truly that it is indeed already truly visable to all and has been for some time ?
IF so what real proof is there ? I have seen some sun corona posts etc and I agree they look impressive and some suggest Nibiru in the pictures.... but these may be hoaxed....
SO what real proof do you have ???
To late, to this time the shift as happened and this time is called the "Aftermath", and Nibiru is going to the Dark Twin foci
<font color="red"> this is an interesting theory and I would not count out such a possibility, but at the same time I would be amazed if it was true and the suns flare had moved the planet such a distance in such a way..[/COLOR]
Yep, did you notice the recent Solar Explossion, it moves Nibiru... check Solar Spot 1017---
I have found out that I can post a new thread in the index of threads overall topics, BUT I am unable to post my own within this particular topic.....I can ONLY reply to individuals posts...
Cheers TC
Hello Time:
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for eg if Nibiru has a 3600 yr orbit.... on the video it claims that it was the cause of the floods at the time of Noahs Arch.... but from some research I did.. if I recall correctly without double checking, Noah would have been about 4400 yrs ago.... well out of the time of nibirus orbit..
Correct date are
Eliptical Orbit with 2 foci one is the SUN,the other the dark twin, on a lenght of 3650 years
The Calendars have some "bugs" that can not permit accurate "dated" events... ie: Gregorian Calendar and the Year 0 Issue, or Hebrew Calendar and the fundation of the 1st Temple...
Then The Anunakki Followers rewrote history! and dates, to allow a "pacific" new comming of them, but the council banned them from Earth!...
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One being that Nibiru would be visible to all on May 15th 2009 as a faint red object. Maybe it wont be very obvious at this time and only look like a small star or even like Mars to our naked eye, which is certainly very unobvious to the masses and I would think that its even hard for the like of us in the know to find.
Wrong Year...
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THEN it says that it will become viewable to the naked eye by all by May 2011... this is TWO years later....
IF this is TRUE.... then I suspect all the recent youtube videos in the last month are hoaxes...
To late, to this time the shift as happened and this time is called the "Aftermath", and Nibiru is going to the Dark Twin foci
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Also some show it on the east side others show it on the west...... this doesnt make sence to me, unless the images were inversed by the lens....on one of the camaras or telescopes. I do know many telescope s show images inversed...
Yep, did you notice the recent Solar Explossion, it moves Nibiru... check Solar Spot 1017---
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for some reason I am unable to post as a new thread, can anyone tell me why or how I post a new topic.... I also cannot upload any images.... yet I am signed in and have posted a few pre msgs before.
Just click on the top of the Threads there is a icon that said -POST- click there for a new thread...
To put images just upload to and post the resulting URL using the UBB code img, not the HTML!...
We will forward to see yours images and threads...
Best Regards...