Hello again

i like how all these time traveler's think they're some kind of motivational speaker guru with the answers to everything.

Oh yeah... another self-professed Rennaisance Man. Have you read some of his earliest work? Some very New Agey schtuff that is "not even wrong". I've been compiling a list... I may share tidbits sometime soon. :D

No, not too much, I pretty much stopped reading after the part where he claims to be from the future, but reading some of these cult-esque followers asking him for directions on how to live their lives does have it's entertainment value.
Hello CatJammin,

Your last two posts where you ask about the pyramids and the Annunaki is a very complex subject that will require significant time to explain. We will answer your questions completely at a later date.

But here's some quick info on what you specifically asked about.

What is the purpose of the Pyramid of Giza

Have you ever wondered why no tombs were ever found in the Great Pyramid? Well that because they are not tombs. They served two primary purposes - 1) They were a constant reminder to the primitive humans at that time of how powerful and intelligent the Annunaki are. And 2) The astromonical viewing tunnels in the Great Pyramid were used so that the Annunaki stationed on Earth knew when their home planet Niburu (or what we term the Anomaly) was about to make another close passage past Earth. Furthermore, when viewed from directly above, the 3 pyramids are arranged exactly as the stars in the Belt of Orion are which is the general direction the Anomaly approaches our solar system from. Think of it as a sort of monument or recognizable pattern to any Annunaki ships that were approaching the site for a landing.

Are you familiar with the ancient Sumerian artifacts and drawings?

Yes. The Summerians were one of the many groups of humans the Annunaki used as slaves.
Hello Charlie

Sabe acera de de Anu (rey de lso Annunaki) y su relacion con Dios, Anu es confundido y fue confundido con Dios

You now about the Anu (King Annunaki) and his relation about God is confused and was confused with God

You read about Wingmakers?, what s your opinion about?, its true?

Before please answer the previus quetion

Charlies I just wonder The alien from the future who help us after the polo shift..can you name the aliens that can to help us after the polo shift?? is this the alien name Annunaki or not??

write back thank you.

You stated: "Those who survived on the land that remains above water will find what was once East is now North and close to the equator."

This mean the sun will shine from the North? I'm asking, because I did see this also, but still, there has been no extreme earthquake on the "Ring of Fire" as you claimed in 2003. I'm going to go with my dream and hope for the best.
This question regarding the Annunaki needs to be answered immediately.

Charlies I just wonder The alien from the future who help us after the polo shift..can you name the aliens that can to help us after the polo shift?? is this the alien name Annunaki or not??

Definitely not! If you knew the extent of what the Annunaki did to humanity you wouldn't want them anywhere near us. And thankfully they are not.

At the time of the last Pole Shift which is the period the Bible refers to as The Flood where Noah built an ark after receiving instructions from "God". In reality it was a scout class alien ship and a bit of a light show according to Visitor records. So to continue, when the Annunaki's home planet was close enough to Earth, the Galactic Council initiated a quarantine that effectively banned the Annunaki from Earth while there are humans inhabiting it.

Typically, the rule is that should two or more 3rd density species develop within the same solar system they would be allowed to interact if they reached the technological ability to do so. One of the main reasons the Galactic Council took such action is because the Annunaki race is significantly older than humanity and were worshipped as gods because of their technology and knowledge. This links with the other main reason for their course of action; the majority of souls of Annunaki are service to self in nature. When you combine the two reasons you should be able to fathom the impact to a more primitive race with mostly undecided souls.

In summary, they were removed and quarantined because their presence was not giving the souls of humanity a chance to choose their orientation.
This mean the sun will shine from the North? I'm asking, because I did see this also, but still, there has been no extreme earthquake on the "Ring of Fire" as you claimed in 2003. I'm going to go with my dream and hope for the best.

I remember writing that... November 2003 if I remember correctly. So only 13 months and 17 days later, the Sumatra earthquake and resultant tidal wave that killed over a quarter of a million people is not considered extreme to you?

Back when we posted that, we were here for a different purpose and releasing specifics about that quake was not considered as important. Regardless, the mission protocol at the time did not allow such detail to be released.
>Hello CatJammin,
>Your last two posts where you ask about the pyramids and the Annunaki is a very complex subject >that will require significant time to explain. We will answer your questions completely at a later >date.

Royal "we": 10 points.

>But here's some quick info on what you specifically asked about.
> In reply to:
> What is the purpose of the Pyramid of Giza
>Have you ever wondered why no tombs were ever found in the Great Pyramid?

Answering question with question in approved Titor style: 20 points.

Assuming the mantle of the Deepak Chopra style con man: 20 points. At that point the hoaxer has crossed a moral line and indicated their lack of empathy, their insecurity and their unhealthy fantasist nature.

>Well that**** because they are not tombs.

Word actually required here****: "that's". In an effort to lie effectively and convincingly, grammar goes out the window as it so often does.

>They served two primary purposes - 1) They were a constant reminder to the primitive humans at >that time of how powerful and intelligent the Annunaki are.

Assertion that humans of an earlier epoch were incapable of engineering feats, knowledge of math, and were generally guys in gorilla suits going ooga-booga: 50 points.

At the same time using writings from those times as "evidence" of Anunnaki: 100 points for rank hypocrisy.

Special shout out for using Zechariah Sitchin's... novel ... approach to translating Sumerian. But this is totally compliant with current snake oil salesman in this area so... another whopping 50 points for drinking the Planet X Kool Aid, and trying to get others to gulp it down with you.

>And 2) The astromonical viewing tunnels in the Great Pyramid were used so that the Annunaki >stationed on Earth knew when their home planet Niburu (or what we term the Anomaly) was about to >make another close passage past Earth.

Hello, Nibiru, I was wondering how long it would take for you to show up. Can you let Zechariah Sitchin's publisher know that their copyright has been infringed... badly... again? 50 points for intellectual theft.

25 points for the assertion that fictional super-aliens who can easily travel between solar system planets need a solid stone observatory the size of a suburb to make astrometric calculations. Classic. Well worth the 25 points.

>Furthermore, when viewed from directly above, the 3 pyramids are arranged exactly as the stars in >the Belt of Orion are which is the general direction the Anomaly approaches our solar system from.

"directly above" is a fairly exact sounding but actually vague term. Directly above what? Which pyramid? Arrant nonsense. 10 points. "General direction"- but aren't the observations made with the Pyramids extremely exact? Aren't indeed the Pyramids precision civil engineering at its best? Yes. Yes, they are. Wow. Just... wow. 100 points for making rationality cry. Again.

>Think of it as a sort of monument or recognizable pattern to any Annunaki ships that were >approaching the site for a landing.

Well which is it? A monument or a landing guide. And exactly why would interplanetary vessels need a guide or marker... 99.99% of the way to their landing zone? Wouldn't splashing down make more sense than hard landings? Especially since the ACTUAL WRITTEN ACCOUNTS all this nonsense is spun from talk of an aquatic god? Please, if you are going to rape human history, at least do it properly, you putz. 50 points for spitting on so many traditions and cultures at once that your affront to logic almost goes unnoticed.

> In reply to:
> Are you familiar with the ancient Sumerian artifacts and drawings?
>Yes. The Summerians were one of the many groups of humans the Annunaki used as slaves.

Lordy loo.

The points awarded above count towards the "are you a bigger affront to thinking people everywhere than John Titor prize", awarded annually to the single most egregious time travel related hoax. Competition can be fierce since entry is open not just to the sane and adult but also to minors and the mentally ill.

One other small point, one of the posters asked the simple question as to how the fake time traveller knew what the briefing was given by Bush to Obama. Where to start, where to start. The correct answer for the hoaxer would have been, "it's in our history books". Duh. Further, it is national security briefing material. You don't just have one figurehead politician talk to another one directly about anything other than how little power they have, how scared they are of the Pretorians who actually run things, corruption, sexual perversion... the usual topics in Washington behind closed doors.

This hoax is a crapulous eructation that stains TTI.
I remember writing that... November 2003 if I remember correctly. So only 13 months and 17 days later, the Sumatra earthquake and resultant tidal wave that killed over a quarter of a million people is not considered extreme to you?

Very well, Charlie. I am perfectly happy to let you select which aspects of your Swiss Cheese story that is exposed first. You wanna talk about this, that is fine. You state you don't care if people don't believe you. Let's see if you can resist responding to my tearing your "prediction" claim apart, being that you don't care and all...

Let's go back to read exactly what you said first:

<font color="blue"> timeline_39 @ 11/23/2003: [/COLOR]As for something that will happen in the near future to validate who I am....... There is going to be an extreme earthquake on the Ring of Fire very soon. And when I say extreme, I mean extreme.

Emphasis mine. Now let me point out several facts and things to consider about what you said vs. your claim of a prediction:

1) You said "earthquake." You mentioned nothing of the tsunami you want to take credit for. That is what we call a simple fact, for it cannot be denied at all from a literal reading of your words.

2) You said "Ring of Fire". You were not specific of any area of the Ring of Fire, like Sumatra or even the general area of Indonesia, even though that is where tsunamis are most likely...but then again, you did not predict a tsunami and you did not predict in Indonesia. Another simple fact.

3) Predicting an aspecific earthquake, even an extreme one, on the giant belt of major earth fault zones known as the Ring of Fire is equivalent to shooting fish in a barrel. Precisely equivalent. Especially since you did not localize where on the Ring of Fire it would occur nor when because you used the slippery term "very soon". Here is a list of major earthquakes in the past years. Look at how many of the large ones are around the Ring of Fire:


4) In fact, look at the ten largest earthquakes since 1901... and you will notice that all but one of them cannot possibly be argued to be anywhere other than on the Ring of Fire.


Only the ninth largest could possibly be argued, depending on which specific map you use to define the extent of the Ring of Fire. The Tibet/China border area where that quake occurred is actually north of the northernmost volcano on the java trench fault as shown in this figure:


5) So then let's turn to your prediction of it happening "very soon". I am sure you wish people to believe that, while you were writing in November of 2003, by "very soon" you meant on the order of a year or more, not a matter of months, or even days. Of course you would want people to believe that was your intended context for "very soon" because that would support your claim to have predicted the earthquake 13 months later. But what would a person who was around back then reading it have thought you meant by "very soon"? Especially when you also wrote this:

<font color="blue"> timeline_39 @ 11/24/2003: [/COLOR] As for my earthquake statement, you can work out where the earthquake is going to be by looking at trend data for the last month from the Atlantic Rift and various parts of the Pacific Ring of Fire. There is a pattern if you examine the data and work toward a date in between December and January.

6) Obviously to a person at that time you meant December and January in 2003, the year you were writing. But given you only showed up on the forum days before you wrote this, and were talking about leaving soon after trying to contact Titor, "very soon" would be in the coming months. You will likely, in your reply to me, claim that you really meant the following year's Dec/Jan. Post-dictum, as it were. But we know you did not really mean that, now don't we? We know you were predicting Dec/Jan 2003.

7) And again you are not specific on the location. Because not only do you invoke the entire Ring of Fire, and not identify "various parts" of it, but you also now include the Atlantic Rift as well! Why not just say earthquakes were happening all around the world in the month prior to Nov 2003?

8) And to be complete you told people to look for a trend. Well here are all the larger earthquakes in the timeframe you mentioned (from the first link above in reverse date order):

<font color="red"> 2004 01 28 - Seram, Indonesia - M 6.7
2004 01 07 - Wyoming - M 5.0

2003 12 27 - Southeast of the Loyalty Islands - M 7.3
2003 12 26 - Southeastern Iran - M 6.6 Fatalities 31,000
2003 12 22 - San Simeon, California - M 6.6 Fatalities 2
2003 12 10 - Taiwan - M 6.8
2003 12 09 - Virginia - M 4.5
2003 12 05 - Komandorskiye Ostrova, Russia Region - M 6.7
2003 11 18 - Samar, Philippines - M 6.5 Fatalities 1
2003 11 17 - Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska - M 7.8
2003 11 06 - Vanuatu Islands - M 6.6
2003 10 31 - Off the East Coast of Honshu, Japan - M 7.0
2003 10 19 - near Orinda, California - M 3.5
2003 10 08 - Hokkaido, Japan Region - M 6.7
2003 10 07 - near Imperial Beach, California - M 3.6
2003 10 01 - Southwestern Siberia, Russia - M 6.7 [/COLOR]

We should all note that not a single earthquake in this list is on the Atlantic Rift. Only Virginia might come close, and that is not very close. I am sure you would now say something like "there is a pattern there if you can find it". And then you might even give some sort of explanation of how the above somehow "points to" the Java Trench. So entertain us and tell us what that pattern was! LOL.

9) We should look at another simple fact, and that is that you did not mention anything related to the number of people that may or may not die in your predicted extreme earthquake on the entire Ring of Fire.

10) We should also point out what you later "predicted" about this earthquake that was coming "very soon":

<font color="blue"> timeline_39 @ 12/14/2003: [/COLOR] When I say extreme, I mean extreme. The size of this earthquake is going to going to be the biggest earthquake seen in modern times. The destruction caused by this plus 9.5 Richter quake will be immense.

So you must admit you were wrong about the magnitude. You said 9.5 and the Sumatra quake you want to take credit for was a 9.0. Big yes, but you can see from the link I shared earlier that it is most definitely not the "biggest earthquake seen in modern times." The Chile earthquake in 1960 claims that title. But then you would wish to argue the nebulous term "modern times" here. You will not doubt wish to make this mean "post 2000"...right? LOL.

But then you also wrote this in the same post on 12/14/2003:

<font color="blue"> timeline_39 @ 12/14/2003: [/COLOR] Although I am still bound to mission protocols and therefore I cannot reveal the exact location, but I think I can get away with giving you this. Please goto http://www.iris.edu/seismon and look at the locations for the quakes over the last two weeks. Now all I can tell you that it is not going to be near any of those locations.

Bwaaaaaahahahahahha. That's effin funny, dude. You tried to tell us where the earthquake would NOT happen based on a non-specific list of quakes over the 2 weeks prior to this post. And at the same time you did not give any specific magnitude level of cutoff for the past two weeks. Which could mean it is anywhere, and indeed nowhere. Here is the sublist of the one I shared above of large earthquakes in that timeframe:

<font color="red"> 2003 12 10 - Taiwan - M 6.8
2003 12 09 - Virginia - M 4.5
2003 12 05 - Komandorskiye Ostrova, Russia Region - M 6.7 [/COLOR]

Uhhhhh... yup! None of those happened in Sumatra! I've gotta give you THAT part of the "prediction". But a pretty mundane one, yes? Telling us where a big event was NOT going to happen??? BIGLOL.

11) Then you told us of your departure coming up on 12/17/2003. And this again reinforces (along with the other words from yourself quoted above) that by "very soon" you were certainly referring to December/January 2003/2004.

12) But that wasn't the end of you... you "returned from your time travels" to us again in May of 2004 with the following:

<font color="blue"> timeline_39 @ 5/21/2004: [/COLOR] Some of you are wondering why the earthquake I mentioned has not happened in your prespective when I used the word, soon, in relation to a timeframe. The information I had at the time was that an extreme large quake was a few months after an eclipse.

The only information we had on an eclipse before the end of 2004 was the one last year until further studies of the information I brought back to the future were analysed. We then realised that we had the wrong eclipse.

Seeing that it was me who volunteered this information in the first instance, we felt it relevant that a correction be issued thus authorisation for this incursion was given.

Well then, this clearly falsifies your claim that you were "predicting" the earthquake you are now taking claim for. Just like you are now trying to post-dictum "clarify what you meant" to make it fit Sumatra and the tsunami, back then in May 2004 you were also post-dictuming to cover your November 2003 "prediction". Hence, here in this May 2004 post you are indeed confirming that you actually did mean "December/January 2003/2004" when you used the words "very soon".

Busted, dude. Totally effing busted. Go ahead and reply to me and try to explain it away. That will only serve to counter your claim that you don't care if anyone believes you. GIGANTIC LOL! Feeling a little trapped now that you can't respond to cover your ass without showing you really do care if people believe your hoax?

13) I guess I had better tie a little bow around this debunking of your claimed prediction and leave no loose ends. You may also try to claim that you do not specify "solar or lunar eclipse" in your CYA immediately above. You may try to slyly take credit for an eclipse or two that came later in 2004 after your May post. In case you try to do that, let's look at the eclipses that took place in 2004:


<font color="red"> During the year 2004, there will be two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses:

2004 Apr 19: Partial Solar Eclipse

2004 May 04: Total Lunar Eclipse

2004 Oct 14: Partial Solar Eclipse

2004 Oct 28: Total Lunar Eclipse [/COLOR]

Now to make your claim/hoax "fit" you would need to claim that the partial solar or total lunar eclipses in Oct 2004 are what you were vaguely referring to in your May post. I mean those are the closest to meeting your adjustment that the earthquake occurred after "an eclipse". But that would be hard for you to claim (honestly) in another post-dictum because you were viewing a total solar eclipse back there in November 2003:


<font color="red"> 2003 Nov 23: Total Solar Eclipse [/COLOR]

So that avenue of trying to post-dicta cover your prediction just won't wash either. So you really should not even try to explain what you meant. Oh, you will wish to reply to this and try to minimize the damage I am doing to your claims that are part of your hoax. But that would show you do care if people believe you. What a sticky wicket you are in, eh?

Of course, you could also have the sock puppet poster within this thread who has been asking you softball questions (as if they did believe you) to respond to me, instead of you doing it directly. That would be a way for you to save face, be able to ignore me (like you don't care), but then have your sock puppet make the same post-dictum suggestions that I have already defeated above.

Your move, Dooku. :D
Lordy loo is right, Doghead!

Royal "we": 10 points.
Answering question with question in approved Titor style: 20 points.
Assuming the mantle of the Deepak Chopra style con man: 20 points.
and were generally guys in gorilla suits going ooga-booga: 50 points.
100 points for rank hypocrisy.
another whopping 50 points for drinking the Planet X Kool Aid
50 points for intellectual theft.
25 points for the assertion that fictional super-aliens who can easily travel
Arrant nonsense. 10 points.
Wow. Just... wow. 100 points for making rationality cry. Again.
50 points for spitting on so many traditions and cultures at once that your affront to logic almost goes unnoticed.

Well then...

The points awarded above count towards the "are you a bigger affront to thinking people everywhere than John Titor prize", awarded annually to the single most egregious time travel related hoax. Competition can be fierce since entry is open not just to the sane and adult but also to minors and the mentally ill.

With a total score of 485 points, I think we may well have our winner for 2009, as I would also find it hard for anyone to top this score, even though it is only February!

At the time of the last Pole Shift which is the period the Bible refers to as The Flood where Noah built an ark after receiving instructions from "God". In reality it was a scout class alien ship and a bit of a light show according to Visitor records. So to continue, when the Annunaki's home planet was close enough to Earth, the Galactic Council initiated a quarantine that effectively banned the Annunaki from Earth while there are humans inhabiting it.

Typically, the rule is that should two or more 3rd density species develop within the same solar system they would be allowed to interact if they reached the technological ability to do so. One of the main reasons the Galactic Council took such action is because the Annunaki race is significantly older than humanity and were worshipped as gods because of their technology and knowledge. This links with the other main reason for their course of action; the majority of souls of Annunaki are service to self in nature. When you combine the two reasons you should be able to fathom the impact to a more primitive race with mostly undecided souls.

In summary, they were removed and quarantined because their presence was not giving the souls of humanity a chance to choose their orientation.

In the future, English as a language is replaced by randomised phrases with vaguely menacing promises of alien contact. Suspiciously, this replacement for English closely resembles the kind of diaper contents Rense.com specialises in.

For God's sake, sorry for Scout class spaceship's sake (still chuckling over that one), SPEAK ENGLISH. Obfuscatory persiflage just makes your lies harder to read... But then that IS the point, isn't it?

Annunaki home planet is Niburu? How can that be possible? The extreme change in temperature when moving to and from the sun will simply kill them all!
re:RMT=Debunker was: Hello Again

Emphasis mine. Now let me point out several facts and things to consider about what you said vs. your claim of a prediction:

1) You said "earthquake." You mentioned nothing of the tsunami you want to take credit for. That is what we call a simple fact, for it cannot be denied at all from a literal reading of your words.

2) You said "Ring of Fire". You were not specific of any area of the Ring of Fire, like Sumatra or even the general area of Indonesia, even though that is where tsunamis are most likely...but then again, you did not predict a tsunami and you did not predict in Indonesia. Another simple fact.

3) Predicting an aspecific earthquake, even an extreme one, on the giant belt of major earth fault zones known as the Ring of Fire is equivalent to shooting fish in a barrel. Precisely equivalent. Especially since you did not localize where on the Ring of Fire it would occur nor when because you used the slippery term "very soon". Here is a list of major earthquakes in the past years. Look at how many of the large ones are around the Ring of Fire:

To be a good Debunker you will quoted just a little part of a message, to biased the opinions...

The Original message said -to put in context:

Fair quote:

<font color="red"> Re: John Titor, I know you are still here new [re: mikedr]
12/14/03 03:52 AM ( timeline_39 [/COLOR]


I think you haven't quite grasped what I said. When I say extreme, I mean extreme. The size of this earthquake is going to going to be the biggest earthquake seen in modern times. The destruction caused by this plus 9.5 Richter quake will be immense.

I have just returned from the coming quake location to see if there are any clues that the quake is almost here. I was suprised by my finding as current technology should be easily able to record it. I made some subtle enquiries to USGS to see whether they have the same readings that I collected. Well, their answers were somewhat standerized. I think if I asked them about a dead volcano that I would have got the same response.

Although I am still bound to mission protocols and therefore I cannot reveal the exact location, but I think I can get away with giving you this. Please goto http://www.iris.edu/seismon and look at the locations for the quakes over the last two weeks. Now all I can tell you that it is not going to be near any of those locations.

I have to return on 20031217 @ 2000 hours. I will be on the internet a fair bit over the next day or so collecting information. If anyone has any questions for me, please start a new thread. I will answer what I can as much as I can before I leave.




end fair quote...

what trigger a Tsunami?
quoting Wikipedia @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsunami:

<font color="red"> A tsunami (pronounced /(t)su&amp;#720;&amp;#712;n&amp;#593;&amp;#720;mi/) is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. Earthquakes, mass movements above or below water, some volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, underwater earthquakes, large asteroid impacts and detonation of nuclear weapons at sea all have the potential to generate a tsunami. Due to the immense volumes of water and energy involved, the effects of tsunami can be devastating. Since meteorites are small, they will not generate tsunami.

The Greek historian Thucydides was the first to relate tsunami to submarine quakes,[1] [2] but understanding of the nature of tsunami remained slim until the 20th century and is the subject of ongoing research.

Many early geological, geographic, oceanographic etc., texts refer to "Seismic sea waves"—these are now referred to as "tsunami(s)". [/COLOR]
end quoted

re:RMT=Debunker was: Hello Again

Yes, I figured it would be recall who responded to my post, thus saving his hero Charlie from the embarassment of showing he does care if someone doesn't believe him. But come on recall, this is the best you can do? (Which means my debunking is pretty airtight!)

To be a good Debunker you will quoted just a little part of a message, to biased the opinions...

The Original message said -to put in context:

Fair quote: (quote snipped)

None of which changes my points about what he said in that post one iota:
1) Fact: Charlie was wrong about the magnitude of the Sumatra quake.
2) Fact: He tries to gain confidence by telling us (in no specific terms) where the earthquake will not occur. That is pretty pathetic.

In fact, some of the original post has even more stupid stuff in it when you think of the event he is trying to claim prediction of:

<font color="blue"> timeline_39 @ 12/14/2003 [/COLOR] I have just returned from the coming quake location to see if there are any clues that the quake is almost here.

Just returned from the Java Trench, did he? Of course, as all hoaxers do, he would claim he was not being specific for mission restrictions as to not be specific. Just as he did in this post. It still does not cover the fact that nowhere at no time did Charlie EVER localize the location more than "The Ring of Fire".

what trigger a Tsunami?

Keep stretching, recall. Has Charlie promised you a ride in his time machine? LOL! The simple fact is (again) that Charlie never predicted a tsunami. They are MUCH harder to predict than simply saying a large earthquake will happen on the Ring of Fire.

And he still cannot claim to have predicted the Sumatra earthquake/tsunami because of his very own "cover my ass" post from May of 2004 where he was "apologizing" for the earthquake he predicted not coming as "soon" as he hoped. That post is the smoking gun. He debunks himself with it, and it shows how sloppy he was in trying to claim credit for predicting Sumatra when that post was hanging out there. You can't argue that, can you... unless you once again invoke the tired old "multiple timelines" BS... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

In the future, English as a language is replaced by randomised phrases with vaguely menacing promises of alien contact. Suspiciously, this replacement for English closely resembles the kind of diaper contents Rense.com specialises in.

For God's sake, sorry for Scout class spaceship's sake (still chuckling over that one), SPEAK ENGLISH. Obfuscatory persiflage just makes your lies harder to read... But then that IS the point, isn't it?

Oh yeah...most "entertaining" language, especially from someone who claims to he a highly trained physicist (or is that historian? Or both?). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif For instance, consider some of this dog doo he lays out:

Typically, the rule is that should two or more 3rd density species develop within the same solar system

All yes, the whole New-Agey "density" thing. The fruitbats over at Zetatalk use this one a lot, without a real scientific understanding of what density is and how it works with respect to the laws of nature. Charlie has used some real doozies with respect to this "density" ploy in the past, as we shall see.... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

I am just heading out to get some breakfast and run some errands. But sit tight, children (South Park Chef reference), for when I return we will examine how much Charlie really displays about his alleged scientific knowledge!

Good times!
When we figure out where we are going on this thread.. please explain it to me.

I only showed up because recall asked, otherwise I wouldn't give a crap.