Hello again


1. You said 'We do know that in the first meeting with President Bush after winning the Election, Obama was told that there is a object moving through our solar system that has a chance of affecting Earth when it passes.' How can you possibly know that? Did someone tell you?

2. Why will internet shut down?

3. You said 'DOW @ 7500'. How do you know? And are you afraid of giving out this 'stock tips'?

4. Was the Dinosaur killed by anomaly?

5. I guess Norway government knew about it as they built a seeds bank?

By the way, I believe RainmanTime may be a debunker hired by the government - why wasting many years in a forum discussing something that he does not believe? Why not just go away? (If you don't like Thailand food, you don't go to a Thai restuarant everyday and complain it, do you?)
By the way, I believe RainmanTime may be a debunker hired by the government -

Exactly. I was hired by Bush, and Obama liked my work so much that he promised me a cool billion from the new "stimulus" package to keep working here. Never mind the fact that I consistently rail against people who preach gloom and doom, while it is gloom and doom that the government machine feeds off of to: (a) have an excuse to raise your taxes, (b) make an excuse to go to war, (c) find any excuse to try and take your guns.

why wasting many years in a forum discussing something that he does not believe? Why not just go away?

Because first I am a student & teacher of science and engineering. And time fascinates me. But second, it is the teacher in me that enjoys "debunking" bad science as a hobby, not to mention that it helps people advance their own knowledge of science when they see BS exposed for what it is.

Just call me the Don Quixote of bad science. Hoaxers are my windmills, and by God I will slay every last one of them!
(With Darby's more than competent assistance, of course!)

Perhaps the more interesting question is why hoaxers (like Charlie) ever bother to respond to me? If they are so certain they are "right" then they should see no reason to respond to me when I point out the problems in their story. I maintain that they respond because they see the hole in their story and feel the need to plug it to retain whatever credibility they think they have. Using your same logic, they could just go away too!

Whatsoever. It seems you have found a sense of success doing such thing in here. I will not waste time arguing.
The only thing I want to say is this place is 'Time Travel Institute', not 'Anti Time Travel Institute'.
The only thing I want to say is this place is 'Time Travel Institute', not 'Anti Time Travel Institute'.

Agreed. But we should also make note that it is also not the "Bad Science Institute", nor the "Hoaxers Welcome Here Institute."

Re: The Next Phase

Hello Charlie

Some questions if you find the time (pun intended lol).

What are the Spiritual beliefs of Humanity in the timeline you come from?

Do The Visitors refer to any spiritual beliefs of their on culture?

Keep posting.


Hello Thoth,

i quickly put this together and I hope it answers your question.

This is a subject that we haven't really said much about during our time here. We have to be cautious when discussing this and other topics relating to religion because we are aware of how sensitive the subject can be to various people. But we do know that people are losing faith with their religion as they are/were with other establishments.

Firstly, like we have said repeatedly on this forum, we hold highly the individuals ability to choose their own path. This is one of the most powerful things that humanity has in their lives and, of course, includes spiritual beliefs.

What we will document here is essentially the nature of the universe. It is not OUR nor THE VISITORS belief, it is simply fact. However, we are not saying that all current religions are incorrect…… quite the opposite in fact. This message was given via several Messengers/Prophets to the many human groups around the globe between 1500 and 3000 years ago and told in such a way that the people of that time period could grasp.

After these Prophets moved on, those groups of people constructed the early forms of what are today the major religions. But in the couple of thousand years that followed, the message was corrupted by self-serving individuals or groups who twisted and controlled elements of the message with the ultimate goal of control over its followers. Obviously, some major religions are far worse at this than others. Don’t forget that for much of the past 2000 years until recently, religious organizations were essentially the Government of the people.

We will elaborate further on the major religions later in this post.

So, what is this “fact” we speak of? Well, we will explain as best as we can with the limited understanding that we have. Even The Visitors scarcely know more than us.

Let’s start of with something for those with a scientific mind…….

Our Universe is basically 5 dimensions. The first 3 are the axis of ordinary space being x, y and z, which most of you should be aware of. The 4th is Time. And the 5th is the vibrational frequency of all matter and energy within our Universe. For lack of a better term, this vibrational frequency is superimposed on all matter and energy at the subatomic level. We term this the Resonant Frequency of this Universe.

The 5th Dimension has many many different levels possibly an infinite amount. Even The Visitors are not entirely sure as we both are not meant to know such things in its entirety at our level. Each level has a different Resonant Frequency and therefore they are independent of each other. However, they occupy the same space but matter and energy with different Resonant Frequencies just slide past each other. Each of these levels has different densities – progressively less matter and more energy the higher the level - and that is how we identify them and why the term Density is used.

Furthermore, each Density has the same Density Constant but different laws of physics. Density Constant is known by a different term in this time period – Cosmological Constant. This formula should help you understand:

Density Constant = [Time (progression)] * [speed of light (C)]

In other words, higher Densities have the same Cosmological Constant but Time and the Speed of Light vary in proportion. So, if you were standing in a higher density right now, you would observe that light will travel at a different rate of speed per the standard unit of time.

The lowest is the 3rd Density in which you and I currently exist. The Visitors that we mainly have contact with are from the 4th Density. We have scarcely encountered some 5th Density Aliens as well. These Beings themselves once existed in one form or another in the 3rd Density millions and even billions of years ago.

Ok… enough of the straight science talk and lets start connecting some dots….. You are probably asking what this has got to do with spirituality. The next section maybe difficult to grasp and unfortunately the choice of words I have at my disposal won’t help me…….

a) Part One: All of us are a part of something much bigger……

At the very top of these Densities there is either an entity or group of entities (we are not sure) whose energy permeates all the levels below right down to our level. The Visitors refer to this entity/entities as God and due to a lack of a better term on our behalf we have to as well. However, do not think of it as “God” that current Earth Religions describe. This is not a God we pray to, nor worship or anything along those lines.

Think of God as a forest that is continually trying to spread itself, expand and grow. One method used by trees is dropping seeds to the forest floor. So in other words, God grows itself by planting small seeds of itself and each stage – each level of growth – is a challenge for that individual seed. Each level (Density) requires a specific outcome for that seed to grow to eventually be a tree thus expanding the forest.

So to summarise, the God entity/entities creates fresh tiny parts of itself and plants these small seeds in the lowest Density – our Density. If you haven’t already guessed, these seeds are the soul/spirit and over the course of perhaps a thousand or more lifetimes, this soul would progress and reach the outcome for this density or abort and disappear into nothingness. You have probably heard of reincarnation? Well it is the soul, not the physical body, that reincarnates.

b) Part Two: The meaning of life…… well, in this density anyway….

We do not come close to understanding what souls are made from but we do know the soul is not restricted by the barriers separating the various densities should they need to travel to them. However, each soul must learn the lesson of each density before calling the next level up home. Our knowledge on the density lessons is limited where we only know details of our own, the 4th and a brief outline of the 5th and 6th.

The 3rd Density is where the soul must establish whether it is ultimately a giving or selfish soul. A simplistic view would be Good or Evil but I have seen other descriptions in this time period which fit like Service to Other or Service to Self. This is accomplished small step by small step over hundreds of lifetimes. For example: if a soul is incarnated into a human that was wealthy, had servants tending to their every need then more than likely that souls next life would be in a poor family or some other sort of difficult living circumstance. You see, when in a comfortable situation, such as being wealthy, it is easy for the young soul to turn towards a selfish nature where as living in a poor family can promote giving/sharing/caring nature. So, over the hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes the soul will move back and forth between leaning toward giving or selfish and ultimately the soul chooses one orientation over another.

To elaborate further, the soul is placed with each Human according to the lesson it needs to learn which can be from scratch or by using experience already gained in previous lifetimes. However, it is strictly forbidden for the human conscious mind to have direct access to the memories of the soul’s previous lives. The soul is continuously talking to the Human conscious mind but in the past 100 years or so, the Human conscious mind has been more occupied than it ever has and thus slowing down the giving/selfish lessons…. But that again is a whole other story.

Once the majority of souls on a planet have reached a firm orientation either way, therefore completed the 3rd Density lessons, they ascend as a group of souls to the next density. The minority that finally chose to go the opposite way of the majority are moved to be with their own kind. There are also those who are still undecided and they are moved to other 3rd Density worlds to continue there lesson. This is a very simplistic explanation of this specific part of the process as it goes a lot deeper than this but I fear the length of this post already is very long…

c) Part Three: And beyond the 3rd Density?

The goal of the 4th Density is challenging according to the Visitors. Where in the 3rd Density souls of the two different orientations reside together, this is not true of the 4th Density. Concentrating specifically on the good orientation, these souls must learn to work with groups and completely trust those in that group. This may sound simple but truly sit down and fathom complete and utter trust and you’ll realise the enormity of the lesson.

The 5th Density is all about the exploration of the entire Universe to understand, among other things, how it was constructed. As you can imagine, exploring the entire Universe would involve an extensive amount of travel.

In the 6th Density, you gain a greater understanding of God and what the plan is and take an active role in working that plan. 6th Density souls occasionally incarnate into the physical bodies from lower densities where they typically take on a leadership role within a group to guide those young souls to the correct path. This links back to the Messenger/Prophets mentioned at the beginning of this post. You can probably guess who I am talking about now……. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed etc.

We know nothing of the higher densities and nor do The Visitors,

Just going back to Earth Religions in this time period, specifically Christianity, where they say that Jesus told us that we are all “Gods” children. Well that was interpreted wrong because each of us has a soul which is a piece of “God” and how we live our lives either makes “God” stronger or weaker. Everybody concentrates on the Ten Commandments etc. etc. but his true lesson was misunderstood. The Church says that Jesus died for us on the cross but what is misunderstood is that he sacrificed himself, the ultimate act of giving, to demonstrate selflessness for the betterment of the group.

Thoth, this reply is probably a lot longer than you expected but in reality this is only a fraction of what I could have written for you. This will at least give you a better understanding of what our spiritual focus is in the future. However, more than likely that we have created a mountain of questions..... which is totally understandable.

1. You said 'We do know that in the first meeting with President Bush after winning the Election, Obama was told that there is a object moving through our solar system that has a chance of affecting Earth when it passes.' How can you possibly know that? Did someone tell you?

Unfortunately (and obviously) I cannot answer this in any detail..... but i will say it is not difficult to get that info with the technology we brought with us.

2. Why will internet shut down?

I should clarify and state that the internet will not completely shut down rather it will be severely impaired. As the earthquakes increase due to the approaching Anomaly, Sub-marine Communication Cables in tectonic stretch zones will break when those areas widen. An example of a stretch zone is the Suez Canal that contains 3 undersea communication cables of which two snapped in early 2008. The latest occurance in a different location close by happened in December 2008 where 3 cables were cut (a ships anchor was reportedly to blame) that links Alexandria, Egypt, Sicily, and Malta reducing internet capacity in that region by 80% and disrupted communications by up to 75% between Asia and the Middle East.

These events will start becoming more and more frequent in the very near future.

3. You said 'DOW @ 7500'. How do you know? And are you afraid of giving out this 'stock tips'?

This is what it settled at as recorded in our history and a different President won't alter that outcome.

4. Was the Dinosaur killed by anomaly?

An interesting question.... I too had the same curiosity upon first having access to The Visitors database. You see, planets that can support life are constantly monitored and their records show that the Dinosaurs gradually died from a viral microorganism. This wiped out nearly all species of dinosaur (excluding the rate ones with a natural immunity) because they were all very close genetic relations.

5. I guess Norway government knew about it as they built a seeds bank?

A very astute conclusion. But what is the plan to help the public. One could say that seeds seem more precious in Norway than people, couldn't they?

will water be a concern? Monsanto has genetically altered seeds for a reason and the bees are disappearing.

Who are the Visitors?

Is there any chance the anomoly will never make an entrance?

I've noticed the sun is much lighter compared to when I was young. The Moon and Venus have become much more luminous.

I've seen flood and drought, both, but no ice age, only intense heat.
Charlies I was thinking of something?? I know I talk to you private message before but this is not right because you have to join in a time travel org...and that you can't go and see your mom or dad or anybody to change timeline or not...I don't get it Charlies

Altering a strand of time is a complex undertaking which requires extensive calculations and planning to achieve - such as what was done for this mission. This mission is unique in that we are here to intentionally to alter the timeline but this is for the betterment of a potentially large number of people, and not for the individual. Other than that and the mistakes made that lead to the Titor incursion, time travel was used as an observation and learning tool only.

and are you sure about the polo shift coming??


also did you know about the underground bases all over the earth and that they are UFO and time travellers....UFO been contact us mostly Human in over the world..and there is life on another planet...

Yes. I do know about the extensive underground bases and bunkers around the world - much of them being in the US. There is an entire other story which explains why there are so many tunnels but it will take a long time to explain. Some other time perhaps. However suffice it to say, these bases and bunkers will end up being tombs for those who try and use them for refuge from the Pole Shift.

but Charlies know this that you have the time machine and able to escape or change timeline you on..and live in another time line instead of facing the time org or time cop..

Like I said to you before, The Council regulates the use of time travel due to the damage that can be done should an accident or something similar occur. Put it this way, for this mission the time pod for my group will only do as per the mission plan (see below). My group is the only group in the entire team that has permission to remain to ride out the Pole Shift and help in the aftermath but as you can see from the Return Date below, we have time to finalise that decision.

Incursion Date - September 12th, 2008 0000 hours (Local Time)

Return Date - August 6th, 2009 0000 hours (Local Time)

My point is, that our pod won't time travel to anywhere else except for those dates above.

Also, time org/time cops don't exist.


I just remember something this guy said he have his own time travel machine from the UFO concert that UFO appears before the 2012 or later that date here the web page charlies

That was an entertaining read.
Re: The Next Phase

Hi Charlie,
I am new to this forum. I read your posts with great interest. I do trust you. I see all the changes our planet has (physical and spiritual). It makes perfect sense to me. Not so long ago I accepted the theory of Planet X, I guess it is the same what you are talking about. I am curious to know, what are the most important things to have on hand to assure better survial? Suppose I got away from the cost, but what should I do next? In your last post you mentioned our spiritual leaders who thaught us not to kill,steal, ect. In reality we will be facing situations when all their teachings must be forgotten in order to survive. What are your comments on this? Why aren't you telling to us about places where we can have a better chance to survive if you want greater number of people to survive? What about nuclear powers? What happened to them, and how they affected those who survived? Was there a nuclear winter?
Thank you.

will water be a concern? Monsanto has genetically altered seeds for a reason and the bees are disappearing.

Yes. Access to clean drinking water will be difficult after the pole shift. One of the posts that we will be uploading very soon contains water distillation and purification instructions.

I didn't actually know anything about the bees until you mentioned it but there is information in our database about this subject. Healthy bees were difficult to find after the pole shift because of the pre-pole shift practice of people moving hives around the country to pollinate specific areas. Along the way, the bees encountered a tiny mite that carried bad microorganisms and the movement of hives by people all over the country caused the mite to spread to other bee populations. Over time, this impaired the bees immune system leading to the disappearance you are seeing now.

Who are the Visitors?

The Visitors is a generic term we use for our Alien friends. We have met literally hundreds of different species (mostly not humanoid) however our primary interactions are with a group of 6 species who reside on Earth with us.

I've noticed the sun is much lighter compared to when I was young. The Moon and Venus have become much more luminous.

You are correct, it is not an illusion but it is wrong to say the sun has gotten stronger also. It's output has not changed. The Anomaly carries with it debris which is mostly dust. With the Anomaly approaching from the direction of the Sun, this dust debris is changing the mix in the light spectrum that is reaching Earth essentially removing the spectrum the human eye can properly adapt to. Simply described it is the yellow spectrum that is being filtered by the dust and that is the cause of your perception of a brighter Sun.

This cause is also the reason for the perceived increase in luminousity of the Moon and Venus.

I've seen flood and drought, both, but no ice age, only intense heat.

You won't have to worry about an ice age especially at your location. Illinois is for the most part flat land with many rivers boarding or running through the state. During the Pole Shift large amounts of water will move across the land further added to by the polar melt in the year or so afterwards. Should you manage to take refuge on a hill that is 350 feet above the flat land during the shift, I would move onto another area as soon as possible - by boat if you have to. This is because once the water comes it will never drain spreading sewage everywhere thus risk from infection. You should also consider that livestock that will drown from the waters will eventually add to the risk of infection.

So don't worry about an ice age in your area. It just won't happen.
Thanks Charlie,

It's interesting you mentioned that the core of this anomaly is iron oxide. If that's true, wouldn't the close proximity to the moon and sun(when it comes around)create a ricochet effect, throwing out debris into our atmosphere and even moving stars from their position?

Wow, you know I live in Illinois?

What are the chances of this actually happening?

I'm very interested, because of a prophetic dream I had two years ago. There was very little water after the drought. How will people grow food without water? I was an observer in this dream and the dream was so detailed and real that I actually do think I saw into the future, but there are variables and nothing is absolute.

Would I love to meet a TT!

can you also check your database concerning autism and vaccines? It seems to be an epidemic.

I understand your philosophy on spirituality. I'm looking forward to positive change, but I'm not looking forward to a cataclysm, even though it's needed. I don't wish to be micro-chipped and numbered. If the new energy sources were allowed to come forth, instead of all money going for war and greed, life could be very different.
Thanks Charlie,

It's interesting you mentioned that the core of this anomaly is iron oxide. If that's true, wouldn't the close proximity to the moon and sun(when it comes around)create a ricochet effect, throwing out debris into our atmosphere and even moving stars from their position?

Excellent! You are correct regarding the ricochet effect of the debris from the Sun. This is only just starting to step up intensity right now. People in greater numbers will notice more and larger fireballs in the sky.

Please clarify your moving stars question.... I don't understand it if it is in relation to the Anomaly debris.

Wow, you know I live in Illinois?

Don't think that it is anything special that we know that. Your IP address gives away your position.

I'm very interested, because of a prophetic dream I had two years ago. There was very little water after the drought. How will people grow food without water? I was an observer in this dream and the dream was so detailed and real that I actually do think I saw into the future, but there are variables and nothing is absolute.

That dream could be from several sources but more than likely your soul was communicating the dangers approaching via your dreams (all souls on Earth right now know what is coming). The other real possibility is that you are a contactee and the visual sequence you saw was shown to you by an Alien responding to your call for information.
13. The pole shift is a cyclical event. Human must encounter the event before but the survivors did not evolve spiritually (look at ourselves).

What do you mean by "survivors"?

If the archeological evidence is any indictation, the pole flips of the past didn't cause any noticable harm. The earth already experienced a few hundreds of these pole flips, and none of them (as far as I know) corresponds to a mass extinction event.

Yet another plot hole in the story, I suppose.

can you also check your database concerning autism and vaccines? It seems to be an epidemic.

The rise in autism is not being done on purpose by mankind rather it is more accidental. People with minor even minute characteristics are to some degreee obsessive in nature. These individuals are not comfortable around highly charged and random people and therefore seek out a mate that more matches their well-organized way of life. So essentially intermarrying is occuring and therefore the genes that cause autism eventually become dominant.

I understand your philosophy on spirituality. I'm looking forward to positive change, but I'm not looking forward to a cataclysm, even though it's needed. I don't wish to be micro-chipped and numbered. If the new energy sources were allowed to come forth, instead of all money going for war and greed, life could be very different.

If you can manage to survive the pole shift and the several years of the aftermath you will see what a paradise this planet can be.