Hi more questions
1. Are you able to disclose who killed Kennedy?
The database we have with us does not contain the names of the people that assasinated JFK but it contains the following details.... JFK was assasinated on the orders of MJ12 via one of their Government Agencies known as the CIA.
It was well established during the 1960s that elected officials will not be officially informed about the Alien presence and the circumstances of Roswell. They undertook extraordinary efforts to keep the public in the dark. However, JFK learned of the truth through various leaks from the CIA & FBI. He believed that the general public would be able to handle the reality of Aliens & UFOs without causing a panic. Apart from pushing onto MJ12 his desire to release the information, he told his girlfriend about it also who was considered a significant security risk due to her addiction to pills and the resultant tendancy that she could talk. It was after this that MJ12 approved the decision to terminate JFK and his girlfriend.
2. After the pole shift, what happened to those dead bodies and how could that be cleaned up?
Those who died in coastal cities which eventually was flooded after the polar melt and island countries that were swallowed by the ocean were..... "fish food".... is the best description. Inland centres where there was a significant death toll were mostly avoided by survivors. Remember, the total population of the Earth is significantly smaller than it is now and there is areas (even in my time period) that are still geologically active that we avoid.
3. How many presidents do you have in your timeline?
The structure of our society is very different to what it is today. Nations, as today, just don't exist anymore. We are the people of the planet Earth and we are all human.
Working together to survive the aftermath along with contact with The Visitors gave us realisation of what our place is in the galaxy which has moved us past race, nationality, gender etc.
4. I believe John implied that the president would be a 'she'. Do you think the changed result was a direct result of you guys coming to our time?
There has been females in charge of what you would call our Government. One in the late 2030's and then again in the mid-2040's.
5. I believe the CERN experiment will be behind schedule from original John's timeline. Do you think we will have enough time to discover the time travel theory before the pole shift - the history of time travel invention may be totally changed!
The machine that John used to travel (C204) differs significantly from the ones we use (C300) now. The C204 was designed and contructed by human scientists with Visitor advisors. When it was realised that our attempt was not entirely successful (which lead to the sloppy Titor incursion) the C300 was built with more input from the Visitors as well as more of their technology.
To answer your question, some of the basic fundamentals of some C204 systems have been and will be discovered via CERN.
6. I notice there has been a very bright star at night and I believe it should be Venus. Anything to do with the anomaly?
You are correct. That object is the planet Venus.
7. John mentioned clearly that 2008 would be a year that everyone would know the world they are living is going to end. What happened?
"Going to end" is a little extreme. Things that people had faith in all their lives are now uncertain such as the Government and the economy. The world is also starting to glimpse how wild the weather is going to get as well. Eg: The harsh winters currently in the northern hemisphere and the heatwaves in the southern hemisphere..... these are nothing of what is yet to come though. Soon, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will increase as well further adding to the anxiety.
8. I don't understand how you can pick and return to an exact timeline that you came before. Your machine only recorded the timeline point when you returned to your time. When you jumped to another year, how can the machine trace back the original timeline you left - a extension of time (2008) of the original 2003 you came before?
Have you read the post where I give a description of the nature of time - strands of rope? If not, please do as it will answer this question.
9. Since life is very difficult, how do your people treat those mentally retarded people and disable?
Life for physically disabled individuals is easier in the future due to technology provided by The Visitors that assists in communication via telepathy. Furthermore, a fewer number are born into our society due to technology as well. Some are born for a specific reason also.
10. How can you survive that long in our timeline when you have no money (I suppose) and no identity document to prove yourself?
Creating indentity documents is very easy and accessing the required computer systems that validates these documents is also not difficult. Setting up an account at a bank and adding only the money we need to survive is also not difficult. We try to remain "off the grid" (as you would put it) as much as we can. Our computer systems access the internet via a stealth connection to the cell network. Our identity documents allowed us to rent a dwelling but we generate our own power.
11. You mentioned interent shutdown?
Yes it does.
12. I encountered the '11:11 phenomenon' (whenever I watch the digital clock, I see 10:10, 11:11, 2:22 etc) for the past couple years. Do you know what it means?
I wouldn't read too much into this. The body clock is more precise than most realise. You probably started noticing certains time like 11:11 etc. at random a few days in succession and this conscious awareness probably left a mark on your body clock.
13. The pole shift is a cyclical event. Human must encounter the event before but the survivors did not evolve spiritually (look at ourselves). Why are you so optimistic that human being will evolve in the direction you think? - what we learn from our human history is that we never learn anything!
That is a very good question. Firstly, the last pole shift (which is in human folklore - Noah's Ark and the Flood) wasn't anywhere near as severe that the upcoming one will be. Secondly, the human population during the last pole shift was still very small and the races of man were still largely separated. People understood something strange was happening and tried to record as much as possible.
This time around, humanity everywhere is interconnected and although people here still have conscious barriers for race, gender etc.... subconsciously we are all connected very strongly. The other part that differs is that we had the technology and the time to prepare but the few in power took that chance away from the many. How do I know the lesson will be learned apart from knowing the way humanity will be in the future? That's because lessons have already been learned (many important ones since about the year 2000) and continue to be learned today and will continue leading into the pole shift.