Hello again


to clarify the moving stars, I meant "falling" stars. They will be knocked out of their position by the anomaly, unless there's something on the moon shooting at them, lol. Fireworks! What is on the moon?

Would you call the anomaly a Brown Dwarf?

Thanks for answering my questions.
good day..
i read that someone mentioned meteors or falling stars:

I keep having the same dream, where meteors are falling, and the sky is very red, and lots of fire.. then some one waked me up saying: u gotta wake up, you must wake up, when i open my eyes is a tall person, wearing whitte,very bright, peacefull, smells like flowers... since 9 yrs old ive had this dream, now im 28... cant tell what does gotta wake up means.......
Charlies thank for posting back I do have some questions to ask you..but this is for all the people who have disablies,like AIDs,mental illness,any kind of dieases that they suffer in life I must ask you something Charles if the people make it though polo shift...for example people who have AIDs or Mental illness will they be cure after the polo shift?? I would like to know that part thank you..and write back..
Re: The Next Phase

Personally, I am very annoyed by the existence of you guys in our timeline. The reason I am saying this is because you guys will not know what 'betterfly effect' you have on us. John came to our timeline and all his on-line conversation has been documented in a book. What you said in this forum is very different from him. My conclusion is either one (or both) of you are hoax or you both live in different reality because of time travel. John said clearly billions of people will die in war, he said he has 5 presidents in US, etc.
If it is the later, how do you 100% sure that your arrival in our timeline will not create a bigger disaster to us in the long run? You are doing an experiment using our life! May be the survival rate will drop to absolute zero by having you in here because the Anomaly may get closer than it originally should be - you never know until you do your experiment in here and return and check the result.
I don't feel comfortable that our people destiny is affected by a small group of people in future. Have you ever consulted everyone in our world if we want you to do this?
This is my challenge to you: If you do help us to survive, I believe the whole human kind will thank you from the heart, including myself. If you screw up, do you (and your counsel) have the guts to take full responsibility to do whatever you can, including giving up your life, to fix the mess you do to us?
Going back to my original question long time ago. If it is the god's will that we need to go through this pain, why we are trying to avoid it? If the process is not painful enough to make us change spiritually, are you going to take responsibility for that?
HEllo Charlie

¿Cual fue el error de hace 60 años?

What went wrong 60 years ago?

Creo que sé lo que usted se refiere, pero sólo para estar seguro, por favor, detalles sobre su pregunta más?

I think I know what you are referring to but just to be sure, can you please elaborate on your question further?

When the Internet will Shut down?

Como he explicado en una entrada anterior, la Internet no completamente cerrado, sino más bien se convierte perjudicados hasta el punto de que es prácticamente inútil.

As I clarified in a previous post, the internet will not completely shut down but rather becomes significantly impaired to the point where it is practically useless.
Dear Charlie:

As understood, the pole shift will occur in between this year and 2010, since you birthed in the year 2011.
Concurrently the Internet will slowly drift to inoperational status.
So, isn't about time to upload the "Preparing for the Pole Shift:- A Complete Guide", as you promised?

In reply to:
HEllo Charlie

¿Cual fue el error de hace 60 años?

What went wrong 60 years ago?

Creo que sé lo que usted se refiere, pero sólo para estar seguro, por favor, detalles sobre su pregunta más?

I think I know what you are referring to but just to be sure, can you please elaborate on your question further?

El error hace 60 años que mencionaste proyecto Filadelfia y Moutak

The mistake 60 years ago about proyect Filadelfia and Moutak

Como he explicado en una entrada anterior, la Internet no completamente cerrado, sino más bien se convierte perjudicados hasta el punto de que es prácticamente inútil.

As I clarified in a previous post, the internet will not completely shut down but rather becomes significantly impaired to the point where it is practically useless.

¿Cuando el internet sera afectado?
When the internet will be affected?

to clarify the moving stars, I meant "falling" stars. They will be knocked out of their position by the anomaly, unless there's something on the moon shooting at them, lol. Fireworks!

There will be a gradual and noticable increase of fireballs in the sky which is from the debris field of the Anomaly.

Would you call the anomaly a Brown Dwarf?

In this time period there is not a classification for the Anomaly but Brown Drawf would be the closet if one was forced to choose. The problem with the Brown Drawf is that it classifies large gas giants and low mass stars. The Anomaly is a Terrestrial planet with 85% of its surface covered with water but has a fusion process within its core.

This process, occuring at a much lower level, is similar to our Sun. In our Sun, there is a smaller proportion heavy elements to hydrogen nuclei present within the core compared to the Anomaly. This allows the fusion process to proceed at a rate where the energy produced overwhelms its mass dissipation rate, consequential there is a build up of energy, resulting in a lit stellar object. Within the Anomaly, the fusion process is contained to a very small area in the center core where the force of gravity provides sufficient compression of the hydrogen nuclei to fuse into other elements, most notably helium. The fusion process, dampened to a very slow burn by a larger proportion of heavy elements (mainly iron resulting in a power magnetic field) to hydrogen nuclei. Energy is released in a controlled manner and transferred to the surface of the Anomaly. The energy originating from the Anomaly's core is absorbed by the magma flowing near it. This moves the magma to an extremely excited state; its lower density pushes the magma towards the surface. Immense fissures in the surface crust (mostly under the oceans) acts like pressure relief values, allows the magma to be exposed and interact with the surface environment. As the molten matter in the magma cools, it moves from an excited state down to a state of equilibrium a chemical process, and energy is released in the form of light and heat. In the case of light, the majority of is dispersed in wavelengths near the red end of the spectrum. The rate of heating of the crust is dependant upon the conductivity and thickness of the crust.
good day..
i read that someone mentioned meteors or falling stars:

I keep having the same dream, where meteors are falling, and the sky is very red, and lots of fire.. then some one waked me up saying: u gotta wake up, you must wake up, when i open my eyes is a tall person, wearing whitte,very bright, peacefull, smells like flowers... since 9 yrs old ive had this dream, now im 28... cant tell what does gotta wake up means.......

I am not sure either but it could be a message to be more aware of the environment around you especially for signs that the Pole Shift is approaching.
Charlies thank for posting back I do have some questions to ask you..but this is for all the people who have disablies,like AIDs,mental illness,any kind of dieases that they suffer in life I must ask you something Charles if the people make it though polo shift...for example people who have AIDs or Mental illness will they be cure after the polo shift?? I would like to know that part thank you..and write back..

Those with disabilities, mental illness or a life threatening disease perished if not given assistance by those around them and left to fend or their own to ride out the Pole Shift or as a survivor in the initial aftermath. However, this mostly happened in areas with a larger than average proportion of humans with self-serving souls.

Medical data and technology given to us from The Visitors cured diseases such as AIDS and Bird Flu etc....
It is only just a guess, but I get the feeling that "Charlie" could be our old friend "Falzon"...whose "predictions" for an invasion of Iran didn't pan out at all.

One thing is for sure... this thread is going to be a source of a great deal of fodder for entertainment in the coming years when no "pole shift" occurs, or if it does how much of a non-event it is.


Are you familiar with the ancient Sumerian artifacts and drawings? This carving is very interesting to me. http://xfacts.com/sumerian_culture.html

I feel people are always guided and will be guided in the event of a cataclysm. Many people will choose to leave this planet and I don't blame them. Are we moving up into a higher(sister) dimension?

You referred to the "will of the people". For this reason, I know that as a collective, the energy that is prevalent will determine the outcome.