Hello again

When we figure out where we are going on this thread.. please explain it to me.

Well, I am just doing my usual job of exposing inconsistencies and bad science in the story of a hoaxer. When Charlie returned, I decided I would give him a nice long time to hang himself before I began tearing his hoax apart in earnest. Enough time has passed, and we are now in the midst of the "unveiling" as it were. Go get some popcorn. I promise a memorable ending.

Right, so where were we? Ahhhh, yes, Charlie's "New-Agey" language coupled with his claim that he is a highly trained physicist. What evidence has Charlie given us that he is no highly trained physicist? Plenty. Let's start with the low-hanging fruit... From the following post:


<font color="blue"> timeline_39 @ 11/10/2003: [/COLOR] All matter in this dimension of the universe resonates at a specific vibrational frequency. This is how we exist in this universe. To exist in another dimension our vibrational frequency has to be altered.

This from a physicist? Bad, bad boy. All matter does not resonate at the same, "specific" frequency. This is pretty fundamental, undergrad physics. Different compositions of matter have different resonant frequencies. Heck, the least Charlie could have done is to read over the Wikipedia entry on resonance before he posted this claptrapcrap!


<font color="red"> In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate at maximum amplitude at certain frequencies, known as the system's resonance frequencies (or resonant frequencies). At these frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude vibrations, because the system stores vibrational energy. When damping is small, the resonance frequency is approximately equal to the natural frequency of the system, which is the frequency of free vibrations. Resonant phenomena occur with all types of vibrations or waves: there is mechanical resonance, acoustic resonance, electromagnetic resonance, and resonance of quantum wave functions. Resonant systems can be used to generate vibrations of a specific frequency, or pick out specific frequencies from a complex vibration containing many frequencies. [/COLOR]

So different forms of matter within our own "dimension" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif resonate at different frequencies. Moreover, while the composition of a body is the primary determinant of what frequency it resonates at, it is not the only factor. The environment that the body lives in also has an impact on resonance. For example, the same airplane with the same mass properties can resonate at different frequencies depending upon the density of the air it is flying through. In general, the resonant frequency of the airplane's wings goes DOWN (becomes a lower resonance point) as the airplane climbs in the atmosphere. The reason is because as you go up in altitude density decreases, which decreases the aerodynamic forces that act to damp out resonance.

Suffice it to say, Charlie's New Age invocation of resonant frequency is so far from real physics as to be embarassing. And his second statement about how if you want to exist in another dimension, all you have to do is change the resonant frequency....? Even more bunk. As I explained above, an airplane's resonant frequency changes just by changing altitude. Does that mean the airplane has magically jumped into another dimension??? Of course not.

From his same post on 11/10/2003:

The theories for multi density shifting has been around for sometime.

Yeah, on Zetatalk... but not in any serious physics publications.

To give a clearer idea, this is how faster than light space travel is being theorized as possible. Move to a higher density where the laws are different and then return when the destination has been reached.

Wow. That is some real physics bunkum right there. Change the density of a body and somehow the laws of nature are magically different? I don't think so. This one could be picked apart from so many angles it is truly humorous. First, "moving to a higher density" as juxtaposed with "faster than light space travel" is downright funny. If density is increasing then (by the definition of density) the mass is changing per unit volume. According to Einstein (the real one, not our local Einstein) the greater your mass, the greater the inertial resistance to even approaching (much less exceeding) the speed of light. It is exactly the opposite of what Charlie has suggested. So much for his physics degree!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

So let's see some other gems from Charlie that belie his claim to be an educated person:


<font color="blue"> timeline_39 @ 11/22/2003: [/COLOR] I am sure most of you would know the most common form of kinetic energy is friction caused by the rapid interaction of particles of different objects/surfaces etc etc.

Actually, the most common form of kinetic energy is the motion of a body with respect to another body, plain and simple. All real physicists know this because the very equation that defines kinetic energy is KE = (1/2)*mass*velocity^2. What Charlie is really suggesting above is called thermal energy. Thermal fluxes result from friction because the surfaces in contact that cause friction heat up with respect to the rest of the environment around them. Clearly, Charlie's grasp on physics is worse than that of a college freshman. But let's move on:


<font color="blue"> timeline_39 @ 11/22/2003: [/COLOR] Jim, in an earlier post you mentioned something about "radioactive" nature of our devices. As a micro fusion reactor is used to power the C204 and C300, no radioactivity should be detectable.

Wow. There may not be enough time left in the universe for me to debunk all his bad physics. Here again we see Charlie never bothered to research nuclear fusion before he threw this little gem out there. Again, a look to Wikipedia shows his bunkum:


You can read much in this article that will explain how fusion reactions generate large amounts of radioactivity. Here is just one such statement regarding a real fusion experimental device:

<font color="red"> The neutron flux expected in a commercial D-T fusion reactor is about 100 times that of current fission power reactors, posing problems for material design. Design of suitable materials is under way but their actual use in a reactor is not proposed until the generation after ITER. After a single series of D-T tests at JET, the largest fusion reactor yet to use this fuel, the vacuum vessel was sufficiently radioactive that remote handling needed to be used for the year following the tests. [/COLOR]

How many physics strikes is that now, Charlie? I lost count. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif But let us look at Charlie's level of education... at least it has improved from his first visits in 2003 until now:


<font color="blue"> timeline_39 @ 11/23/2003: [/COLOR] Being born post the Great Catastrophy, my early life was being a part of community of 57 families with only one thing on our minds.

This is Charlie's first ever mention of the "Great Catastrophy (sic)." It does appear that since his visits in 2003 that he has at least gone back to school and learned to spell. Here is from his first post since returning here last year in 2008:

and I also briefly mentioned what we term “The Great Catastrophe” but never really went into that much detail. Well, this “Great Catastrophe” is the reason I’m here.

Ahhh, very nice. You know how to spell now. Here was another misspelling from back in the day that I have a hard time believing an educated physicist would commit...and it is certainly not a typo:

<font color="blue"> timeline_39 @ 11/24/2003: [/COLOR] I am not afraid of critisism at all.

Not even afraid of "critisism (sic)" of your spelling? LOL. From the same post:

As to your comment of backward-engineering alien technology, I can assure you no Government on this planet has alien technology in their keeping. The three ships that crashed back in the 1947 in Roswell where set on self-destruct after they crashed to prevent any salvage efforts. This crash was a deliberate attempt to make peaceful contact with the US Governemnt. Only some metal of the ships outer shells remained and are currently hidden in a vault that exists deep under the Pentagon Building.

You got the conspiracy theory wrong, Charlie. The UFO parts are allegedly held deep underground at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton. I know, cuz I go there a lot... I've seen 'em! Even had lunch with the aliens!

What should we talk about next, Charlie? Perhaps your weak attempt to cover for your change in your birthday? That is also filled with serious problems for your "fan base". LOL.

re:RMT=Debunker was: Hello Again

(Which means my debunking is pretty airtight!)
Hell No!, RMT
looks like AIR balloons...and yours post became an example of selfish people...or selfish soul...ROTFLMAO!

Keep stretching, recall. Has Charlie promised you a ride in his time machine? LOL!
He didn`t promise a ride on a Time Machine...

I`m fine in this timeline /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif RMT /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif your debunk is more pathetic than ever...

sorry for you!!!

I'd like to ask you about zero-point energy, which has been on my mind for a while. I don't have an understanding of physics, but if the geometric relationships of space and time control all physical processes: light, gravity; mass; and electrical and magnetic forces, could it be possible earth will come to zero-point? Maybe, this is a ridiculous notion, but if the earth's inner structure is crystalline and the anomaly produces helium, as the sun, would this phenomonon have an effect on earth's inner core and the elevation of earth? Energy from the vacuume?

I believe I just read a scientific article in which it was discovered the sun is a portal.

I do feel the Pyramid of Giza is somehow a record of man's journey to enlightenment and maybe more? I have thought that all other pyramids are merely replicas. Maybe, it's all about frequency!

Are you familiar with Wingmakers and do you know what happened to the Anasazi?

Maybe I shouldn't ask so many questions! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
I love when ya get on a rant Ray..

I understood most of what you were speaking of...Thank god..

So thanks, I want to make sure ya know you didnt waste your time doing it.

This i didn't know though..:

After a single series of D-T tests at JET, the largest fusion reactor yet to use this fuel, the vacuum vessel was sufficiently radioactive that remote handling needed to be used for the year following the tests.

So I guess we wait for charlie from here.
i don't feel like readin through all this thread again can somebody update me on which year the polo shift is gonna happen

Don,t feel bad it is hard for me to keep up too. More so since my time here is very limited. I usually just jump in on the last page and start reading.
" Many debunkers enough are controverted because they maintain his position with firmness on subjects that can offend certain people, like the religion and what they label like pseudosciences. Some, like Marcello Truzzi (that was a skeptic), maintain that some debunkers are excessive and dishonestly skeptical and that, therefore, they are not authentic skeptics, but pseudoskeptical. According to Truzzi, the true skeptics are neutral or agnostic, often critics with the most recent affirmations, but vehemently are not against these. They only want better tests. On the contrary, the pseudoskeptics are simply negacionistas and often use antiscientific arguments to refute on the contrary. Truzzi says that many aspects that the pseudoskeptics consider pseudoscience would have to denominate “protociencias”, that fight so that science accepts official them. On the other hand, the true skepticism would recognize the necessity of better tests, but it does not ridicule, it slows down or it actively is against to future investigations on the part of serious investigators and cualificados."

"Muchos debunkers son bastante controvertidos debido a que sostienen su postura con firmeza sobre temas que pueden ofender a ciertas personas, como la religión y lo que etiquetan como pseudociencias. Algunos, como Marcello Truzzi (que fue un escéptico), sostienen que algunos debunkers son excesiva y deshonestamente escépticos y que, por lo tanto, no son auténticos escépticos, sino pseudoescépticos. Según Truzzi, los verdaderos escépticos son neutrales o agnósticos, a menudo críticos con las afirmaciones más recientes, pero no se oponen vehementemente a éstas. Sólo quieren mejores pruebas. Por el contrario, los pseudoescépticos son simplemente negacionistas y usan a menudo argumentos anticientíficos para rebatir al contrario. Truzzi dice que muchos aspectos que los pseudoescépticos consideran pseudociencia se deberían denominar «protociencias», que luchan por que la ciencia oficial las acepte. Por otro lado, el verdadero escepticismo reconocería la necesidad de mejores pruebas, pero no ridiculiza, ralentiza o se opone activamente a futuras investigaciones por parte de investigadores serios y cualificados."

Adivinen quien es Pseudo-esceptico aqui ?

It isn't "polo shift", it's pole shift, or better: crustal displacement over the mantle.

Thank the Lord, the Portuguese are here to correct you from your typos -that you made in English.

Go figure.

I wont even touch manubs statement- half the fights around here are on that very subject. Although not as many in PROPER spanish.
Warm Greetings from Southeast Asia

Hey, Charlie, I believe what you've shared with us. May I know what will happen to Peninsular Malaysia? You did mention Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand, but not of Malaysia. I live in Melaka, I am quite worried about it. May I suggest that you just ignore the so-called debunkers? Because they are just wasting your time, I believe you can better use your time instead. Thank you for sharing with us this important information!

In one of your first posts you talked about how the Great Catastrophe would affect different continents, but instead of referencing North America, you covered it off as the US. Geographically, most of North America lies within Canadian boarders. There's a high probability of Canada being adversely affected as the Northern ice cap melts and isostatic rebound likely ensues. You also talked about how the St. Lawrence Seaway ripping will affect New England...but nothing in Canada? The seaway resides entirely inside Canadian boarders East of Ontario and recent finding suggest the fault line extends through Lake Ontario and into the Niagara Escarpment. Most Canadians live along the St. Lawrence Seaway and in the Great Lakes region. Could you please elaborate on how the Great Catastrophe will affect this region as well as our Northern Territories?

Secondly, I've found recent news of the satellite collision in space and the nuclear submarine collision earlier this month to be interesting. These events strike me as highly improbable despite their downplayed portrayal in the media. I could almost accept the satellites as accidental, but I can't believe two of the most sophisticated machines on this planet, from two allied nations, could run into eachother! Are these events telling of the threat facing our technology as Nibiru approaches, being deliberately caused by a 3rd party, or truly coincidental?


My Dreams

I have got 3 related dreams a few days ago before I decided to further looking for information.

1st Dream:

A Malay boy wanted to buy a ladder from me. (It might have something to do with flooding)

2nd Dream:

Following the 1st dream, on the next day I got this dream. I am not sure if I was on a boat or not, I saw tsunami, the tsunami was really really high, the expression (tsunami) was rather exaggerated. I saw red lightning striking from the sky far away. I saw something like chopsticks raining from above, something thick and long. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif Maybe it just means heavy raining.

3rd Dream:

I saw some crocodiles appearing near the riverbank, I walked back to the village. I talked to a Malay girl on the way and told her about the crocodiles. The Malay girl asked me where had I seen them, I told her that I'd seen them at <font color="red"> Apocalpyse [/COLOR] (the name of the riverbank where I saw the crocodiles, I didn't realize the meaning when I spoke, after I woke up and recalled the dream then I realized it was a bizarre name for a location).

I believe that's some message about my dreams, because I hardly dream about disasters, almost no of what I can remember except the abovementioned.
Re: My Dreams

i had a dream that i was on a date with my girlfriend in a beautiful meadow, and the sun was setting, the clouds looked like golden elephants frolicking in a bed of roses in the amber colored sky. Then I knew I was in heaven.
The Earth is Getting Slower with its Rotation

The Earth is rotating around its own axis slower. The International Earth Rotation Service has regularly added a second or two to the length of a 24-hour day in recent years. This is the main reason, according to Igor Kopylov, professor at Moscow Energy Institute, why the planet - a gigantic electrical machine - has had its energy balance upset. He expressed this viewpoint in 2004. Kopylov is convinced that the Earth has entered the first phase of a global change. A weakening of the Earth's magnetic field was first registered early in the 20th century, and a consistent drop in the speed of rotation, in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It has been established that when the Earth's rotation slows by one second a year, it releases a tremendous amount of heat, hundreds of times the volume of energy released by human industrial activity. If we accept that all processes on Earth run according to cosmic cycles, which, in turn, depend on the Solar System's position in our Galaxy, then humankind may be facing another Great Flood.

Source: Another great flood: time to build an ark?
Hello Charlie,
I'm interested in your prediction regarding the poster's location (Illinois) and his concern for high water there after the pole shift. Will you be able to give (all??) of us helpful information regarding our current locations and how we can prepare to survive the shift...especially regarding our geographic locations?? Where should I consider safe ground nearest to MY location?
I hope to survive and to assist my family to survive likewise...I would want to help the other survivors to rebuild after a coming cataclysm.
What information---exactly---can you to us that will, concretely, help us to survive the coming pole shift?
Thank you