Hello again

Re: The Next Phase

Hay muchas ideas erróneas en relación con los mayas y su calendario. La fuente de gran parte de su cultura que les sorprenderá, pero que en sí es una muy larga historia.

En cuanto a su calendario, las principales cosas que comúnmente se equivoca es la fecha de finalización, así como el supuesto de que la fecha final es cuando se produce el Pole Shift. La fecha de finalización es en realidad a finales de 2011 pero el Pole Shift ocurre mucho antes de esa fecha. Estudiar el calendario con la correcta comprensión revelará la fecha del Pole Shift.

If we use 13 as the root of the Mayan calendar system we find the following sequence: 13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78, 91 and 104, which are achieved by simply adding 13 to each succeeding sum. These are the key numbers in the Mayan calendrics and they have a solid scientific footing. Venus was the central component of the Mayan cosmology. It is for good reason that our nearest planetary neighbor is called earth’s sister planet. They have a phase-locked orbital cycle that is based on a 13:8 ratio. That is derived from the fact that Venus revolves around the sun 1.6 times faster than Earth so that 13 Venus revolutions is equal to 8 years.

Why is this important? By establishing Venus as the key component of the sacred calendar they automatically built the Golden Ratio (1.6) into the system since that ratio defines the difference

between the two planets orbital cycles. By using 13 as the root number they also included the crucial multiples, or powers, of thirteen - 13,000 and 26,000 - or half as well as the full number of years in the precession. We see that the 5 Suns, each lasting 5,125 years, also add up to the Great Zodiacal Year.

We can break these numbers down in different ways and each will show that there was nothing arbitrary about the Mayan system. We somewhat arrogantly disdain other cultures for being superstitious until we come to the number 13 and our own irrationality surfaces. But let’s examine how deeply embedded this number - as well as 26, 52 and 91 - are in our own calendar. Our year is divided into four seasons that are demarcated by the equinoxes and solstices.

Each of the four seasons is 91 days or 13 weeks long, which gives us a year of 52 weeks. We see the key Maya 13-base numerical progression reflected in our own calendar. Half of a year is 26 weeks.


For the ancient cultures the image of a cross mean "DEATH!", the end of the current Sun...and the begining of the New one...

." For modern Westerners this next Pachakuti (the transition to the 5th Sun) holds the possibility of chaos and the end of the world as we know it. But it also promises the emergence of a new kind of human at the end of this period of turmoil."

The First Inka Prophecy for the 5th Sun foretells the coming together of the best of resurfacing Ancient Wisdom Teachings with the best of modern cultural and scientific society in a way of life that enhances the promise of both.

The Second Inka Prophecy sees Eagle and Condor once again flying wing to wing, signaling an era when humanity comes together as brothers and sisters living in harmony and balance with each other and all our relations here on Mother Earth.

end quoted @ http://www.inkasunstaff.org/5thSun.html
Re: The Next Phase


I downloaded the two manuscripts.
But what is the meaning?... Translation, please, if possible.

henrylwh -

The IHC website is registered to Sony Pictures and is part of a viral marketing campaign for their upcoming 2012 movie.

Re: The Next Phase


I downloaded the two manuscripts.
But what is the meaning?... Translation, please, if possible.


You wont be the first to have tried.

I kid of course(truth in jest), love ya recall...just a little out of it lately.
Re: Wondering...

Now Ray became INSANE Abusing other members on TTI

Quoting Ray:
<font color="red"> Re: poor effort [re: hdrkid]
02/19/09 11:13 PM (
In reply to:
If the earth is rotating at over 1000 mph then why is it that when I jump up real high the tramp dont move?

Idiocy. Intelligent people (of which you are not) see the flaw in your proposition.

In reply to:
Also, how is it that if I am in a supersonic jet I can talk to the person in the seat in front on me?

Idiocy upon idiocy. Fool.

Don't you realize, Kid, it is all about ME!

Me, me, me, me, me, me, me (not you), me, me, me, me, me, me, me, MEEEEEEEEE!

I am the great one here. Not you, HDRKID.

All bow down before ME.


Pay attention to ONLY ME!

RMT has seen all. RMT knows all. RMT is the only one who can save us all.

The 15 minutes of HDRKID are now up. I, the holy RMT, will decide when you must be cast to the dogs as their sustenance.

Thou shalt serve me, and only me. That is your new commandment, HDRKID.

I have forseen your passing, HDRKID... and it is not pretty. I have RV'ed the future and I see angry mobs hunting down the HDRKID (because I have given them dispensation to do so) and they are force-feeding you your own words, in CLOCKWORK ORANGE style...

You are now permitted to log off and pray (to me) and consider your filthy life.

end quoted from:
The HDrkid Thread...


Well if i write to Mop a email asking for a review of a decision of The Moderator of TTI ,he may said:

-"O.K Recall...Hmmm after reading this post of RMT i decided that he is right now a bit perturbed by the Reality of Timetraveleres and i make my mind in a sense of change the Moderator of TTI, cause more vacations is not an option... but did you have a better Man or Woman for the Job?

Well, Mop What if make a poll whit names and the members of TTI decided who is the Best for the Job? Is Democracy isn`t it?

-stop Wondering....

So, what do you think????
Re: Wondering...

Now Ray became INSANE Abusing other members on TTI

Recall, would you mind telling me why you are cross-posting from a FICTION forum over here?

Are you really that short-sighted that you do not understand what is going on?

It is a FICTION FORUM.... get it?

Please refrain from cross-posting (and thus taking threads off topic)
Re: Wondering...

It is a FICTION FORUM.... get it?

Please refrain from cross-posting (and thus taking threads off topic)


First: You moved "that" thread not me...

Second: YOU act like that!!!



LOL!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: Wondering...

Are you really that short-sighted that you do not understand what is going on?

No, but you are Exposing right now your Long Ago Hidden-Agenda/Cover Psi-OPS...

First: Debunk Every thing on the Threads...

Second:Move the Threads from Time Travel Claims Forum to Fan Fiction Forum

Third: Get a "Character Assasination " or ""mudslinging" of The Poster...

<font color="red">Which Thread is Next? [/COLOR]
Quoting Peter Novak:
<font color="red"> very year on February 22nd, Zeshua returns to this forum to post a new message.

This occurred in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008.

The 2/22 messages in 2006 and 2007 were textless, either blank or erased, [/COLOR]
end quoted from:
Link to TTI...

Who erased it?

Again Who is Next?

John Titor`s Posts?

Charlie`s ?
Re: Wondering...

First: You moved "that" thread not me...

First: Wrong. Raul moved the thread, because I only have Admin privs in TT Discussion.

Second: Raul was asked to move that thread as a result of a democratic process where a majority believed it was appropriate for the Kid's thread to be in that forum... as it is clearly fiction.

Third: Now who is "mudslinging"? (and without relevant facts and evidence even!)

Which Thread is Next?
Quoting Peter Novak:
very year on February 22nd, Zeshua returns to this forum to post a new message.

This occurred in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008.

The 2/22 messages in 2006 and 2007 were textless, either blank or erased,
end quoted from:
Link to TTI...

Who erased it?

Again Who is Next?

John Titor`s Posts?

Charlie`s ?

If you think I erased anything in a Zeshua post, you had better make sure your facts are correct. And let me tell you now, they are not.

But I understand... you are the eternal "resistance fighter". Anyone with any modicum of authority in this world, you decide that you must accuse them and "take them on"... because you are such a hero.

I will again ask you to stop cross-posting from other threads... For all the complaining you make about other people taking threads off topic, you do it just as much with your antics. He who lives in glass house should not throw stones.

Re: Wondering...

But I understand... you are the eternal "resistance fighter". Anyone with any modicum of authority in this world, you decide that you must accuse them and "take them on"... because you are such a hero.

heh, that reminded me of javier cortez.
Re: Wondering...

heh, that reminded me of javier cortez.

Changing Language Interface: Castillian Spanish Selected...

Yo no me llamo Javier...

LOLOL!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

1. What is the secret of the back of the moon?
2. Was Moon artificially put into its orbit?
3. What is the true nature of 'dark matter/dark energy' in this universe?
4. Any explaination why Mayan calendar ends at 2012 Dec 21?
5. DOW did not stop at 7,500. How did you explain that?
6. Was AIDS invented?
7. If Obama really did disclose the anomaly to public, do you worry that he would have the same destiny of Kennedy?
8. The Vatican was informed about this long time ago in the 'Fatima prediction'?
9. Is Vatican part of the secret government?
4. Any explaination why Mayan calendar ends at 2012 Dec 21?
Gregorian date don`t count Year O ad

According to the normal historians' usage, the third millennium of the Gregorian calendar began on 1 January 2001, rather than the popularly-celebrated 1 January 2000. This is a direct consequence of the absence of a year zero in the anno Domini era. Had there been a year zero, which might be considered part of the first millennium, then 1 January 2000 would indeed mark 2000 years since the year numbering datum and be the start of the third millennium.

Note that this also applies to centuries. Thus, the 20th century actually began on 1 January 1901.

Maya historiography

Many Maya historians, but not all, assume (or used to assume) that a year 0 exists in the modern calendar and thus specify that the epoch of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar occurred in 3113 BC rather than 3114 BC. This would require the sequence 1 BC, 0, AD 1 as in early astronomical years

end quoted @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_zero

8. The Vatican was informed about this long time ago in the 'Fatima prediction'?
they misunderstood these event with a flood and not long ago they banned the Virgin Mary Apparitions...

Catholics ordered to keep quiet over Virgin visions

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

According to Petrus, an Italian online magazine which leans towards conservative elements in the Vatican, anyone who claims to have seen an apparition will only be believed as long as they remain silent and do not court publicity over their claims. If they refuse to obey, this will be taken as a sign that their claims are false.

The visionaries will then be visited by a team of psychiatrists, either atheists or Catholics, to certify their mental health while theologians will assess the content of any heavenly messages to see if they contravene Church teachings.

If the visionary is considered credible they will ultimately be questioned by one or more demonologists and exorcists to exclude the possibility that Satan is hiding behind the apparitions in order to deceive the faithful.

end quoted @
link to <a href="http://www.independent.co.uk" target="_blank">http://www.independent.co.uk[/url]</a>

and what if an apparition of the Virgin Mary start Telling you about the Poleshift ???

Hmmm, they want the Political and Social Power until the last days...Beyound the cost of Human lifes...Very Egoist Souls @ the Vatican...
Re: The Next Phase


I downloaded the two manuscripts.
But what is the meaning?... Translation, please, if possible.


Starting on Page 46 you got:
4 Yaxkin
14 Zac
19 Tzec
7 Xul

The second row is comprised of the repeated images of hands holding blades, and the third row contains symbols of the cardinal points, north, west, south, and east, respectively. The signs of the cardinal points, in their assigned order, indicate the course of Venus' trajectory at the beginning.

The fourth row contains the symbols of an unknown god, God D Itzamna, another unknown god, and God A Ahpuch.
The fifth row is comprised of the repeated symbols for Venus.

The sixth row contains the four numbers 236, 236, 576, and 584:

which indicate to which day of the 2920 day period the position of Venus has advanced.

You only need to know when Venus will chase Quetzalcoatl (A Cross symbol) Nibiru/The Anomaly in the Sky...

this will give the day month and Year....

Re: The Next Phase


"You only need to know when Venus will chase Quetzalcoatl (A Cross symbol) Nibiru/The Anomaly in the Sky...

this will give the day month and Year...."

Which is?
