Listen old timer. You're still not getting what I'm saying. I don't understand why you don't just read what I say, instead you have to be immature and just put your childish comments in, Turk. Everything I did on here WAS A JOKE! LETS REPEAT THIS, WAS A JOKE! FROM THE BEGINNING IT WAS A JOKE I DID IT TO MAKE YOU [censored] LOSERS GET UPSET AND MAD. Is that clear enough? You guys seem to think I get angry when I don't. I guess you can tell someones emotions in real life from reading how they type, right? Wrong. Because this entire time I laughed my ass off at you idiots while I sit here and played the fool and the [censored]. You all fell for the way I acted, that's not my fault.
Then in my other post I told you how 90% of what I said was a LIE so I don't have a hot girlfriend, and I don't study psychology. It was all bullshit to get you to sit here and waste your time on me. You've all wasted countless minutes on me so far that you will never get back. I had the power to get you angry and talk [censored]. So I crossed my finish line before you guys even knew what I was doing
I didn't do this to have competition with you geeks, or did I do it for any other reason but to piss you off and I did it and I AM STILL PISSING YOU OFF EVEN WHEN IM NOT TRYING SO WHO IS WINNING? I mean seriously you guys have no common sense and you can't seem to read and understand things because if you did you would realise that IM JUST SOME PUNK KID ON THE INTERNET TALKING [censored] FOR NO REASON TO GET YOU MAD AND YOU FELL FOR IT AND STILL CONTINUE TO CONTRIBUTE TO MY IDIOCY.
The way I acted on this blog was the total opposite of the person I am, but ofcourse when someone sits here and gets angry with my "created time traveling character" then I have to make my "time traveler" defend himself. Ofcourse I didn't try to carry on the time traveling thing. Ruthless gave me a oppurtinity to end all of this and just finish up what I started by starting with the first post he had that insulted me. So, you can thank ruthless for helping me piss you guys off.
I tell you what, Turk. I gave my address out in a earlier post. If you feel like sending the senior citizen brigade over here, go ahead. My brother, my father, and my grandfather are all veterans of war. I will more then likely join the Marines after college. So if you feel like starting a war my friend, I'm all for it. I am trained in close quarters combat techniques as well as muay thai, shaolin kung fu, boxing and judo. I also have a permit to carry a gun as well as a couple of other members in my family. Oh, and the AirForce is a bunch of pussies.
I have some respect if you're not bullshitting about what you do. But respect is not given, it is earned. And none of you have earned my respect, especially the way you act and talk. Remember, Turk my address is in a earlier post go and find it. Oh, and just so you know when you [censored] with me it's not just you who is going to be knee deep in [censored]. Your family is going to come with you.
So, come and get it boy.