Lol, you people seriously have very very weird thought processes. I came on this website a couple of days ago when I was bored surfing the net, but you guys seem to think I really give a [censored] about what I said or what happened. I type 100 WPM so making that story took me about 2 minutes(with no errors).
Lol, the funny thing is, is that you people are still picking apart of story, and still commenting on things I've said. I made no sense and came up with a hillariously retarded story. But you people are so bored and so depressed with life and in need of some kind of a "wake-up" call that you sat here and read and picked apart what I wrote.
The greatest thing of all is that I'm a 20 year old man, 180 pounds, I work out 3-4 times a week depending on my schedule. I study physocology in college, I have a very hot girlfriend, a nice car and I make a good ammount of money on the side. But you guys are just a bunch of fat, overweight, depressed people with no lives and probably no jobs.
So the first time that someone comes on the forums and gives you a chance to sit here and let you pick him apart and use your silly tactics of "mind control" you jump on him like he was a krispy kreme donut. Guys, I'm not a krispy kreme donut!! I mean seriously from the first post I ever made it was OBVIOUS that it was all a joke, and it was OBVIOUS that I'm better then you and could make such a awesome story.
So please guys, go get some lives. Because so far the only thing you've showed me on this forum is that you're a bunch of fat nerds/geeks/losers that have no friends outside of these forums, like cock in your ass, and enjoy a good chess match. It's so funny to sit here and watch you think you got over on me and actually sit here and praise yourself with your idle insults and silly comments.
I'm the total opposite of you geeks, I am the guy you see who is wearing the coolest clothes, has the coolest stuff and drives the best car. You guys are a bunch of nerds who beleive in time traveling and paranormal events! I mean come on, have you ever seen a picture of anyone who follows the same beleifs as you guys?
Picture Pee-Wee Herman addicted to krispy kremes. This is what your women look like.
Picture Roseanne, but she has a love for time travel(and donuts). This is what your men look like.
So in the end it doesn't matter what you say or do on this forum, because I win. I'm smarter then you, alot better looking, I have everything I want in my life and I'm not so depressed that I have to find time travelers and aliens to make me feel secure in my life.