
If there have been no human to human violence in decades, as suggested by you, then how could you have a fighting record of 243-0-0? Sounds pretty darn violent to me. Mohammed Ali only had about 50 fights in his whole career. You must be fighting people weekly.

Also, where will it be safe to live in the next decade?
some dont look at mma as being violent. compare it to baseball if you will. but what confuses me is that for the past 5000 years fighting has not evolved much at all. its surprising to me too see that it changed so much so fast. another thing that strikes me as strange is that he says there are evolved fighting styles, yet he practices boxing. boxing is considered an endangered species about to go exctinct. im also surprised that so few use jiu jitsu, as it is considered in our time the most dangerous martial art. its especially lethal to opponents who do not know jiu jitsu. it is also meant to neutralize a boxer with 100% effectivness.

i am by no means calling you a liar, but i must admit that it does seem a little far fetched. we are lucky to have a fighter that is 10-0 nowadays. and it just so happens that your record is the best record in the history of mma.
If you re-read what I said I never claimed that there was no human violence in decades. I stated that there was no "death" caused by a human for decades. Just like today, it will have it safe parts and its un-safe parts. For you to ask a question like that you must think there's going to be some kind of big war or something where safe places are scarce?

Fighting is a form of human expression, it's not a bad thing unless there's hate and anger used in the fight. Two adults who are fighting for the fun and sport are just fulfilling eachothers mental and physical needs. Certain forms of "pain" people have good reactions to. If you're in the fight to see how far you can push yourself and learn from the other fighter whether you win or lose, you're doing the right thing(winning helps too).

Like I said before, we still use some of the older arts. When was boxing introduced, a very long time ago correct? But boxing is one of the most popular sports on television. Kung Fu has been around for even longer, over the years it was polluted and lost its true meaning and strength. So, most of the most popular styles around right now have been around for quite a while. What makes you think they wont be here a few decades or so from now?

I told you earlier that people still use older styles but they are not very popular. Why would someone use "Jiu Jitsu" when the style would be totally useless against about 80-90% of the styles used today? Here's what I said "So, I practice alot of styles the only one I use that you would even possibly recognize is "Boxing". I made it clear that you would barely even recognize the style, now let me elaborate. What I meant by that was that it's so advanced now that you would maybe notice a jab or a hook. It has been refined over a long period of time and perfected, most of the newer styles were created by massive ammounts of people ranging from top fighters, trainers, and even scientists.

Please, do me one favor while I'm here. You have to use your minds instead of trying to look for the negatives in things. Instead of sitting here trying to find what's wrong with my story look at what's right. Re-read what I say before asking questions or posting comments about it. I only say this because so far too many people have mis-understood my meanings. I'm trying to talk to you so that you understand what I'm trying to get across, but so far it's not working. If you guys can't understand me now, you have alot of work on your hands.
ok, i will try to respond as intelligently as possible.

"But boxing is one of the most popular sports on television"

no, it is not. boxing is all but dead. the last greatly hyped fight flopped so bad, that the fighters made more than the promoters.

"I told you earlier that people still use older styles but they are not very popular. Why would someone use "Jiu Jitsu" when the style would be totally useless against about 80-90% of the styles used today?"

you see, this is a problem for me. no matter how far mma has gone in the future, the person who performs their gameplan will always win. no matter what. now, i have no clue about any of these styles from the future, but i do know this: theres a pretty limited amount of options in mma. your either a striker or a grappler, or well rounded in both. so i can understand that advanced techniques are available in your time. but to say that jiu jitsu is not effective against them is a little foolhardy, wouldnt you think? also i can understand why you would not think we could comprehend things, but the fact of the matter is, you dont know any of us, the trials we have faced, and the things we HAD to comprehend to make it to where we are. i would appreciate it if you could get rid of the "i'm better than all of you cause i'm from the future" mentality.

i told you i would be as open minded as possible, and i am being. but to come here and say that jiu jitsu (something i practice with a passion btw) is ineffective against your styles is truly incorrect. jiu jitsu is based more on science than anything. it is meant for a small woman to be able to dominate a large man. that speaks for the power of it.

i truly mean no disrespect, but you sound like a striker thats never fought a grappler.

so, if you are going to say that jiu jitsu is ineffective in future mma, i would ask that you please help me to understand how. trust me, i have alot more comprehension than a brick. and i know alot about mma. judo, vale tudo, sambo, mui thai,western and eastern boxing, and most importantly, greco roman wrestling.
"I'm trying to talk to you so that you understand what I'm trying to get across, but so far it's not working."

what is it that you are trying to get across? if you say it plain as day, then there is no way we can misinterpret anything. in order to be so advanced, you surely must have thought that the people in our time would be a little hesitant to believe such an outrageous claim. so why didnt you say " i know all this sounds a little far fetched, but its all true" to soften us up a little bit? but of course, psychology is not a part of everyone's game i guess.
You have to use your minds instead of trying to look for the negatives in things. Instead of sitting here trying to find what's wrong with my story look at what's right.

Whoa, big fella! In your initial post you chided a group of Members for being hoodwinked by Group Titor. And then, shortly thereafter, you launched into the all-to-tired "Ask me questions and I'll only answer what I feel like answering" Titoresque tripe. If your criticism of the Members didn't involve their not asking and demanding answers to the "right" questions of Titor just what the heck was your gripe with them?

Now, either you were serious about your original criticism of the Members regarding their gullibility over the Titor Saga - after reading their posts covering the past seven years "for a few hours" - or you weren't. In any case, if the Members decided to take to heart your original chastizement of their "2-yr old child vs. 45 yr-old mathematician" intllectual abilities then you owe them just a bit more than you've given.

Frankly I think that you've been just a tad cheeky as a rookie poster, all things considered. (Not to mention - but I did mention it, didn't I? - a bit cliched with your "I have a secret but I won't tell you" gambit.)
Well as far as independant opinions go Boxing can be considered the worlds most popular sport. I don't know the statistics of boxing but to me it's pretty popular.

Here's something for you to think about, it seems you're a little upset because you beleive that I have insulted your style when in fact I did nothing of the sort. I stated pure facts, I didn't insult the style or the people who use it and you disagree with me. So, here it is I will tell you exactly why Jiu Jitsu would do pretty much nothing to me or most of the fighters. I've told you that it's very rare to see people using these old styles, why? The styles used today have been formed by techniques that not one single person ever knew when any of these older styles were created.

Let's use a boxer for example, a boxer uses "Kinetic Linking", right? It's a certain knowledge of how the human body works, this includes having the right stance as well as throwing your weight and maneuvering your body correctly. There's no "energy" or mysterious force or whatever other ideas there are out there. These styles and their fighters didn't contain the correct movements and the correct mind state. Right now you can look at a MMA fighter like Chunk or Rampage from the UFC and think to yourself their good fighters and can really hurt someone if they had the chance.

Well, unless these guys have a "time machine", alot of time, and have advanced beyond their human friends then everyone you know, everyone who has ever fought, everyone who will fight for a while now would be totally unequiped and if people could still kill eachother they would die instantly the second they even stepped on the floor of the ring with me or anyone else that I fight with.

I've seen a man that could hold a star the size of a quarter in his hand. I've seen a man throw a punch from 150 feet away and hit the person directly where they wanted to. I've seen a woman defeat thousands of soldiers(please remember I told you there is NO death and yes obviously that means there's no need for solders on Earth").

There is a limited ammount of options, now. Didn't you ever think that since I have a 243 record that obviously something is a little different?

Do you see what's wrong with the people of your time? You're going to sit here and tell me that I'm trying to act better then you. You havn't realised that this entire time I was trying to help you and you, "ruthless" have spit in my face for it. And why? Because you think I insulted your fighting style? When the fact of the matter is that I didn't do anything of the sort.

This is why you can't and will not comprehend things. This is why you will die without ever knowing the meaning of life, without ever realising your full potential and without experiencing life as it is meant to be. This is why people of your time failed, I'm not insulting you or anyone else. I'm stating FACTS. You have every oppurtinity to change your ways of thinking but you continue and continue to harm yourselves and others.

"i would appreciate it if you could get rid of the "i'm better than all of you cause i'm from the future" mentality."

"i truly mean no disrespect, but you sound like a striker thats never fought a grappler."

"you dont know any of us, the trials we have faced, and the things we HAD to comprehend to make it to where we"

You insulted me twice so far, once by calling me a snob and the other by calling me a in-experienced fighter. It's pretty obvious if I have 243 fights in a MMA ring that I have fought a grappler atleast once.

But, I do.

I never "chided" anybody, I stated facts and not once in my post did I insult anyone. Why is it that you have to sit here and try to pick the negatives out of everything, Darby? I have no gripe with anybody, I wrote 2 sentences about "Titor" but for some reason you think I have something against him or his followers.

Is there another way you would like me to rephrase how I asked people to ask me questions? I mean honestly, what is it that you need me to do for you to just simply ask me questions?

It seems, Darby that you have a need for attention and you like to argue with people. As I said I was not trying to insult anyone, simply stating facts, I tried to give you a example of how he did it but you could only pick the negative part out of what I said instead of looking at it the right way. Here, Darby I will rephrase what I said about your friend, "John":

"John Titor lied to you."

And ofcourse, Darby you picked another negative thing out of a simple fact. You beleive I was chastizing people, but I understand because if you didn't think this then you wouldn't be getting what you wanted right now.

If you actually read what I said instead of trying to find the bad in it, you wouldn't of said what you just said.

"Also, as I said alot of questions will go unanswered and I will give you my reason for this, the simplest answer I could find is that your consciousness as of this moment compared to mine would be like comparing the IQ of a 2 year old child to a 45 year old mathematician"


com·par·i·son /kəmˈpærəsən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuhm-par-uh-suhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. the act of comparing.
2. the state of being compared.
3. a likening; illustration by similitude; comparative estimate or statement.
4. Rhetoric. the considering of two things with regard to some characteristic that is common to both, as the likening of a hero to a lion in courage.
5. capability of being compared or likened.
6. Grammar. a. the function of an adverb or adjective that is used to indicate degrees of superiority or inferiority in quality, quantity, or intensity.
b. the patterns of formation involved therein.
c. the degrees of a particular word, displayed in a fixed order, as mild, milder, mildest, less mild, least mild.


1. the state of being conscious; awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
2. the thoughts and feelings, collectively, of an individual or of an aggregate of people: the moral consciousness of a nation.
3. full activity of the mind and senses, as in waking life: to regain consciousness after fainting.
4. awareness of something for what it is; internal knowledge: consciousness of wrongdoing.
5. concern, interest, or acute awareness: class consciousness.
6. the mental activity of which a person is aware as contrasted with unconscious mental processes.
7. Philosophy. the mind or the mental faculties as characterized by thought, feelings, and volition.
—Idiom8. raise one's consciousness, to increase one's awareness and understanding of one's own needs, behavior, attitudes, etc., esp. as a member of a particular social or political group.

If you don't understand what I mean now, then I can't help you at all. But please if you feel like posting a comment as I said before, read(and understand) what I said before putting your two-cents in.

"I've seen a man that could hold a star the size of a quarter in his hand. I've seen a man throw a punch from 150 feet away and hit the person directly where they wanted to. I've seen a woman defeat thousands of soldiers(please remember I told you there is NO death and yes obviously that means there's no need for solders on Earth")."

this is a very contradictory statement. seen a woman defeat thousands of soldiers, yet theres no need for soldiers... hmm

men holding stars, and 150ft. punches? incredible... i bet that you would see that coming from, oh, 150feet away...

and no, i did not insult you. you insulted yourself.

you may call that mma, but i call it a cartoon called dragonball z.

i am not an expert in physics like darby. i am not an expert in engineering like RMT. i am not an expert in anything, except mma. you might have gotten away with all of this if i were not here. but alas, here i am.

also, its great to see that humans have evolved so much in 50 years, that they dont even need foresight anymore.

if you seriously think that a man holding a star, or a man that can stretch his arm like elastic would have a chance,then you are the one insulting me. severely insulting me.

i have a very simple way to fix all of this. i challenge you to a mma fight. i will come alone, and we can do it at the place of your choosing. and before you say i cant, and give us all of that mumbo jumbo, just think about it. you supposedly have the power to kill instantly, so there would be no casualty if i were dead. to me, this would be fine. but i already know the answer. the answer is that your simply a half hearted mma fan who does not understand jiu jitsu.

my record is nowhere near what yours is, but i am undefeated too. i look at alot of fighters, and see that they have a mental block on certain things. i akin you to them.

i have always humbled myself to learn the best, from the best. i also know where mma will be in the next 50 years. call me "psychic" if you will. and its far from your mutated world.

i dont blame you for trying the mma con. after all, who wouldve thought that someone interested in time travel would be a mma fighter? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

you come here making outrageous claims, claim to have superior intellect, yet you mock everything that mma has worked for in the past 15 years. it truly makes me sick.

i told you i would keep an open mind, and i did. i always do. but from the get go, you contradicted yourself on so many things and on so many levels, that it is hilarious.

i know that when people find this message board, they are tempted to try a claim out once. heck, i was tempted! but i didnt. and if i did, i wouldve put much more thought and effort into it.

go back to moms basement, smoke some pot, throw on some led zeppelin, and watch that liddel fight again. NOW you have a reason to say your insulted. but to quote you "I'm not insulting you or anyone else. I'm stating FACTS."

and if you ever truly want to be a mma fighter, then i suggest you learn a little about how the mind works, and learn jiu jitsu. or else you are doomed. i suggest you give up on boxing too. as its a sport bound with too many rules. i'll give you an example since you seem to be stubborn.

the boxer throws a right hook. i shoot in for a single leg takedown, the boxer has no clue what to do, panics, tries to throw you off of him, wastes energy, extends his arms. i hook one of his arms, cross over him, and blammo! broken arm for the poor boxer. i go home wishing i actually had a challenge.

if you chose to accept the fight, that is what i will do to you. you will know ahead of time what i am going to do, yet there will be nothing you can do. you will feel helpless, and im sorry for that, but if you actually knew anything about jiu jitsu, then you never wouldve had such a cocky attitude.

i would love to fight any person that is as strong as you say they are. they would still leave with something broken, or unconsious. or worse god forbid. no matter how far science goes, the throat will always be soft enough to choke. bone joints will always be a weak spot, and no matter what, if a person has no room to punch, he wont be able to.

do you throw in the towel, or do you really want more? :D

in the words of my illustrious hero stan lee: 'nuff said.
"Well as far as independant opinions go Boxing can be considered the worlds most popular sport."

this is my last time saying this: boxing is not popular at all anymore. it has lost pretty much all of its sponsorships, airtime, promoters, and fighters. boxing is on its last leg right now BECAUSE of mma. pro wrestling is many, many times more popular than boxing. people see that boxing is bound by too many rules, and have switched to mma fans. i guarantee that 2 years from now, boxing will not be televised, and the only boxing you will ever see again is at the hometown toughman contest.

one last comment: its funny, its the classic matchup. striker vs. grappler. im pretty sure you know that a striker has absolutely no chance. the only chance he does have is to learn jiu jitsu, and learn how to counter it. i cant wait to hear your reply...
It seems, Darby that you have a need for attention and you like to argue with people. As I said I was not trying to insult anyone, simply stating facts, I tried to give you a example of how he did it but you could only pick the negative part out of what I said instead of looking at it the right way. Here, Darby I will rephrase what I said about your friend, "John":

"John Titor lied to you."

Yet when you digress and rephrase your two sentences to describe your opinion of the Titor Saga you, yourself, pick only the negative - he lied.

Now I have no particular problem with your assessment of the Titor Saga - though I have some grave doubts that you've actually read the threads (had you done so it's not likely that you would have called him my "friend" - but now I digress).

Therefore I have no problem with picking out anything negative that I find with your saga. After all, you set the tone in your opening post - a tone which you refined in your last post, i.e. "Titor lied."

So what's your problem with members finding negatives in your story? Surely, after all of the research into this site that you did - research that encouraged you to make an informed decision to post here, you aren't surprised with at least my response, are you? At least the "gullible" people who believed the Titor Saga didn't have a base line to guide them. You, on the other hand, did.

Again, you misunderstand me. I will be blunt with you, because it's what you need. You're being a fool. Here's why you're wrong:

1. You're thinking of a person stretching his arm, I never said anyone stretched their arm I simply stated he could hit him from 150 feet away. Want to know how? What you would call "energy", it was like a sniper rifle from far away I couldn't even see what it was but it took the guy, quick. And this guy never went down like that before he was a good fighter. But the other guy, was better.

2. You think "Dragon Ball Z" first, because it seems you don't have the foresight to see something else. When you see people training now and doing events such as birck breaking are those not parts of martial arts? So when a master tapes himself with the ability to punch steel and wood numerous times with no feeling this is not a display of power? I never said he held the star in his hand then went "STAR E HAR A HAA" and shot people with it, did I?

3. Not once in any of my posts did I tell you I was from 50 years from now.

4. I never said I was more intelligent then anyone, I said I was like anyone else with a 9-5 did I not?

5. I tell you what, I'm going to pick the best route in this situation. If you wish to fight I agree to a fight with you. Message me with how exactly you plan to do this.

To everyone else, this is to show you just how much you need to open your eyes and realise what life is. Ruthless challenged me to a fight, this is the only thing that the people of your time can seem to do or act like you can do. This is why you will fail.

Ruthless, I will show you true skill.

"one last comment: its funny, its the classic matchup. striker vs. grappler. im pretty sure you know that a striker has absolutely no chance. the only chance he does have is to learn jiu jitsu, and learn how to counter it. i cant wait to hear your reply.."

"There are 12 required styles for the MMA. Some use refined styles of Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Boxing, Muay Thai, etc. But it's very rare to see people still using these, new styles of fighting will appear even in the next few years here"

You're saying that I'm just a striker? The only thing you saw in any of my posts was the time I said I used "Boxing"? I have 11 more styles what makes you think they are all for striking?

"I tell you what, I'm going to pick the best route in this situation. If you wish to fight I agree to a fight with you. Message me with how exactly you plan to do this."

simple. you pick a time, date, and place. pm it to me so noone else sees.

im kinda getting excited! i hope you are as strong as you say, because you will need it.

and dont you worry, i'll show up. im almost salivating at the idea of learning something new.

oh, and as far as energy balls goes, thats old news. very old news. like ancient japanese old. not new at all. but its also make believe too.

and why is it that you know so much about our time? i wonder... maybe you give yourself away too easy. i suggest not doing that in our fight.

i will show you what TRUE honor is. and please dont back out. im tired of people backing out.

and btw, i can do many things, not just fight.

another btw, why is it that you start spouting your "secret techniques" once we get into a semi heated debate? but before i didnt have the comprehension? makes no sense to me.

and i swear, if you make me waste a full tank of gas to get to you and you dont show up, im going to be very upset. so upset that i may just give your I.P. to a few "special" freinds who have their very own "special techniques." :P
"You're saying that I'm just a striker? The only thing you saw in any of my posts was the time I said I used "Boxing"? I have 11 more styles what makes you think they are all for striking?"

it is very easy to see by your posts that you are very fond of boxing. it does not take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. what you dont realize is that people here can read you like a book. the same thing that i will do in or fight.

btw, why do i keep smelling chronohistorian....
"When you see people training now and doing events such as birck breaking are those not parts of martial arts? So when a master tapes himself with the ability to punch steel and wood numerous times with no feeling this is not a display of power?"

yes it is. what you fail to realize is that power breakers condition their bodies their entire life by breaking the bone repeatedly. the more it breaks, the thicker the bone gets. they dedicate their entire life to it. and yet they never can pull a chi blast.

maybe it wouldve done you some good to look up power breaking before you decided to make yet another idiodic comment.
You're just funny now. You think that I would be in this time with the ability to do what I could in my own? Everything I say I am allowed to say, one thing I'm smart about and that is rules. I'm pretty sure you are too being a fighter. Why is it that you have no imagination and you're on a Time Traveling blog? You don't beleive that some place, some time possibly the human body can be refined? Especially with what I've been telling you in my posts somehow you can't see that humans are capable of alot more then you think. You have to be open-minded, which you're not.

I will make sure that it's a fight worth your while, nothing too easy for someone of your skill as you describe it on the blog.

Meet me here:

4248 A St. Auburn, Washington.

I will wait for you at the store as long as it takes for you to get here, it's at the entrance to the house. I have a very short haircut with gray hair. If you're a fighter you should be able to pick me out of a crowd so it won't be hard.

You're bordering on retarded my friend.

Please, learn how to read on your own or pay for a tutor. Your reading and comprehending skills are on a very low level. So far everything you've been saying has been wrong and you have misunderstood what I said. I don't understand what it is that I need to do when writing my posts for you to actually know what I'm saying. I spoke as common as I could and you still couldn't get anything at all.

I'm giving you what you want ruthless, are you happy now?

This is why you fail.
