Good example of what Titor was trying to tell us

Darby, if you stop a sound wave dead in its tracks, it still existed once. Just not now.

The analogy isn't the same, here, as creating a CTC and stopping the sound wave from being propogated at all.

Sure, two billiard balls slam together, emit a sound and the sound waves eventually "disappear" - at least classically - if we define "disappear" loosely enough. The wave will be absorded. And true enough, though no one may have been there to hear it, it did exist.

But that's not so easily defined if someone loops back in time and prevents the balls from ever slamming together. It's an arbitrary, and logically incorrect, position to say that the balls ever slammed together. Event A (balls slam together) can't preceed event A' (balls don't slam together). You have a witnes, the time traveler, who will say that "A" never occured. In this case A' apparently preceeds A - which makes sense because in state S(A,t) the balls are in contact. Thus time t'A' < tA - it is earlier than A. (I used the prime marks to differentiate the two events. The primes on the event and time indicate the "preventing" event.)

The question that I posed was, if the event is "prevented" how did the thought arise to go back and prevent it? The interfering action occured in the past light cone of the people who came up with the idea. There was nothing to prevent. That's a paradox.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Two more things:

a- regarding vCJD: California Slaughterhouse Already Under Investigation For Mistreating Cattle
LOS ANGELES (AP) ― The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Sunday recalled 143 million pounds of frozen beef from a Southern California slaughterhouse that is being investigated for mistreating cattle.

Officials said it was the largest beef recall in the United States, surpassing a 1999 ban of 35 million pounds of ready-to-eat meats.

The federal agency said the recall will affect beef products dating to Feb. 1, 2006, that came from Chino-based Westland/Hallmark Meat Co., which supplies meat to the federal school lunch program and to some major fast-food chains.

Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer said his department has evidence that Westland did not routinely contact its veterinarian when cattle became non-ambulatory after passing inspection, violating health regulations.

"Because the cattle did not receive complete and proper inspection, Food Safety and Inspection Service has determined them to be unfit for human food and the company is conducting a recall," Schafer said in a statement.

Federal officials suspended operations at Westland/Hallmark after an undercover video surfaced showing crippled and sick animals being shoved with forklifts.

Two former employees were charged Friday with animal cruelty. No charges have been filed against Westland, but an investigation by federal authorities continues.

b- Regarding Internet:
Wikileaks Under Attack: California Court Wipes Out of Existence Quote

US District Judge Jeffrey White ordered the California web hosting company Dynadot to "immediately clear and remove" records from Wikileaks and "prevent the domain name from resolving to the website or any other website or server...

This is the equivalent of ordering a newspaper or news magazine to be removed from the shelves. I see it as a major attack on freedom of the press.

The fact that even novice internet users can still access the information is irrelevant. If there is a legal challenge to information posted, then order that the specific information be removed. Any party harmed is free to sue for damages.

But you can "avoid dns then and go direct"

Best Regards
And it will be illuminating to see who posts on this thread as well. (And who is absent) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

a- regarding vCJD: California Slaughterhouse Already Under Investigation For Mistreating Cattle
LOS ANGELES (AP) ― The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Sunday recalled 143 million pounds of frozen beef from a Southern California slaughterhouse that is being investigated for mistreating cattle.

I was waiting for someone to try to connect this event with Titor. You will note the recall is NOT because any form of CJD was found having to do with this beef. The recall is simply because they violated federal regs. Better safe than sorry. In fact, this is the type of action that would PREVENT Titor's Mad Cow Burgers from coming to market more than it would prove he was right.

Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

LOL Ray:

"Despite claims that downers were being eliminated from the food supply, downed animals may be falling through the cracks as a result of poor oversight, anemic enforcement, and a loophole created by inconsistent agency regulations. The result is a losing proposition for animals who are beaten, kicked, and dragged to their death and consumers who unknowingly consume the meat from sick and injured animals."

end quoted...

See The Video and think about it next time you order a -Burger-



"Federal officials are trying to track down the 143 million pounds of beef recalled Sunday, but they say that most of it has probably been eaten."

Link to CNN

Best Regards
"The hamburger chains Jack-In-the-Box and In-N-Out as well more than 150 school districts around the nation have banned meat from a Chino slaughterhouse after a video showed workers brutalizing sick and crippled cows" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Supreme Court Smackdown

Being able to not only criticize Government but able to legally reprimand Government was a chief function of our now mostly ripped away Constitutional Guarantees.

It's coming folks, screw mad cow when they can listen to your phone conversations...
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

It's coming folks, screw mad cow when they can listen to your phone conversations...

That's right...right up to the point where someone overhears a conversation, covertly, detects a plan to commit a violent act (like a bombing) and then buries the conversation because the intercept was "illegal". The bomb goes off, a member of your family is vaporized and you discover that the government had information that could have prevented the incident.

Now you, being a Constitutional Scholar, won't sue the crap out of the government. But can the same be said of every other person, all 280+ million of them, in the USA?

Let's face facts here. In a large part the current "conspiracy theory" cult in America was founded on the book "At Dawn We Slept" which was published in 1982. That book crucifies the Roosevelt Administration for having intercepted Japan's secret communications (which was considered to be illegal under international law at the time) about the Pearl Harbor attack and not divulging the specifics to Admiral Kimmel and General Short in Hawaii.

Public opinion has a way of having 20-20 hindsight when properly cultivated by the "right" medium.

And BTW: I assume, though I could be wrong, that you've never seen what a human body looks like after a close encounter with an explosive device. You might have a different opinion of the subject if you not only have such but also have knowledge that you share some responsibility for what you have just witnessed. Don't ask.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Statistics of Diabetes in USA

It feels good to know that in cases of being exterminated in an ACTUAL bombing (or other such event) in the borders of the USA is MUCH LESS than Diabetes.

Is this due to having my phone tapped, my neighbor turning in the Middle Eastern gentlemen next door, or being "secured" everywhere I go on an airplane? I would assume that these measures would make someone else safer, not necessarily me personally.

Ben Franklin Quote on Liberty Vs. Security

There will NEVER be a point where giving up Constitutional guarantees will be BETTER than clamping down on everyone.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Tibet getting pwned

I've been thinking a lot about the Olympics "prediction". Now that I actually look at what's happening, maybe this is the expansion of China that he talks about. This includes the annexation of Japan, Taiwan, and the "Koreas".
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

It feels good to know that in cases of being exterminated in an ACTUAL bombing (or other such event) in the borders of the USA is MUCH LESS than Diabetes.

You're absolutely correct. And the correctness goes hand-in-hand with the technical definition of terrorism. Terrorism is a (usually) political act of great violence that causes mass casualties/property damage on a local scale with the intent of spreading the fear in the populace that they too are extremely vulnerable to such an attack where that fear far exceeds the actual risk of being a victim with the end goal of motivating the victim government to take a specific action. In other words terrorism is a very complex political extortion scheme.

From the mid-1960's until the late 1990's the international terrorists made every effort to be seen as stateless. Because they could attack at will and slink back into a technically "neutral" country they were able to have safe haven, virtually free from any risk of a knock-out retalliatory strike while the host "neutral" country could plead ignorance. That tactic helped cap the fear because the enemy was invulnerable. By the old rules of war governments declare war on other governments. There was no government to declare war on.

In the mean time the West - especially the USA, in blindness to the reality that Germany faced during it's wild ride through Europe from 1938-1945, unbelievably turned off its own oil production and went begging to the Middle East. Germany had no oil and had to seek it out during WWII. The lack of that strategic resource doomed Germany from Day 1. During the 40 years of terrorism we, the West, put ourselves at risk. The terrorists bombed and killed at will, went back to the Middle East and OPEC threatened to cut off oil if there was any retalliation.

The West stood bye for those 40 years in helpless, incompetetent fear that a strike would only invite a greater terrorist act. That's no longer the case.

Am I happy that we've had to take some unusual actions to secure our borders? Of course I'm not. Nor am I happy that, out of our own domestic terrorism of the 1960's and 1970's, we have allowed the very people who committed the acts and the people who wholeheartedly supported the people who committed those acts to ultimately determine the course of history that has resulted in those actions not the least of which is cutting off our own domestic oil supply. THose domestic terrorists not only openly supported the USSR and PRC they were especially supportive of the PLO and PFLP. Those two international terror organizations are the progenitors of the organizations that we face today. Same faces, different names.

And we keep electing them to office - their party continues to put them into positions of leadership.

Hopefully, after they unfortunately burn Denver down this summer because one of the "sexist/racist" candidates will be accused of stealing the nomination by half of their party no matter which one gets the nod, the 1960's radicals will be put out to pasture for good. Oh, the irony of it all. PC taken to its extreme could actually be the end of their radicalism and marginalization of the People.

Note to HdrKid: I told you on your thread that I use the term "terrorist" in a technically different form than you probably use it. I've given you that definition above in this post. As you can see, Hugo Chavez's actions don't fit the criteria.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Welcome to the Machine

Particularly found of this part of the article:

Under the Treasury proposal, the Federal Reserve would become the government’s “market stability regulator” and would be allowed to gather information from virtually any financial institution. Fed officials would be allowed to examine the practices and even the bookkeeping of brokerage firms, hedge funds, commodity-trading exchanges and any other institution that might pose a risk to the financial system.

“The Fed would have the authority to go wherever in the system it thinks it needs to go for a deeper look to preserve stability,” Mr. Paulson said in the advance text of Monday’s speech. “To do this effectively, it will collect information from commercial banks, investment banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, commodity pool operators.”

So to recap folks, not only can they listen in on your phone conversations and emails (Patriot Act), now they want full and complete access to your financial records too. All we need now is to have Clinton's Universal HELLth care and they'll have our Medical records.

Welcome to 1984, where's my wall-sized vid screen?
re:Doom Was: Good example of what Titor

Pope Bienadicto XVI week of visit dates also anniversary of Waco Branch Davidian murders, Oklahoma City Bombing, Columbine, Virginia Tech shootings, and Hitler's B-day.

Birthday Adolf Hitler April 20, 1889

virginia tech shooting April 16th

Oklahoma City bombing April 19th

Branch Davidians April 19th

Columbine High School massacre April 20th 1999

re:Doom Was: Good example of what Titor

Satellite Spying Goes Warm

What part of: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." :DON'T THEY GET!!!!!!

I'm tired of the "we're just watching out for you" bullshit, it needs to stop.
re:Doom Was: Good example of what Titor

Is the right time to stop using your Mobile self contained GPS and Bluetooth Cell Gadget Palm Computer...

Is time to start a
Nomadic Life
see link for more info... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Square peg... please fit in this round hole! Still trying to make any news item you can find fit the Titor mold? Let's just say right away that Titor never said anything about pigs, nor is there anything in this article that says the pigs were infected with any such degenerative disease like BSE.

Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

You are absolutely correct, they didn't mention BSE in ANYTHING that had to do with that article. All they said was that it was something new that hasn't been defined.

Something new is scarier than saying BSE anyways. Either way, don't fire up the bacon tomorrow.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Bacon is not made of pig brains...unless you eat a different form of bacon? :D

Me? I'm gonna have one of those baconator burgers at Wendy's tomorrow! Ya know those things have six slices of bacon? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

John Titor said "Get a bicycle", but he did not talk about soaring food prices.

Taken From

"Soaring prices of diesel, which runs most of the world's trucks, trains, ships and heavy equipment, is a major factor pushing food prices higher.

Peak oil is here! Expect the US find excuses to go to war with oil rich countries, the iranian invasion is not far away. When there is no food or fuel I expect that the civil war will happen.