Good example of what Titor was trying to tell us

Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell


Unfortunately that's only the Warrant and Return Service & Inventory for the warrant. What you really want to look at is n Support of the Search Warrant. That's the document submitted by the officers to the Judge justifying the search & seizure. It is very specific and details all the information (or at least the minumum information) giving the Judge probable cause to issue the warrant.

Page 2 is the inventory sheet that is returned to the Court that lists all of the items seized pursuant to the warrant.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

This is solely my opinion and belief....

I personally believe that NONE of THIS really matters. I also believe it's a grand illusion. All of it is.

What you should not to do, is to worry about what happens to other people, especially those who you do not know. If something happens to you and in your circle of friends and relatives, then yes you should maybe start being concerned. There are many ways to die, but death itself always remain the same.

say, something terrible happens to someone who you do not know, you would naturally "shrug it off" and ignore it because the same experience did not happen to you. If you had the same experience, then you would have a intense understanding of what is happening to that person. This is in our nature and everything that we are becoming as being connected more intimately to eachother via the internet, television, cellphones, the list goes on, we are forming a massive consciousness network.

The more larger this network builds, the more tighter the world will become.

In regards to titor, there is nothing more regarding his perception of his time in his world. This world was perperated to gain knowledge. Every word that was spoken had no true intention of the actions in the future, even though it was claimed to be.

That perception there, is nothing more than an illusion. People wanted to know what the future is alike. Why worry about the future? Why worry about what could possibly happen?

Thats the whole issue. Being conditioned to be concerned about the future is one of the attempts at being controlled by. Free yourselves from this terrible contraption.

Again, Free yourselves from this terrible contraption. Only those who can free themselves mentally and physically from these illusions, you will then finally gain and see all kinds of knowledge never seen before in your life. Noone can tell you, but you will see a whole new reality for yourself.... yourself alone.

And again, this has been my personal point of view and opinion.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

These guys are nutcases who seem to have forgotten what one of the main issues was before the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

A central issue that forced the States to call for a Constitutional Convention was the problem with not having a single, uniform currency. Prior to the replacement of the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution every state, many counties, cities and private businesses printed their own currency. No one had a clue about what something would cost beforehand because the exchange rate was not only vague, it could change on a whim. International trade was a virtual joke. With no standard currency in the US foreign trading partners had no way to put a value on imports or exports. The various governments - local, state and federal - found it difficult to even pay their bills because they didn't have the "correct" currency.

These guys are printing funny money, are off the chart tax protesters and will go to prison. Next time maybe they'll actually read a US history book before they protest against some issue. It's possible that Franklin, Jefferson, Madison and Morris knew a bit more about currency issues than Liberty Dollar.

If you're interested in looking at Liberty's documents go here:
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

E(8) X E(8) coming soon

Darby, can you explain E(8) Lie Algebra in terms even HDRKid could understand?

I don't get it, but I know where I've seen E(8) before...

lol /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hell, NKS, I don't understand the Lie group E(8) let alone E(8) X E(8). I recall reading sometime back that if someone tried to write all of the equations necessary to completely describe E(8) - which has 248 dimensions - o paper and in tiny print it would cover Manhattan.

To my knowledge there is no simple answer to this.

Lie algrbras, Killing groups, Kac Moody algebras in general are studied by mathematicians and physicists - the professional types. I have a pretty solid University of California education and a fair knowledge of physics for a non-professional but Lie groups are out of my league.

I guess that a good example of how complex E(8) is is this:

Remember when you were taking algebra and had to factor numbers to find their roots? Now, try a group - the E(8) group - that has 240 roots. Yikes!
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Evidence shows that John Titor revealed more than was intended.

In short

(1)"Multiple-worlds" model seems more appropriate from the standpoint of setting "sociological edifices" in the masses that compete in the same human/action mythos. This model was appropriated in several linguistic samples taken from other non-Titor sources, with a probability of collusion above 80%.

(2)We have postulated a single purposive source behind this phenomenon and have ruled out other prominent psycho-social hypotheses concerning these "prophecies."

(3)Indeed we have a working project: paleolinguistic forensics showing isomorphisms (roughly speaking) or "parallels" between ancient prophecy sources (Biblical, Vedic, Judiac, Summarian, Mayan..) and the current Titor phenomenon. This study was exhaustive and led to other even more startling conclusions concerning human/non-human interaction.

I have information to disclose and discuss about John Titor. Due to the controversial and possibly confrontational nature of the disclosures, I am seeking to do this without arguing and intensive debate, and to focus on constructive interaction.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Evidence shows that John Titor revealed more than was intended.

In short

(1)"Multiple-worlds" model seems more appropriate from the standpoint of setting "sociological edifices" in the masses that compete in the same human/action mythos. This model was appropriated in several linguistic samples taken from other non-Titor sources, with a probability of collusion above 80%.

(2)We have postulated a single purposive source behind this phenomenon and have ruled out other prominent psycho-social hypotheses concerning these "prophecies."

(3)Indeed we have a working project: paleolinguistic forensics showing isomorphisms (roughly speaking) or "parallels" between ancient prophecy sources (Biblical, Vedic, Judiac, Summarian, Mayan..) and the current Titor phenomenon. This study was exhaustive and led to other even more startling conclusions concerning human/non-human interaction.

I have information to disclose and discuss about John Titor. Due to the controversial and possibly confrontational nature of the disclosures, I am seeking to do this without arguing and intensive debate, and to focus on constructive interaction.

Well, exop_forensics please start a new thread like: John Titor Unleashed! to disclose the info...

Best Regards
Apollo 20
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

John Titor on a leash sounds better. Someone needs to get these fanatics under control.

Just kidding... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Evidence shows that John Titor revealed more than was intended.

In short

(1)"Multiple-worlds" model seems more appropriate from the standpoint of setting "sociological edifices" in the masses that compete in the same human/action mythos. This model was appropriated in several linguistic samples taken from other non-Titor sources, with a probability of collusion above 80%.

(2)We have postulated a single purposive source behind this phenomenon and have ruled out other prominent psycho-social hypotheses concerning these "prophecies."

(3)Indeed we have a working project: paleolinguistic forensics showing isomorphisms (roughly speaking) or "parallels" between ancient prophecy sources (Biblical, Vedic, Judiac, Summarian, Mayan..) and the current Titor phenomenon. This study was exhaustive and led to other even more startling conclusions concerning human/non-human interaction.

I have information to disclose and discuss about John Titor. Due to the controversial and possibly confrontational nature of the disclosures, I am seeking to do this without arguing and intensive debate, and to focus on constructive interaction.


I think that most of us agree that the story was derived from several sources. Most of them were Internet hot button topics. Another was "Alas, Babylon" and Dr. Brown also added that he believed that another source text was Kaku's "Hyperspace".

One problem that we always have when we try to compare one of these stories to "biblical" prophesy is the issue of "the naive source". While it might be possible that some omnicient and independent source posits the prophesy there's no possibility to test whether the source was naive to the thousands of Internet sites where the same materials can be found or whether the source drew upon those sites and posited the material as "original thought".

This has always been at issue with the Titor Saga. A good example is his "prediction" that we would trade security for freedom. People point to recent history and compare it to that statement and conclude that he was correct in a way that only a time traveler could be correct. The problem here is that this issue of Security vs. Freedom is an age old socio-political conundrum. Every time a new law is enacted, no matter what the law, if it forbids or commands an action of the People there's a loss of freedom in exchange (at least in theory) for security.

In 1735, in his closing remarks in a criminal trial, Andrew Hamilton argued in Phiiladelphia:

...The loss of liberty, to a generous mind, is worse than death. And yet we know that there have been those in all ages who for the sake of preferment, or some imaginary honor, have freely lent a helping hand to oppress, nay to destroy, their country. This brings to mind that saying of the immortal Brutus, when he looked upon the creatures of Caesar, who were very great men, but by no means good men: "You Romans," said Brutus, "if yet I may call you so, consider what you are doing; remember that you are assisting Caesar to forge those very chains which one day he will make you yourselves wear."...

Not only do we have the Freedom versus Security argument here in 1735, Hamilton refers to Brutus 1779 years before him. So we see, in just one example, that Titor's thesis of Security versus Freedom is not new. It takes no time traveler to discover this issue. Hamilton was refering to the well intended actions of men whose actions ended up being to the detrement of the nation. A nation, of course, is nothing without the People.

In any case, please post your views. I certainly can't promise that there will be no debate. This is a forum - a place where ideas are discussed, argued, defended and debated.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Very astute, Darby. I will add your recommendations for further study, but our inquiry is a little deeper--heavily involved in data collection and analysis.

For instance, we know that Michael Pennington and John Titor are the same person.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell


Michael Pennington and John Titor are the same person

Michael Pennington the British actor, i.e. from Star Wars?

That would be a very new surprise for us who have been at this for the past 7 years.

We actually have done linguistic analysis ourselves. We've found no evidence that Boomer, the author, used British English. The language used was definitely American Standard English - and this includes the two 1998 faxes to Art Bell.

In your research have you identified in any way the owner of the email account [email protected]? (This is the account that he used to register on At Bell's BBS forum.)

Have you made any headway with the people who absolutely do know a lot of the specific information about who registered on the sites where he posted?

The SysOps of those sites have access to the information that Titor/TTO claimed was the reason for his remaining totally anonymous because the MIBs could come and end his existence at age 2 before he even got started in life if they had the information. Art Bell, for instance, had the physical return address for the package that Titor sent to him - the photos and schematics. He also had the phone number that Titor used to fax each item to him in 1998.

Dp you have the site in the UK where he had the October 2000 IRC conversation with Shana?
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell


You obviously haev the links to the forum(s) where Pennington posted his story. Can you provide the links so we can see the story (without having to buy his book)?

This theory, Titor v. Pennington, was being discussed as far back as 2004

I did manage to find a page on Birmingham UK where his text was posted. I ran the same Chi Square test on his text against Titor's text that I've run against all other Titor "suspects". With 9 degrees of freedom his score was 66.0124. That means that based on the key word list the chance that there is a correlation between Titor's text and Pennington's text is <.0001 - less than one chance in 10,000.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

I don't currently have any links to surviving/residual posts by the author (allegedly a ghost) calling himself Michael Pennington. But I do have access to electronic copies locally. No doubt a method to encourage the purchase of his (or her) book.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell


Sorry about this but I was editing my previous post as you were posting. See the end of my above post for details.

Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell


In reading discussions of "worldlines," they seem to refer to two distinct entities that are often confabulated.

(-) A worldline as an object embedding in a 4-d manifold
(+) A worldline as the entire "world," distinct from other "worlds"

Now this creates problems when the terms aren't properly delineated--pardon the pun.

So how would the Titor proponents deal with the notion of "worldlines" (a "trace" through a 4-d world), vs the commonly mistaken "worldline" as some kind of branch on a "world tree."

In fact, I would think that the crux of the matter involves the branching worldline connecting the two parallel dimensions--if the two worlds are connected, then why not consider them the same world? The crucial point -- a mass exiting another world and entering the past in a parallel world. I would argue that the notion of time is meaningless across parallel worlds. If simultaneity is a problem in one world, why not have the same between two?
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

"I ran the same Chi Square test on his text against Titor's text that I've run against all other Titor "suspects". With 9 degrees of freedom his score was 66.0124. That means that based on the key word list the chance that there is a correlation between Titor's text and Pennington's text is <.0001 - less than one chance in 10,000."

yeah, i do something kinda like that, except i do it in my head. i try to profile a person to put myself into their shoes. i use unread posts as a control. if i can get into the character to know the next reply, then i'm there. i know this has flaws and is not as accurate as your chi square test because i do not know everything about the person, but i know enough to make an educated guess.

titor was very different than pennington, but i can see how some would come to the conclusion that he was titor. the most important thing though, is, titor didnt care if anyone believed in him, pennington did. in my humble opinion, the pennington story was a watered down version of titor, and inspired by titor, but was not titor.

besides, the pennington thing was just a publicity stunt for a book. the titor "experiment" was for something far greater. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell


So how would the Titor proponents deal with the notion of "worldlines" (a "trace" through a 4-d world), vs the commonly mistaken "worldline" as some kind of branch on a "world tree."

I've brought up this issue frequently over the years. I've finally settled on the fact that the terms are not being used in the Minkowskian sense but as pop-sci terms. I've even seen working physicists using them in loosely defined pop-sci terms.

And I've brought up the issue of ill defined "simultaniety" between whatever "parallel universes" might be. They are non-observables from "here" thus you're correct. Predicting time, mass, momentum, angular (or any other) velocity or any other metric from this universe is meaningless WRT some other universe.

Amd you're also correct about worldline s connecting two or more "universes". If they are physically connected by some particle's worldline (or a time traveler/time machine's world tube) then, well - they're connected. They can't, by definition, be seperate universes.