Good example of what Titor was trying to tell us

Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

"I ran the same Chi Square test on his text against Titor's text that I've run against all other Titor "suspects". With 9 degrees of freedom his score was 66.0124. That means that based on the key word list the chance that there is a correlation between Titor's text and Pennington's text is <.0001 - less than one chance in 10,000."

i had a thought of something that you could maybe put into that chi test. dunno if itd work, but just a thought.

could you add like a ratio of edited posts to that? or maybe a ratio of certain characteristics that defines a person? for instance, how many posts were happy? how many were sad, mad, sarcastic, witty, etc. how the person responds to certain stimulation, and stuff like that.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

could you add like a ratio of edited posts to that? or maybe a ratio of certain characteristics that defines a person? for instance, how many posts were happy? how many were sad, mad, sarcastic, witty, etc. how the person responds to certain stimulation, and stuff like that.

No. That's not a good idea. The problems are many but the biggest two are:

1) adding that sort of criteria is totally subjective. Rather than taking the raw data, Titor's own words versus the test subject's own words, I'd be using my interpretation of the writer's intent or mood. That's a bad experimental design. As best you can you want to avoid having the experimenter's prejudices being thrown into the mix and coming out as "data".

2) Though this is similar to the above, adding subjective items violates the rules for Chi Square. Chi Square looks at raw data that describes a group and then statistically compares it against another group to see whether the (two) groups are really one group (correlation) or (two) different groups (un-correlated).

The specific words that I chose come from other linguists who have experimented with author identification analytic techniques. The entire idea behind the word list is that they (according to the theory) are used by people automatically, without any thought and they don't actually convey contextual meaning. And the pattern of use is individualized - something like a fingerprint...but obviously not anything near as accurate. BUt you can see how this differs from trying to put in some interpretation of emotional content. Even if we could correctly identify the emotion in the post it isn't something that would have occured automatically and without forethought thus creating an ongoing pattern found in the person's writing irrespective of the a fingerprint.

The words are:


You might notice that there are ten words and ask, so why only 9 degrees of freedom if there are 10 words?

Degrees of freedom on the Chi Square is:

(Rows -1) * (Columns -1)

I've been comparing two people. On the Chi Square array that's two rows.

I've used 10 words. On the Chi Square array thats 10 columns. So...

n d.f. = (2-1) * (10-1) = 1 * 9 = 9 d.f.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Lol, I have a son with Asperger's Syndrome and I don't think it's because I learned more in grade school. I hated school, period. I was a quick study, except I couldn't do the math, because of a sequencing problem. I classify the Aspies(sorry) as genius level, but they have a one track mind, lol. I should know. I'm not sure if it's a curse or blessing after the problems I've seen my son experience. I now homeschool. I can see where this syndrome is bringing us forward technologically, but it's not an easy life for them. People have to communicate to exist in this world, unless they are lucky enough to be accepted for themselves in some university or organization based on intelligence and what they can offer. I'm sure there is a better to express what I'm trying to say. I move from my emotional center. My son is like the nutty professor, lol.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Any suggestion that this method would be adequate for samples that are categorically different? I.e. Pennington's essays (polished material) versus Titor's shorter responses to questions (or did you find a polished essay written by Titor? Or does this even affect the test?)
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

well, what about the s.1959?

Shall do you understand s.1959?

quoted 535:

"During the upcoming economic emergency, this will be an important tool to help protect the population from further harm as our plans come closer to completion."

"Time frame:

Three months, with help from China

Eleven months without, followed by peasant revolution in China."

More on s.1959:

Link to s.1959

Best Regards
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell


Any suggestion that this method would be adequate for samples that are categorically different? I.e. Pennington's essays (polished material) versus Titor's shorter responses to questions (or did you find a polished essay written by Titor? Or does this even affect the test?)

A good observation. In Titor's case he was responding to posts. At times his responses were rather short and at other times his posts were 100-200 words. Unlike Pennington, though, there was no long thesis.

That difference could affect the manner in which the writer would use the key word list. And in each case the concordance was somewhat small. For Pennington we have 3902 unique words (qhich includes his use of numerals) and 34568 tokens (total words including words that are repeated). In Titor's case we had 1026 words and 3434 tokens. For all the "hoopla" over his story he actually didn't write very much.

What we'd really like to have is a concordance of 100,000 to 200,000 words. Unfortunately we can't drag either of them back and demand that they write some more (and ignore the fact that they'd know that we're looking).
So we have to work with what evidence we have. The best use of the Chi Square test in this case is to eliminate potential "Titors" and move very carefully when we find someone that has a Chi Square score that shows a strong correlation.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

The Type/Token ratio you cited suggests you picked a subset of the Titor corpus--was this motivated by the "categorical" limitations I mentioned above? Also, what do you think about the role of the computer in both stories? In the Pennington story, the subject's contact with the rest of the world hinges on one computer with wireless capability. In the Titor saga (as you well know), retrieving an old "legacy" computer is the primary mission goal--presumably to save an alternate timeline from a UNIX y2k38 bug.

Some simple observations:

(1) Computers - Salvation

(2) Janet/Pamela - Spokesperson

(3) Mission - Pennington says at one point, "This is an organised and orchestrated mission that will change the course of history. Of that you should have no doubt."

(4) Messages to and fro -- softening the incredulous

(5) The awareness/focus of/on time

(6) The "dead" contact the "living" -- in the case of time travel, the departure of a time-traveler from a particular "worldline" means "death" (no coming back), simultaneously means the arrival of a person who is "not-yet" to a time and people that "aren't." Time travel can make the dead living and the living dead--pushing the mind back to that uncomfortable binary logic buster.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Did it ever occur to anyone that the reason why Titor had to go back and retrieve an undocumented IBM computer was because hundreds--if not thousands--of other parallel "Titors" took them (remember the axiom of "infinite universes" with "infinite Titors")? Here's an interesting story of a man who had to travel back in time to retrieve something he already took.

Another interesting thesis: "Time travel: a waste of time?"

Goes something like this...

Titor can never return to the exact timeline ("worldline" or parallel universe) of his origin, therefore the "mission" was, in effect, a mission to save another world. The originating time-world has no incentive to send a man out on a search/find mission if they know full well that there is no chance he'll return. In fact, the very reason behind sending Titor back in time to steal an IBM computer probably sets off a chain of unfortunate events that leads Titor into another world with a duplicate Titor/world that doesn't need the computer, and in addition leads to the removal of key units in the target worldline, causing a need for his future self in the originating time line to set off all of the above events.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Beginning of Organized Resistance

I personally have strong feelings against the Church of Scientology, I have sacrificed one family member to it, and I don't want any of you to have to go through what I have.

Believe what you will about what John Titor was saying when he mentioned that the next new President was only worried about "their base", this is truly one of the pivotal moments in our history.

I am not involved in Anonymous, nor do I advocate anything that they have done, are trying to do, or will accomplish, but know that one day, you will have your ass saved by one of these people.
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

I am not involved in Anonymous, nor do I advocate anything that they have done, are trying to do, or will accomplish, but know that one day, you will have your ass saved by one of these people.

You Right, this is the main reason that sites like this exist:

Link to Youtube

link to youtube

Boriska agrees with John:
"I have heard from other sources that the planet is gonna start giving out around 2009 or 2010, so i dunno i really wish he said how he knew about the changes "flood" that was gonna happen around 2009 or 2012."

Link to Youtube

Best Regards
The flood is described in the Mayan tablets, starting (according to the Mayans) on Dec. 21, 2012 (which is the 26,000 year end to the earth's wobble). :eek:
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Post to anyone. Anyway in my opinion even Wikipedia can not even represent a neutral point of view about JT.

And Dr. Bruce Goldberg is a dentist, originally, and knows about as much about time travel, I am guessing, as I do. I prefer real people who work in the field, and even then they disagree!

And that seems to be the intent then also. When was it decided who was doing what and where are those people and where is the proof that someone (whether virtual or not) thinks others have to be intimated especially in the USA because like some other people I can guess why some people do the things they do. They favor some people over others, even when the other people have witnesses and
it still is done in my opinion by both political parties in Congress still to this day.
And all anyone gets is that "they (that person) did not do it." Wrong! They did do that and want to blame Bush first for the illegals (but keep those people in the job because it was them at the border too busy, I guess, to do their job down there, and then the others in Congress now want to blame others and take a pay increase while still citing their opposition). In fact, both political parties in my opinion always cite their opposition. To me what they are opposing, is the USA and the citizens of the USA. I join no kind of bandwagon that just recently in the Past was termed something like "Wagging the Dogs Tail!". What is Microsoft then (as just one example)? Money to the Govmit, and not a monopoly? Europe then fines that company? Double Standards and Double Talk all on the whims of "They would not do that!" That is not religion, that is double standards and double talk and it has been going on for a long, long time. And then people expect to vote in the USA?
Mass delusional states of mind, in my opinion. Convince me that God even cares one bit anymore about this Planet of humans. Websites even think now according to the way they define religion at religious websites that the Devil is running the planet. Preaching good works while being bad is not religion, and that is not the way that religion was taught to me in grade school, that it should not be that way in the first place and that they do not teach it that way to children of that faith, one of the major ones in this World. (?) It is freedom of religion, not the majority of just one point of view of religion. That is why other people prefer to state "Separation of religion and State" because I guess even other people notice these Acts in this world. Future-tellers and JT is but only one. The others are other future-tellers, and threats are threats.

3/4 image of song:
Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

"Many World's" Theory Discovered

Its been a long, weird week for me, this just caps it off.

It's coming, don't blame me if you're not listening, he's been gone for 6 years now...

"Reality is nothing more than the reality we create around us.
This reality was recently presented to us scientifically, not philisophically;
Which only makes me wonder: cognito egro sum?

If reality is nothing more than the reality around us,
Then every precious moment of reality is precious indeed;
Then every new dawn truly is a new promise.

If reality is nothing more than a spiderwork of experiences and memories
Then each cross-connection is only the more strong;
Then only then does reality really exist."

(Funny part is I get credit for this)
I was reading the wiki on John Titor and noticed he predicted in 2000 an american civil
war for 2004.
Rather than the prediction simply not coming true and the 2004 date passing
without event you could make the case that the events of sept 11, 2001
could have changed the course of history. The resulting patriotism
and ongoing pressure on Americans to be patriotic while invading Iraq
surely channeled any potential energy toward civil war in the opposite
direction, and fast.
No doubt this has been noted before - does anybody have links to this line of
Rather than the prediction simply not coming true and the 2004 date passing without event you could make the case that the events of sept 11, 2001 could have changed the course of history.

That's one way of looking at it.

On the other hand, Titor came from our future. The history that he refered to had to have occured.

Titor said he was from 2036. He reported the "history" in 2000.

Thermodynamically/entropically, 2001 is between 2000 and 2036. If we assume that there is a causal relationship between events that occured in 2000 and 2036 (even if the event that occurs in 2036 is "memory) then the events have to have occured.

Another context to put it into might be this:

Titor reports the short-term future history to us in 2000 regarding events that are to occur in 2004. Virtually none of them occurred. If history can be altered to that degree over the course of a few dozen months, what do you suppose his world looked like when he returned to 2036, a few dozen years later?

Kinda makes time travel irrelevent, doesn't it?
The point is that only a time lord or a well qualified individual would know the one to influence in order to change future events.

I understand your objection. But it still begs the question of how to handle the information paradox.

If the past history is changed where did the historical reference come from, in the future, that suggests the necessity to change that specific (and no longer existing) event in the past? If someone travels back and affects some change then the information concerning the previous state of the history never arrives in the future.