Good example of what Titor was trying to tell us

Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

Not Cloudly Here, is the Damn Green Fog, Ray...

but, Then

I can imagine some sovereign foreign fund buying up foreclosed homes and then offering "help for the poor". As long as you follow the security dance and give up your rights.

"But no Help for de poor" Sorry has the History confirm, read please :

Following is a very brief summary of a few of the major events of the Great Depression of the 1930's and World War II

<font color="blue"> 1. On "Black Tuesday" October 29, 1929 the stock market crashed for two fundamental reasons. First, stock prices were artificially inflated. Stock prices were not directly related to the true value of the stock, such as the stock's dividend yield or the stock's price-earnings ratio. Instead stock prices were based on "faith" that the stock could be sold at an even higher price to someone else in the very near future. Second, most stocks were bought on margin, which meant that the investor only owned a very small piece of the stock because borrowed money had paid for the bulk of the purchase price. As long as stock prices remained stable or increased, then the investor was okay. However, when stock prices began to adjust downwards towards their true market value, the investors could not meet their margin calls and their loans were automatically closed out and their stocks sold. This snowballed into an avalanche of selling as stock prices continued to crash and "paper fortunes" were lost. (Note: Today's real estate price bubble of the year 2008 can be directly compared to the stock market price bubble of 1929.)
2. Beginning in late 1929 a variety of different businesses began to fail and unemployment began to skyrocket.
3. Between 1930 and 1931 approximately 2,300 United States Banks went bankrupt and their investors and depositors lost all the money they had entrusted to those banks.
4. On April 5, 1933, under Presidential Executive Order 6102, the United States Government seized all the gold owned by its citizens. The government also seized everyone's bank safe deposit box and then declared that those boxes could not be opened except in the presence of a representative of the United States Government. Although this action made the government, its officials, and the surviving bankers richer it did nothing to help relieve the suffering of ordinary people. The Depression continued to get worse for approximately 12 more years.
5. People were gradually and systematically evicted from their homes and their farms. This action helped to enrich the bank owners but it made the Depression worse because the experienced food growers were evicted from their farms. Therefore food production declined and the famine became worse worldwide.
6. Food became a very precious commodity. Government officials and bankers could still afford to buy food but ordinary people could not. Fortunately in many small communities and in most large cities there were charitable soup kitchens that provided multitudes of people with one small free meal per day. That meal usually consisted of a bowl of soup and a piece of bread. These soup kitchens were supported by the compassion and generosity of the people in each local community who still had some type of regular income.
7. On September 1, 1939 World War II began in Europe. The United States was drawn into the War with the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. During the War many items disappeared from the stores and there was strict rationing of most of the remaining products. During World War II there was a massive loss of life and property.
8. On September 2, 1945 World War II ended. The people who survived the War were able to find work rebuilding the farms, homes, cities, and infrastructures that were destroyed during the War. The United States did not suffer the property damage inflicted on other nations so they were in a much better position to "recover" from the War. The Great Depression of the 1930's was at an end and the "Baby Boom" generation was just beginning.

Following is a brief summary on the "legal impact" of the Great Depression of the 1930's on ordinary people, just like you and me:

1. The life savings of millions of individuals systematically disappeared as approximately 2,300 banks permanently closed their doors. These banks were declared legally insolvent and they were therefore legally exempt from paying their debts to their depositors. In many cases the depositors received nothing or they received a few pennies for each dollar they had originally entrusted to those banks. (Personal Note: My great-grandparents lost their life savings when their local bank went bankrupt. My great-grandparents were just ordinary people: a Baptist Preacher and his wife.)
2. The farm mortgages and home mortgages held by those "insolvent" banks survived because they were legally transferred to a few "solvent" banks. The government declared that those mortgages were still legally binding debts and that the solvent banks had a right to collect on them. In addition, the solvent banks could keep the proceeds from those mortgages and they did not have to reimburse the depositors of the original "insolvent" banks whose money had originally been used to finance those mortgages.
3. Many families lost their homes and their farms when the "solvent" banks foreclosed on them and kicked them out into the streets.
4. The end result was that most individuals not only lost their life savings but they also lost their homes and their family farms. And a few "solvent" banks grew very rich and powerful during this process because it was all done legally and with the blessing and support of the government.

Occasionally people want to compare the Next Great Depression to the Great Depression of the 1930's (as briefly described above). Although this is an interesting intellectual exercise, it is a waste of time in my opinion because the Next Great Depression will be significantly different from the Great Depression of the 1930's for the reasons that are summarized below.

"Da Link"

In conclusion, a prudent individual will carefully consider:

1. The chance of one of these events occurring, and
2. The impact that event could have on his or her life.

If an event has a high chance of occurrence but its impact would be minor then it does not require a contingency plan.

If an event has a low chance of occurrence but it could have a drastic impact on your life, then a contingency plan would be appropriate.

Even though the media and most world government "official statistics" say otherwise, our world is quickly sliding from the recession phase into the depression phase. And although there is still some food available in some countries, there are already severe food shortages and food riots in many nations around the globe. And with the tremendous amount of social unrest in so many different trouble spots all over the earth, the chance of World War III being delayed much longer is very slim.

In the 1930's the above events gradually unfolded over a period of about ten years. However there is a very good chance that all three of these events will occur simultaneously in the very near future.

Therefore, my recommendation is that you make the appropriate contingency plans for the continued survival of your family in the event of a simultaneous worldwide depression, and a worldwide famine, and World War III. You might want to consider one of the following strategies:

1. Become a part of a small farming community that still has a functioning local government and a basic infrastructure, such as a doctor, dentist, sheriff, general store, shoe maker, carpenter, plumber, seamstress, etc. The farming community should also be one where its citizens still have the right to legally own weapons and where they have the right to work together to defend themselves against attack from organized gangs of criminals and from enemy forces from foreign countries.
Traditional Log Cabin
2. Disappear into the wilderness for a few years until World War III has run its course and honest people once again have a chance to live together in peace.

Perhaps the most logical choice would be to implement option one above and then wait and see how future events gradually unfold. If at some future date you become a target for elimination due to your ethnic heritage, or religious or political beliefs, then you could switch to option two above. Option two is a much more challenging option because it is a very difficult, lonely, and unpredictable way to live. However, in my opinion, option two would be better than facing a firing squad, or the gas chamber, or the guillotine. If you wish to know more about option two above, then please click on

Survival for some detailed information about wilderness survival.

Re: Good example of what Titor was trying to tell

I am of the opinion that the "world" as Titor knew it in 2038 was so different that the Olympic Committee in that time wasn't even thinking about what got them to that point, so thus were "unofficial".

Titor was aware of what world in 2038?
Obama Sued was: Good example of

as the ripples on this timeline continues, "more things" happened to say! LOL

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Obama Sued in Philadelphia Federal Court on Grounds he is Constitutionally Ineligible for the Presidency

by Jeff Schreiber

A prominent Philadelphia attorney and Hillary Clinton supporter filed suit this afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission. The action seeks an injunction preventing the senator from continuing his candidacy and a court order enjoining the DNC from nominating him next week, all on grounds that Sen. Obama is constitutionally ineligible to run for and hold the office of President of the United States.

Phillip Berg, the filing attorney, is a former gubernatorial and senatorial candidate, former chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery (PA) County, former member of the Democratic State Committee, and former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania. According to Berg, he filed the suit--just days before the DNC is to hold its nominating convention in Denver--for the health of the Democratic Party.

"I filed this action at this time," Berg stated, "to avoid the obvious problems that will occur when the Republican Party raises these issues after Obama is nominated.".

Berg cited a number of unanswered questions regarding the Illinois senator's background, and in today's lawsuit maintained that Sen. Obama is not a natural born U.S. citizen or that, if he ever was, he lost his citizenship when he was adopted in Indonesia. Berg also cites what he calls "dual loyalties" due to his citizenship and ties with Kenya and Indonesia.

Even if Sen. Obama can prove his U.S. citizenship, Berg stated, citing the senator's use of a birth certificate from the state of Hawaii verified as a forgery by three independent document forensic experts, the issue of "multi-citizenship with responsibilities owed to and allegiance to other countries" remains on the table.

In the lawsuit, Berg states that Sen. Obama was born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii as the senator maintains. Before giving birth, according to the lawsuit, Obama's mother traveled to Kenya with his father but was prevented from flying back to Hawaii because of the late stage of her pregnancy, "apparently a normal restriction to avoid births during a flight." As Sen. Obama's own paternal grandmother, half-brother and half-sister have also claimed, Berg maintains that Stanley Ann Dunham--Obama's mother--gave birth to little Barack in Kenya and subsequently flew to Hawaii to register the birth.


Re: Obama Sued was: Good example of

What's that about the pot calling the kettle black?

It's far from over, with two major hurricanes headed towards North America (as of 8/30/2008). I personally believe that back in 2005 with the hurricanes we had back then was a memory marker that John Titor was speaking in crypt about in his posts.

The "leader" a hypocrite and typical politician, doing everything within his power to maintain the power base by selecting a woman to help him. He/She being another reason why we have to heed John's warnings.
Lou Dobbs and the second American Revolution...


Link to GLP

One thing to note NKSMan:

The Secretary of State is NOT the President of the United States. Also: The article is a bit premature, especially given the fact that many are saying Bill's business dealings after being President could jeapordize Hillary getting the spot.

So what do you think is so interesting with respect to the Boomer quote you provided? Or are we just supposed to "fill in the blanks" as usual?
