" New Age was primarily a movement amongst the younger generation in the late sixties that demanded to play a greater part in all aspects of society.
Strange how the New Age has attacked in many aspects of our daily life. Even somethings as harmless as books promote New Age teachings, like Harry Potter. Many christians do not even know what the New Age is. I myself used to dabble in such things until I stumbled onto books about the New Age. It opened a whole new world of knowledge to me. From then on, I became skeptical, which I think is a good thing. Thus my search for answers, and my joining of the forum community.
The New Age was simply to prepare man for the next quantum leap of evolution, backed up by the Darwinian theory that we are constantly evolving as we are about to join the Universal Mind as ONE. ONE otherwise an acronym, could mean One Nation Earth? That is what universal means. The world will unite, and this is all based on the New Age. Especially how its programs have caught up everywhere, like yoga, TM, martial arts even!
For some practitioners, some take yoga as an exercise to release themselves from daily stress, which is not a totally bad thing. But dabbling in such things like magik, especially the wide exposure to kids. Do they know what they are doing? It sounds dangerous to dabble in the unknown, especially magic. Even people who practise magik know the dark evil behind it, they know the dangers. Today in my school, a guy came to give us a motivational talk. The techniques he learnt were speed reading and some other techniques he did not say. What I'm interested in which method is he using? There are 2 methods of speeding reading, one is simply increasing eye reading speed. Another is tuning your mind to read faster. From what I've learnt, this method is close and similar to the Silva Learning Method, which is not very popular now although it peeks out in ads sometimes.
Thus, many people are involved in this evolutionary step or rather mis-step to mankind's possibly own destruction, unknowingly, unwittingly. The New Age is spreading, and we can't stop it.
And influenced by men in power and politics. The Gospel of Thomas does away with man needing a structured, organized, political church system to find Jesus, so it is no wonder it was excluded from the modern Bible.
" How can Adam and Eve be the first humans, how did their offspring find others to marry?"
I would like to correct you. Adam and Eve had two sons and there were only four of them in existance. From what I've read in theory, Adam and Eve continued to have more children. But that's strange, if they were all their children. How could their children marry and conceive? Wouldn't that would be incest! However, as the world was still newly created, there weren't things like diseases or viruses or anything that incest might have cost as a result. Furthermore, in the Book of Enoch, the angels were banished from heaven to earth, and they married terrestial women and had children on earth. This continued on until Genesis chapter 11, when Man decided to build the Tower of Babel. God was angry and decided to punish them by giving them different languages, seperating them into what was known as that time into tribes into the corners of the world.
These remembrances became greater and greater, till about the mid 1980s when author A.Z. Knight, recalled of once being a past Atlantian Warrior, in the middle moral era of Atlantis.
The last time I checked, A.Z. Knight had been deunked on skepdic.com
I can see and experience the most wonderful and crazy things, but in the end I can boil them down to a reasonable, down to earth explanation.
Explain religion and a Judeo-Christian God. How do you feel about what christians feel that you don't, whether by meditation, praying etc.