Yes, indeed. I am a member of a group of magicians. Those who are impatient or not skilled do sometimes end up with "demons" stalking them. I also studied The Goetia, but was not interested in summoning demons from without, I have my own "demons" within to contend with.
And I thought we humans had enough to deal with. What makes you want to be a magician anyway? Is it the power you hold? Are you still involved?
Today, in modern society, there are no longer many heros. The churches are leaving people with a void of belief. To fill that void, many people begin to dabble in the "New Age" methods, and unknowingly cause transgressions in the energy patterns.
I agree 100%. Although I am a christian, I find that going to church these days leave me with a void of no-reason. I haven't been to church for months now. Everytime I go there, it disappoints me even more. Like people say, there are more hypocrites in a church than politics itself. However, I still choose to believe. I've had my own experiences in religion. Modern churches are indeed a disappointment as such I actually wanted to attend an Orthodox church. Dabbling with the New Age is dangerous. It is really sad how people use modern science to promote the New Age.
Thats what I said. They are using the guise of religion to commit acts of murder, when they would more than likely kill people anyway, God or not. Once again, not taking responsibility for their actions. They blame everybody else for their being "forced" to kill.
It is sad to see hundreds dying day by day in the news. To see rough justice carried out and no penalty is brought upon those who commit it. It is human nature to blame each other. Nevertheless, Adam and Eve blamed the serpent too. However, I would never be able to understand why they would succumb to such evil to do things like that.
Yes, I agree, environmental factors can cause unusual events. However, not to the extent of three of us seeing and talking to a responsive woman. We do have active imaginations, but not that good.
I do respect most religions/faiths and actually have participated in many of their "practices". I enjoyed them quite a bit and like to experience different things in life. Many mosques are beautiful in architecture, as are many chruches are also. But it isnt just the building that makes it beautiful, but the people within it's walls.
You seem like a very neutral person who wants to experience it all. But ny jugglinf different experiences, isn't it stressful?
No, that's fiction, since in my opinion god doesn't exist in the first place. However, when I think about it I have to admit that I was wrong. I meant to say he lets (innocent, godloving) people suffer (from starvation and sicknesses) because of a tiny mistake one person made several millenia ago
So your saying because Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, it was their fault we are in such a diabolical mess? In the first place, God warned them to eat the fruit, ultimately it was still their choice. He left the tree there to bloom to grow in it's splendor, they did not notice it until the serpent came upon Eve and told her of the special fruit. Now why don't we have a flashback. Previously before that, there was Lucifer. He was the most perfect and wonderful creation that God had created. But being perfect, he had free will too. Having free will, he wondered. If God made everything, then wouldn't everything contain part of God? Wouldn't I be God? Led by such thoughts, he wanted to be come God! He wanted to be more powerful, he wanted to show God. Ah. That's now when God has created his world, us, the humans. Although Lucifer who has changed his name to Satan was thrown in hell was released from the fiery prison and walked on earth again. In the Bible he is refered to as The Prince of Air and the Earth. Meaning he ruled the earth and space. But he wasn't omnipresent, but he had minions, he had no reason to care. His minions, who were angels who had fallen like him, spread his evil throughout the world. Having sin imbedded in us like a disease, we were prone to temptation. Thus satan had a plan, he wanted to ruin God's creation, wanted to ruin the world. He tempted us with many things, taught us evil, gave us guns, weapons, to blind us from God. With that, that's how the world became a mess. Needless to say, this is nothing more than a story and creativity to some of you.
Yes, so you could say that perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to give humans free will.
Animals have free will. Our computers do not. Do you like being manipulated like a computer, and what if you didn't like what was done for you to obey.
But tell me, how can a person possibly make a wrong descicion based on free will, while he's created to the supposedly PERFECT image of god?
Man is created by God, but man is still NOT God. Man is a reflection of God, minus the powers, minus the omni- powers, minus the grace, minus the love. We are like diamonds from birth, so pure. But deep inside there is inquity. As we grow, the inquity grows. The flaws, more exposed.
No. For the simple reason that, in my opinion, god doesn't exist!!! I don't need anything from god. I'm perfectly happy, I have everything my heart desires and I feel absolutely no need for a god.
There are millions who are happy like you. Of course, being happy has many reasons behind it. You are happy because you don't need a God to tell you who you are, you don't need one to obey. You are yourself, a special unique individual. A product of evolution. And while you still breathe, you want to do as many things as you can before you die and become fertiliser for the soil. Is that it?
First of all, I clearly stated that it was a hypothetical scenario! Again, in my opinion god doesn't exist. And no, I don't feel like I have participated in making a mess. I agree, I'm not perfect... nobody is. It's funny though: You say "We are not perfect either". Are you implying that god isn't perfect either?
We, being, humans not God. You should know what chain reactions are. How a rumour can become an urban legend, how it affects people. How it is spread on. It is the same thing.
That's a sad thought. I think there are million things to live for and for me god is certainly NOT one of them
Of course, there are many things. There are games, consoles, xboxes, books, tv, movies, entertainment, news, every single form of hobby designed to entertain us healthily or not. It is what pulls us the need for God.
Correct me if i am wrong but are you a muslim? I hope so anyway It seems to me that islam is as i understand a peaceful religion and that it is fact the fundamentalist that call themselves muslim that do most of the bomings ect, in the same way that christian fundamentals seem to have a simlar agender, I think that it is these people who give you religonists a bad name, I just wish that people would chill out abit and put there energies into usefull things like sorting out the environment or find a cure for aids.
Sorry. I'm not. I'm a Christian. This men are downright evil. They manipulate their tradition, their heritage and their fellowmen to commit heineous acts with them. Brainwashing innocents to bomb themselves up. Have you read stories of shaky teenages, who breakdown because deep inside them they do not want to do it. In the past, Christian Fundamentalists were liket his. Like the war between the Protestants and the Catholics. There are people who are sorting out the environment and finding a cure for AIDS. There are many good things in the world, however there are also bad things to balance it out.
If god does exist then why don't you see animals praying? as they say god created man in his own image, I think he is going to look very strange when you think about the variation in peoples appearence, and where does that leave animals? I think the reverse is more probable man drempt up god in his image, being as man is arrogant enough to think that aliens look similar to humans and so of course god must look like us aswell, if a higher energy does exist I don't think it would have a physical form anyway as it is probably just energy of some kind .
God created animals to liven up the world, to give it colour. To give men companionship. To give men something to discover. To make life exciting. Animals are souless beings who die and just rot to dust. We however, being refered as animals, are the only most remotely most intelligent beings that have technology. Unlike dolphins, they may be smart but they do not develop technology like us.