Re: Geometry and G-d...
Phoenicians, Sumerians who cares!
Well, you should, if you're trying to prove things with these "facts". You can't make a statement like "The FACTS are there" and then say that you dan't actually care that your facts are wrong. Either you're talking about facts, or you're not. You, evidently aren't. And it's exactly this sloppy thinking that allows you to believe erroniously as you do, and in such an arrogant manner.
The point is that these forms of written language and math skills are HEBREW!
Actually, the point is that they are not. Hebrew is
decended from Phoenician (as are Arabic, Latin and Greek), and Phoenician is decended from Sumerian cuneiform.
You cannot take this fact and equate it to saying that therefore all these languages are Hebrew. They are not - Hebrew is a sub-set of these languages. Your reasoning is a logical fallacy - similar to that that would have tables running around barking. You can make a case for Hebrew being a sub-set of Phonecian. You cannot make a case for Phonecian being a sub-set of Hebrew. Similarly, you can say that Hebrew was inderectly derived from Egyptian. You cannot, however, say that Egyptian was derived from Hebrew.
Or, to put it another way, you are putting the cart before the horse. You claiming that these languages were derived from Hebrew is like saying that because they both played guitar-based rock that Elvis Presley was influenced by the Foo Fighters.
[...] and therefore religious and biblical in nature...
This is just more of the same backwards reasoning. How can something that was around thousands of years before the Bible was written be Biblical in nature?
While we're at it, the sumerians aren't known as the first urban civilisation on Earth for nothing, you know. The ancient Semites in approximately 5,000BC were visitors in Sumer. They were impressed with how advanced the civilisation was compared to theirs, and copied aspects of their society. Including writing. I can see that you want to trace everything back to the Ancient Semites and Hebrew, but everything you're claiming can be traced back further to Sumer, the Sumerians and Sumerian cuneiform.
No matter how far you want to look back in pre-history - or dissect my postings, THE FACTS ARE STILL THERE...
Yes, indeed they are. And the facts that you are stating, even as you claim not to care about their accuracy, are simply wrong. As the saying goes - "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts."* You are twisting the facts to suit your beliefs, rather than allowing the facts to inform your beliefs.
I suggest you proofread "your" posts before assaulting me with inaccuracies, bad grammar and other atrocities!
Fair play. I always had it, however, that the tool of the loser was ad hominem attacks. If you can't debate the facts, ignore them and get an insult in. Also re-state your opinion. Don't provide any accurate facts to back it up, but use CAPITALS and
BOLD! - that'll prove that you're right.
You're right that I shouldn't have stooped to the level of quibbles of spelling. My only excuse is that I've got the flu. But, in my defence, you don't exactly engage on any level of what could reasonably be called debate.
Incidentally, "cuniform" is an acceptable alternative spelling of "cuneiform". The word is derived from the Latin, and can be seen in the form without the "e" when refering to the tarsal bones, as in "ectocuniform", for example.
Are those runway lights I see in your colon?!?! You're a turd burglar aren't you?
I'd forgotton the homophobia that was rife throughout this board. Pathetic.
* - Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan
[Edited to add]I've not done so yet, but I think that the next time I encounter a homophobic comment slung my way, I'm going to make a formal complaint. Aside from the fact that it's against board rules, do you have any idea what it does to the tone and nature of the site? This place is touted as being a place for intelligent, adult and scientific discussion of time travel and the issues surrounding it. Nobody should be insulting anybody, but homophobia, just like racism, should have no place here whatsoever. If you're not mature enough to comment on a point to do with homosexuality without childish name-calling, then maybe you should refrain from commenting at all.
After all, if I'd have mentioned a possible alternate interpretation of a passage concerned with Ham or Canaan, would you have felt justified in calling me a "jigaboo"? If not, then why are insults based on percieved sexual orientation okay, merely because homosexuality was mentioned? Whatever, if you want it to believed that you can discuss things at a higher than primary school level, then I suggest you keep that kind of prejudice to yourself.