
Re: Geometry and G-d...

That is interesting. Can you describe them more? Could they have been representations of things in nature, made from straight lines as that's easier to carve into rock?

One of the goals of the research team was to try and decipher the meaning of the rock carvings. As you see the examples , go ahead and take a crack at it. The primary goal was to photograph and catalog every petroglyph we found, to preserve them in their original format. Unfortunately, many modern dimwits are destroying these ancient artifacts by carving over the older ones.

Some are easy to figure, a picture of an antelope, not too hard to figure where the inspiration came from.

This site will show a little what I was referring to....however, they are a very small part of the many geometric figures seen whilst on the research expedition.
Re: Geometry and G-d...

OK, so the thoughts in this post came to me early this morning as I was waking up. It seems quite ironic to me that you, the person who enjoys telling people when they are thinking backwards, or they are engaged in "sloppy thinking" would exhibit the same sort of sloppy thinking in some of your arguments in this thread...

So is it your assertation that the universe we exist in is the one and only time a universe has formed or has initially started to form?
I don't really know if that is my assertion. But I would certainly like you to present some evidence for why you think there might be any other universe (either concurrent with ours, or in previous times). Why would you reasonably think that there is something beyond what we observe?

You see, I've observed a lot of times in this thread where you will make some comment akin to one point we might end up discussing as "not being what we are talking about in this thread". How about we get back to one of the main premises of this thread: Evidence for our beliefs (in this case, a belief in a higher power). One of your consistent themes, to which I applaud you at least for the consistency in your argument, is that only with evidence can one avoid "sloppy thinking". But now we see you arguing against tight tolerances as being evidence of a creator with some sloppy thinking of your own:

Long story short, in those other universes where the conditions weren't/aren't as exactly as they are here, there is nobody to wonder how come the hole they're in fits their shape so perfectly (if they're a puddle). It's backwards thinking again.

It seems you've gotten into some backward thinking of your own. So let's stop right here and address this: What evidence do you see to support your belief that there are "those other universes", much less a contention that there is no one in those other universes? You posit something for which there is no evidence to support, and you can't possibly offer any evidence that would support it. Sound familiar to the way you make arguments about the evidence we have submitted with respect to a creator? It ought to, because it is the primary crux of your arguments. Namely, we can't prove the existence of God with evidence.

In the past you have conveniently avoided giving evidence against a God through the "can't prove a negative" argument. Fine, I let that one go, since it was clear you were going to sit on that excuse. But now I don't feel it is appropriate (esp. considering how you accuse people of sloppy thinking) to let this assertion of yours slip by the wayside.

So, as I watch football today (good old American football, you know, not that dodgey stuff you play that we call soccer), I will be looking forward to your presentation of evidence that would make it a reasonable assumption that there is (or was) any other universe beyond the one we inhabit. No tricks. Just provide the evidence. Or, admit that positing some other universe for which there exists no evidence is, indeed, sloppy thinking.

Re: Geometry and G-d...

Just a few points here, as I really love it when people use the word "never". Although I will give you the leeway that this is more of your colourful (or did you call it flowery?) language.

You can never get as smooth a change through an automatic, either.

Never is quite a long time, and you certainly speak as if you know this for sure. I'd say from this statement that you have likely not driven an automatic Corvette. Because the smoothness of the automatic shift on the Corvette is one of the things it is well-known for. It is also the first thing any of my friends bring up when I let them drive my car.

See my reply above about traffic and driving to work. I will never, ever prefer an automatic to a manual.

There's that word "never" again. I'm sorry, but there is no way you can convince me that the traffic situation you have described could ever be anything like what we have here in SoCal. I've driven in the UK, as I have had business trips to Smiths Industries in Cheltenham, so I know what your traffic is like, and have even driven London (a big mistake, one I will never make again). Yet, it is nothing like rush hour freeway traffic on the I-405, or even worse sometimes, highway 91 here in SoCal. No comparison at all. So I'd suggest that if you really think you will never prefer an automatic, that you try an experiment: Move to SoCal (hey, I've got friends in the music biz, I can hook you up!) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif and drive our freeways for, oh..... maybe 3 years in rush hour traffic. If, after that experiment, you still say you will always prefer a manual, then I might believe you.

Re: Geometry and G-d...

But I would certainly like you to present some evidence for why you think there might be any other universe (either concurrent with ours, or in previous times).

Well, there are many scientific models that expound exactly this idea. The first is the "Chaotic inflation" model of steady-state cosmology. It's been around since 1983, and is the accepted scientific standard model. More here: http://www.biols.susx.ac.uk/home/John_Gribbin/cosmo.htm

Second there is the well-known "Many worlds" model of quantum physics, which I know you are familiar with, as you have responded to a question regarding it in another thread. This has been around since 1957. More here: http://www.hedweb.com/manworld.htm

And finally, there is the "Cyclic universe" theory. This is the hot nerw theory that is creating a storm in the cosmology world, proposed by one of hte pioneers of Big Bang Theory. In fact, it is in a way an addendum to the Big Bang thery, as it solves many of the problems that were inherent within it. More here: http://www.actionbioscience.org/newfrontiers/steinhardt.html

Now, I'm not claiming that any or all of these theories are necessarily 100% accurate. But I certainly didn't pull the idea out of my arse. It's based on nearly 50 years of established scientific thought, and remains on the cutting-edge of science today.

Why would you reasonably think that there is something beyond what we observe?

That's the basis for much scientific research. Before we had detected quasars, their existence was theorised, before we had detected planets orbiting distant suns their existence had been theorised, neutrinos, cosmic rays, black holes, dark matter... the list goes on. The question is that if there is a reasonable and consistent, scientifically valid theory that states that there is something beyond what we observe, and what we can observe does not explain as much as needs to be explained, then why would I discount it?

One of your consistent themes, to which I applaud you at least for the consistency in your argument, is that only with evidence can one avoid "sloppy thinking".

Indeed, and these theories do not exist in a vacuum of evidence.

[...] much less a contention that there is no one in those other universes?

Okay, attribute that one to sloppy wording. I should have said that in the other circumstances there is noone that we know of to wonder whether they are just lucky. I was, however, at the time thinking more along the lines of the Cyclic Universe theory and thinking that in the universes where the laws of physics had not allowed the formation of stars or even atoms that there was noone around. I should have been clearer, and should have been speaking more generally.

It ought to, because it is the primary crux of your arguments.

Actually, the primary crux of my arguments in this particular case is that the fine tolerences of the universe is not necesarily evidence of intelligent design, and that there are other, reasonable and scientifically valid explainations. In fact, I have a mathematical argument which purports to show that the fine tuning of the universe actually makes the concept of intelligent design less probable, not more. Here: http://quasar.as.utexas.edu/anthropic.html See also the linked .pdf file which has a similar argument.

[...]good old American football[...]

Foot-ball? Handball more like it. What is this game? Oh, yeah, rugby with pads for wimps with ADD. Ha!

I'd say from this statement that you have likely not driven an automatic Corvette.

True. And I'm not a man who drools over cars, so I doubt I ever will. But I've yet to meet anyone who does professionally (like, say, any car journalist) who prefers an automatic to a manual.

I've driven in the UK, as I have had business trips to Smiths Industries in Cheltenham, so I know what your traffic is like[...]

Well, you'd know what it was like at the time you were there in Cheltenham. Did you drive on Suffolk/Norfolk country roads? Then you don't know what that is like. Apples and oranges.

[...]and have even driven London (a big mistake, one I will never make again).

I love driving in London. It's great fun.

You're right that I don't know what your driving experience is like, but I can still bet that I wouldn't want to trade my gearbox for a child's toy one.
Re: Geometry and G-d...

The first is the "Chaotic inflation" model of steady-state cosmology.

Indeed. And that would be a Theory. I'm quite sure you've scolded me in the past that theory <> (is not equal to) evidence.

Second there is the well-known "Many worlds" model of quantum physics, which I know you are familiar with

Oh yes, quite familiar with. In fact, I don't mean to imply that I don't believe any of these. But they are clearly not evidence, in any way, shape or form. You, of all people, should know that you cannot purport theory to be evidence, until such time as sufficient tests have confirmed the theory (with real evidence).

And finally, there is the "Cyclic universe" theory.

Yup. Another theory. And I think I like this one the best, as the rest of the universe does appear to show cyclic repetitions. But yet, it is still not evidence that any more universes exist (or have existed) beyond the one we live in.

Now, I'm not claiming that any or all of these theories are necessarily 100% accurate.
And hopefully not claiming this to be the evidence I am asking for, either.

But I certainly didn't pull the idea out of my arse.
I'd be truly scared if you did! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif But in the same fashion, I have not pulled the theories I have presented out of my arse either.

It's based on nearly 50 years of established scientific thought, and remains on the cutting-edge of science today.

50 years is a pittance as compared to the mystical (and yes, scientific) thought that is embodied in the Qabalah. Besides that, I have presented scientific theories that are just as well-founded as these you present. Recall our discussion of information as energy? Yes, that one is backed by none other than John Wheeler, who's been a big wheel in physics for more than 50 years. And yet you dismissed all the information I provided to support this as nowhere near convincing evidence.

Sorry, ya can't have it both ways.

Before we had detected quasars, their existence was theorised, before we had detected planets orbiting distant suns their existence had been theorised, neutrinos, cosmic rays, black holes, dark matter... the list goes on.

And yet, for what appears to be nihilistic reasons, you wish to exclude the theory of a Creator from that list. Even though there are scientists who accept these theories (and indeed accept and study the theory of intelligent design). My, but you are selective in how you apply your logic, aren't you?

Indeed, and these theories do not exist in a vacuum of evidence.

OK, so let's see the evidence. Not theories. Let me put it in words you can understand, and they are the type you use: You cannot provide a single shred of evidence that another universe exists or has existed. This theory is clearly precisely on-par with the theory of a universal Creator. In fact, they could very well be considered different aspects of the same question "how did we get here?". Thus, you should be just as skeptical of them as you would be of a Creator or intelligent design. But I think it is more of a case where you respect certain scientists and dismiss others, even though none can provide defacto evidence.

In fact, I have a mathematical argument which purports to show that the fine tuning of the universe actually makes the concept of intelligent design less probable, not more. Here:

Just because I don't agree with your (or their) application of the maths does not mean I think the maths are invalid. Sound familiar?

See also the linked .pdf file which has a similar argument.

Wait a sec....elephant memory sending me some signals....(beep-beep-beep)...ah yes, the memory is now clear: It seems that, when I presented my evidence for information as a component of energy, that you claimed you were on such an ancient computer that it did not support reading PDFs. Perhaps that was just a convenient excuse to avoid having to address my evidence, yet now it appears you can read PDFs. Amazing. What might classify as even more amazing, is that it seems that all of a sudden, my Sony VAIO will no longer let me read PDFs! GO figure! Maybe Creedo's theories about the intelligence of Windoze XP hold some water?

Did you drive on Suffolk/Norfolk country roads? Then you don't know what that is like. Apples and oranges.

Fair enough, no arguments. Just having fun with the automotive banter. But to continue that line (and stir up some more grit), it's quite clear us 'Merikans build a superior auto product to you Brits. Otherwise, it would have been Jaguar bailing out Ford by having to purchase them! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Really, I don't expect you to produce any evidence for the above, for the primary reason that none exists. I'm only acting as a mirror to yourself, to show you that, yes, even the great Trollface is subject to sloppy thinking. You are not immune, just as the rest of us. In fact, it's the nature of being human, being limited, being separate from the One, the All.

Have a nice day,
Re: Geometry and G-d...

RMT says>What might classify as even more amazing, is that it seems that all of a sudden, my Sony VAIO will no longer let me read PDFs! GO figure! Maybe Creedo's theories about the intelligence of Windoze XP hold some water?
Re: Geometry and G-d...

Indeed. And that would be a Theory. I'm quite sure you've scolded me in the past that theory <> (is not equal to) evidence.

Depends on the definition of "theory" and in what context it's being used in. A theory in a non-scientific context, without corroboration is, indeed, pretty worthless. This, however, would be called a "hypothesis" in scientififc terminology. A scientific theory is a hypothesis that has been validated, either by outside corroboration (such as the "micro/macro" corroboration of the chaotic inflation model) or by direct evidence.

And I think I like this one the best, as the rest of the universe does appear to show cyclic repetitions.

Interestingly, this one might have the least scientific credibility, as it still miantains factors of Big Bang theory that have been discredited.

And hopefully not claiming this to be the evidence I am asking for, either.

You must remember, though, that I am not purporting to be proclaiming "THE TRUTH", as you are. I am pointing out the alternatives. In truth, I see problems with all three theories I've presented, and actually lean slightly towards the single-universe theory mentioned by Ikeda and Jeffreys, and which has recently been given a boost by calculations by Steven Hawkins, that state that a universe such as ours has a 98% chance of emerging from a Big Bang, and that such a universe need not relate to anything prior to in - in other words, it can form from nothing. Now, this falls more into the frame of "hypothesis" as yet, but it is intriguing nonetheless.

Essentially, you can show that I'm not showing solid enough evidence for your liking (although it is quite clear that you've not actually read the articles I've linked), but that does not alter the point that I'm making - the fine tolerences of the universe are not evidence of intelligent design, and may even be an indication of the opposite. This is my assertation, and is backed up by what I have posted. Your assertation is that the fine tolerences of the universe is proof of the existence of (a) God. This is not backed up by anything you have posted. In fact, far from backing up the hypothesis that this would be proof of the existence of God, you have simply stated it as fact and expected that it would be accepted.

And yet you dismissed all the information I provided to support this as nowhere near convincing evidence.

And I stand by that. I am also not convinced of the cyclical nature of the universe, that chaotic inflation is the correct model, or that there are multiple coexistsing universes as suggested by a certain interpretation of quantum theory. This should be obvious from the way that I posted 3 contradictory theorys. Surely you must have realised that I couldn't possibly believe that all three were true? I even said that I wasn't claiming that any of the three were necessarily true.

And yet, for what appears to be nihilistic reasons, you wish to exclude the theory of a Creator from that list.

The list I mentioned are all observable phenomena the existence of which was hypothesised by applying the scientific method to the known facts. The existence of a creator isn't.

That said, I must conceed that I have some Nihilistic tendencies. However, this is the "cause and effect" argument again. I do not disbelieve the idea of a creator because I have some Nihilistic tendenceies, I have some Nihilistic tendencies because I disbelieve the idea of a creator. That's an important distinction.

This theory is clearly precisely on-par with the theory of a universal Creator.

No, they are not. The tell-tale sign is the use of the word "clearly". It implies that a correlation is obvious, wheras no such thing is true. You have to demonstrate the correlation between the two. I have explained and provided links to explainations of the three theories above, and how they are derived from and complimentary to established recognised science, and also to how they adhere to scientific method, including being falsifiable. You have not demonstrated the same with the Intelligent Design hypothesis. The three theories above are accepted by the majority of the scientific community (certainly the first two are, the third is more controversial), however the ID hypothesis is rejected by an overwhelming majority of the scientific community. Only one peer-reviewed article promoting ID has ever been published in a scientific journal, and the journal later published a retraction of the article, as it was not scientifically valid. Here: http://www.biolsocwash.org/id_statement.html The link in the article links to but one of the many scientific associations that have spoken out about the scientific invalidity of ID.

What the theory actually clearly is, is not on a par with the theories I have presented at all.

Just because I don't agree with your (or their) application of the maths does not mean I think the maths are invalid. Sound familiar?

Sure. Now do me the courtesy of outlining what your objections to the application are, just as I did with yours, and we can discuss them.

The main point, for me, is the initial illustration of the "prosecutor's Fallacy" at the begining - the example with the poker.

Wait a sec....elephant memory sending me some signals....(beep-beep-beep)...ah yes, the memory is now clear: It seems that, when I presented my evidence for information as a component of energy, that you claimed you were on such an ancient computer that it did not support reading PDFs. Perhaps that was just a convenient excuse to avoid having to address my evidence, yet now it appears you can read PDFs. Amazing. What might classify as even more amazing, is that it seems that all of a sudden, my Sony VAIO will no longer let me read PDFs!

Maybe if you remembered all the facts, you'd remember that the reason I couldn't read the article was because google didn't have an HTML version cached. This one, it does. Seeing that it was a .pdf file, I opened a seperate window to google and typed in part of the url ("sober/black-da" in this case). Lo and behold, I get a link to the article, alongside a link to the HTML version. Here:

google may be secretly evil, and it's cache may be technically illegal, but it has its uses. I may only be an amateur researcher (most of the time), but I'm reasonably good at it, and I know a trick or two. Now you can read the article.

BTW, just thought I'd point out a couple of assumptions you'd made there, too. You assumed that I was using the same computer that I was 4 months ago (or however long it was). You assumed that I hadn't upgraded it. You assumed that I hadn't accessed the article from another computer. And you assumed that I'd first read the article online, rather than offline in another format. Some of those assumptions were valid, others weren't.

I'd like to say that next time you'd be prepared to give me the benifit of the doubt, but judging by past experiences you'll still assume the worst of me, no matter what.

Otherwise, it would have been Jaguar bailing out Ford by having to purchase them!

You can blame Margaret Thatcher (spit, spit) for that.

I'm only acting as a mirror to yourself, to show you that, yes, even the great Trollface is subject to sloppy thinking. You are not immune, just as the rest of us.

Of course I'm not immune, and I am always ready to admit mistakes. In this particular case, however, we're working from different premises. I'm not trying to prove that I know "THE TRUTH". You are.
Re: Geometry and G-d...

yet now it appears you can read PDFs. Amazing.

Evolution, Ray... evolution.

This is perfect proof how something (being able to read PDFs) can evolve out of nothing (not being able to read PDFs), without the intervention of a creator. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Edit: Oh, crap. Just as I was typing this reply, trollface revealed the true reason for not being able to read some PDFs.. oh well.
Re: Geometry and G-d...

Yep, I did indeed say that, didn't I Creedo. I know you must be amazed. Wanna come over for dinner tonight? The fare is thin crust pepperoni pizza (I make my own dough) and a fine red Franciscan merlot.

PM me if you'll be in the 'hood!
Re: Geometry and G-d...

This is perfect proof how something (being able to read PDFs) can evolve out of nothing (not being able to read PDFs), without the intervention of a creator.

You couldn't really be any more incorrect in this assertion, Roel. As there were several creators here. Certainly not none! First, you obviously needed the creator of PDF to begin with, Adobe. Then you need the creator of any computer that can read PDF. Then you also need the creator of the google cache that keeps HTML versions of PDF. Quite honestly, there are more than enough cases of creation involved in this little version of "evolution" to refute what you say.

The day I see a Windoze PC crawl (evolve) out of the muck without the need of a computer designer to create it, is the day I will begin to consider that your (and Trollface's) insistent clinging to unaided evolution might be worth looking into.

Re: Geometry and G-d...

I didn't mean to forget about this:
I have no idea what you mean by this. Can you explain what you mean by "non-linear amplification"? Non-linear amplification is compression, and is very, very commonly used in my job. In fact, you find me a recording studio, radio station, or TV postproduction/transmission house that doesn't have a Compressor and I'll give you a prize. As for energy manipulation, that is done by billions of people every day. Hell, digestion is energy manipulation. Dropping a ball is energy manipulation. Certainly, on the more technical side, amplification itself is manipulation of energy.

I'll have to assume that you mean somethig differnet by that terminology, so can you explain what? In fact, I suspect that you're not necessarily using the general scientific definition of "energy", here, so can you define that within this context, too, please?

I speak in standard controls engineering terminology, and yes, that includes the standard scientific definition of energy. I agree that compression is one form on non-linear technology, and it involves amplification, but not in a necessarily realtime manner. Compression is an open-loop, half-duplex F-to-D conversion process that can be performed in a non-realtime environment.

I am speaking of energy as it relates to realtime loop closure, which is inherent in realtime, closed-loop control systems. These systems perform "compression", correction, and "expansion" (or control) all simultaneously, all at a specified, fixed control frequency. Long story short, it is the theory, which has been proven through demonstrated technology, that a control system can operate at lower total energy input (and heat disspation) levels by amplifying control loops which operate on the verge of stability, or fully in the right-hand complex plane, which is indicative of operating in the natural instability region. Of course, this is all brought about by feedback of information...and we have had this discussion before. The physical evidence that this is so is something you likely use every day, in the form of your ever shrinking cell phone. Realtime signal-to-noise ratio performance improvements that have allowed cell phone power (and therefore size) to shrink has come about as a result of non-linear, closed-loop amplification technologies.

We've also successfully demonstrated air vehicles that can continuously operate in the right hand plane, and actually demonstrate exponential reductions in total energy usage. Wait till you see the next generation of unmanned aircraft.

The Ancient Atlantians were quite advanced...

TrollFace, what about those cultures such as those of Atlantis? Their technology and knowledge was fantastic.

Since I am not as much an expert on Atlantis as Creedo, I yield the floor over to Creedo on any information regarding the advancements of Atlantis. Perhaps he would be willing to post on the mathematical genius of the ancient Atlantians?
Re: Geometry and G-d...

thought I'd made that perfectly claer, and I'd hoped that you'd credit my intelligence enough not to automatically assume I was stupid.

I would never assume that you are stupid, TrollFace. And I hope that you know that I would not think otherwise.

As far as being grumpy, it is fine by me.

The amount of information that we are running through is enormous, considering the amount of time available to address each point is narrow during this time of the year.
Re: Geometry and G-d...

I am speaking of energy as it relates to realtime loop closure, which is inherent in realtime, closed-loop control systems.

Okay, I had to do some reading around the subject to understand all the terminology you used, but I have no doubt that you're correct. What you haven't done, however, is say what that has to do with Ancient Egypt at all.

OverLrd said:
TrollFace, what about those cultures such as those of Atlantis? Their technology and knowledge was fantastic.

Well, what do we actually know about Atlantis? We know that we have an account, told by Criteas to Socrates of a conversation had between Criteas' Great-Grandfather and a poet about events which happened 9000 years beforehand and were passed down to Criteas by his Grandfather, when Criteas was still a child - so long ago that he had to take a whole day to actually rememeber what he had been told. I'd say that it had already failed the FOAF test, and the anecdotal evidence test, and the flase/unreliable memory test. And if you accept all the details, then you have to believe that the royal family were direct descendants of Poseidon. It's about as far from a reliable story as you can get. Particularly if you bear in mind the culture of confabulation and exaggeration which I have refered to many times in the past.

Is there evidence that there once existed an island larger than Asia and Lybia combined, surrounded by the largest (and most beautiful) mountains in the world? It's hard to get accurate figures, but the area of the Atlantic Ocean around the Striaght of Gibraltar is certainly no deeper than 5,000ft. Everest is roughly 29,000ft.

So, while I believe it's possible that there was once some form of civilisation which was lost under the sea at some point in history, the actual evidence for what we would call "Atlantis" is thin, to say the least. And, yes, I know that this week some guy claims to have found it, but he gives very little evidence. He claims that what he has found matches Plato's description perfectly (which is something I've always quibbled, as Plato doesn't describe anything, he writes down what Criteas describes), but it can only do so, if you omit certain salient details. First and foremost the detail of Atlantis being in the Atlantic, rather than the Mediterranian (the Ocean was supposedly named after the first ruler, the son of Posiedon). Then you have to forget the size of the island (you couldn't fit Asia into the Med). Then you have to forget the mountains...and so on.

So, no, I don't think that an advanced society called "Atlantis" has been proven to my satifaction. And, even so, if you read the original descriptions, there's nothing that suggests that much of an advanced technological society. Some bridges, a harbour and some metalwork - all of which could simply be down to confabulation in any case. You can infer plumbing, but that's not necessarily what is said when the bath-houses are mentioned and the sources of water are very deliberately attributed to Posiedon.

Put me in the "not convinced" category.

For those who may not have read them, here are Plato's writings which refer to Atlantis.

Timaeus: http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/timaeus.html

Critieas: http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/critias.html
Re: Geometry and G-d...

Creedo looks at Trollface and wanders why he would want to cover up the fact of Atlantis as told so far?
Re: Geometry and G-d...

Ah, I knew you'd have an opinion on the subject, creedo. If you have verifiable evidence to share, then please do.

As for "coveing up", I'm certainly not someone who is in favour of supressing any kind of data. I'm merely pointing out what the original source of the myth says, and providing a link to the original source, so people can read for themselves and make up their own minds.
Re: Geometry and G-d...

You can blame Margaret Thatcher (spit, spit) for that.

Uhhhh, clarification required. Are we blaming Maggie for the poor quality of Jaguar automobiles, or something else? I think the evidence is clear that the poor quality, when coupled to their exorbitant price, is what did them in. They couldn't compete...and still can't compete, even under Ford's wing.

In this particular case, however, we're working from different premises. I'm not trying to prove that I know "THE TRUTH". You are.

Ahhh, no. That is merely your emotional assertation of what I am doing. I've been quite consistent in this thread, in that what I (and others) are doing is showing various different forms of evidence for why it is reasonable to believe the universe was created, rather than an accident. And as yet, you have still not adequately addressed the greatest evidence which, try as you might, you cannot wave off as non-evidence. And that is that the extremely complex systems we, as humans, create require us to act as creator. They would not appear out of thin air, by accident. And this, of course, ties into my repeating themes that you also do not adequately address, these being closed-loop phenomenon, and information as a form of energy.

Re: Geometry and G-d...

Are we blaming Maggie for the poor quality of Jaguar automobiles, or something else?

I was blaming her for the unviable position she put many UK companies in during her reign and the condition of the market that she left behind, along with the paradigm shift which occured. But I'm more than happy to balme her for anything and everything you could care to name.

Ahhh, no. That is merely your emotional assertation of what I am doing. I've been quite consistent in this thread, in that what I (and others) are doing is showing various different forms of evidence for why it is reasonable to believe the universe was created, rather than an accident.

Just some of the many examples from earlier in the thread:

What I am about to say IS truth. The fact that you do not accept it does not change this basic truth.

This is also why I can confidently tell you that what I am saying is truth, and not just what I "think" I have experienced.

So yes, I am so convinced that I am right, and that it is THE truth.

Weave this together with my discussions about how we all need to learn to "transcend" the forced-linearity of our perceptions, and if you begin to teach yourself to perceive in non-linear ways, I am confident that you will be able to create the same experiences that I (and many others) have that have convinced us of the TRUTH of the spiritual world... and yes, the higher-level creator system... that some call God.

And so on. This is but a teeny-tiny snippet of the occasions on which you have decrared yourself to be in possession of "THE truth". So, yes, you have been entirely consistent throughout this thread on this point (up until now, that is), but you have consistently declared yourself to be the one letting us in on "THE TRUTH".

I, on the other hand, have consistently maintained that I don't know the truth, but that there isn't sufficient evidence to convince me that your version of it is the correct one.

And as yet, you have still not adequately addressed the greatest evidence which, try as you might, you cannot wave off as non-evidence. And that is that the extremely complex systems we, as humans, create require us to act as creator.

Correct. When we create something it is created by us.

It would be a fallacy, however, to say that that means that incredibly complex things can only be created by intelligent beings. A snowflake is extremely complex - some would say infinitely complex. And there's not a little gnome somewhere hand-carving them in a factory. Patterns of frost on glass are complex, and yet Jack Frost is but a myth.

They would not appear out of thin air, by accident.

That is precisely what snowflakes do.

So, yes, I can definately wave this off as being non-evidence. In fact, what you have typed here doesn't even amount to an arguement. All you've said here is that when somethig is created by us we act as creator. Thre's no follow-through thought there, no attempt to demonstrate how that would apply to anything else, let alone everything else, no attempt to define your terms - what you would count as a "complex system", what you wouldn't, where the boundries are, etc. - no attempt to tie it in to anything other than itself. I'm supposed to count this as evidence? Evidence of what? All the statement that when humans create something they act as creators is evidence of is that when humans create something they act as creators.

And this, of course, ties into my repeating themes that you also do not adequately address, these being closed-loop phenomenon, and information as a form of energy.

Funny, that, I tohught I addressed a closed-loop point just last post. You were saying something about energy and non-linear manipulation and Egypt, but neglected to mention Egypt when it came to explaining what you were on about. And now it seems you have abandoned the point, just as you have abandoned many avenues of discussion over the last few days*. It seems that when I do address your points you quickly get shy and decide to move on to something else.

And, as for information as a form of energy, I've looked in to it, I've read the general thinking oin the scientific community, and I remain unconvinced. You know this already. What else, exactly, do you want me to say on the subject? You want to convince me, when the scientific community itself isn't convinced? I'm not convinced by the Big Bang theory, and that's far longer estabished and far more widely accepted as being true. Be realistic. I'm not doing it to spite you, despite what opinion you may have of me (as evidenced by your .pdf assumptions).

*How Hebrew is the first language of mathematics and mathematical knowledge came from the Semites even though the Sumerians got there first (or even anything to do with Sumerians at all, as you seem to want to skip straight to Egypt), the tolerances of the pyramids being impossible without modern technology although the feats have been replicated, how the positioning of the pyramids would be impossible without modern technology even though it has been shown that it can be achieved with little more than a peice of string and this method has been verified by the dates compared to their position compared to the position of the stars, how the pyramids are proof of mathematical knowledge that is not inherent in their design, how not using modern technology and techniques makes you stupid, how aeronautical tolerences are at all relevent to architechtural ones, how it is impossible to aquire the techniques required to build the pyramids by trail and error over thousands of years, you've yet to elaborate what facts about Ancient Egypt I'm denying, the mathematical workings that show that tight tolerences of the universe diminish the ID arguement (especially the Prosecutor's Fallacy), the fact that the ID argument is actually far from being on a par with scientific theories (and all the criticisms associated with this point, from peer-review to it's abandonment of scientific method), and, probably most important and significantly, whether Stephanie McIntosh is sexier as a blonde or a brunette.

Now, I know you've said a page or two back that you weren't ignoring some points, you just weren't going to reply to them just yet, but that's a fair mouthful that's built up already. Time's moving on and this backlog isn't going to get any smaller, only bigger. He who hesitates is lost (or she)**.

**And I'll give anyone who can tell me that reference one hundred shiny new points.