Re: Geometry and G-d...
The Inca did in fact construct buildings with blocks of stone that weighed over 100 tons. The seam between the blocks, even after many earthquakes and movement of the ground they stand, one can not insert a razor blade between the stones.
Sorry, I thought you were still talking about the Egyptians there.
RainmanTime said:
Certainly within the confines of this thread it would make sense, would it not? Given that it has been yet another of my recurring themes from almost the very beginning of our discussions on this topic. I do not believe I have been at all vague about pointing to all these recurring themes, and how they relate to both Science and Spirituality.
Yeah, but another recurring theme is information, and that has a couple of different definitions, depending on the kind of information. But, okay, thermodynamics it is.
And this sounds like a debater trying to deflect attention away from the fact that he has just been called on what he was doing.
No, because I addresseed the point you made. Do you really want to get into the argument of evolution? Are you going to mark yourself out as a Creationist? It
is a different discussion, and it
is a huge discussion. I really do suggest that you at least attempt to continue with the discussion we are having first before getting into another huge subject. You've still not told me what the relevence of non-linear energy manipulation is to Ancient Egypt - and this was a big point of yours. If you can't even follow through on that, then what can be productively gained by going down yet more avenues while abandoining what we've started but have not even got close to finishing here?
I would like you to present your evidence that snowflakes form without a guiding hand, and then I MAY concede.
Very well.
You'll note there is an explaination of the physics, and no meantion of some form of intelligence individually crafting each snowflake.
No, it is not a different question.
I posted the example, I think I know what I mean, thank you. My contention is this: an individual snowflake is created by an autonomously occurring process, rather than individually crafted by an intelligence. Now do you agree with this or not?
You add the word "directly", and I never claimed that.
I did. It is my claim, remember, not yours. See above.
I speak in general terms of an all-pervading intelligent force that creates all.
If what you're saying here is true, then you've just invalidated your argument that all acts of creation cannot come about except through the direct application of intelligence. Unless you're saying that your argument isn't, in fact, that the act of creation itself is evidence of intelligence, rather you're simply saying that you believe there must be an intelligence, therefore there is. Basically, by saying this, you're reducing your entire argument throughout this entire thread to "God exists because I say so". Hardly scientific, is it?
Now, you say, correctly, that a low-entropy system cannot arise and fuction without an outside influence. Now, I give an example (the snowflake) of a low-entropy system that arises and functions without an outside
intelligence (note, I'm not talking about the design of the system, just the actual, physical formation of the crystal itself), and you simply say "well, but if you look outside of that, there must be intelligence". In other words, you're reducing the data set that you will consider to exclude any example that don't back up your assertations. You can take any example and say "well, I'll not consider that, but if you take my example with wider paramaters, then we have a different result", but it certainly won't get you your papaer published.
At that higher systemic cause has higher systemic causes. And that each level of cause possesses measures of intelligence, in that they have the capability to manipulate energy and information (which are the same thing).
That's a very odd definition of "intelligence". A definition which excludes the possibility of anything not being intelligent - excludes all possibility of natural laws and essentially flys in the fact of all established science and pooh-poohs scientific method. By this definition, my alarm clock is intelligent because it takes chemical energy, changes it into electrical energy, then into kinetic energy or sound energy (which is also kinetic energy, really). A sandslide is intelligent because it is converting potential energy into kinetic energy. And so on. Absolutely
everything, no matter how small
must be intelligent, by this definition. As such, it's hardly a useful definition.
Your mind is intelligent because you can process information with it that will tell you the most efficient ways to "be at cause over Energy".
Now, this is a different definition, which involves will. That's more how I would define it (although any definition of intelligence will eventually be problematical, I think I can accept and work with this one). But this, once again, leads me to conclude that the formation of an individual ice crystal is not an act of intelligence, as it is an autonomous process.
This is only the case because you demand your proof to be in a specific form.
Well, I'm sorry that I believe in scientific method. If you feel unable to stick to it, then you'll have to retract yourt claim to be able to prove the existence of God, and to retract your claim that your views are based on scientific method. And you'll definately not get that paper published.
Yes I have. You are just too dense to make the connections.
You know, on the whole, I am enjoying this post immensely. We're getting to the nitty-gritty, and you're really making me have to work and think to support my position. You're presenting ideas that I have to mull around a bit and seriously consider before I can say whether they're right or wrong. This is great, and exactly what I like about good debates. It's just a shame that you have to ruin it with petty insults like this. Seriously, when you come to write your scientific paper on Intelligent Design, will you litter the text with phrases about how dense everyone who doesn't believe what you are saying is? Please, cut out the ad hominems. They're extremely unbecoming, and do nothing but detract from what is, at heart, a fascinating, enlightening and highly enjoyable debate. They are nothing but counter-productive, and I do not believe that you actually do think that I am stupid. As such, all it does is annoy me and make me a lot less receptive to your ideas. This statement very nearly just made me hit "delete" on everything I've just written and say "to hell with it" and think that it's simply not worth the effort to talk to you.
Please, please,
please, can we just have a civilised discussion?
1) COMPLEX systems (still thinking thermo definition? good!) can ONLY come about through an exhibition of decreased local entropy. This is a Truth, and backed by science.
2) Decreased local entropy can ONLY come about by higher states of organization. (Again, directly relates to definition of thermodynamic complexity)
Okay. Although it must be said that Entropy is
not the same thing as "disorganisation". but I'll buy this for now.
3) Higher states of organization require lower states of energy conversion.
Can you clarify this for me, please? I've spent the last hour or so just looking at this statement and trying to understand what you mean, and haven't got very far. So, I asked my dad (who, you may remeber is a research physicist). And he has no idea what you mean by this, either.
Incidentally, there is no definition of "dense" which would apply to my father, so don't even think about going there, okay?
4) Lower states of energy conversion require higher amounts of information content.
Again, ditto for this. I've spent a lot less time on this one, as step 3 isn't clear, but still it's hard to tell what you actually mean by this.
5) Intelligence is that which processes information, and increases total information content.
As above, I do not accept this definition of intelligence, as it would apply to any and everything.
This is the aspect of science & how it confirms and validates spirituality that you do not understand.
Well, you're right that I don't understand exactly what you're trying to say. But I'm in good company, at least.
Outside influence = Intelligent influence just by the fact that information is processed to decrease entropy.
Yeah, I think this may be where we differ greatly. You define intelligence in such broad terms that it cannot possibly not be applied to anything, therefore everything is the product of intelligence. If you wish to define it in such terms then, yes, the fact that the universe contains energy (which is the same as information) which changes from one form to another means that information is being processed, ergo there is intelligence at work. But, as this preculdes anything from not being included, it is meaningless and has no relevence to any concept of a God. For my money, and definition of "intelligence" that would apply to any deity would have to include reason and will.
Well who's to say I won't?
I'd lay money on it.