
Re: Geometry and G-d...

Certainly, even if it didn't result in that kind of attention, it would win the bet with you.

How much you willing to risk on what you don't know?

I'm a prudent man, but if you can get a paper published in a scientific journal which proves mathematically that God exists, then I'll happily give you a fiver.

I want you to address the words I do state, not the re-interpretations you come up with that you think I said. Capiche?

Read my replies to OvrLrd. I am not claiming that that is your argument. I am claiming that that argument follows the exact same logic , that is the "circular logic" that you were so proud of. It was a different example of the same fallacy, to better illustrate the flaw in your reasoning. You, like OvrLrd, don't find it so convincing when it's applied to a different argument. Hmmm, so circular reasoning is only valid when it supports your point? You put the assumption of the conclusion in your premise, and so you cannot claim that that premise supports your conclusion. While the premises of your argument and the arguement I presented are different (althouh the conclusion is the same, that is neither here nor there), the point remains that they both rely on exactly the same flaw in logical thinking.

In other words, if you truely believe that defining intelligence as something that encompases everything is proof of the intelligence of everything and the veracity of this statement: "It is [my] inability to expand (evolve) beyond linear logic, and understand not only what circular logic means, but how much more powerful it is in its self-reference.", then you must accept the argument I presented. Reasoning is either valid or it isn't. You cannot claim it is valid when it supports what you wish it to support, and then say it is nonsense when it supports something else.
Re: Geometry and G-d...

"""12617 views, I think its larger than the John Titor threads..."""
You could almost say that there is more doubt about god than there is about JT

Perhaps we could start a God? Foundation! Maybe be asked to speak on Coast to Coast Radio.

A book in the works?

Our offices in Celebration, California, or in the Netherlands, with Rainman and myself occupying the 3rd floor ( Proof God Exists Department ) and Trollface and yourself on the 1st floor ( Prove God doesnt Exist Department ).
Re: Geometry and G-d...

You, like OvrLrd, don't find it so convincing when it's applied to a different argument. Hmmm, so circular reasoning is only valid when it supports your point?

Who is calling the kettle black. You claim an alarm clock doesnt follow a closed-loop system, when indeed it does. The alarm doesnt just go off by-itself, it had a guiding hand set it for when to go off. Also you have to turn or program the alarm clock for it to function. The same occurs for the alarm to turn off. There IS an intelligent force behind the dynamics of the alarm clock.

As a matter of fact, you could apply the process to the trinary description as brought up by Ray. 1. Set the alarm for a specific Time. 2. Alarm sounds. 3. Turn off alarm.
Closed-loop system.

With your paddle wheeler example, there is still forward motion regardless of what is stopping its actual 'inertia'. You just introduced an opposing force. Which is more efficent in your example, the force of resistance, or the forward motion of the paddle wheeler.?

Why do you think they turn the engines to all stop when the ship becomes grounded. Perhaps the strain on the drive system becomes too overwhelming and it would begin to fail?

And as far as the hidden information within the texts we mentioned, we know they are in there, because we found them.
Re: The Egyptian Mahtematic and The Pyramids

I read up on the samples you referred to in your posts, and it seems that the findings are under debate. They are questioning how the mathematics shown in the two documents were sufficient to build the Great Pyramids.

And they also mention that those two documents are part of a massive collection that decayed into dust, with those two being the only one's that survived time.

You left that part out of your post.
Re: Geometry and G-d...

The alarm doesnt just go off by-itself, it had a guiding hand set it for when to go off. Also you have to turn or program the alarm clock for it to function. The same occurs for the alarm to turn off. There IS an intelligent force behind the dynamics of the alarm clock.

Well, this isn't quite what you're claiming for the snowflake, though. We'll take my example of a sound being generated. The end product I'm discussing here is the sound (incidentally, you'll note that I didn't say anything about turning the alarm off). So the sound is equivalent to the snowflake, in that it's the end product we're interested in.

Then you have the process by which the end product is generated - in the case of the snowflake it's the formation of the crystal around the dust mote and in the case of the alarm clock it's the hour hand being in the same place as the "alarm hand", tripping a switch, making electrical contact and causing the speaker to make the noise.

Then there's what sets this process into motion - in the case of the snowflake, this is the dust being in the atmosphere in the right conditions - temperature, moisture and so on. In the case of the alarm clock it is me.

And this is where my example has stopped. You are claiming in the quote above that I, in setting the alarm clock, am equivalent to God in the snowflake example, which I am not. I am the equivalent of the atmosphereic conditions. So, if you state that I am creating the sound by setting the alarm, then you are agreeing with me that creating a snowflake is not an intelligent act, and that creation in and of itself need not be an intelligent act.

Now, you are going one step further, and are saying that there is intelligence behind the creation of the processes - that the mechanism by which the snowflake is produced is the product of intelligent design, and that the process by which the sound of my alarm clock is produced is the product of intelligent design. But this is indirect creation, not the direct creation of my examples to date. If I apply your proof of the existence of a creator with regards to the snowflake to my example of an alarm clock, then you are saying that the sound of my alarm going off in the morning is created by a designer working for Tudor and a factory somewhere in England.

As a matter of fact, you could apply the process to the trinary description as brought up by Ray. 1. Set the alarm for a specific Time. 2. Alarm sounds. 3. Turn off alarm.
Closed-loop system.

Which means, as I didn't mention turning the alarm off (and was not picturing it, I was thinking of it in isolation), that I did not describe a closed-loop system. the alarm-clock in and of itself is not a closed-loop system, as it does not give itself feedback which controls the input. Add a human in to the mix, and maybe you have a case for the alarm clock and the human being a closed-loop system, but I wasn't talking about that. If I set my alarm, and then stay out the night, it'll still be going off in the evening when I come back. Or, if I never come back it'll continue beeping until the battery dies.

With your paddle wheeler example, there is still forward motion regardless of what is stopping its actual 'inertia'.

No, there is forward force. The motion has been stopped.

Perhaps the strain on the drive system becomes too overwhelming and it would begin to fail?

That would depend on the resistence of the water. Again, think of the small model, rather than the full-scale version. I actually only used a paddle steamer because of the simple physics and the ease of picturing it. I was specifically thinking of the "swimming" events in Technogames (the "robot Olympics), although I suspect you don't have that transmitted in the US. Technogames: http://www.technogames.net/

And as far as the hidden information within the texts we mentioned, we know they are in there, because we found them.

I did not claim that. I claimed that just because you found them doesn't mean that they were put there intentionally.

I read up on the samples you referred to in your posts, and it seems that the findings are under debate. They are questioning how the mathematics shown in the two documents were sufficient to build the Great Pyramids.

And they also mention that those two documents are part of a massive collection that decayed into dust, with those two being the only one's that survived time.

You left that part out of your post.

I left it out because it was not relevent to the point I was making, not because I was trying to decieve you in any kind of way. For the record, one last time:

I have not claimed that the two papyri represent all the knowledge that was needed to create the pyramids.

I have not claimed that the two papyri contain all the mathematical knowledge that the Egyptians had.

I have claimed that the pyramids are not proof of any mathematical knowledge that was not needed to create the pyramids.

I have claimed that the two papyri are not proof of any mathematical knowledge that are not contained in them.

In other words, yes it is possible that the Egyptians knew how to do a third differential. However, as this knowledge would not be necessary to build the pyramids, the existence of the pyramids are not proof that the Egyptians had this knowledge. Furthermore, as this knowledge is not contained in the two papyri, they are not proof that the Egyptians had this knowledge. I'm arguing within very narrow parameters here, and it's getting increasingly annoying to have people trying to flasify claims that I have not made, especially when it's done in an accusitory tone. I have very clearly stated what I am saying numerous times, and hopefully, one of these days, it'll actually stick.

Regardless of what opinions may be of me, I actually prefer to lose this kind of argument. You may believe I derive pleasure from "proving people wrong", but the real joy of debate is that moment when what the other person is saying clicks for you, and a whole new vista opens up for you.

BTW, if you have any additional lnks to share about the papyri and the pyramids, I'd be very interested in reading them.
Gentlemen\'s Bets, and how they go...

I'm a prudent man, but if you can get a paper published in a scientific journal which proves mathematically that God exists, then I'll happily give you a fiver.

Ha. Now that's a typical Trollface move. I don't know how gentlemen's bets are structured where you come from, but we have a bit of a balanced protocol over here. Goes like this: The person who chooses to set the parameters of what two gentlemen are betting on does not also get to set the wager. What idiot would sign up to a bet that they had no say over the financial amount OR the parameters of the subject of the wager?

If you set the parameters, I set the wager. If you set the wager, I set the parameters. See how that works, and strikes a healthy balance?

Re: Geometry and G-d...

I'm a prudent man, but if you can get a paper published in a scientific journal which proves mathematically that God exists, then I'll happily give you a fiver.

I'll be happy to add a fiver to that as well.

However, Ray will have to do a lot better than in this thread. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Geometry and G-d...

Our offices in Celebration, California, or in the Netherlands, with Rainman and myself occupying the 3rd floor ( Proof God Exists Department ) and Trollface and yourself on the 1st floor ( Prove God doesnt Exist Department ).

Yes, great idea. I had a word with the architect. He will send us a brochure so we can pick a nice color for the walls on the first floor. Unfortunately they only have one color cushions for the wallcovering on the third floor. Are you okay with white?

Re: Geometry and G-d...

I suppose they have matching jackets as well?
Are you talking about those ones that go down to your knees with a smart, lab-style look to them? Or do you mean those jackets with the long sleeves that gives the whole ensemble a "wraparound" look when they are properly worn?


Re: Geometry and G-d...

"Cha Cha, La La La. Cha Cha, La La La. Boom boom, shaka laka, boom boom." That's just the sound of Creedo in the background learning his new dance steps. My error, I told him to learn the Maramba. Obviously I meant for him to learn the hip, new Latin dance craze, the Roomba. It's got a heavy vacuum AI beat to it! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

And speaking of dancing, Trollface, are you ready to do some more? You've been keeping up so far, but I am about to mix in another beat. Just to make sure you're on your toes. MmmmmmKay?

The paddles would lose no efficiency because they would still be moving water backwards - still doing the same amount of work, however that work would not be being translated into forwards motion of the steamer because my hand would be preventing it.
I've been waiting to see if you were going to change, further explain, or qualify this little bit of analysis. Maybe I should be a sport and give you the chance to do so, before I inject that new, hot, latin beat into your dance programme? Want to say anything with respect to what you've typed here, especially with regard to the mathematical definitions of Work, and, ohhhh, maybe also the definition of Heat?

Creating the snowflake is the act of creation.
So now you presume to be able to define the boundaries of Creation? Gee, only a God has full purview to do that. I mean, in a real, as opposed to your hypothetical sense of what you are saying. The final event of the appearance of the snowflake does NOT constitute the sum-total of creation. Creation includes the Energy, Entropy, and Enthalpy of all the processes that lead up to it, as well as the physical mechanism that makes it possible. Creation is the one constant in this universe, and it is simply not as limited as you say with your words.

This is an autonomous system, ergo the act of creation is not proof of intelligence.
It is when you don't ignore certain elements of systemic energy and entropy, which your definitions and limitations on creation do. By drawing your boundary to only the final act of the snowflake's creation, you are excluding other energetic elements that permit and lead-up to that final event. This is your crucial, crucial error in not understanding the maths, nor the applications, that I am describing. I've said it before, and it is a large clue to what I am talking about, and it is also a pertinent statement, thermodynamically: There is no such thing as a "closed system, sufficiently far away from thermal equilibrium". That is because of the ultimate interconnecteness of all energetic processes in the universe. This means, the fundamental basis for current theories of entropy, which use this in their definition, are based on an incorrect assumption.

If I programme my computer to randomly assign notes to 15 bars, and then save that off as a song, then leave it doing that while I go out, I cannot claim to have composed those songs. I did not create them, my computer did. If I set my alarm-clock to go off at 5 in the morning, when it sounds, I am not creating the sound, my alarm clock is.
Don't you realize how silly that reads, especially when I bold your key arguments? Would you like a nice glass of wine, Troll, maybe to calm you down and re-think this? You say you programmed your computer to do something, and then you deny that you had any hand in the computers creation? That is precisely what you are saying in the above words, and it is...well, pretty contradictory, if not the result of some really sloppy thinking, pardner.

You seem to think that Creation can be sliced-up and limited to nice little, organized and manageable packets. Like individually-wrapped cheese slices that you put on your cumcumber and tomato sandwiches. Surely you must know that analysis of continuum mechanics does not permit you to say "creation starts here and stops there."

In fact, in both of yor examples above, you are not only part of the eventual Creation (computer song and alarm sound), but you can easily be seen to be the "Uber-Creator". Or some other words we use to identify higher-level creative processes would be "Prime Mover". Ever heard it called "First Cause"? Well, I've got some news for you sonnyboy, each and every "Uber-creator" process that leads to later physical results possesses levels of Energy and Entropy that it applies in the Chain of Creation. You can't only analyze and describe what you call the "direct" part of creation. For when you do, and you ignore the Energy and Entropy effects that went into you creating the programme, and some factory creating the alarm clock, you are NOT accounting for part of the energetic effects that lead to the final result. That is a no-no, and you would receive major points off in any of my engineering courses for leaving energy terms out of your system analysis. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

It was an example of the same type of logical fallacy, not what I was directly claiming Rainman was saying. I outlined his reasoning quite clearly.
The hell you did. That's pretty much a stinking pile of BS. What you did is change my words. What you did was respond to a re-shaping of my words and thoughts that you created. You did not responsd to my actual words.

And look, I am sick of you constantly exhibiting your hipocrasy on this matter. You change my words by offering your "logical equivalents" to what I am saying, and then you wave-off the plain fact that you changed my words. Yes, you did. And then, when I do the same thing...I change the words you state, to describe what I hear you saying, you whine like a wounded little lamby. Therefore, from this moment on, when I see you stating words other than what I am saying, I will point them out, kind of like that little "debating tactic" phase we went through awhile back. I mean, it is only fair, since you are the one whining about me not responding to the exact words you use. So I will stop you whenever you twist my words. K?

My point is that just because something contains information does not make it sysnonymous with that information.
Stop. Well, we really didn't get very far, did we? Please tell me who, other than you, said or is claiming this? I surely didn't. Just as I would not claim that just because something contains mass means that it is synonymous with that mass. The fact that you want to argue this point is more evidence that you do not understand the maths, or the physics, when I discuss closed-loop and non-linear system concepts.

So, just because energy can contain information, it doesn't mean that the terms "energy" and "information" are therefore interchangable.
So here is one of your logical fallacies, that is incorrect. It may not mean the TERMS "energy" and "information" are interchangeable, but that is only a facet of language. For we know from past experience, measurements, and product developments that indeed, energy and information are interchangeable. And I have given many examples to prove your belief wrong. In fact, one could easily claim that a primary description of my job is to "design systems that use information to reduce their total energy requirements." In other words, I am putting into practice in developing more advanced (smarter) air vehicles the principle which you deny exists above. I use the relationship between Information and Energy to create a more efficient system.

Proof is in the pudding: Take any physical aircraft in combination with its engines. If there are no closed-loop, internal control systems on this air vehicle, it could still be flown. It would still accomplish its mission. However, the total fuel burn data would clearly show how much Energy that airplane required to accomplish that reference mission. Now, the only thing we will change about this airframe is that we will install an integrated, computer-based information processing system. In fact, on the project I am now working on (Unmanned Combat Air System), we call this the Vehicle Management System. It has been shown that doing this results in significant fuel savings. And, uhhh, that's Energy pal. All we did was add lots of closed-loop, intelligent, information processing systems to the vehicle, and we have a measured reduction in total Energy required to operate he system.

How's that Irish Jig of yours? Are you gonna do me a little dance with that one, Trollface? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Because you are obviously incorrect in your thoughts about the interchangeability of information and energy. I told you I was an expert in these things. But you want to keep on believing I don't know what I am talking about, when it is quite clear I do. I analyze, design, and implement closed-loop control systems, and I have studied non-linear mathematics quite a bit. My knowledge in this area, and its link to thermodynamics that I keep talking about, is a bit deeper than yours, I'd say. But beyond that, we can just look at the fact that many companies produce physical systems that falsify your belief about energy and information.

Yes, in your case, the hidden information was put there intentionally. That still doesn't mean that any messages found in religious texts were.

Keep your mind thinking...don't cut it off there. Now I want you to consider if the messages found in such texts align and correspond with physical and scientific principles that we have verified over the past 100 years, and with principles we are finding out about today (e.g. Dark Energy, Dark Matter). The more such messages correlate to "how the universe really is", the higher the probability that those messages WERE put there intentionally. Exactly the same as OvrLrd placing his hidden messages in his posts.

If you codify the truth in a "hidden code" within a message, and someone several millenia from now uncovers those codes, and can see how they align to physical truths, why would it be more reasonable to believe they are just an accident?

Re: Geometry and G-d...


I don't mind going out on a limb here. I can believe, with reasonable certainty (theoretically speaking) that God is MINDFUL of every single snowflake. While I cannot CONCEIVE of the massive space/time/matter "energy/information" matrix in both ends of its "manifestation" (the crystalization of a stellar system or of a simple snowflake), I CAN conceive of a POWER that CAN because this is exactly what the universe is telling us whether we want to hear it or not. The POWER exists and we can not measure it in any way except how it "manipulates" our universe by very specific laws--at every level of existence (mental, spiritual, physical). The Grand Unified Theory, in order to TRULY "be" THE grand theory MUST address all these areas. It must "explain" all phenomena--even and ESPECIALLY that which is "esoteric", supernatural, invisible or "incalculable". The Bible states quite simply that "The fool states, in his heart, 'there is no God'. This is not to say that "fool" equals "nonbeliever", though it might "infer" it. The Bible also clearly states, "call no man a fool". However, to eliminate ONE aspect by refusing to consider "IN THE HEART", what may be intelligent design is to "limit" oneself to determinism, mechanism, humanism. Each "mutually exclusive" aspect--physical, mental, spiritual has its own set of determinism/mechanism/humanism. It is simple enough to see and the whole picture is much more "beautiful". It is richer with much greater texture. It has "SOUL" and can "communicate" information. More often than not, it is non-linear. This is not to say that linear or even "circular" is not extremely useful. Iteration is the staple of computer science. But we who sit behind the computer know quite well that what we tell the computer to do is not the real world. The deterministic/mechanistic/humanistic iteration can never become a "human". At best, it can never be more than "idiot savant"--capable of extreme genius and unable to perform simple human tasks.

This is how I view "atheism". It is extremely limiting and explains nothing about anything outside of its own discipline. History has shown quite clearly that when its adherents gain any power, it FORCES its determinism to monopolize all authority, uses mechanism to control it and dictates its morality. Debate with such is non-productive. The same could also be said about fundamental extremism. I would be curious, though, to see how others might view the arguments presented here on this thread. Is anyone really affected either way and is there any "preponderance" of evidence to suggest a clear leader in any direction? Have we learned anything for or against? Does it matter or have anything to do with how time travel will eventually manifest itself? I'd like to believe that it is all relevant to why we are all here--to understand all the aspects of what time travel would entail. We may be no closer to "proving or disproving" God, but we have discussed it and "emoted" over it. We have, somewhat, explored the parameters (some far more than others). Touche' to you all. Anyone care to take a vote?
Re: Geometry and G-d...

How's that Irish Jig of yours? Are you gonna do me a little dance with that one, Trollface?

Ray, I wouldn't put this man in charge of snake control in Ireland!!!

Trollie, Its quite clear you're not here to truly understand, gain or give knowledge. Your true intents are evil... Your mission is to twist and manipulate the truth and advert readers!

When faced with my demons, I clothe them and feed them, and I smile as they're taking me over.

I think this pretty much says it all folks! - What forces are at work here...
Re: Geometry and G-d...

Is anyone really affected either way and is there any "preponderance" of evidence to suggest a clear leader in any direction? Have we learned anything for or against? Does it matter or have anything to do with how time travel will eventually manifest itself? I'd like to believe that it is all relevant to why we are all here--to understand all the aspects of what time travel would entail. We may be no closer to "proving or disproving" God, but we have discussed it and "emoted" over it. We have, somewhat, explored the parameters (some far more than others). Touche' to you all. Anyone care to take a vote?

Zerub, obviously this is a strong topic and debate!

That is, that we are <font color="red">"ASKING"[/COLOR] about G-d?

I'd say in our curiosity, questioning and desire, this alone is enough!
Re: Geometry and G-d...

Are you talking about those ones that go down to your knees with a smart, lab-style look to them? Or do you mean those jackets with the long sleeves that gives the whole ensemble a "wraparound" look when they are properly worn?

I believe Roels implication was that it should be the ones with the "wraparound" look when properly worn. I, however, did suggest the "upstairs" offices as ours for a reason. As I suggested a downstairs office suite for Roel and Trollface, for a reason. Guess where the furnace is located?
Re: Geometry and G-d...

In other words, yes it is possible that the Egyptians knew how to do a third differential. However, as this knowledge would not be necessary to build the pyramids, the existence of the pyramids are not proof that the Egyptians had this knowledge.

Once again, if the structure was built in a haphazard manner, I would agree with your assertion. The Great Pyramid was built to conform to specific co-ordinates. Not only that, but the inside of the pyramid not a solid mass of stone. The structure has hallways and rooms. There are vent type openings within the pyramid as well.

If the math or knowledge had been lacking in process, the whole thing would not have such a uniform conformity. The Pyramid is a testament to the knowledge the builders had. In addition the pyramids were not the only structure constructed. Other structures demonstrated the use of geometry as well.

This was their legacy to following generations. And to say that the Pyramids were not built with the purpose of certain alignments is totally inaccurate, since religion was also a motivating factor in the pyramids design. The soul of the Pharaoh was to travel towards as a specific constellation or a specific astrological direction.

The documents you brought up are even considered to perhaps be scratch paper for a game the Egyptians used to play. Imagine determining the extent of a cultures mathematical abilities from a game scratch pad. This is one theory, with some others regarding those 'papers'. Which one is correct, they don't really know. But you can't base knowledge of the builders off of two papers.

Or, if I never come back it'll continue beeping until the battery dies.

Thus the cycle is complete. No matter how you try to alter the closed-loop of the alarm clock, it remains valid. An intelligent force started the process of the alarm clock, and after which it operates as designed by its creators.

And this relates exactly to the snowflake. An intelligent force started the process, after which it operates as designed. Do you remember these "facts"...

"Gravity is roughly 1039 times weaker than electromagnetism. If gravity had been 1033 times weaker than electromagnetism, stars would be a billion times less massive and would burn a million times faster." ...

"The nuclear weak force is 1028 times the strength of gravity. Had the weak force been slightly weaker, all the hydrogen in the universe would have been turned to helium (making water impossible, for example)."

"A stronger nuclear strong force (by as little as 2 percent) would have prevented the formation of protons-- yielding a universe without atoms. Decreasing it by 5 percent would have given us a universe without stars."

"The charges of the electron and proton have been measured in the laboratory and have been found to be precisely equal and opposite. Were it not for this fact, the resulting charge imbalance would force every object in the universe--our bodies, trees, planets, suns--to explode violently. The cosmos would consist solely of a uniform and tenuous mixture not so very different from air."

"If the difference in mass between a proton and a neutron were not exactly as it is--roughly twice the mass of an electron then all neutrons would have become protons are vice versa. Say goodby, to chemistry as we know it, and to life."

"The very nature of water--so vital to life--is something of a mystery. Unique among the molecules, water is lighter in its solid form than its liquid form: Ice floats. If it did not, the oceans would freeze from the bottom up and earth would now be covered with solid ice. This property in turn is traceable to unique properties of the hydrogen atom."

"The synthesis of carbon--the vital core of all organic molecules--on a significant scale involves what scientists view as an astonishing coincidence in the ratio of the strong force to electromagnetism This ratio makes it possible for carbon-12 to reach an excited state of exactly 7.65 MeV at the temperature typical of the center of stars, which creates a resonance involving helium-4,, beryllium-8 and carbon- 12-- allowing the necessary binding to take place during a tiny window of opportunity 10-17 seconds long."

These quotes are just a sampling of other tight tolerances that are required in order for everything to not only have been created, but also to continue to exist. We presented this as support for intelligent design and you just waved them off as chance. It would seem that most thinkers would at least pause and acknowledge that it is unusual, and improbable to happen exactly as it did and to remain within the parameters they hahave for so long.

No, there is forward force. The motion has been stopped.

I will agree that I made a mistake with the forward motion. Correct, the forward motion has been hindered. The energy created by the paddles is still attempting to push the boat forward, until it has come up against an equal or greater opposing force.

I have not claimed that the two papyri represent all the knowledge that was needed to create the pyramids.

I have not claimed that the two papyri contain all the mathematical knowledge that the Egyptians had.

I have claimed that the pyramids are not proof of any mathematical knowledge that was not needed to create the pyramids.

I have claimed that the two papyri are not proof of any mathematical knowledge that are not contained in them

What? I may be reading these incorrectly, but they seem to contradict each other.

because it was not relevant to the point I was making

It was relative to the discussion taking place. You took a jab at CAT for making an error with her dates regarding Euclid, yet the mention of the 2 documents was missing some crucial information, that they are NOT certain what the purpose of the documents had been.

To clarify your claim, was that mathematics was not originated by the Jewish peoples. I think that this was your original point that got lost in the hub-bub.
Re: Geometry and G-d...

I would be curious, though, to see how others might view the arguments presented here on this thread. Is anyone really affected either way and is there any "preponderance" of evidence to suggest a clear leader in any direction? Have we learned anything for or against? Does it matter or have anything to do with how time travel will eventually manifest itself? I'd like to believe that it is all relevant to why we are all here--to understand all the aspects of what time travel would entail. We may be no closer to "proving or disproving" God, but we have discussed it and "emoted" over it. We have, somewhat, explored the parameters (some far more than others). Touche' to you all. Anyone care to take a vote?

One aspect of this thread is the exposure to alot of information that otherwise I would have never thought to review. The links provided by both sides have been quite a journey through the web.

As far as time travel possibilities from the information presented, yes, it is relative. We are trying to expose the basic essences of creation. Through the texts of the Qabballah and other ancient documents, I believe there are clues as to how the Universe began, the components that were utilized to create everything.

If we can isolate the essence(s) of the Universe(s), then we can formulate a method of time travel.
Re: Geometry and G-d...

Would you like a nice glass of wine, Troll, maybe to calm you down and re-think this?

I don't drink, thanks. Seems like you've had a few, though. Care to re-post what you have, but in a less triumphantly patronising tone? I couldn't force myself to get to the end with two tries. But what I have read seems to be pretty muddled. Try again, with a clearer head.

OvrLrd said:
Once again, if the structure was built in a haphazard manner, I would agree with your assertion.

Okay, can I ask for absolute clarification, here, then. You are directly responding to my assertation that the construction of the pyramids is not proof that the Ancient Egyptians knew how to do third differential equations, because third differential equations would in no way be necessary to construct the pyramids. So, are you saying here that the pyramids in fact are proof that the Egyptians knew how to do a third differential? And, if so, can you explain your reasoning. And, no, "just look at them" doesn't count, I want a real clear line of thinking that would demonstrate a third differential equation was known.

And to say that the Pyramids were not built with the purpose of certain alignments is totally inaccurate, since religion was also a motivating factor in the pyramids design.

I did not say that they weren't. Can you quote what I've said that made you think otherwise?

The documents you brought up are even considered to perhaps be scratch paper for a game the Egyptians used to play.

That's definately a new one on me. Can you provide a cite for this, please?

Thus the cycle is complete. No matter how you try to alter the closed-loop of the alarm clock, it remains valid.

Well, this is interesting. I've got you arguing that everything is a closed-loop system, and I've got Rainman arguing that nothing can be considered a closed-loop system.

Maybe someone should offer up a definition and we should stick with that. I've been using this one: "Refers to a feedback control system involving one or more feedback control loops, which combine functions of controlled signals and of commands, in order to keep relationships between the two stable."

It would seem that most thinkers would at least pause and acknowledge that it is unusual, and improbable to happen exactly as it did and to remain within the parameters they hahave for so long.

I did address this, and have posted my refutation above. Most of which has yet to be addressed by anybody. Start with the mathematical paper.

The energy created by the paddles is still attempting to push the boat forward, until it has come up against an equal or greater opposing force.

Yet, instead, it is pushing water backwards.

What? I may be reading these incorrectly, but they seem to contradict each other.

They don't.

You took a jab at CAT for making an error with her dates regarding Euclid, yet the mention of the 2 documents was missing some crucial information, that they are NOT certain what the purpose of the documents had been.

CAT's point was dependent on her dates being right. The purpose of the papyri were, and still are, utterlyt incosequential.

To clarify your claim, was that mathematics was not originated by the Jewish peoples.

My claim is that what evidence there is does not indicate that the Semites were the inventors of everything mathematical, nor were they the originators of the written word.

To clarify your claim, was that mathematics was not originated by the Jewish peoples. I think that this was your original point that got lost in the hub-bub.
Re: Gentlemen\'s Bets, and how they go...

I don't know how gentlemen's bets are structured where you come from, but we have a bit of a balanced protocol over here.

If it's a gentleman's wager, then it's a matter of honour, and nothing as vulgar as money is entered into it. Do you want a gentleman's wager?