Re: Cookbook for Creation
Okay. Again, I've only skimmed this thread, so if I don't address something don't panic, I'll be back - probably this evening. As it is, I'm feeling kind of angry yet also warm and fuzzy and full of love for all, so forgive the possibly odd tone of this post.
I am also sorry to hear some of your acquaintances have passed on.
Thank you. We may not always see eye to eye, but I do genuinely appreciate this.
I know exactly what anger feels like, and where it comes from. Our egos.
Interesting you should say this. As I said above this is the first time I've been angry in more than 5 years, and it's taken extremely extreme circumstances to bring it about. And, even so, I've still not actually lost my temper. It's been at least 7 years since I did that.
So, if anger is a sign of the ego, then what does the fact that I very,
very rarely get angry say about mine? Confirmation bias again - you see me say I'm angry and take it as evidence that I'm an egoist without taking the time to learn the circumstances surrounding my anger. I'm sure that what I'm saying here won't alter your opinion at all, but if what you say about anger and ego is true then what you've actually demonstrated is that I am not controlled by my ego at all.
I don't believe that to be true, we all are slaves to our egos to a greater or lesser dregree (and let us not forget that the word "ego" actually means "self"), but I think it serves as an illustration of how what you claim as evidence of certain things in actuality proves nothing of the kind.
Why bring her into this? You could have just continued to ignore her, and keep your focus on me and my ego?
Anger, snideyness, snippyness (and there's been some behind the scenes stuff you're not privvvy to). but you're absolutely right. I had said that I was going to ignore CAT, and that still seems like the right thing to do. Bringing her into the conversation was petty and childish and the kind of action that a person who acted how you seem to think I do would take. I have no excuse and would like to publicly apologise to everyone reading this thread, as I should not have acted in this manner.
Ignoring your own childish polemics[...]
Really, Ray. If you're going to dis me for my behaviour, you're probably better off thinking up your own phrases, rather than just repeating what I say.
I think I am getting to the point of being willing to discuss some of the things you have said I have "ignored".
Most importantly confirmation bias. I cannot stress it enough. Confirmation bias. Address that, if nothing else.
Watch... you'll see how these are not absolutes, nor mutually exclusives.
Oh, Ray, you are a lovable rogue but I really do despair when it becomes apparent that you simply don't take in what other people say. How do you expect to participate in meaningful debate if you don't actually pay attention to what other people tell you? Once more, for the record, as I have said explicity and implicity many,
many times - I do not think that "right" or "wrong" are absolutes, or even mutually exclusive. I'm an amatuer semiologist. Maybe you need to look into semiology before you can appreciate where I'm coming from, but mark this and make sure it sinks into your consiousness, as I get tired of repeating myself - there is no such thing as "right" or "wrong". All there is is perspective. The power of meaning and significance lies with the reader, be it a media text or real life that s/he is reading. I am giving you my opinion, and would never
ever claim to have a full handle on "THE truth" - that is your claim and is exactly what you are doing.
I think you're right that it's a stupid and futile thing to claim to be the holder of absolute knowledge and "THE truth". But it's not me that makes that claim, it's you. I really think you might be right about my being here telling you things about yourself because you certainly seem to be projecting qualities that you possess onto me.
Because when this is all one does[...]
You yourself have said that this is not all I do. So, what's wrong with debunking falsehoods again?
[...]when this is one's primary mode of operation[...]
It's not. Maybe it is on this site, but I see a lot of dodgy claims on this site. You don't imagine for one second that what I do and what I am on this site is the be all and end all of my existence, do you?
I seem to rememebr that my debunking had your support when it was Chronohistorian I was debunking. Now I am attacking theings that you agree with, rather than disagree with, it's suddenly a bad thing. Go figure.
Because one may often feel as if they are providing a service to mankind by "debunking" something they think is "wrong", and yet they may not have near enough information on the topic they think they are "debunking".
If my debunking is wrong, then you have nothing to fear from it, surely? You should welcome it as it helps you to prove your point further, rather than feel slighted and afraid.
Roel said:
Only difference between trollface and me is that I'm interested in some of your theories.
No, I am, too. I've had constructive discussions with people with very, very similar beliefs to Ray off-board, both with people from this board and with others. It's the
way Ray presents his ideas that I find off-putting and unpalatable. It's the closed-mindedness and conviction of being right to the exclusion of all else that gets in the way of what he's trying to say and renders any actual message he's trying to convey as mere background noise.
Ray again:
But as you know, numbers are symbolic.
Okay, so the whole number thing is nothing but a metaphor? Well why didn't you say so in the first place? A metaphor can be anything you like. I was concerned with the literal truth of the matter.
In fact, it is interesting how both you and trollface will not respond to my own calls for evidence.
Tell you what. I'll prove to you that God doesn't exist just as soon as you prove to me that Hubert the invisible purple dancing beaver deity doesn't exist.
Roel said:
Although I agree with you completely, I can't let you of the hook. English is not my native tongue, so please be merciful, but I think you meant "apparent"
Actually, I was being a sarcastic smart-arse at that point, and subtly emphasising my point that Ray seems to project things he doesn't like about himself onto me (maybe I really am a reflection of his soul? It's a slightly disturbing concept, but there you go). Apart from the opening where I addressed Ray specifically, that entire paragraph was cut and pasted from one of his posts.
PLUS they have some of the best promoters in the industry: Alyssa Milano, Rose McGowan and Holly Marie Combs.
I'm not so keen on Ms. Milano myself, but Holly Marie Combs is stunningly beautiful. Exactly my type.
I was actually going to respond to more than I have done, but I've suddenly lost all interest. To quote the Governator, I'll be back.