
Somthing in the mixture

What is funny about you Overlrd, is that you admit in one of your past post, that you were a profiler.

If this is the case, then you know people.

What I don't see here, is why you don't offer analysis into Pamela Moore, John Titor, and Darby Darbysire, with the information asked about this case, that I had present, as to their roles in this entire John Ttior affair?

For you, finding a motivation for their involvements, would be child's play.

This pursuit of God, is trying to capture an entropy, that has already diminished, as the new conscripts in this group, have been mining the old data, see that the discussion of God was significant, so they're trying to recapture this.

The truth is, it's gone.

The entire why, as to why this new group of posters is here at all escapes me.

There is something surreptitiously foul here and I feel that the actions will illuminate this?
Re: Somthing in the mixture

What is funny about you Overlrd, is that you admit in one of your past post, that you were a profiler

That wasn't me. I remember seeing that though. I have been in Sales for a long time, so, yes, I suppose I have some skill at profiling people.

What I don't see here, is why you don't offer analysis into Pamela Moore, John Titor, and Darby Darbysire, with the information asked about this case, that I had present, as to their roles in this entire John Ttior affair?

I need to really read all there is about them, of which I am doing as time permits. The God? thread developed a life of its own. The whole point was to try and support concepts extracted from religious writings. I attempted to place them into a time travelling format, but ended up trying to point out that just because the writers chose a specific "realm" to place their thoughts, does not make their information lacking of value.

The entire why, as to why this new group of posters is here at all escapes me

To lend a hand. We need to be able to find the needle in the haystack. Even the most beautiful of gemstones looks rather ugly when discovered. Only after it has been polished does its inner beauty shine. The effort to find that gemstone is long and tedious, filled with mistakes. But it is a learning process, to be able to recognize that gemstone amongst the plain old rocks and gravel.

If you didnt sift through the gravel and muck, then you would not find the gemstone, and what you consider gravel and muck just might be a gemstone to others.
Re: Somthing in the mixture

Overlrlegion said>To lend a hand. We need to be able to find the needle in the haystack. Even the most beautiful of gemstones

Creedo replies>The needle you're looking for is over seven feet long, weighs about a ton and you can't miss it.

You people are trying to divert attention, not solve the issue.

The Andreasson Luca series of books, gives you who and what God is.

In the book Psychic Warrior which is about R.V. techniques, the author said that there is also a gods union on Earth due to the ethnenticity factor, has to be.

All you need to know, that mankind was a coengineered by product, made from apelike man, contributed by by aliens and had some of its spirituality installed by the God Angelic hierarchies.

We are done, being fooled around with. The next logical step, should be other worlds, for Earthbased man to be transferred to.

How you people are going at it,is your trying to divert attention to God, as if something special is going to happen, over what you know now?

There is no needle in the haystack to rediscover.

We as humans are a manufactured product in the lot, ready to be taken elsewhere.

Look at Rainmantimes says in response that we should go back into space?

First he says something about fiscal responsibility when I even opened up a possibility for him to do something, all he could say was that the Air Force had wanted him, for an option on controls.

He doesn't really want progress, we are like so many hamsters to the powers that be.

He is my conclusions on Titor.A Pamela Moore said that one, Titor did come from our timeline, but then recanted this.
2.She was almost frantically trying to see and enforce everyone seeing John Titor in everything in the old BBS routes.

If Ttior was sincere, then why the effort?

Two Titor refused to look at the predicament that we are in opting to say that we were lazy instead, which is an excuse to the future.

3.On Darbyshire the Anomalies MOP, why wouldn't Darby purposely get what I was saying to him about the actions of the said G.E. unit, being only an approximation instead of a microsingularity instead?

This seems mighty suspicious on Darbyshire's part, as he is both technologically knowledgeable and is well versed in math sciences.

4.There is also T12 who intimates that he has already been involved in time travel.

All of this put together concerning said John Titor is mighty suspicious and makes me wonder if they all aren't involved.

I saw a red government car, a Pontiac Firebird, with what I thought was a spook on a cell happen who pulled right up beside me.

This was the result of when I had challenged Rainman, on why he was not actively supporting at least some kind of rapid space exploration.

The only thing is, government cars are not allowed to have U.S. Navy decals on the backs of their windows.

I don't understand either this God thread, which really seems off the wall, or the said associations concerning said John Titor and it seems these said supporters, which seem to be somehow involved in all of this.

If Rainman sicked spooks on me, via my actions, then he's a spook also.

I'm dropping this subject, but let the record defiantly show that I feel that all of this associated action, is to either changed the subject, or to cover something up.

End of story.
Re: some Things to think about...

While Roel and Trollface have presented only one-sided uneducated, pond scum, narrow minded guesses and points of view. All the while contributing nothing except defending their own unfounded atheist point of views...

Geesh, talking about arrogance... at least I respect your believes.
Re: some Things to think about...

I was hoping that Roel or Trollface, or anyone else for that matter, was going to reply to this posting, but instead you guys went directly after Rainman...so I am posting this again.

I'm sorry, I didn't notice you were addressing me.

The Tree of Life is considered a Grand Configuration, created to enable an individual ( from any tradition ) to utilize it, even if one does not believe in God.

I've studied Rays website about the Tree of Life several times in the past. I acknowledge that, although I haven't studied it in great detail, it does contain some interesting theories.

Even if one does not believe in God, the Tree of Life is still an excellent method of ascending in life. A way of pushing evolution a little harder to step away from the pond scum and move into a more spiritual( thoughtful ) realm of existence.

I'll look into it, but I think there are more ways to "step away from the pond scum". There was a newsitem about Lofar on the news today and I from what I've seen it's going to give us some great insights about the universe.

Any questions..or can we agree on this so far?

No questions. Just a compliment; this approach is much better than all the previous attempts /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: some Things to think about...

no one can be right or wrong on the subject.
ego has clouded this fact.

Yes, indeed. The psychological need to "make someone wrong" stems directly from the ego... as we shall soon see.

Re: Cookbook for Creation

Well trollface,

I find it amusing how consistently you demand others provide evidence for their beliefs and claims (even those "claims" which are not made by the person in question, but rather your twisting of their words), and yet when someone presses you to provide evidence for your own beliefs and opinions, you either switch the focus or provide non-evidence. Interesting trick, and it might even work, if only some did not see you using it.

I imagine that you may well "run away" as you did the last time I felt it was important to point out your debating tactics. However, since you have chosen to turn this thread into a soapbox from which to stoke your ego, I feel it is only right to expose these tendencies. Your "need" to make people wrong, even when it does not pertain to a discussion point, is the strongest tactic used by your ego to gain energy and protect itself. I ran a little experiment in one of my last posts, so let's start with that, shall we?

That's Newton's 2nd Law.

Thanks for taking that bait. I happily admit to being wrong here, as it allows me to prove my point about your ego-driven nature. You see, I planted that mistake purposefully, at the behest of a friend who has been reading some of your posts over beers. I did not think you would be petty enough to "make me wrong" on a minor fact that does not affect the veracity of my point. However, my friend thought you would. So you have actually made me wrong TWICE with one sentence...does that make your ego feel good? This psychological experiment is made even more relevant to the Einstein/Newton discussion because it is further proof that some details can be incorrect without destroying the correctness of the larger issue. In this case, I quoted the wrong numerical law attributed to Newton's F=ma. Even though I used the wrong number, it had absolutely no affect on the point that the "details" of F=ma are wrong when considering relatavistic effects. Therefore, this also refutes your claim of how some theory can be necessarily "wrong" if some of the details upon which it is based are wrong.

CAn you tell me what you find vague and non-specific about this statement, please? "So you'd actually say that God's observation of his work was not a seperate act of creation in and of itself, but was an aspect of the act of creation which is described as such? Or the latter of the two options I gave you, in other words." Seems perfectly simple to me.

Actually, I think I would rather rely on the words of someone we both know. See if you know who said this in an earlier thread:

Well, I don't care if you get an answer that satifies you or not. If you do, then re-ask the question in a manner that I will understand (which would have taken precisely the same amount of energy as your last post did).

If you don't, then stop wasting my time with petty game-playing. I am interested in debate, not childish point-scoring.

Therefore, if your original question seems "perfectly simple" to you, I trust you can reword it so I can understand it. Otherwise, if you cannot express yourself more clearly, then there is little point in me trying to answer a question that only YOU understand.

And he did not do this by ignoring the veracity of the details, did he?

Tactic. Here we see that, rather than addressing the point of my issue (which is that just because details may not be correct does not render a theory completely "wrong"), you chose to attempt to redirect the focus to make youself "right". I would rather you address my point: Simply because SOME details of a theory may not be completely accurate does not render a higher level theory "wrong". I will even provide another example: V = IR does not adequately address the details of electromagnetic effects. Maxwell's equations are "more right" than Ohm's Law. Yet Ohm's Law is still taught, and still useful for the vast majority of electrical engineering problems. Please avoid trying to shift the focus, or I will have to again point out what you are trying to do.

Well, I know I said it last post, but it bears repeating. As, yes, a control systems engineer, you must be aware of the concept of GIGOL, right? You have heard of this expression before, right? Is it not one of hte fundamental principals of your profession, as it is mine? Well, it's probably just GIGO in yours, but GIGOL is more relevent, I feel.

Sorry, this is not evidence. Rather, it is a theory, and what's more it is only based on your opinion that the "GI" part is true. I was looking for evidence for why it is necessarily true that "GI" will yield "GO". I do believe, given my examples, that a theory can still be quite useful and "right" to a very high level, even if there is some "GI" assumptions. It is all a matter of how inaccurate the initial assumptions are. So I am still waiting for some evidence.

There you go, from the horse's mouth. Evidence that it is possible for the universe being the way it is to have come about "by accident".

Nice try, Slippery Sam, but I am not going to let you get away with it. This was not what I was asking for evidence of, as I obviously knew this was true. I will now spell it out very clearly for you, so you will have no excuse to not provide me some evidence for your claim:

I would like to see your evidence for why you believe it is more reasonable to believe universe came about as a result of a low probability event (accident) vs a higher probability event (by design).

You see, what I am getting at here is the basis of Occam's Razor. Your own words describing your belief is that it was "more reasonable" to assume the universe came about by accident, even though you admit that universal conditions show extremely low probability of them having "just occurred". Why do you think it is more reasonable? Based on what evidence do you select the LESS LIKELY option over the MORE LIKELY option? For those not familiar with Occam's Razor, it is a premise that states "the simplest explanation is most often the real explanation". So when it is much more likely that the universe could have been purposefully designed to show its very tight tolerances, why do you think it more reasonable to think something very unlikely happened? I would like to see the evidence.

Nice try at a Strawman, but I'm not going to bite.

And yet your ego was more than willing to bite at an opportunity to make someone "wrong" for what could have been an honest mistake, that had no relevance to the point. Interesting. I'd say this is even more telling evidence for how you use debate tactics to pretend to answer my issues, but instead you simply change the focus.

Again, this just bears repeating, really, and maybe I should clarify what I have already said somewhat. If you agree that there is no "ONLY 'right'" translation of the Hebrew text, then you must also agree that any interpretation which claims to be definitive must be questionable in that claim? So on what basis do you believe the interpretation that favours the figures you provided?

Same tactic of trying to shift the focus (again). Let's review here: The primary reason I responded to your website offering was because you were so adamant that the Sepher Yetzirah translation was "wrong" and that the website you offered was the "literal" Hebrew translation. My response used words from that very website to point out that even the translation provided in that website could not realistically be called "right", as there are many ways to translate Hebrew (Gematria being one useful tool for such). I would like you to address my point, rather than try to change the focus. You were stating quite strongly that the interpretation I favor in Sepher Yetzirah is "wrong". I would like you to now admit that judging the "wrongness" of ANY Hebrew translation of Genesis is tenuous at best.

Not that you'd ever twist someone's words.

Well, I certainly could not do better than the master...but I am learning things from you.

if it is significant who has found pertinence in the text, then would you like to speak about convicted multiple rapist and child molestor Ivon Shearing, AKA the head honcho of the Kabalarian Philosphy and successor to the founder of the religion, Alfred J. Parker?

I would say that the significance depends upon whether that person's work helped advance humanity. Clearly, any person who is a criminal, murderer, or cultist programmer has very low significance with regard to any beliefs they held. On the other hand, those people who are major contributors to "good" and "advancement" in society are worthy of studying their beleifs and where they may have derived their ideas. The fact that you cannot seem to see this difference in this significance is quite odd.

I think it's patently obvious which of us is on an ego trip.

Yes, I'd say it is, given what we've seen of your Slippery Sam tactics.

But I wouldn't call it significant (rotation) in the greater scheme of things.

And once again, I am waiting for evidence. Significance is often determined by how prevailing a certain effect is within an area of interest. If we consider the "greater scheme of things" to be how the universe works, I would say you'd have a hard time providing evidence that rotation does not have large effects on cosmology, given the fact that objects rotate about the earth, the earth rotates on its axis, the planets rotate around the sun, the sun rotates on its axis, and the mass of our galaxy rotates about its core. I'd like some evidence to back your claim here, please.

I have never claimed to be presenting anything other than my opinion.

And so this is how you avoid providing evidence? Just state that everything you say is your opinion, and therefore no one can hold you to provide evidence? Let's see how far you let me get with that line...

Wow, do you have to take quotes out of context and change their meaning to try to prove me wrong now? That's unbelieveably bad debating there, son.

Yes, it is...and do you know who I learned this tactic from?

*Looks at question mark on the end of his own sentences*

*Thinks "fact?"*

Do I need to quote your own words to help remind you of what you said? OK then, I will:

So, in fact, you do not claim that any control systems engineer would agree with your evidence, you claim that all control systems engineers believe in God?

So what were you saying about control systems engineers, then? Either they agree with you or they're unreasonable? Or not good at their jobs? Surely if your theory is as based in science as you claim and any reasonable person with an understandiong of control systems engineering would believe as you do, then that is what you're saying?

I'm glad you have learned to use the quote and bold features. Perhaps now you will take a solid look at the words I used. And if you do, you will see that nowhere did I use the words that you seem to attribute to me when you said:

you claim that all control systems engineers believe in God? Can you back this claim up?

So you see that I never said that all control systems engineers believe in God. This was YOUR claim from an incorrect inferrence. Please correct yourself.... unless this was another tactic to twist people's words?

If not, can you clarify?

I think it is quite clear that I was simply describing how systems engineers approach system analysis and design when faced with extremely tight tolerances, and multiple degrees of freedom. I did NOT claim that all control systems engineers believe in God. Let me use another analogy to make it crystal clear, as my point here again throws-back to the probability that the universe came about as a highly unlikely accident: Many times, engineers are called-upon to "reverse engineer" a system or technology that they have no design data on. All they have is a sample of the system itself. One such example is purported attempts to reverse engineer an alien craft at Area 51 (no don't go saying that I am claiming this story is true!). The way we go about doing this is by examining the system, how its elements interact, and SPECIFICALLY examining the tolerances with which system elements achieve their intended functions and meet their operating requirements. While doing this, if we were to simply assume "well, these tight tolerances are probably just an accident" we would be making a grave error that would likely cause us to miss some very salient aspects that the designer "designed-into" the system.

So again to summarize: I did not make a claim that all systems engineers believe in God. Rather, if you were to present all the detailed tolerance data and degrees of freedom of the universe to an design engineer, and then asked him/her "do you think it is more likely that all this came about by accident, or that it was purposefully designed", if faced with the kinds of data seen in the tolerances of our universe, most engineers would be MUCH less likley to claim it was an accident, and would be more likely to claim that the tolerances and degrees of freedom would tend to indicate it is more likely to have been purposefully designed that way.

Now....will you address this evidence? And provide me with your evidence for why it is "more reasonable" to believe the universe was an accident, rather than the simpler explanation that it was designed to the tight tolerances that it exhibits.

BTW... I have, indeed, had such discussions as above with some of my peers and friends in the aerospace engineering community. Many of them DO believe in God, and some do not. Yet even the ones who did not still marveled at the tightness of tolerances for our universe to be stable, and were not willing to admit it was an "accident". Those who do not believe in God were more apt to accept that there is some sort of higher-level, exo-universe system that set our universe in motion purposefully. Like Roel, they would adopt the stance that it was not "an intelligent, coherent God", but rather "just another system". But also as you and Roel have pointed about with regard to the God hypothesis, this does not answer the question of "where did that system come from and how?"

Unless I find some way to get in touch with god myself, I can only hope you are telling the truth.

And that is the entire point. Only you can satisfy whatever level of proof you require (especially since you cannot quantify that level of proof). Any attempt by anyone else to "string together" the evidence that DOES exist will only meet with your disbelief because you did not see it directly. This is precisely why God will only reveal Himself (using the male gender metaphorically) to people on a personal level. Since God created the universe, He knows there is no such thing as absolute proof of anything (as much as you like to think there is).

You think you know it all and you won't even consider the possibility that you're wrong.

No, I do not think I know it all. But I do know what I know. And since both belief and proof are relative to the person experiencing a phenomenon, why do you find it so important that you get me to think I am wrong about this? I will admit I am wrong when I see the evidence for myself that I am wrong. But if I do not see any evidence that would say I am wrong, why should I consider it?

You are mistaken if you think that I am trying to make you think I am right. Rather, I am trying very hard to tie-together enough evidence (from my own personal experiences and meditation) that you will seek-out and find a way to contact God on your own. Would it really hurt all that much? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I do tend to agree with OvrLrdLegion that you have some "issues" with God, as you will always raise the issue of how He "does nothing to help people". If you are not aware of His reasons for creating the universe as He did (i.e. with both good and evil), then how can you judge Him? Do you not believe that the concept of Karma is at least a potentially valid reason for God to permit people to experience pain and suffering? (I know you do not believe in spiritual reincarnation... but if it was true, would Karma not make our universe sensible for spirits to learn lessons from past life transgressions?)

I would say that your apparant contempt for what God has created may be what feeds not only your disbelief but your disinterest in even looking for yourself to find a way to contact God. And I say this because this is where I was at before I began my quest. It is often told how it takes drastic, sometimes life-changing events, before people seek out God. I would hope that it does not come down to this with you, Roel, because I respect you and like you as a person. And again, I am not extolling you to embrace any religion... rather, I am encouraging you to do some spiritual exploration (which includes attempting to sense beyond your senses).

Re: Cookbook for Creation

Hi nicknack,

So where exactly does the part of believing and faith step in? Is this totally cold hard science for people to read and wonder instead of having the faith they need? Indeed God is connected to all of space/time/dimension, simply because he created every single atom in this universe.

I agree. And no, it is not all cold, hard science. The reason being that science only holds "half" of the total solution. Spirituality holds the other "half". Think of it like this analogy which has been discussed here before: Neither "light as wave" nor "light as particle" is the full truth. Given this, one would find it reasonable (and on this I agree with trollface) that light may be neither of these, but I would go a step further and say that an integration of these two views could lead to the "true" nature of light.

Believing and faith is a major part of life, just as is its polar opposite of requiring proof. But if you polarize yourself on one side or the other, you are missing "half" the point of life.

The following link is a writeup on my website that specifically addresses the balance of "proof" vs. "faith":



PS - OvrLrdLegion: You might want to check this out, as it also talks about 0/1. I think this view tends more towards what you have expressed.
Re: some Things to think about...

I'm glad that the Tree Of Life has given you something that you previously felt was lacking, and has been a positive influence in your life. But I don't think that makes it true and nor do I think that means it would be a positive influence on everybody's life.

Since the Tree of Life is "colored" in by yourself, it takes on whatever aspect you make it to be.
True and untrue has no bearing on the Tree of "your" Life. The Tree really isnt a theory, but an application.

Any application is as good ( or bad) as you make it.

Get the wrong system matched to the wrong person and you get extremism and fundamentalism which destroys other people (see Palestine/Israel or N. Ireland) or destroys the person (see Heaven's Gate).

If you noticed the divine eminations as listed, if these are applied with balance, extremism and fundamentalism would not exist. They are unbalanced and are on the extremes of the Tree. Strength without Mercy, as an example.

The terrorists may have some valid ideals regarding the politicians motivation for sweeping into Iraq. But applying Strength without Mercy, is only provoking the wrath of society, and creating more havoc and chaos.

But that doesn't mean that I find any actual real meaning behind the spirituality.

It is about personal awareness of yourself and your environment. Awareness about you and your Universe. Some of the exercises I utilize will demonstrate what I mean regarding awareness.

Each week I pick a color and go for a 30 minute walk. I then look for that particular color. Red, for an example. I look to find it in as many places as possible. The following week, I will pick another color and do the same.

The next walk I take, which usually is two days after, I use my sense of hearing almost exclusively. I focus on sounds without identifying them. I also become aware at how "automatic" I am at identifying them as "something".

Each night, I try to play a different kind of music. I relax, close my eyes, and follow one instrument through the entire piece.

I smell everything before I put the food into my mouth.

When I eat, I notice the urges involved, the urge to bite, chew, and swallow. I try this on an emprty stomach, and then with a full stomach.

I smell the air. Especially before and after rain, in themorning, afternoon and at night.

After I have finished with my list of colors, I then spend the 30 minutes touching things. The grass, plants, etc.

I try to be aware of everything I say, at the time I am saying it.

I choose a time when the temptation is greatist to talk, and then remain silent for one hour.

For two days a month, I do not use the first person references to self, I, Me, Mine...I practice this in all conversations.

For one chosen week, I will make no negative judgements. And few positive judgements as well.

These are simple exercises, but increases one awareness ten fold. Makes life more interesting as you become more aware of things you more than likely missed before.
Re: some Things to think about...

I've studied Rays website about the Tree of Life several times in the past. I acknowledge that, although I haven't studied it in great detail, it does contain some interesting theories.

The Tree itself is not a thoery, but an application. Rainman and myself just "color" in our Tree of Life differently than you would. Based on what we perceive the truth of our existence to be and where we want to go.

I'll look into it, but I think there are more ways to "step away from the pond scum"

Everybody follows a different path. What I have done and want to do with my life will be totally different than what you have experienced and would want to achieve. The Tree merely provides a road map of where you can start and gives direction of where to go. It will conform to any belief system, since you are the creator of its contents. What we ( Rainman and myself ) mistakenly presented, perhaps, was what we had placed within our versions of
The Tree of " our " Lives, and were not mindfull of yours.

No questions. Just a compliment; this approach is much better than all the previous attempts

Thank-you. I do appreciate that. I havent been involved with this type of thought process for a long time, and hoped I would be able to contribute something to our goals.
Re: Cookbook for Creation

So is basically the Tree of Life based on Judeo Christianity or the belief of a one, almighty, single Creator?

One thing about light I do not understand. It is what first God created, what is it? If it's neither particle nor wave, then what is it? What is it made out of actually? I find it very hard to grasp the concept of light especially my textbook has confused me several times. It is tough to be an average student some times. So what is this 'true' nature of light besides travelling as fast as time, and the ability to reflect and refract.

So, anyway does inertia have the same effect in the speed of light as F=ma?
Re: Cookbook for Creation

I happily admit to being wrong here, as it allows me to prove my point about your ego-driven nature.

Excuse me Ray, but I think your ego can easily measure up to that of trollface. But I guess you know it better, with you having more experience and all
Only you can satisfy whatever level of proof you require (especially since you cannot quantify that level of proof).

Yes, so by lowering my level of proof, I'd be able to believe the totally illogical and improbable story of gods existence. Hell, we could prove pretty much everything, just by lowering the level of proof required.

Since God created the universe, He knows there is no such thing as absolute proof of anything (as much as you like to think there is).

Absolute proof exists for a lot of things. If you choose to believe something else, I respect that. Just don't think that your opinion is any better than mine.

And since both belief and proof are relative to the person experiencing a phenomenon, why do you find it so important that you get me to think I am wrong about this?

I don't want you to think you're wrong about this at all. You're twisting my words again. I just want to make clear that what you think is the truth, is not my truth and vice versa. Of course believe and proof are relative to a person, but seem to be under the erroneous assumption that your believes have more value than mine.

Would it really hurt all that much?

Would it hurt to think about the possibility that you might be wrong?

do tend to agree with OvrLrdLegion that you have some "issues" with God, as you will always raise the issue of how He "does nothing to help people".

Oooooooh BULLOCKS! Here you go treating me as somekind of patient again. If it helps you, I won't be giving any more hypothetical examples. I'll be more direct. Maybe I should be a bit more arrogant as well... how does this sound:

"God does not exist, period. There is no proof. I know this to be the truth, based on past experiences. One day you'll find out, you just have to free yourself of the spirtual mumbojumbo and you'll be okay!"

Re: Cookbook for Creation

So is basically the Tree of Life based on Judeo Christianity or the belief of a one, almighty, single Creator?

As OvrdLrdLegion is explaining in his recent posts, the Tree Of Life is not inextricably linked to Judeo Christianity. However, most of what we know about its history stems from the numerical and geometrical properties of the original Hebrew letters. There are some who have "read between the lines" of Biblical stories and arrived at a theory that states the "Chosen People" designation is not related to the Hebrew people, but rather to the significance of their alphabet to both the geometrics and topology of the universe. It is my belief that the work that Stan Tenen is doing is heading towards an understanding that the topological/geometrical "code" of our universe was "given" to the Hebrew people in the form of their alphabet. Each of the 22 letters is directly related to form (the shape of its letter when written), sound (the lingual aspects of how the letter is pronounced), and number (its numerical value). The 22 Hebrew letters align with the 22 pathways that connect the 10 spheres on the Tree Of Life. These 32 elements (10 spheres, 22 paths) also align with the 32 verses of Genesis 1. There are many of us who understand this "code" as a compendium of knowledge that can lead to an understanding of God.

One thing about light I do not understand. It is what first God created, what is it?

Well, if you look at Genesis 1:1, it states as follows:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

So you see that the first thing God apparantly created is the distinction between "Heaven and Earth". In this context, it is most often interpreted that "Earth" actually refers to the entire physical universe. There are some who have correlated the "story" of Genesis to the unfolding of matter and light after the Big Bang. Physicists all seem to agree that the stars did not "ignite" immediately, but only after the universe had expanded and cooled for some time. This understanding could well correspond to Genesis 1:2 which says "Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep , and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters."

If you follow the link above, you will see that the creation of light comes in verse 3.

If it's neither particle nor wave, then what is it? What is it made out of actually?

This is a very good question. I do not pretend to know the answer, but I have some guesses and theories. As I agree with trollface that it is "neither wave nor particle", I would be interested in hearing what he does think it is. Aside from that, as I have indicated, I do believe that once mankind arrives at an "integrated" understanding of light, we will become enlightened (pardon the pun) to many more facts about how our universe works, and how it was created.

So, anyway does inertia have the same effect in the speed of light as F=ma?

Actually, F=ma does not distinguish between "rest mass" and "inertial mass", which is one of the more basic concepts that Einstein helped define in his Special Theory of Relativity. At very low velocities, the difference between rest mass and inertial mass is very close to zero. But as you approach the speed of light, the inertial mass increases greatly. I also have some guesses and theories as to what the "speed of light" represents in terms of a "barrier", and I believe we will come to find it is self-similar (not identical) to the "barrier" represented by the speed of sound. Ernst Mach (who helped define the parameters that govern the speed of sound) was also working to understand the speed of light.

It is interesting to compare what we know of fluid dynamics and how they relate to the speed of sound, and how we understand mass density and how it relates to the speed of light. In aerodynamics we know that at "low speed" (i.e. Mach numbers <= 0.3) the effects of the compressibility of a fluid are small and negligible. Yet, as we accelerate to speeds above Mach=0.3, we must account for compressibility of the fluid we are flying in (typically air) when we compute lift and drag. Drag forces "peak" at the speed of sound (Mach=1.0), and then begin to slowly DECREASE as an airplane accelerates beyond Mach 1. Isn't it interesting how this sort of aligns with how the difference between rest and inertial mass is negligible at low speeds, and must be taken into considerations as we approach the speed of light? Just as we have discovered that F=ma and V=IR are similar relations, I tend to believe we will come to understand the "light speed barrier" in its similarities to the "sound speed barrier" which mankind once thought could not be violated.

Re: Cookbook for Creation

Excuse me Ray, but I think your ego can easily measure up to that of trollface. But I guess you know it better, with you having more experience and all

I do not deny that I have an ego, and that I use it. In fact, we all do. However, I would tend to state that the following are pretty much true of my use of ego:

1) I am aware of my ego, and in control of it, such that I am always aware when I allow it to take action. Because I am aware of it, I can easily suppress it at will. It does not control me, nor my actions. In essence, I have "closed the loop" on my soul, which has provided me with this level of control over my ego.
2) I am more interested in sharing knowledge and insights with folks on this board to reach higher levels of understanding, and to advance theories that may help us lead to advances such as time travel. I think it is quite obvious that trollface comes here to "debunk", and I have seen little, if any, contributions or encouragement from him to advance knowledge or theories. In fact, I do not think I have ever seen trollface state anything similar to "that is an interesting theory you have, and here is a thought that I have had that seems to align with your theory. Perhaps if we discuss our perceptions we might come to a better understanding of what you are talking about?" Roel, have YOU ever seen trollface participate and/or contribute in such a manner? I have only seen the debunking. I tend to believe that this is so because this is how he "borrows energy" from people. (Read Celestine Prophecy)
3) If you look back in the archives, prior to trollface's arrival, you will see that I did not allow my ego to show at any level even close to what I have allowed in my "debate" with trollface. Yes, I took Creedo to task a few times on aerospace concepts, but I also do not feel that Creedo exudes the kind of negativity that I see from trollface. In fact, I have noted several times that Creedo has posted some quite appropriate and intriguing posts!


Yes, so by lowering my level of proof, I'd be able to believe the totally illogical and improbable story of gods existence.

1) I never asked you to lower your level of proof, especially since I do not know what your level of proof is!
If you could quantify your own level of proof, I may (or may not) encourage you to lower it.
2) I think I have provided enough "evidence" in terms of systems and how we (mankind) create them such that the existence of God is not "totally illogical". I have provided elements of logic that are used every day in the creation of energetic systems. Furthermore, I believe we have established (and trollface even agreed) that the probability of the universe coming together by accident is clearly VERY improbable. And thus, if we all agree to this level of improbability, we should all be able to see the logic behind the possibility that "someone" purposefully engineered the universe. I do not think you can honestly deny, given the facts of universal tolerances, that is it "totally improbable" that "someone" created the universe, as opposed to its appearance "by accident". Occam's razor, my friend.

Absolute proof exists for a lot of things.

That may be your opinion, but I think you would have a hard time providing evidence. Indeed, this is precisely why physicists are in such a "quandary" due to the impact that quantum theory has had on science! At the quantum level, there are NO absolutes. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I just want to make clear that what you think is the truth, is not my truth and vice versa.

Of course I understand this! That is because our truths can and do change, as our understanding and beliefs change. Yet as far as all of our sciences tell us, it is "THE truth" that energy is all there is...it just shows up in various forms. If I am not mistaken, I believe even you have admitted (more or less) that "energy is all there is".

Would it hurt to think about the possibility that you might be wrong?

Actually, yes, it would hurt. It would hurt my acceptance of God's creation as the universal force of energy. And while God cannot be "hurt" in a physical way, I do think it would "hurt" his feelings!

Here you go treating me as somekind of patient again.

Doctors treat patients because they are concerned about them and wish to make them well. Given that I care about you as a person, Roel, is it such a terrible thing that I "treat you like a patient"? I am sorry if it offends you, but I am simply stating my opinion and it is in no way meant to harm or insult you. You do realize, I hope, that feeling insulted is something that only the person who feels insulted can control? I could say "Roel is a great guy" and you could still feel insulted. In fact, understanding how we humans are in total control of our feelings is one of the primary elements to gaining control over your ego. No one can ever insult you again in your life if you simply make up your mind to never again feel insulted.

"God does not exist, period. There is no proof. I know this to be the truth, based on past experiences. One day you'll find out, you just have to free yourself of the spirtual mumbojumbo and you'll be okay!"

Oh well. Do you want me to respond the same way that you have, and feel insulted, or call you arrogant? If so, I think you have failed in this respect. You are fully free to feel this way, and think there is no proof. But in my version of the universe, I have come to know differently. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: some Things to think about...

Great post, OvrLrdLegion:

The terrorists may have some valid ideals regarding the politicians motivation for sweeping into Iraq. But applying Strength without Mercy, is only provoking the wrath of society, and creating more havoc and chaos.

Very well put. IMO, this is what distinguishes the US approach from that of terrorists, or terrorist-like regiemes. It would be extremely easy for the US to simply drop nuclear bombs wherever terrorists operate. But such an action would be devoid of Mercy for the innocents amongst whom the terrorists hide.

I wonder how many people know that some of the US Founding Fathers were practicing Qabalists? It should certainly be evident how this philosophy is exhibited in our tripartate form of government and its "checks and balances".

Re: some Things to think about...

The Tree merely provides a road map of where you can start and gives direction of where to go.

Another good point that I wholeheartedly agree with. This is quite similar to how I describe the path "up" the TOL on my home page for "Spirit" on my website. If we envision the pathway from 1 to 10 on the TOL as the path of Creation, we can also envision ourselves (in our physical human condition) as existing at 10, and therefore our spiritual path of Integration (with God) is represented by the path from 10 back up to 1.

What we ( Rainman and myself ) mistakenly presented, perhaps, was what we had placed within our versions of The Tree of " our " Lives, and were not mindfull of yours.

Yes, I would agree with this, and I would also like to add my clarification as it seems Roel has gotten a bit miffed at me for being so insistent in my gnosis. I share my discoveries of how the TOL aligns with certain phenomenon. Some are more palatable than others (for example, I do not think there is a whole lot of negative feelings about my Massive SpaceTime tripartate theory), and I do realize that others people might not see eye to eye with. I force nothing on no one, but I am always willing to discuss differences of opinion ad nauseum. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
