Re: Cookbook for Creation
I had no idea you'd ever "called me" on it. But yes, if you think that calling an a part of a process something different to the whole of the process is "silly", then feel free.
I was calling you on how you obfuscate questions with poor language. For someone who normally writes with a high degree of clarity, it becomes all the more apparant when you purposefully try to make a question extremely vague and non-specific. Thus, it is silly.
And yet, I have already answered your question when I said:
Creation is a closed loop.
And then put this together with where I defined the 3 elements of any closed loop structure:
"God Said..." = Command = Output = The OUTWARD spiral.
"God Made..." = Control = Process = The focus point of both outward and inward spirals. The HEART of the creative process itself!
"God Saw..." = Feedback = Input = The INWARD spiral.
All three, taken together, represent the process of Creation. Mankind commits errors when he attempts to dismember the Trinity in a futile attempt at describing each piece of an integrated whole. This principle, which is at the heart of my Massive SpaceTime 3x3 Matrix theory, is indeed borne-out by the fact of Heisenberg Uncertainty.
Because if the details aren't right, then anything that you build on those foundations is also going to be wrong.
Given how often you seek to feed your ego with judgments of "right" from "wrong", I would say you have one hungry ego. And yet it will never be satisfied until you allow it to die.
Please take note that the weak, flawed logic you espouse above would also be directly applicable to the majority of known and accepted scientific theories down through history. You seem to imply (here and in many other posts) that "right" and "wrong" are discrete, boolean functions. I will now prove to you how this view is incorrect. Newton's Third Law (F=ma) is the foundation of the majority of our technological society, certainly of aircraft and spacecraft. Yet along came Einstein and he showed where F=ma was "wrong" (to use your ego-centric word). But in actuality, Einstein did not show that the foundations of our mechanical world are "wrong", but rather that they are limited in the scope of where they can accurately predict experience. And to highlight the point of my comment that engendered this response from you, Einstein was actually seeking a higher level of integration of Mass, Time, and Space than Newton achieved. The VERY THING that I was criticizing you for (not seeking to integrate, but rather to only reduce) is what marks the stunning nature of Einstein's "extension" of Newtonian physics. Note also: Even though Newton was "wrong" (again, your ego word) our technological world that was based on Newton's foundation did not "crumble", and as such, they were NOT WRONG. They were only limited in their application.
You really need to check your ego on the whole right/wrong thing.
No, it's not significant to me that many things in the universe rotate.
And this explains why you have difficulty integrating the "big picture". Because you ignore the single most prevalent characterization of energy in our universe as insignificant. If one wished to understand such massive energetic forms such as the Great Spot on Jupiter, or terrestrial hurricanes that form in the South Atlantic, do you not think that understanding the principles of rotation would be a highly significant aspect of such an understanding? Can you now please provide me
EVIDENCE for why this is insignificant? And like you always do to me, I will be the judge of whether your evidence passes muster.
but Rainman seems to have climed two contradictory things - that the Trinity is represented by 0, 1 and 'something inbetween' and also that it's represented by -1, 0 and 1.
Contradictory only in that you really do not understand the "unfolding" that I asked you if you did understand. Remember, I asked the following:
Do you understand the unfolding of number, as implied in the other thread?
And then you replied with:
Well, I understand what you're saying in the other thread
Well, it is now obvious to me that you did NOT understand my other thread, and thus you THINK I am being contradictory. Allow me to now point out (again) one of the most primary example of this "unfolding", since it relates to (and is based upon) common scientific understanding:
ENERGY (This is the integrated 0)
/ \
MATTER--MOTION (This is the dualistic 0<->1)
/ \
MASS--TIME---SPACE (This is the tripartate -1<->0<->+1)
It is consistent, and non-contradictory. That is because one thing is described in terms of its relationships to (and integration with) other things. Again....fundamental to systems engineering is the concept of relationship. I have told you this over and over, and you have never once wished to truly understand, for you have not asked to be enlightened. Instead you just berate me and call me wrong. Nice touch. I'd wager you have some ego problems in other areas of life as well.
If your building your beliefs on a foundation that's wrong even a small amount, then the end result can easily be unrecognisably distorted and flat-out wrong.
Once again I point out the incorrectness of this generalized statement. F=ma is, given relativistic effects, ONLY wrong by "even a small amount". Yet that small error did not prevent this theory from, literally, taking mankind to the stars. I would like to see some solid evidence that what you say here is correct, now that I have provided evidence that it is incorrect.
Until then, yes, I believe that it's possible for all tis to have come about by "accident".
I would like to see evidence for this belief. Being that the probabilities we are talking about are so miniscule, such that you have no other belief to fall back upon other than "accident", then it is readily apparant that there is no strong evidence to support what you say. Now that is some critical thinking on your part. BTW, I am not done with this issue of "severe unliklihood of the structure of our universe supporting life" that OvrLrdLegion has presented. You've got more answering to do here, and I will get to it shortly.
Why not? "Unlikely" does not equal "impossible". It cetainly seems more cridible to me than the idea that there was a consious, self-aware force driving it.
So here is the equivalent to what you are saying, using an analogy: Assuming you timetravel here from the BC times, and come to see the amazing capability and fine-tuned tolerances of the modern computer. You are intelligent enough to work-out for yourself that the odds of this complex machine materializing "by accident" are astounding. Yet you can see some evidence for potential "evolution" of this beast, because you see the similarity to calculators, adding machines, and the like. And despite this HUGE unliklihood of the computer coming together "by accident", you still think it is
MORE credible to believe it
WAS an accident, rather than the obviously more credible stance that it was purposefully designed by someone/something. Please provide some sound evidence for why you believe this is the more credible belief.
Rainman has a marked habit of this and it seems to coincidentally happen every time it seems his arguments are crumbling. Rather than address criticisms, he simply ignores that there are and criticisms and continues as if nothing had happened.
Yes....much like you, if you think about it. You have completely and utterly ignored my statements that energy, entropy, and information are intimately linked. I have provided you sources of evidence that extend to the highly regarded scientific minds of John Archibald Wheeler, no less. You ignored it and claimed it was not evidence. I provided you with a highly technical paper, with all the supporting equations you would need, and you still claimed it was not evidence. When all of that failed, I presented you with evidence that no reasonable, semi-technically-apt human being could deny as evidence...and yet you denied it. Since this is the most powerful evidence I have provided to you on this issue to-date, I will repeat it:
You cannot create any form of a closed-loop, energy management control system without information! This relationship is about as rock-solid as you can get, and as I explained to you, the physical workings of this evidence surround us all in the many control systems in our technological world.
Continue in your ignorance if you must. But now I feel the need to turn the table on you. Since I have provided evidence on this subject that any control systems engineer would clearly find acceptable and correct, I challenge you to provide me with solid evidence for your stance that energy, entropy, and information are "not at all related".
Compare that to Rainman. In his post after yours he repeats the assertation that the Tree of Life is reflected in Genesis, even though I have shown the way that he claims this to be the case is wrong. This is not conjecture, it is easily demonstrable.
Once again, we see a clear inference here that you believe "right" and "wrong" are discrete, discontinuous, boolean states. If I am so "wrong" about Genesis and its Hebrew interpretation, and you are so "right" in the fact that the link you provide is the ONLY "right" interpretation of the original Hebrew... then how would you explain this very quote from that very website:
"To give you a feel for the size of the problem of creating a translated Bible from the source materials, here's a thorough presentation of Genesis 1:1
We've included two slightly different Hebrew source texts. We've also included the Strong's Numbers and pronunciations.
Finally, the popular translation is first, but other possible interpretations or understandings of each word are also shown. Genesis 1:1 could be translated as the combination of any translation of each word. Try experimental combinations (there are over 3,100 possible here, just from the choices listed!). You may develop more respect for the translators who created your Bible. They had to select the best translation of all these possibilities for every single word and line of the Bible!"
Here we see that your very own reference, that you seem to claim is the "final word" on Hebrew translation of Genesis, is hedging its translation! Can you possibly see that this is why I will ignore the living hell out of you when you jump on your high-horse and pronounce your view as the ONLY "right" view?
Another variant on Numerology? How does this fit into the fact that the Hebrew text of the Bible wasn't fixed universally until the 16th Century?
Believe us. It fits in. Gematria is not just "Numerology", although it is a fallout of the fact that Hebrew letters have an assigned numerical value. Rather, Gematria is an "unfolding" technique (as in topological dimension) from which a letter can be translated into a word, or a sentence, that describes it more fully. The Hebrew alphabet is a compact, and yet also degenerate (as in redundancy can correct errors) CODE. Much like our DNA code. Gematria has been used by Hebrew people as a means of interpretation (and translation) since WELL before the 16th Century.
Furthermore, the text I have quoted to you twice:
Sepher Yetzirah: The Book of Creation Author: Aryeh Kaplan. ISBN: 0-87728-726-0
Which you seem to wish to dismiss as bunk and "wrong", has been the subject of immense amounts study and commentary. Certainly a LOT more study than you have ever given it, just to put your view in the appropriate, minimal perspective. The first commentaries on the original Sepher Yetzirah text (of which Kaplan's book is simply a modern treatise) are recorded in the 10th Century. The text itself is quoted as early as the 6th Century. Its original source is purported to be father Abraham himself, and there is anecdotal evidence and correlations to his life that make this possible. This is all addressed in Kaplan's book.
Now, seeing as how *I* have been one to be criticized as "arrogant", at least I can state the liklihood that I have studied this important text much more deeply than you have. And for you to pompously dismiss it with words such as:
I did look into it myself. And I found it dubious and wanting.
Only shows your ego, once again. The fact that a large number of great scholars from history have found great use and knowledge within this book is "evidence". I would ask OvrLrdLegion to once again post his list of names of people who have found pertinence in Kabbalah. Contrast that list, and the amount of time these esteemed people spent studying this material to your own singular life, and meager attempts at deciphering its meaning. So where is your "evidence" that can counter the "evidence" of many great men of history? Yes, it is easy to see that such a simple answer as "dubious and wanting" is a way for your ego to protect itself.
My next post will be a reply to one of OvrLrdLegion's recent posts, but I will be asking YOU to step-up to the challenge of "evidence" that you so willingly throw about. In this post I will be linking together OvrLrdLegion's primary point with one of my points that you have continued to ignore. Now, you must begin to provide evidence for you dismissals. So far, you have not done so.