
Re: some Things to think about...

Thomas, that was a great post! Especially the part where it comments:

The problem is that none of these people could prove it. Because it couldn't be proved, no one who actually knows what God is can ever explicitly discusses it. Instead, signs and wonders, parables and miracles are used to describe it. Now that we have a simple scientific proof however, we no longer need to talk about God in parables, but instead we can come right out and explicitly talk about what God actually is. Generations before us found this impossible because without proof the subject of God is too controversial to be discussed in anything but metaphorical terms.

Yes, your posting was excellent in terms of discussing and explaining Gd in your thoughts and terms of how "you" perceive the great entity...

Trollie babes, your thought process is slow... I've seen glaciers move faster!

I think the best place to look for Gd is in the Hebrew Bible, the first book of Genesis (about creation). This in itself proclaims Gd, his structure, his existence, his signature, his very essence! Gd leaves proof in many ways... He is not hiding from us and there are NO SECRETS! We need only to look... One such way is mathematically!

I'd like to pass this one onto Ray... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: some Things to think about...

And all existence is unlikely as indicated by the post. Not just human life. The chances of all that exist being just as they are....?

Yes, I agree that the universe is a wonderous place. Just not a divinely created one.
Cookbook for Creation

I think the best place to look for Gd is in the Hebrew Bible, the first book of Genesis (about creation). This in itself proclaims Gd, his structure, his existence, his signature, his very essence! Gd leaves proof in many ways... He is not hiding from us and there are NO SECRETS! We need only to look... One such way is mathematically!
Certainly this is so. One only need to look into the field of torsion dynamics which is, interestingly enough, another hot topic in physics these days. Genesis 1 is a scientific treatise on creation, and how it is defined via the spirals of torsion dynamics. Genesis 1 describes the balanced, integrated trinity as the basis of torsion dynamics... once you peel away the "parable" of Genesis and unearth the scientific "meat".

In my life's quest to integrate the domains of science and spirituality, I have found the common thread is the concept of the Trinity: Passive-Neutral-Active or <-1,0,+1>. It exhibits itself through all forms of science, and it is discussed and described in all forms of spiritual traditions. Indeed, Genesis 1 describes to us how God Created in three different modes:

"God said..." (e.g. "God said, let there be light")
There are 10 of these statements of Creation, and they align with the 10 sephira of the Tree Of Life.

"God made..." (e.g. "God made the firmament")
There are 3 of these statements of Creation, and they align with the 3 Mother letters.
(NOTE: God "made" in sets of three. If we are to create in the way God did, we must follow this model!)

"God saw..." (e.g. "God saw that it was good")
There are 7 of these statements of Creation, and they align with the 7 Double letters.

Interestingly enough, these 3 forms of Creation that Genesis schools us on can readily be aligned with the most basic model of today's high-tech information technology. When we build computer-controlled, closed-loop systems that achieve acts of creative expression, we break them into three primary elements of creation. Computer folks use the terms "Input, Process, and Output". We can also align these computer terms with similar terms associated with a control system as "Feedback, Control, and Command", respectively. If we align these with the 3 forms of Creation that God used to express Himself in our universe, we get:

"God Said..." = Command = Output = The OUTWARD spiral.
"God Made..." = Control = Process = The focus point of both outward and inward spirals. The HEART of the creative process itself!
"God Saw..." = Feedback = Input = The INWARD spiral.

This is the formula for continual creation. And it is quite simple, and easy to replicate, as long as you remember to incorporate all 3 parts of the "Holy Trinity". I have applied this formula on a great many projects, both in my personal life and my professional life. And I can assure you, this model is being used more and more each day... even if you do not hear about all of them.

Maybe it's about time I get around to writing that book I always wanted to write: The Science of Genesis. ??? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Stan Tenen is another person who knows that Genesis is a scientific treatise on creation. HERE is an interesting article where Stan literally shows the Genesis spiral structure. And one of his comments points to the "Systems within Systems" angle that I have been exhibiting as one element of "proof of God":

"The first letter is Bet. Bet means house. As an archetype, a house
represents the distinction between inside and outside. Mathematicians
have proven that _all_ of formal logic can be derived from the
distinction between inside and outside."

Inside/Outside. Microcosm/Macrocosm. Subsystem/Supersystem. Inward spiral/Outward spiral.
Re: Cookbook for Creation

In my life's quest to integrate the domains of science and spirituality, I have found the common thread is the concept of the Trinity: Passive-Neutral-Active or <-1,0,+1>.

Not the "dualistic balances" of 0 & 1?

"God said..." (e.g. "God said, let there be light")
There are 10 of these statements of Creation, and they align with the 10 sephira of the Tree Of Life.

Depending on how you count it, I make it 8 or 11.

1:3, 1:6, 1:9, 1:11, 1:14-15, 1:20, 1:24 and 1:26. That's 8. If you include the utterances where he doesn't actually create anything, you get 11 - 1:22, 1:28 and 1:29-30. How do you get 10?

"God made..." (e.g. "God made the firmament")
There are 3 of these statements of Creation, and they align with the 3 Mother letters.

That's 4 by my count. 1:7, 1:16, 1:25 and 1:27. How do you get 3?

(NOTE: God "made" in sets of three. If we are to create in the way God did, we must follow this model!)

Well, he made the Sun, the Moon and the stars as a set of 3, but the sky was created as one, the animals were created en masse and humans were created as a pair.

"God saw..." (e.g. "God saw that it was good")
There are 7 of these statements of Creation, and they align with the 7 Double letters.

That there are 7 of these statements, I'll give you. But how is it an act of creation? You could make an argument for 1:4 being an act of creation (although I'd say that the seperation was a seperate action from the seeing), but there's no active element to any of the others.
Re: some Things to think about...

Yes, I agree that the universe is a wonderous place. Just not a divinely created one.

Then the inferrence would be that all that exists is an accident after an accident, repeated many times over. The evidence is that supports No God is certainly much weaker than the arguments that God does exist.
Where did all that exists in our universe originate? The Big Bang?
Re: some Things to think about...

Then the inferrence would be that all that exists is an accident after an accident, repeated many times over.

Indeed. I'm sure you've already read my comparison on the odds of the person that became me actually being born, so I won't bother repeating it.

Where did all that exists in our universe originate? The Big Bang?

If I could say that with any certainty, then I'd be a very rich man. As it is, I'll simply point out that involving God doesn't solve that question, either, it simply changes it into one where we ask who or what created God.
Re: Cookbook for Creation

Not the "dualistic balances" of 0 & 1?
As these form the basis for all numbers, then these are the basis for the "Holy Trinity". Yet one needs a third (neutral) element to observe the distinction between 0 and 1. Do you understand the unfolding of number, as implied in the other thread?

How do you get 10?

How do you get 3?

You are not reading translations of the original Hebrew. Try reading:

Sepher Yetzirah: The Book of Creation Author: Aryeh Kaplan. ISBN: 0-87728-726-0

But how is it an act of creation?

Seek...and ye shall find. You give me absolutely no reason to spell it out for you. Do you see the spiral formed by the Hebrew letters of Genesis as illustrated by Tenen?

Hi Ray,

Yes, and when I speak of energy, which is literally "three gods in one" (Mass, Space, Time), I am telling you a basic truth. The sum total energy of our universe (which, by the laws of thermodynamics, always remains constant) is a physical statement of what God is. God is all (energy). That is why God is neither He nor She. God is It.

It's what YOU think that god is. In my opinion there is no god. You're (ab)using known scientific facts to support your own believes. What you're saying is indisputable to a certain extent. But putting a "god" label on existing theories and facts doesn't prove gods existence. So yes, the things you say are close to indisputable, but they have nothing to do with god. At least, not the way I see it. Which brings me back to my prior statement: your opinion is just as good as mine.

If you are open to new experiences, then you should be open to "THE truth" which is that the three basic elements of our physical perception (Mass, Space, and Time) are fully integrated and combined in the physical thing we call energy.

Okay, if you've read my replies in this thread you've probably noticed that I agree to this statement. I don't see why this should be called "god". Nor do I believe that this "energy" is selfaware. It does not have a conscience, nor can it think autonomically.

I'm willing to believe we're all connected through this energy and thus capable of more ways of perceiving and communicating that we currently think possible. But this is definitely a theory and not "the truth".

Energy is THE TRUTH, and that is not just according to Ray Hudson, it is according to all established physics.

Energy is the truth, god isn't. I guess we're thinking the same thing, with only one major difference; you believe in a god and I don't. Also, I'll bet you a dime that not all established physics believe in god. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I (and others) have experienced God on the triad levels above conscious.

But you can't deny the possibility that this is just an illusion. In fact, it's even more likely that it's an illusion. When you're "out of conscience", which you are if you're dealing with levels above consciousness, you are more likely to experience delusions. Just like dreaming, or being high on drugs.

Or rather than spirit, you would agree that there is a "non-physical" piece of you...am I correct?

Again, I can agree to that as well. I also think that the brain is an indispensable tool to make this "non-physical piece of me" possible. Like I said a couple of times before: the only thing that I think differentiates people and animals from a rock is a variation in the frequency of the energy we consist of. This does not only apply to the difference between a human person and a rock, but also to the difference between our organs. On the smallest level, our brain consists of energy with a certain frequency that is quite different from the frequency of, let's say, a rock. This particular difference also means that our brain perorms a specific task.

Now it may seem as if I drifted off a bit, but what I'm trying to say is this: the spirit, the soul or whatever anyone may call it, is nothing more than a process within our brains. It cannot exist outside the human brain, for the simple reason that it needs a brain to perform its function. Compare it to data on a cd-rom... if you put your cd-rom in a microwaveoven it may still contain data, but the data is useless.

We could call these the non-physical self. Do you accept this?

Yes, read the above /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I'd like to know why you think the information you gather from your non-physical self is more reliable than the information you receive from your primary senses? In my opinion this information is equally, or even LESS reliable.

But you are right... it is ALL a fantasyworld.

In which case I'd like to stress that if what you're saying is true, then NOTHING is the absolute truth. And when I say NOTHING, that also includes god. I'd like to look at it a bit less radical though. I don't really think we're living entirely in a fantasyworld. There are absolutes, but again I don't think god is one of them.

Even if you'd like to think that we're living in a fantasyworld; everything is still relative. So even this "fantasyworld" can be real. I'm probably going to prove your point more than my own now, but I think that's the basis of our disagreement. This "fantasyworld" may be relative to humans in general, but every individual is unique and thus we all perceive this "fantasyworld" in our own way.

Show me where what I have said is not truth.

A lot of the things you say are true. But since you cannot prove the existence of god to me, I maintain that that part is merely a theory and NOT the truth.

Why do you think this is not truth, when Science and Spirituality (which is not religion) have been speaking of these same things for many years?

Why do you think it IS truth?

Let me put it this way: I think that god is energy, but not the other way around. That's a cryptic way of saying that I think energy is abusively attributed more "credit" than it deserves. Energy is energy. It's not selfaware and there's no indication for me to think otherwise.

Enjoy your weekend, Roel!

I have. I hope you had a nice weekend as well. Now you'll have to excuse me, I'm going to get the last beer of this weekend now

Re: some Things to think about...

Where did all that exists in our universe originate? The Big Bang?

Endless debate...

Lets say that god did create our universe... then where the hell did god come from? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Cookbook for Creation

Yet one needs a third (neutral) element to observe the distinction between 0 and 1.

Above you implied that 0 was the neutral, with 1 and -1 on either side.

Do you understand the unfolding of number, as implied in the other thread?

Well, I understand what you're saying in the other thread, but I'm not so sure that I agree (my initial smart-arse comment had more than just the one layer, you realise).

It's similar to the way that Levi-Strauss would group mythemes in binary pairs of either opposition or similarity in his analysis of myths. It is, to be sure, a useful analytical tool (assuming you're interested in Structural analysis) and has lead to valuable results. However, Levi-Strauss (and Structuralist analysis of myth in general) has been criticised because to make something conform to this, you need to have a fairly liberal interpretation of the mythemes and to concentrate on certain aspects at the expense of others.

Let's take his analysis of the Oedipus myth (I'll only bother to outline the elements important to my example. If you're interested in this kind of thing, I can explain more, or point you in the right direction with a few pertinent links. And I'm sure you're capable of finding your own sources of information, too. There's talk of spirals...). Okay, the things he puts in column 3 are: "Cadmos kills the Dragon" and "Oedipus kills the Sphynx". I'm sure you can see how those two are similar and fall within the same mytheme.

In column 4 we have "Labdacos (Laois' father) =lame?", "Laois (Oedipus' father)=left-sided?" and "Oedipus=swollen-foot?". The first problem we have is that these are not definitive interpretations of the words. The etymology may not be what Levi-Strauss suggests at all. Secondly, only the names that support the theory are included. "Jocasta" means "lighthearted", but her name doesn't fit with his classification of the mytheme, so she is not included.

The final problem is the definition of the mythemes. Column 3 refers to monsters being slain. Fair play there. Column 4 refers to difficulties walking straight and remaining upright. Again, that's fair enough. But how do they relate? Well, column 3 represents "denial of the authochthonous origin of man" which you can see at a stretch, and colum 4 represents "persistence of the authocthonous origin of man" because, according to Levi-Strauss' definition, difficulty in walking straight and remaining upright is a characteristic of "men born from the Earth". I think you'll agree that that's a little more tenuous in definition.

I think that this kind of tenuousness and omission of relevent details is what I'm seeing in the other thread, too (and I often see with this kind of subject). Let's take a couple of examples.

What you want..............><.............What you get

I would certainly argue that these two aren't diametrically opposed. "What you want" and "What you don't want" are opposed as are "what you get" and "what you don't get". At times what you want and what you get are equal. At other times they're unimaginably disproportionate. One being 0 and the other being 1? No, I really don't think so.

Individual creation........><.............Universal perception

This leaves out universal creation and individual percerption. You do mention individual perception, but you contrast it with individual actions. Perception, it seems, is opposed and contrasted with different things, depending on how many people are doing it.

So, yeah, I think the same flaws that can be found in Levi-Strauss' Structuralist analysis can be found in your, well, Structuralist analysis.

You are not reading translations of the original Hebrew.

You do like to assume, don't you? Actually, I used 3 different translations: the NIV Bible, the Torah and this page (http://mb-soft.com/believe/text/literal.htm) which, as you can see, is a literal word-for-word translation of the Hebrew. I stand by what I said above. Can you show how you arrived at the figures you did, please?

Seek...and ye shall find. You give me absolutely no reason to spell it out for you.

Why do you say things and then refuse to elaborate? You claim you're here to share ideas. Why not share them? I'm interested in your opinion, not someone else's. I had assumed that what you had posted above was your opinion. If it's your opinion that seeing is an act of creation, then why not explain why this is the opinion you hold?

Do you see the spiral formed by the Hebrew letters of Genesis as illustrated by Tenen?

I've addressed this before on this site, but never got a reply. Basically, yes, if you arbitrarily take letters and arrange them in an arbitrary fashion you can make a spiral out of them. But so what? And, yes, it is arranged arbitrarily. To make even the tenuous 'pattern" that he claims, there has to be some fudging. Look at the gap from the "L" to the next letter (the "E"). To make it fit the predetermined pattern, he has to go almost an entire turn without a letter.
Re: Cookbook for Creation

Can you show how you arrived at the figures you did, please?

Sepher Yetzirah: The Book of Creation Author: Aryeh Kaplan. ISBN: 0-87728-726-0

Why do you say things and then refuse to elaborate?

You seem to not wish to integrate things for yourself, and that would mean seriously looking at and studying things you have summarily dismissed as bunk. Suffice it to say that there are many people who have spent a great deal more time studying these texts than you have. Ever think they may have found something highly meaningful that you missed in your tertiary review?

I've addressed this before on this site, but never got a reply.

Perhaps that is your clue to look into it yourself. I will point you in the right direction: Topology, and the unfolding of dimensionality. Tenen explains it and how it perfectly aligns with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet (which, in turn, correlate to our DNA and chromosome structure). Tenen is also explaining how information results from the unfolding of the particular topology that we live under. This unfolding is described through the Mother, Double, and Elemental Hebrew letters. And it involves spirals, torsion, the torus, and the heart shape.

Water that flows beneath the bridge

Pierres de roulement, l'ère collante de doigts Flânant le long du Sien, observant le temps :

Un sourire soulage un coeur qui s'afflige se rappellent ce que j'ai dit I'm n'attendant pas sur une dame I'm attendant juste sur un ami
Re: Water that flows beneath the bridge

Thank you Mick Jagger.

Are you a big fan of the Stones, Creedo? I'd respect you even more if you know Mick's kids names.

Re: Cookbook for Creation

Sepher Yetzirah: The Book of Creation Author: Aryeh Kaplan. ISBN: 0-87728-726-0

In other words, you didn't arrive at the figures yourself, you read someone else's assertation. And the fact that what this guy claims doesn't in fact line up with the reality of what the Hebrew text says doesn't worry you? I hope your fact-checking is a little more scrupulous for some of your other claims.

Ever think they may have found something highly meaningful that you missed in your tertiary review?

Well, unless you're willing to explain, then how am I to know your thought processes? Or are you just repeating other people's opinions again, and that's why you won't elaborate?

The question is why do you, Rainman, believe that looking at something is an act of creation?

Perhaps that is your clue to look into it yourself.

I did look into it myself. And I found it dubious and wanting.

Funnily enough, I got replys up until the point where I pointed out what I saw as the flaws. At that point, rather than address my criticisms and maybe show me to be wrong, the subject was abandoned. Seems to be something of a trend on this site.

I'll happily repeat the criticism I've voiced here - the letters are placed in an arbitrary fashion and made to fit the predetermined "pattern". An objective look at the "spiral" makes that clear as day. You can either address this criticism or leave it hanging.
Re: Cookbook for Creation

Do (and see) what thou wilt.

The question is why do you, Rainman, believe that looking at something is an act of creation?

Do you not observe, in order to decide, in order to create?

Do you recognize your own recursive spiral structure?

Tell us about how you create. How do you define it?

Re: Cookbook for Creation

Do you not observe, in order to decide, in order to create?

Sometimes. Other times, no.

Besides, what you were describing as an act of creation is God looking at what he had already created and declaring it to be good. Either this is not an act of creation or it is part of the same act of creation as actually described as an act of creation.

BTW, thank you for not addressing my other criticisms. Rather proves my point, I think.
Re: Cookbook for Creation

BTW, thank you for not addressing my othyer criticisms. Rather proves my point, I think.

Same as your dismissal of my points of energy, entropy, information...and you also continue to not respond to my Operational-Functional-Physical systemic triad. Perhaps because it forms a spiral that is used for creation?

The views that myself and OvrLrdLegion are describing to you consume volumes of associations in a great many texts. Surely you cannot expect us to "compact" that knowledge into little tidbits that satisfy your immediate ego? But they all boil down to:

An expanding spiral -


And and a contracting spiral


Each person whirls on their own axis. Our world whirls on its own axis. Our solar system whirls on its own axis. Our galaxy whirls on its own axis. Our universe whirls on its own axis?

What you cannot deny is that the very action of whirling is seen all around us in this massive universe we observe. Clearly it is central to all beings of creation. Without whirl, we would not be having this internet discussion.

Which way do you whirl?
Re: Cookbook for Creation

Either this is not an act of creation or it is part of the same act of creation as actually described as an act of creation.

Closed-loop feedback is certainly an aspect of creation. There is absolutely no doubt about this. Without closed loop feedback we could not create "artificially intelligent" robots that can fly on their own, collect information on their own, and take action on their own.

Closed loop dynamics. You always seem to not want to discuss this, or try to prove it bunk. Yet the closed loop of command-process-sense is what drives you as a physical machine. Do you understand closed loop frequency response, in a very technical manner?

You do realize we are all a bunch of big, non-terminating "do loops"?

Re: Cookbook for Creation

Same as your dismissal of my points of energy, entropy, information...and you also continue to not respond to my Operational-Functional-Physical systemic triad.

What, exactly, do you want me to say?

Surely you cannot expect us to "compact" that knowledge into little tidbits that satisfy your immediate ego?

No. But you could address the criticisms that I do level. Confirmation bias. Brought up an inordinate amount of times. Never even acknowledged once. The arbitrary nature of the "pattern" evidence in the various codes derived from the writings of the Bible. Mentioned twice. Both times ignored.

Just now, the issue of what the original Hebrew text of Genesis says, and how often it says it. I posted a direct link to a word-for-word translation of the text. You can visit the link and count the number of times that God says something for yourself. And yet, rather than address the issue, you simply choose to ignore the discrepency between your claims (well, the claims of an old Gnostic/Jewish text, at any rate) and the actual reality of the situation.

I mean, you can continue to claim (and believe) that God says 10 things in the first chapter of Genesis if you like. But it's simply not true as looking at the text itself, rather than someone else's claims about it, makes more than clear. Rather than believeing what you are told, why not examine what you are told critically? Why not check out the claims made? Check your sources. Think for yourself, in other words.

What you cannot deny is that the very action of whirling is seen all around us in this massive universe we observe.

Yes, many things rotate. I'm not really sure that I'd attach the significance to this that you seem to.

Which way do you whirl?

Depends on what I'm doing.