
Re: God and pizza pie

Where you said that is not the truth, is you don't know how to account for God, as an intelligent entity.

I know how to account for you as an intelligent entity, Creedo. Have you ever "met" God, Creedo?

Religion creates God, as us being made in his image.

Religion limits God, and ascribes God to their own purposes. But religion does not create God, because God is the creative force.

Government creates God as a ruling power.

Government tries to use God to "prove" its righteousness, but God does not succumb to man's attempts in this way. This is why separation of church and state is a good idea.

God gets mad at those, who try to can him, so that they can apply him, as one would apply a balm to solve any of the user's problems.

God gets mad? That's a new one on me, Creedo. The god you describe sounds more along the lines of a demigod.

Re: God and pizza pie

Firstover,this thread reminds me of an event once, where a bunch of people smoking marijuana, were all sitting in a circle.

They were doing what is known as getting off, but were talking to each other at the same time.

The topics of their discussion started as one issue, but before my very eyes, began to evolve into something else.

I'm not painting a right or wrong to it, its just how it happened as everyone has a different meaning for their own philosophies, supposedly sober or not?

>On Rainman, he's scared to death.

We all are.

He's a structialist, that is looking for meaning in life, however is also trying to find an archetype that will support his way of thinking.

Who was it, wasn't it Palmer Johnson in Carl Sagan's movie, Contact, that said, Just when you least expect it, he reaches right out and God's there. I could almost touch him.
Re: God and pizza pie

Palmer Joss.

BTW, your last one was The Fifth Element (and it's spelled "Korben"). I'm enjoying your film references, but you might want to pick less mainstream films, as they're too easy to guess.
Re: God and pizza pie

>On Rainman, he's scared to death.

We all are.

How pertinent, Creedo! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Yes, the nominal incarnations of all of us humans seem to tend towards fear of death. But we can learn to overcome them, can't we? In fact, I've come to find that fear of death is a silly concept anyway, for death is simply the other half of life. It should be loved just as much as we love life, I'd say. That makes for a complete circle...from Alpha to Omega, and back again.

He's a structialist, that is looking for meaning in life

Correction: life AND death. There is meaning to both, and they do form a nice, complementary dyadic structure... eh?

Think of this and its possibilities: What if........ the conglomeration of energy that scientists are now calling "dark energy" is actually all of the "unembodied" spirits which occupy "the other side of death". Dark energy is said to make up 73-75% of total universal energy. And yet all the "ordinary matter" that we see in our universe makes up only about a measly 2% of universal energy. (My mistake in my earlier post...I think I said 6%).

Such an explanation would jive with ancient mystical/spiritual statements about how heaven is so much more massive than earth (and by "earth" in Genesis, what is really being described is the physical universe itself).

Angelic Hierarchy, eh Creedo? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


If such a thing were possible, I would frame this phrase and stick it on my wall. And the next time Rainman accused me of anything, I would hit him repeatedly over the head with it.
Do What Thou Wilt.

Re: God and pizza pie

In fact, I've come to find that fear of death is a silly concept anyway, for death is simply the other half of life.

Speaking totally personally, I have no fear of death. I do fear a long, painful death. But death itself holds no fear for me whatsoever. I mean, I also fear a long, painful illness that I recover from. Long, drawn-out pain isn't really something that many of us look forward to with fondness, I imagine.

For me, death is simply ceasing to exist. I won't feel pain, or sorrow, or happiness, or anything at all because "I" will no longer exist. What's there to fear about that?

I think those who fear death are either unsure about what's coming afterwards, or sure it'll be bad. Rainman's sure that after he dies he'll still exist in some form, and so it holds no fear for him. I believe that I'll not be around to even have an opinion, so it holds no fear for me. It's those who worry about their sins being too greivous, or who simply don't know what to expect that have difficulty.
Re: God and pizza pie

Thanks Troll' you're astutue today.

I know my trashy/genre films. I'm enjoying reading those of your posts which I start off reading normally, then start ringing a bell, and then something twigs that tells me that not only do I know this, but that I own the video.

Now, if this were only a bad slasher film board, I'd get even more references. I might be a Sci Fi geek, but I'm more of a horror geek when it comes down to it. No, I can't really tell you why.
Re: God and pizza pie

If Rainman and myself are correct with our postulates, when we all have "passed" on..it would be fitting that ya'll will owe us a round of beers. If we are wrong, and there is no life after death, then we will be happy to buy a round for you all!
Pizza and Beer

it would be fitting that ya'll will owe us a round of beers. If we are wrong, and there is no life after death, then we will be happy to buy a round for you all!

Beer. A universal language and energy exchange. Beer speaks volumes (specifically, liters). Any civilization or level of being that does not speak beer is.... well,... too savage for me. Thank God 4 beer.


Re: some Things to think about...

"Heaven is such a good idea,

if it didn't exist, it would be built.

Since time curves, it is already built."---

To name just a few of the finely tuned variables that are mentioned in the books, "God The Evidence," by Patrick Glynn, John Leslie, in "Universes," and from George Greenstein's "The Symbiotic Universe."

"Gravity is roughly 1039 times weaker than electromagnetism. If gravity had been 1033 times weaker than electromagnetism, stars would be a billion times less massive and would burn a million times faster." Leslie, page 5

"The nuclear weak force is 1028 times the strength of gravity. Had the weak force been slightly weaker, all the hydrogen in the universe would have been turned to helium (making water impossible, for example)." Leslie, page 34. Leslie got this information from P. C. W. Davies 1980 (Other Worlds), pp.176-177.

"A stronger nuclear strong force (by as little as 2 percent) would have prevented the formation of protons-- yielding a universe without atoms. Decreasing it by 5 percent would have given us a universe without stars." Leslie, page 4, quoting Hawking, Physics Bulleting: Cambridge, vol. 32, 1980, pp 9-10.

"The charges of the electron and proton have been measured in the laboratory and have been found to be precisely equal and opposite. Were it not for this fact, the resulting charge imbalance would force every object in the universe--our bodies, trees, planets, suns--to explode violently. The cosmos would consist solely of a uniform and tenuous mixture not so very different from air." "Greenstein's The Symbiotic Universe

"If the difference in mass between a proton and a neutron were not exactly as it is--roughly twice the mass of an electron then all neutrons would have become protons are vice versa. Say goodby, to chemistry as we know it, and to life." Leslie, pp 34-40

"The very nature of water--so vital to life--is something of a mystery. Unique among the molecules, water is lighter in its solid form than its liquid form: Ice floats. If it did not, the oceans would freeze from the bottom up and earth would now be covered with solid ice. This property in turn is traceable to unique properties of the hydrogen atom." Leslie ,p 30 quoting Barrow and Tipler, 143- 144, 524-541. Cf. Denys Wilkinson, Our Universes (New York: Columbia University Press, 1991), pp 171-172.

"The synthesis of carbon--the vital core of all organic molecules--on a significant scale involves what scientists view as an astonishing coincidence in the ratio of the strong force to electromagnetism This ratio makes it possible for carbon-12 to reach an excited state of exactly 7.65 MeV at the temperature typical of the center of stars, which creates a resonance involving helium-4,, beryllium-8 and carbon- 12-- allowing the necessary binding to take place during a tiny window of opportunity 10-17 seconds long." Wilkinson, pp. 181-183; see also John Gribbon and Martin Rees, Cosmic Coincidences (New York: Bantam, 1989 pp.243-247.

There is much evidence for this. The heat output of the Sun has changed much down through the ages, and yet the temperature of our planet has maintained the narrow range necessary to maintain Life.
The level of atmospheric gasses has also remained, for the most part, a steady constant despite changing conditions. This is extremely important. If there were not enough oxygen in the atmosphere, fauna would die. If there were too much oxygen and not enough carbon dioxide and methane, plants would die and the atmosphere would be so flammable, fires would overrun the Earth.
Too much of both oxygen and carbon dioxide would also be fatal. But a third gas, methane, is just abundant enough to keep the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in check.

"...If the evolutionary process really is so strong, that Humans and Whales can evolve from pond scum in just five billion or so years, God is perfectly capable of evolving in ten billion or so years."

" ...He must not remove all suffering. Molly-coddling would weaken us, and thus Him. Death must occur so there is room for evolution. Suffering must occur so we may learn compassion for our fellow, "cells of God." "

Elizabeth Hensley--www.proofgodexists.org

Just something to think about...If God does not exist, then chance and accidents in our Universe sure are very powerful forces, and fast too.
Re: some Things to think about...

I'm getting Trollface into films by misquoting and this is a good process.

All I had to do, for correct edit verification, is go to the movie score, which would have given me the characters.

Major Ed Dames said that most of us humans could die in kill shot from the sun.

Rainman does not understand me, as he thinks that I want to conscript him, which is making him nervous.

What he does not understand is the equation of Mars, which is the Gray Hybrids.

They're very important, as this is his ending point, if he does not select another world.

The magic bit, he's not geared for it and I don't think, feel that he has the potential intonation, to ever be a wizard?
Re: some Things to think about...

God does exist, but it is in the crystalline computer, as mentioned in the Betty Andreasson series of books, as a piece of held information, within a very large mainframe.

Like miles of material and it's not government owned.

My argument with Gary Voss, which has seemed conviently to shut me out of Tap-ten as of late, is the Von Newman probe's accusation.

This states that possibly God was either made a renegade program out of the Gem robots using of the vast crystalline underground computer. Or that God merely uses this facility, as said in the book series, The Andreasson Affair?_________



If the accusation stands the former or the first set of logics, then the concept of the Christian God only, is a run-away computer program, that does not know what it is.

This is why the accusation that T-12 moderuized the concept of God.

This is the big Christian fella and to have claimed and said that this was a run-away program.......?


Other Gods have to be present here on Earth for everything to work, so there must also be what is known as a God's Union.

No Rainman and Gary, this is not a simple equation and is very complex.

Standard humans to be replaced by Nordics, as said on Art Bell from Ed Damese's claim of the solar kill shot,....hmmm?

Re: some Things to think about...

Other Gods have to be present here on Earth for everything to work, so there must also be what is known as a God's Union.

No Rainman and Gary, this is not a simple equation and is very complex.

Actually, man has always had a habit of over complicating concepts. All individual components make up the whole. Many Gods, many people, many animals, many plants, many molds, many bacteria, many cells, many molecules, many atoms...etc.. all make up God. Each in themselves are "not" God, but each is a "cell" of God. God's Union.
Re: some Things to think about...

I don't count any of that as proof of God. Your first post is proof that human life is unlikely, for sure. But I believed that to be the case anyway.

As for the other post, you can tell it's bunk from the simple factor that the author feels it necessary to repeat that this is a real, valid, scientific discovery and that the paper he is referring to was published and peer-reviewed.

Well, that, and it claims that psychology is a precise science that is calculable to 2 decimal places. I mean, really? A psychologist could tell me that I was "13.52 psychotic"? Sloblocks, to put it politely.
In the land next to Harry Potter:

Historical post:In the land next to Harry Potter, where shops of old and witches while, there were the hunkers, later on, who crouched when they walked.

One fine day, when the Sony came to be and we all visited, new solaris came into the sky.

The radiances was such that AA-what-not, stood erect and claimed, "Mom and dad we are like you, as we love you so very much".
Re: some Things to think about...

No Rainman and Gary, this is not a simple equation and is very complex.

You do realize, Creedo (I hope), where complexity comes from? Simple structures are seen to become richly complex when subjected to the period-doubling effects that occur when you close a feedback loop. This has all been documented by the likes of Mandelbrot, Barnsley, Pietgen, etc.

Therefore, anything which one sees as "complex" has an ultimately simple underlying structure. One merely needs to look for and understand the loop closures, and then identify the period-doubling route to chaos.

I have seen and enjoyed Gary's posts on this forum. One reason I enjoy his posts is that I can see that he is one of only a few people here who "gets" the concept of time's relationship to frequency response, and how a closed-loop process is key to any form of negentropic creation.

Re: some Things to think about...

Your first post is proof that human life is unlikely, for sure. But I believed that to be the case anyway.

And all existence is unlikely as indicated by the post. Not just human life. The chances of all that exist being just as they are....?