Re: Genesis in Hebrew
Hi Rainman, not a very nice weekend I would say. I have a grandmother who just had a stroke and is in the hospital.
Well, for the first thing PHI, I'm quite skeptical about this The All-Seeing Eye thing. In a book I've read about the Holy Grail, I can't quite remember, but it's connected to the New Age and it is as the back of the US one-dollar note I have in my drawer. I would understand that if Hebrew would be a numerical language, then would there be several different translations then? Wouldn't there be a tinge of politics added into the Bible if translated?
So in a way, you are leading a somewhat normal routine day-job life and at the same time advancing in a spritual journey? Does it include reincarnation?
By what you say, I believe it's quite feasible in a sense as God is never affected by time/space/dimension. Even if God were in it, God wouldn't be affected. This Creation and End thing wasn't even there and it's concept was entirely new when God created the Universe. In an aspect, we are so affected by it, it would be hard to grasp a 'dimension' God resides in
There is no K-mart here I'm sorry, only 7-11 and Cheers. What "wrong" have you made in that statement? Well, I'm loving all the "Light" there is. Bask bask bask!
I do understand that the formulae on come in a mix of THREE. It got me thinking for a while. There are 3 aspects of God aka The Holy Trinity. Well, in the Bible it may seem like 3 Gods as 1. But actually it is One God in Three Forms. It is not polytheistic as some would say. It just consists of a physical form(omniscience?), a form of a spirit (omnipresent?), God (omniscience+omnipresent?). From what I think, that would be it. God created this world and it is really interesting.
Hi Rainman, not a very nice weekend I would say. I have a grandmother who just had a stroke and is in the hospital.
Well, the core of the Bible is the Old Testament, specifically the first five (PHIve?) books of the Old Testament. Those Phive books were originally written in Hebrew. This is why one must always go back to that original Hebrew to analyze and understand what it was saying in its native language. All English interpretations of it are different due to how one interprets Hebrew, which are long, literal strings of characters. And the fact is that Hebrew is a very numerical language because it has a very numerical alphabet. And numbers are what we know to be the primary language of science.
Well, for the first thing PHI, I'm quite skeptical about this The All-Seeing Eye thing. In a book I've read about the Holy Grail, I can't quite remember, but it's connected to the New Age and it is as the back of the US one-dollar note I have in my drawer. I would understand that if Hebrew would be a numerical language, then would there be several different translations then? Wouldn't there be a tinge of politics added into the Bible if translated?
I wouldn't say it is about "expecting" you to believe anything. It is more about what you find as you use the Tree Of Life. The spiritual aspect is inherent in the fact that you are on a journey in your incarnate life. Myself, and others, call it a spiritual journey, and we liken it to climbing from position #10 on the Tree Of Life, up towards position #1. That is the vision of the map that OvrLrdLegion describes.
So in a way, you are leading a somewhat normal routine day-job life and at the same time advancing in a spritual journey? Does it include reincarnation?
agree, inasumch as you mean these two things are discrete, separate phenomenon. So now what if we described God as continuous creation? This is the life force, and it has no End. God will never end because the embodiment of God is continuous creation via new Energy patterns in our universe.
By what you say, I believe it's quite feasible in a sense as God is never affected by time/space/dimension. Even if God were in it, God wouldn't be affected. This Creation and End thing wasn't even there and it's concept was entirely new when God created the Universe. In an aspect, we are so affected by it, it would be hard to grasp a 'dimension' God resides in
Hmmm.... have you ever shopped at a K-Mart, nicknack? With these words of yours, you have made me "wrong" in another statement I made... and I'm happy to admit it. You can already see the Light of God, can't you? Do you know what I am getting at?
There is no K-mart here I'm sorry, only 7-11 and Cheers. What "wrong" have you made in that statement? Well, I'm loving all the "Light" there is. Bask bask bask!
Well, we can see right off the bat that they have a relation in number: There are three terms in each relation: F=ma & V=IR. That is a start, right? Let's go on from there:
1) F=Force, and have you ever heard Voltage (V) described as Electro Motive Force (EMF)?
2) The mass (m) of an object defines its inertial RESISTANCE to motion. The "R" of the electrical equation represents electrical RESISTANCE.
3) The "a", for Acceleration, is a measure of the motion of the mass "m". The "I" measure of electrical current is a measure of "time rate of change of electrical charge", or charge velocity.
Thus, with deference to the science of fractals, we say that these two important equations of mechanics and electronics are "self-similar" in the basic laws that they describe. And these two basic laws describe a helluva lot of truth with regard to how Mass, Space, and Time interact with one another.
The relationships of these equations are a certain amount of evidence that universal laws are based on mixings of THREE, is it not true? We could also add E = mc^2 to this list to see how universal laws are defined in groupings of three. What are your thoughts about this? Do you believe in 3 Gods as 1?
I do understand that the formulae on come in a mix of THREE. It got me thinking for a while. There are 3 aspects of God aka The Holy Trinity. Well, in the Bible it may seem like 3 Gods as 1. But actually it is One God in Three Forms. It is not polytheistic as some would say. It just consists of a physical form(omniscience?), a form of a spirit (omnipresent?), God (omniscience+omnipresent?). From what I think, that would be it. God created this world and it is really interesting.