
Re: Genesis in Hebrew

Hi Rainman, not a very nice weekend I would say. I have a grandmother who just had a stroke and is in the hospital.

Well, the core of the Bible is the Old Testament, specifically the first five (PHIve?) books of the Old Testament. Those Phive books were originally written in Hebrew. This is why one must always go back to that original Hebrew to analyze and understand what it was saying in its native language. All English interpretations of it are different due to how one interprets Hebrew, which are long, literal strings of characters. And the fact is that Hebrew is a very numerical language because it has a very numerical alphabet. And numbers are what we know to be the primary language of science.

Well, for the first thing PHI, I'm quite skeptical about this The All-Seeing Eye thing. In a book I've read about the Holy Grail, I can't quite remember, but it's connected to the New Age and it is as the back of the US one-dollar note I have in my drawer. I would understand that if Hebrew would be a numerical language, then would there be several different translations then? Wouldn't there be a tinge of politics added into the Bible if translated?

I wouldn't say it is about "expecting" you to believe anything. It is more about what you find as you use the Tree Of Life. The spiritual aspect is inherent in the fact that you are on a journey in your incarnate life. Myself, and others, call it a spiritual journey, and we liken it to climbing from position #10 on the Tree Of Life, up towards position #1. That is the vision of the map that OvrLrdLegion describes.

So in a way, you are leading a somewhat normal routine day-job life and at the same time advancing in a spritual journey? Does it include reincarnation?

agree, inasumch as you mean these two things are discrete, separate phenomenon. So now what if we described God as continuous creation? This is the life force, and it has no End. God will never end because the embodiment of God is continuous creation via new Energy patterns in our universe.

By what you say, I believe it's quite feasible in a sense as God is never affected by time/space/dimension. Even if God were in it, God wouldn't be affected. This Creation and End thing wasn't even there and it's concept was entirely new when God created the Universe. In an aspect, we are so affected by it, it would be hard to grasp a 'dimension' God resides in

Hmmm.... have you ever shopped at a K-Mart, nicknack? With these words of yours, you have made me "wrong" in another statement I made... and I'm happy to admit it. You can already see the Light of God, can't you? Do you know what I am getting at?

There is no K-mart here I'm sorry, only 7-11 and Cheers. What "wrong" have you made in that statement? Well, I'm loving all the "Light" there is. Bask bask bask!

Well, we can see right off the bat that they have a relation in number: There are three terms in each relation: F=ma & V=IR. That is a start, right? Let's go on from there:

1) F=Force, and have you ever heard Voltage (V) described as Electro Motive Force (EMF)?
2) The mass (m) of an object defines its inertial RESISTANCE to motion. The "R" of the electrical equation represents electrical RESISTANCE.
3) The "a", for Acceleration, is a measure of the motion of the mass "m". The "I" measure of electrical current is a measure of "time rate of change of electrical charge", or charge velocity.

Thus, with deference to the science of fractals, we say that these two important equations of mechanics and electronics are "self-similar" in the basic laws that they describe. And these two basic laws describe a helluva lot of truth with regard to how Mass, Space, and Time interact with one another.

The relationships of these equations are a certain amount of evidence that universal laws are based on mixings of THREE, is it not true? We could also add E = mc^2 to this list to see how universal laws are defined in groupings of three. What are your thoughts about this? Do you believe in 3 Gods as 1?

I do understand that the formulae on come in a mix of THREE. It got me thinking for a while. There are 3 aspects of God aka The Holy Trinity. Well, in the Bible it may seem like 3 Gods as 1. But actually it is One God in Three Forms. It is not polytheistic as some would say. It just consists of a physical form(omniscience?), a form of a spirit (omnipresent?), God (omniscience+omnipresent?). From what I think, that would be it. God created this world and it is really interesting.
Re: God, I am SO \"wrong\"!

No consolation prize for you, Roel! Step to the front of the line. You mentioned Light, and that was all that is needed. Isn't the speed of light a wonderful thing to contemplate? Sort of like how, in the old days, people used to contemplate the speed of sound.... and wonder..... about Nature.

Would anyone care to doubt that the speed of light is the measure that defines time for us? Is this not one of the "keys" to understanding how to travel thru time?

Ah. Light is so boggling sometimes. Light sorts of brings out the beauty of Creation, without light we can't see the Creation, the "Truth".

Time Travel. Immortality. Conquering paradox. Overcoming death. Sounds like magic now. Someday, pure science?

Not in our sin-ridden world I'm afraid not. Only when things become perfect eh? When the world gets 'de-bugged' or something.
Re: Cookbook for Creation

Hi Roel,

By the way, the i-ching also has a lot in common with the quabalah.

Yeah...interesting how I-ching is based on TRIgrams, and how they align with the TOL structure and flow:

Hmmm...if you follow the downward and upward flow here....you get a Closed Loop! (recurring theme!)

Now, I've gotta stop you right here, Roel:

I'm not saying your science has been wrong, I'm merely stating that you're abusively using existing scientific facts to justify your belief in a deity.

Uhhhh. Right. You want me to show proof and you wish to restrict me from using science? Especially EXISTING science? I know you cannot mean that, because it makes no sense. Most of the time, when offering proof of some extended phenomenon, the fact that you can do so using existing science, rather than having to create something totally wild and off-the-wall, makes a theory MORE credible. I think you had better try again on this one, Roel. The only relative word that you can use to squirm with in the above sentence would be "abusively". And I would need you to quantify what is "abusive" use of existing science? If I am not VIOLATING existing science, or stating something contradictory to existing science, then how am I "abusing" it? Here is a suggestion: Try to quantify (with evidence) how I am "abusing" the science. I am simply showing where what science describes aligns with much "core knowledge" of many spiritual traditions with respect to what they say about God.

I will say this: There is only one place where I am "extending" existing science, and I think it is hardly unreasonable. This is where I state that both Mass and Time are 3-D vector quantities just as Space is. And if we agree Space is a 3-D vector field, why does it not also make sense for the other two to be considered the same? Especially since they show 3-D traits. My theory thus explains physical reality as equivalent to a 3x3 = 9 dimensional tensor. And tensor math is what is paramount in advanced physics. This is far from abusing science, it is using existing science to explain a more integrated theory of Mass, Space, and Time.

I refuse to believe that the Relativity-theory is meant to prove the existence of a deity.

It's not, but it is certainly scientific evidence that aligns with a great many spiritual traditions. And you do know how balanced of a man Einstein was to both science and spirituality, right? I believe he, himself, said something to the effect of he was trying to reach the Mind of God.

Mmmh, no matter how hard I try, most descriptions of the Quabalah are something along the lines of:

So question: Do you form your beliefs based on what others say about something, or from your own use and experience with it? You seem to be using what "religious aspects" say about Qabalah as an excuse to not look into it for scientific value. When I first saw the TOL I was only interested in the science, and I ignored the mystical aspects altogether, and "what other people said it was". In finding the links to science, I was able to understand what the mysticism was saying about Qabalah.

Again, why not address another point I have made several times: The architecture of the human body's major systems reflects the architecture of the Tree Of Life. Forgetting about "religious" aspects of Qabalah, isn't this fact enough to make it interesting to look into? Do you not think you might learn something about yourself by investigating our specific architecture?

Why should I disprove that? I actually agree with you on this subject more or less. Even if I wanted to disprove your theory, I wouldn't have sufficient scientific knowledge to do so. I only fail to see the link to a creative force, creator, god or whatever.

Would you please admit that there can be no creation without energy? Is this not scientific fact? That is the link. Can you give me any example for how something can be created without the use of energy? Without energy, no creation. That applies from the sub-quantum level all the way up to the galactic and universal levels. Energy is the only absolute we know of. Everything in our physical universe that comes from energetic exchanges is susceptible to Relativity. Again, I am not saying anything heretical here. Just established science.

If indeed all scientist agree to the statement that energy is the force of creation, then I can only conclude that they mean another type of creation.

How many different "types" of creation are there? I did not know that science distinguished different forms of creation that were not related to energy. Do you know something about science that I don't that would lead to your conclusion above? Evidence maybe?

A large number of scientists don't even believe in a Creator. Which proves that you are twisting scientific facts to justify your believes.

Or....it could also prove that they who do not believe in a Creator have the same issues with belief that you do. They see all the evidence, but they just refuse to integrate it all and "make the leap". Since this is also possible, then you cannot claim it "proves" I am twisting scientific facts to show that our ultimate creative force is, indeed, total universal energy.

I can't deny that she's a smart woman. I grew up listening to her music and watching her videos. But that is in no way evidence that what she believes is true.

Yes, that is true. But if it may have helped her in her creations, is it not worth looking into it, just to see if there might be something there that you didn't understand before? Like that no one ever forces you to use Qabalah for religion?

Other artists are tied to The Church of Scientology, which - by the way - is the only form of religion I hold a grudge against. I'm glad Madonna...err I mean Esther has the same sympathies towards Scientology

Oh I agree with you on Scientology. I researched their whole path back in 1986, while studying Qabalah. It took a whole two seconds to see that you were being forced to surrender your own will to meet their rules. And one of their rules was that you had to accept that part of becoming spiritual was in giving as much of your hard-earned $ to them as possible! Worse than the Catholic Church, for sure, and at least the Mormon's have a defined CAP on their required tithing! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Cookbook for Creation

Thank you. We may not always see eye to eye, but I do genuinely appreciate this.

We're both human, and that makes us brothers. As much as we wail on each other and gnash teeth does not, in the least, reduce my respect for you as an intelligent and competent human being! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

So, if anger is a sign of the ego, then what does the fact that I very, very rarely get angry say about mine?

I don't think I, or anyone, has ever said anger is the "only" product of ego. It is one of the more destructive aspects of ego, along with things like an unbalanced desire to make others appear wrong. I think you would also agree that ego can constructive products as well....such as confidence in one's chosen path in life.

Really, Ray. If you're going to dis me for my behaviour, you're probably better off thinking up your own phrases, rather than just repeating what I say.

Well, isn't it always said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? If so, then by directly copying you, you should be terribly flattered that I see value in your own words!
Besides, did you not say this in this very same post?

Apart from the opening where I addressed Ray specifically, that entire paragraph was cut and pasted from one of his posts.

Touche, friend. We both do it to each other.

Most importantly confirmation bias. I cannot stress it enough. Confirmation bias. Address that, if nothing else.

This is a two-way street, and I intend to be a bit more of a traffic cop to ensure it remains a two way street. In a recent post I addressed one of the things you said I am ignoring. Now it is your turn to select from one of the things of mine you have ignored. But to show I am honest, I will even start a discussion of what you wish here. But please do not use this as a launchpad to follow only the trail of confirmation bias. I expect to see you addressing something you have ignored. If you do not, I will ignore any further discussion of confirmation bias.

In order to understand the limits of confirmation bias, we would need to also consider its balancing element: Disconfirmation bias. And the quote from this page that is most pertinent is: "This cognitive bias is closely related to confirmation bias, which is the tendency to simply avoid 'counter-attitudinal' new information. When exactly each applies it not yet well understood."

There...I have now addressed two things you say I have ignored. Your turn, right?

I really think you might be right about my being here telling you things about yourself because you certainly seem to be projecting qualities that you possess onto me.

You see, here is another sign of imbalance. You've often quoted the fact that I admit your presence alongside mine in this sector of cyberspace is to help me learn something from you. Yet I do not believe I have ever heard you admit, or even entertain the possibility, that the reverse is also true. Such a belief would relate to something like "Yes, it is obvious that I, trollface, am here to teach Ray some lessons... but there is nothing here that he could ever teach me." Wouldn't that type of unbalance also come from excessive ego? (Asking if you agree)

You don't imagine for one second that what I do and what I am on this site is the be all and end all of my existence, do you?

And when you were implying things along the lines of I may be poor in applying maths to my work, was not one of your basis of reasons something along the lines of (paraphrase) "All I have to go on is what I see of you here, on this forum." Touche....again? We can continue to ding each other like this forever, I am sure you know. Sometimes it is fun, as I am sure you would agree, and other times it is nothing more than service to ego.

I seem to rememebr that my debunking had your support when it was Chronohistorian I was debunking. Now I am attacking theings that you agree with, rather than disagree with, it's suddenly a bad thing. Go figure.

Uhhhh....apples and oranges, perhaps? The things I describe are based on accepted science (as much as you do not wish to believe my applications of it). I think we both know that the wild claims that Chrono was making were about as far from accepted science as the UK is from New Zealand!

If my debunking is wrong, then you have nothing to fear from it, surely?

How about addressing the following aspect of the debunking issue that I have raised? What if your debunking is incorrect, due to insufficient information? What if? Address this aspect of why debunking can be a bad thing:

2) Because one may often feel as if they are providing a service to mankind by "debunking" something they think is "wrong", and yet they may not have near enough information on the topic they think they are "debunking". If there are things that you are not aware of, it is quite possible that your "debunking" is wrong, in and of itself. In this case, you are not only NOT doing a service to mankind, you are doing a disservice by trying to convince other people that something with value has no value.

It's the way Ray presents his ideas that I find off-putting and unpalatable. It's the closed-mindedness and conviction of being right to the exclusion of all else that gets in the way

Another way of describing this would be confidence. One of the constructive aspects of the ego that can serve us well. I don't pretend to know everything, but those things that have been confirmed by my own experiences and research tend to instill unwavering confidence in me. I am often quiet and unassuming in my professional work, especially when I am not an expert on the topic at hand. But when it comes to somthing I know, and I see others going down a path that could be dangerous (literally dangerous to human life), I speak up and my confidence allows me to not back down from something I know, from experience, is appropriate. Yes, some in my profession may have even had their own egos bruised, and might think me an a$$hole. Does the ego bruising matter if the proper path was followed, and the result was no loss of human life?

I am not without sin. Are you? I am also not without confidence, and I know this is true of yourself, as well.

Okay, so the whole number thing is nothing but a metaphor?

Numbers are applied in many different ways for many different types of analysis. ALL number is metaphorical and analogical. Showing how numbers align with concepts in science and physics is not always a bad thing.... just like debunking is not always a bad thing. Again.... would you like to discuss the relationships of the concepts expressed in the triangle/tetrahedron I presented? If you think they are wrong, can you provide evidence for why they are? If you do not think they are wrong, would you like to have a progressive discussion about how understanding the relationships of one thing to another can help us get closer to time travel?

Tell you what. I'll prove to you that God doesn't exist just as soon as you prove to me that Hubert the invisible purple dancing beaver deity doesn't exist.

I am asking for evidence that either: (a) My science is wrong, or (b) My application of the science is wrong. I'd like you to back up your belief (opinion) that my application of triplex-orthogonal spaces and concepts is incorrect.

By the way....I am also still awaiting a response to this outstanding item:

Now....will you address this evidence? And provide me with your evidence for why it is "more reasonable" to believe the universe was an accident, rather than the simpler explanation that it was designed to the tight tolerances that it exhibits.

To rephrase it (again) to make sure you understand what I am asking: You must have some kind of evidence that allows you to think it is more reasonable to believe a low liklihood event over one that has a higher liklihood (even if it is only somewhat more likely).

Re: Cookbook for Creation

Uhhhh. Right. You want me to show proof and you wish to restrict me from using science?

No... of course you can use science to provide evidence. However, you claim that Energy equals god, which I think is based on an extremely loose assumption. Also the provided scientific evidence does not show or indicate that god exists. But I guess you're probably going to take the easy way out and claim that the evidence you provide is valid and that I just don't see it.

Try to quantify (with evidence) how I am "abusing" the science.

Well, you know that science is not my strongest point. However, like I mentioned above, I'm having serious doubts about your statement that Energy equals god. There is simply no evidence for that. You said that energy and god have many similarities, but that could just as well mean that energy has always been mistaken for god. I've already adressed the way you overapplied the uncertainty principle during the inside/outside discussion. I'll try to point out when and why I think you're abusing science when you do it next time.

I believe he, himself, said something to the effect of he was trying to reach the Mind of God.

Hmmm... in that case I'll give you something to think about: Did Einstein, in all his brilliance, ever manage to prove gods existence, let alone the mind of god?

When I first saw the TOL I was only interested in the science, and I ignored the mystical aspects altogether, and "what other people said it was".

Perhaps it was easier for you to accept the religious aspects of Quabalah because of your religious background. I see you haven't come up with an explanation for those words yet?

The architecture of the human body's major systems reflects the architecture of the Tree Of Life.

It's an interesting THEORY and I will look into it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Would you please admit that there can be no creation without energy?

I have already agreed to that. I don's see why this is evidence for the existence of a creator. The following statement is also true: energy can exist without creation.

That applies from the sub-quantum level all the way up to the galactic and universal levels.

Mmmh... I beg to differ. It actually depends on what your definition of creation is. As far as I'm concerned, in order to create you need to be selfaware. So while it's true that it takes energy to create on every level, it's only a limited number of entities actually capable of creation.

Do you know something about science that I don't that would lead to your conclusion above? Evidence maybe?

I know for a fact that not all scientists believe that the earth was Created. So I'd like to stress that I personally believe that there is only one type of creation and you're the one introducing a new type of creation.

Since this is also possible, then you cannot claim it "proves" I am twisting scientific facts

Well, you constantly declare the truth, while other things are also possible.

I'll just leave it at this. Sorry for the short replies, but it's 2 am and I need to get up at 6:30... if you need further explanation, just let me know /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Re: Cookbook for Creation

Okay, it's now nearly midnight, and I'm very tired. I'll fully address everything at some point tomorrow. For now, I'm only going to address a couple of things again.

I don't think I, or anyone, has ever said anger is the "only" product of ego.

I didn't say that you did. My point was that you pointed out my anger as an example of how I am an egoist, whereas if losing your temper really is a product of ego, then the fact that I don't lose my temper much would prove the opposite of what you were attempting to prove. And now you dismiss this point because it doesn't corroborate your viewpoint. This is exactly the kind of flaw I see in the rest of your thinking, you are too quick to accept what you believe corroborates your views, and too quick to dismiss that which does not.

Either the fact that I've been angry the last few days is relevent or it is not. Either the anger is a product of ego or it is not. You cannot have it both ways, where me being angry is significant because it shows up my ego, and yet me not being a temperamental person says nothing whatsoever about my ego. Either they both speak to the state of my ego, or neither do.

Such a belief would relate to something like "Yes, it is obvious that I, trollface, am here to teach Ray some lessons... but there is nothing here that he could ever teach me."

Actually, the correct way I would phrase my opinion on the subject is "No, it is obvious that I, trollface, am here to teach nothing to anybody...and while there are some interesting things to think about presented, I do not believe that I will learn much of great value to me, in exactly the same way that I never have from such discussions with people" no, I don't think you're learning any big home truths about your subconsious self from me simply because nothing I say seems to make the slightest bit of a dent in your behaviour. If you were learning lessons and growing as a person, would we not be able to see this growth? As it is, over the last week or so Roel and I have both had to repeat pertinent information to you because you simply did not take it in the first time we said it. If you believe that I am here to tach you, would you not pay more attention to what I actually say?

And, yes, as I've said before I've had many, many conversations with people like you about subjects like this one. I have never learned anything about myself that I did not know before. I have learned that most people do not think too hard and certainly not critically about their beliefs and I have learned that there are as many belief systems as there are people who believe them. But that's not about me.

Uhhhh....apples and oranges, perhaps?

In a way, yes. In a way, no. While you've obviously thought about your beliefs (and really believe what you claim to believe) the actual beliefs themselves do not strike me as more reasonable than that which Chronohistorian claimed. If I didn't genuinely think that you were wrong, then I would not say that I think that you are wrong.

How about addressing the following aspect of the debunking issue that I have raised?

I did. In fact, that was the bit you quoted. And do not forget that I've only been doing drive-by postings and have said at the beginning of each post that I will come back and address things that I haven't already, and that I will address that which I have skimmed over in more detail. Again, were you really learning from me would you not have taken this fact in?

But, if you wish, I'll try to be more specific, but I'm still only going to cover this briefly.

Because one may often feel as if they are providing a service to mankind by "debunking" something they think is "wrong", and yet they may not have near enough information on the topic they think they are "debunking".

I claim to offer no service to anyone. What I am doing is stating my opinion. If I could offer a service to mankind it would be to get people to think critically and to assess their sources critically.

And, more specifically, if someone is debunking something that they are not informed enough about, then it would be up to those who do know about it to educate them. That way, there's dialogue and the subject is addressed in a more full and frank manner than it otehrwise would have been. Debate itself, if done in a reasoned, intelligent and polite way, is a service to mankind as much as anything. So I would say that this is also a good thing.

If there are things that you are not aware of, it is quite possible that your "debunking" is wrong, in and of itself.

In which case, as I have said, you have nothing to fear from it.

Can I just point out, BTW, that I've never been called an "uninformed debunker" on this site, just a "debunker". And, ewven though this is an interesting little diversion, you still haven't explained why this is supposed to be a bad thing in and of itself.

In this case, you are not only NOT doing a service to mankind, you are doing a disservice by trying to convince other people that something with value has no value.

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. As I have stated repeatedly I am merely giving my opinions. I have also explicity stated on more than one occasion that if you do not agree with my assessments and opinions that you are free to believe as you will. What you do or do not believe is of no consequence to me. The only way it affects me is whether I find it interesting to enjoy discussing or not. Any and all things that I say here and elsewhere are strictly my opinion and you are entirely free to do what you wish with the words that I post.

Another way of describing this would be confidence.

There can be a fine line between confidence and arrogance. You have claimed that I am arrogant and that I am an egotist. And yet I offer nothing but my opinion and I always, always conceed the possibility that I could be wrong. Maybe I don't explicity say it every single time I post a sentence, but in an infinite universe where my senses are the only sources of information about the world that I have, I find myself loathe to say anything with 100% certainty. And, yes, I will conceed the possibility of there being a God. I will also, in the same manner and with the same weight given, conceed the possibility of Hubert being real or that my "Mad Scientist/brain in a jar" scenario is actually the truth. Think of me, maybe, as Douglas Adam's Man in the Shack from Life, The Universe And Everything, only a little less vague.

Now, given that, and the fact that you claim to know the absolute truth about the nature of God and that you admit no possibility that you are wrong, can you see how that might be seen as arrogant? It's not the "conviction of being right" that I have the problem with, it's the "to the exclusion of all else". If you cannot conceed the possibility that you may be wrong, then how can you expect people to have a dialogue with you about the subject? What we get instead is a propaganda peice for your religious viewpoint.

I am not without sin. Are you?

Yes. I don't believe in the concpet of sin.

To answer less literally, no I don't believe that I'm perfect.

Showing how numbers align with concepts in science and physics is not always a bad thing[...]

I never said it was. I have no disagreement with you saying that you attatch symbolism to numbers metaphorically. It's just when you attach great importance to that that I find it more questionable.

I mean, I think that the film Dark City is a great bit of metaphor for the exploration of the workings of the consious and unconsious mind, how they can work against each other and how to conquer madness and be a full person you need to take control of your own mind. I think it's a very good film to analyse semiotically in this manner. What I don't think is that this makes it particularly profound. I also don't think that because it lends itself to this particular reading so well that that means that that's the way Alex Proyas saw it when he was writing, filming or editing it.

Or, to give another example, the film A Nightmare On Elm Street art 2: Freddy's Revenge is blatantly a story about a young homosexual teen coming to terms with his orientation (in a kind of "God Hates Fags" kind of way, as Freddy is the homosexuality and he is eventually defeated by the love of a good woman). In fact, it's so implicit that it's almost explicit. Except that it isn't. It didn't occur to the writer or the director that it could be seen this way until the film came out (if you'll pardon the pun) and people started mentioning it. They both saw it and went "oh, yeah!" So, yeah, the film is a great metaphor for coming to terms with homosexuality. But the fact that it is is nothing but coincidence.

I am asking for evidence that either: (a) My science is wrong, or (b) My application of the science is wrong.

I've already said this way back when, as has Roel. I think the phrase Roel used which summed it up perfectly was "weak anological evidence". I mean you say that DNA is a fibbonacci spiral (which it isn't) and that a foetus grows in the shape of a fibbonacci spiral (which it doesn't) and that the planets are aligned in a fibbonacci spiral (which they're not). But, and this is the point, even if they all were, then so what? That doesn't prove that there's a relationship between them, or that said spiral is special in any way. All it would prove was that they were all shaped the same.

You must have some kind of evidence that allows you to think it is more reasonable to believe a low liklihood event over one that has a higher liklihood (even if it is only somewhat more likely).

I don't think that the existence of God does have a higher likelyhood. I think it has a lower likelyhood. In fact, one that is so close to zero as to make any other likelyhood seem so large that it's infinite in comparison.

And it's not evidence of the non-existence of God (again, you cannot prive a negative) that I have, it's there being a lack of evidence of the existence of God. All I have seen to back up the existence of God is dominated by poor evidence, low thresholds of credibility and sloppy thinking.

Let's have a look at what you asked Roel to look at, your assertation that the Tree Of Life can be mapped onto the human body.

We look at the picture on your website and where are the points that supposedly map? I'll do the list:

1. The forehead/top of head.
2. The empty space to the left of the left ear.
3. The empty space to the right of the right ear.
4. An inch or so to the right of the left shoulder joint.
5. An inch or so to the left of the right shoulder joint.
6. The solar plexus.
7. The left hip.
8. The right hip.
9. The groin.
10. The space inbetween the feet.

It's hardly compelling evidence. It's hardly the product of a high standard of evidence. And it's hardly free from sloppy thinking.
Re: Cookbook for Creation

As far as I'm concerned, in order to create you need to be selfaware.

Now hold on here, Roel, this is a contradiction to all you have been saying. If you believe this concept, then how can you believe the Universe was created through mulitple accidents?

And to follow up on Rainmans request...at least we have brought in support for our postulates...I have yet to read anything that is even somewhat supportive of your claims that God does not exist.

The accidents reviewed ...

Gravity is roughly 1039 times weaker than electromagnetism. If gravity had been 1033 times weaker than electromagnetism, stars would be a billion times less massive and would burn a million times faster." Leslie, page 5

"The nuclear weak force is 1028 times the strength of gravity. Had the weak force been slightly weaker, all the hydrogen in the universe would have been turned to helium (making water impossible, for example)." Leslie, page 34. Leslie got this information from P. C. W. Davies 1980 (Other Worlds), pp.176-177.

"A stronger nuclear strong force (by as little as 2 percent) would have prevented the formation of protons-- yielding a universe without atoms. Decreasing it by 5 percent would have given us a universe without stars." Leslie, page 4, quoting Hawking, Physics Bulleting: Cambridge, vol. 32, 1980, pp 9-10.

"The charges of the electron and proton have been measured in the laboratory and have been found to be precisely equal and opposite. Were it not for this fact, the resulting charge imbalance would force every object in the universe--our bodies, trees, planets, suns--to explode violently. The cosmos would consist solely of a uniform and tenuous mixture not so very different from air." "Greenstein's The Symbiotic Universe

"If the difference in mass between a proton and a neutron were not exactly as it is--roughly twice the mass of an electron then all neutrons would have become protons are vice versa. Say goodby, to chemistry as we know it, and to life." Leslie, pp 34-40

"The very nature of water--so vital to life--is something of a mystery. Unique among the molecules, water is lighter in its solid form than its liquid form: Ice floats. If it did not, the oceans would freeze from the bottom up and earth would now be covered with solid ice. This property in turn is traceable to unique properties of the hydrogen atom." Leslie ,p 30 quoting Barrow and Tipler, 143- 144, 524-541. Cf. Denys Wilkinson, Our Universes (New York: Columbia University Press, 1991), pp 171-172.

"The synthesis of carbon--the vital core of all organic molecules--on a significant scale involves what scientists view as an astonishing coincidence in the ratio of the strong force to electromagnetism This ratio makes it possible for carbon-12 to reach an excited state of exactly 7.65 MeV at the temperature typical of the center of stars, which creates a resonance involving helium-4,, beryllium-8 and carbon- 12-- allowing the necessary binding to take place during a tiny window of opportunity 10-17 seconds long." Wilkinson, pp. 181-183; see also John Gribbon and Martin Rees, Cosmic Coincidences (New York: Bantam, 1989 pp.243-247.

There is much evidence for this. The heat output of the Sun has changed much down through the ages, and yet the temperature of our planet has maintained the narrow range necessary to maintain Life.
The level of atmospheric gasses has also remained, for the most part, a steady constant despite changing conditions. This is extremely important. If there were not enough oxygen in the atmosphere, fauna would die. If there were too much oxygen and not enough carbon dioxide and methane, plants would die and the atmosphere would be so flammable, fires would overrun the Earth.
Too much of both oxygen and carbon dioxide would also be fatal. But a third gas, methane, is just abundant enough to keep the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in check.

And there are many more such 'accidents" that have occurred. To me, this is an indication that something is behind this drama. Perhaps not an absolute proof because God didnt place his signature and date at the bottom corner of the canvas, but it seems somewhat obtuse to say that it ALL was merely an accident, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another... AND is maintained by continued accidents...

and just out of curiosity..do you believe in demons?
Re: Cookbook for Creation

Whew! Finally glad we got you to admit this point, Roel!

As far as I'm concerned, in order to create you need to be selfaware.

Yes, indeed. So let's review, shall we?

1) The universe came about in some manner. Taking into account natural entropy (tendency towards order rather than chaos), and the tight tolerances for many cosmological phenomenon that would permit life: It is more likely that it was created (designed) than coming together by accident. (Another example since the computer one did not receive a response: How often have you seen a shattered pile of glass magically coalesce from the floor into a perfectly toleranced piece of crystal stemware on top of a table? It is certainly more likely that a craftsman designed and created that glass stemware!)
2) Energy is a requirement for all creation. You cannot create without energy, even if you are self-aware. Without energy, stars do not burn, galaxies and planets do not move.
3) Per science - Energy is eternal. It can never be created nor destroyed, but it can endlessly change its form and appearance. (Many religious traditions say the same thing about God).
4) Since Energy (which is the same as saying Matter in Motion) creates all, per your statement above (which is correct), Energy is self aware.
5) Some call this eternal, self-aware Energy God.

I cannot see how this is "not enough evidence." It all follows from science. Incidentally, I wanted to make some more comments about how I "abuse" science to prove my claims. If you understand the concept of the formal proof, they always begin with a "given". If you read my web page on proof vs. faith, you understand that both the person doing the proving and the person considering the proof must agree upon the "given". And so you cannot deny me all the rights of applying the science I present as long as it is agreed to be correct.... because these facts of science are my "given":

GIVEN: The triad/tetrahedron relationships of Energy, Matter, Motion, Mass, Space, and Time are true and correct.
PROPOSED: The eternal God spoken of by a great many world religions is one and the same with Energy. The science of the "given" explains that Energy is the force of all universal Creation. God, the Creator of all, is Energy.

You do not have to connect the last two dots of this puzzle. But many of us on this forum have done everything we can to complete the rest of the puzzle except for connecting those last two dots. Only you can do that, for yourself. And this is exactly why each of us, as individuals, must reconcile our own science with our own spirituality. Until you connect those two dots, you will not be able to avail yourself of the power of these two "halves" of the biggest battery in the universe.

Re: Cookbook for Creation

1. The forehead/top of head.
2. The empty space to the left of the left ear.
3. The empty space to the right of the right ear.
4. An inch or so to the right of the left shoulder joint.
5. An inch or so to the left of the right shoulder joint.
6. The solar plexus.
7. The left hip.
8. The right hip.
9. The groin.
10. The space inbetween the feet.

It's hardly compelling evidence. It's hardly the product of a high standard of evidence. And it's hardly free from sloppy thinking.

Glad you had a look at this, and that you are willing to talk about it. You wish to brand it as sloppy thinking before you understand all the mappings, do you? The picture on the website is called a schematic representation. We use them all the time in my business, and any engineer knows that you need to see the "details" of a system mapping, and that it is dangerous to make inferences about a system just from a schematic representation.

So would you now like me to give you the detailed mapping, thereby correcting your incorrect assumptions of the mapping above? I think it might provide more compelling evidence, and the higher standard of evidence comes from the human body systems themselves, when you view them as a 3x3 matrix. Here are the appropriate attributions:

1. The integrated sense of self, which comes from the integrated brain - The central feature of COGNITION.
2. The left stereoscopic channels that support integrated sensation (feedback) and cognition.
(Left eye, ear, nostril, teeth, side of tongue, brain hemisphere)
3. The right stereoscopic channels that support integrated sensation (feedback) and cognition. (Right eye, ear, nostril, teeth, side of tongue, brain hemisphere)
4. The left bodily features that support digestion and circulation.
(Left hand/arm/shoulder...to feed yourself... Left lung, left auricle, left ventricle)
5. The right bodily features that support digestion and circulation.
(Right hand/arm/shoulder...to feed yourself... Right lung, right auricle, right ventricle)
6. The integrated heart-lung-stomach/intestines system of digestion & circulation - The central feature of bodily LOCOMOTION.
7. The left bodily features that support reproduction & excretion.
(Left hip, left gonad, left leg, left kidney).
8. The right bodily features that support reproduction & excretion.
(Right hip, right gonad, right leg, right kidney).
9. The sex organs & excretory organs (Vagina ~ 0, the hole. Penis ~ 1, the shaft.) - The central features of bodily REPRODUCTION and waste excretion.
10. The entire physical world external to the body, which we interact with & relate to throughout our lives. (The physical thing we apply control to, and receive feedback from.)

Better? Please note yet another recurring theme here: CONTROL SYSTEM (Input, Process, Output) or (Feedback, Control, Command). The body is a 3x3 matrix control system design that interacts with the rest of our universe (10). Focus on the three triangles of the body, and tell me how they are not evident as such. I am actually describing two different "overlays" of systems on the body above. Let's look at just the "primary system" and then we will look at the "support system".

The body's primary 3x3 system is comprised of three integrated triangles: Triangle of COGNITION (senses, feedback, input). Triangle of LOCOMOTION (cardio-vascular, control, process). Triangle of REPRODUCTION (gentials, command, output).

Each of the above primary system triangles also possesses a "support system" related to how and where we get our energy to "power" the primary body systems. And the entire "support system" ALSO follows the control system paradigm (recurring theme): The mouth is the food input device. The stomach and intestines are the food processing device. The urethra and anus are the waste output devices. And yes, I do realize that these primary features also have their own, associated, subsystems. That is why it is such a well-designed and well-integrated total system for existence.

Would you care to debunk the 3x3 matrix of Cognition-Locomotion-Reproduction? Is it not the overall, structured architecture of the human being?

That is all I wanted to address this evening. I will get back to your other things after work tomorrow. But let's stay on this topic of the body as a Tree Of Life. I'd like to see your evidence for how it is not architected as I have described.

Re: Cookbook for Creation

Hi Roel, you quoted above:

Hmmm... In that case I'll give you something to think about: Did Einstein, in all his brilliance, ever manage to prove gods existence, let alone the mind of god?

Well, he came pretty darn close to exsposing Gd and his etherly mind! In fact his theory of relativity E=MC2 (Energy equals Mass times The Speed of Light (C) squared) which can be broken down to equal 144 which is the gamatrian equivalent for light...

What Einstein hoped to do was to solve this equation for the Speed of Light alone. He believed that the value for mass could eventually be substituted as a measurement of light. If this was done, then all of Creation could be expressed as being made up of pure light - mass and energy entirely a function of Light. This is the true "unified field" that Einstein was searching for...

There were rooted religious aspects about Einstein. One of them was that he was knowledgeable and fully aware of the existence of the Hebrew gamatrian code (given his ethnic religious and influential background) I'd have to make a strong assessment that Einstein got his theory of relativity from the Genesis code (in Hebrew) when Gd said, LET THERE BE LIGHT!

(In Hebrew) Genesis 1:4 Va yar Elokim (et ha or) ki tov... Gd saw the light, that it was good.

Oh my, the gamatrian equivalent for the word (et ha or) = (the light), turns out to be something magnificent!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Cookbook for Creation

Can I just point out, BTW, that I've never been called an "uninformed debunker" on this site, just a "debunker".

Given your understanding of the mapping of the TOL to the body, I think it is now safe to call you an uninformed debunker. The evidence is clear. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Re: Cookbook for Creation

I don't think that the existence of God does have a higher likelyhood. I think it has a lower likelyhood. In fact, one that is so close to zero as to make any other likelyhood seem so large that it's infinite in comparison.

I would now like to see your evidence, your proof, that intelligent design is less likely than "accident". What you think bears a low standard of evidence. You can fill out the following with your reply:

"My evidence that tells me it is more likely for the universe to have come about by accident, rather than by purposeful design is ____________________________________."

You are not being asked to prove a negative. I am asking you to provide positive evidence for your claim about these liklihoods. You know, just like you demand evidence from me? Surely, you are going to play fair, right? If you might not be up to that question, you can probably "practice" describing to me your evidence with a similar analogy:

"My evidence that tells me it is more likely for a leaded crystal glass to 'unbreak' by accident onto a table, rather than by purposeful design of a glassblower is ____________________________________."

Re: Cookbook for Creation

Bet you didnt see this beyond the religious representations. Of course, who would really want to look behind the veils of the emotions to see what truths may pop up?

An even more complete representation of the Tree Of Life.


Sure looks familiar..wonder where this type of structure can be found...oh yeah, now I remember...


Molecular geometry as the positions of the atomic nuclei in a molecule.

There are various instrumental techniques such as X-Ray crystallography and other experimental techniques which can be used to tell us where the atoms are located in a molecule. Using advanced techniques, very complicated structures for proteins, enzymes, DNA, and RNA have been determined.

Hmmm, imagine that....a religious model regarding structure of creation sure resembles something the modern scientists are discovering now..regarding the structure of creation. One done centuries ago, the other done recently. Imagine that!

Once upon a time . . .
a Thought created a Tone.
The tone created Keys of Light
The Keys of Light created Colors in Spectrum.
Sound, light, and color created patterns geometry.
The patterns set up a 'Tree of Life' for a Cycle of Time.

Time? Maybe all this has something to do with time travel after all.
Re: Cookbook for Creation

Again, just quickly:

The picture on the website is called a schematic representation.

So, again, it's just a metaphor, and you're not actually claiming that you can really map the Tree Of Life onto the human body at all? Well, okay then.

Even so, I'll address a few points.

4. The left bodily features that support digestion and circulation.
(Left hand/arm/shoulder...to feed yourself... Left lung, left auricle, left ventricle)

See, now this is exactly the sloppy thinking and weak anaological evidence I'm talking about.

The left arm does not support digestion. Yes, it is usually the done thing to eat with the help of your hands (but by no means the only option, or how some people have to operate in practice). But that's not "aiding digestion". "Creating the need for digestion", maybe.

And the fact that arms are generally used to feed ourselves with is hardly highly significant is it? After all, we use are arms to perform the vast majority of things we do. We use our arms to wipe our bums, to pick our toenails, to hit each other and to give each other pleasure.

If you pick and choose what you want to go where, and then ignore anything else you can make anything seem to fit anything. But it's clear that it's crowbarred in there.

6. The integrated heart-lung-stomach/intestines system of digestion & circulation - The central feature of bodily LOCOMOTION.

I'd say that the most significant feature of locomotion would be the legs. Or maybe the muscles, depending on how you want to look at it.

Focus on the three triangles of the body, and tell me how they are not evident as such.

Well, you can classify them as such, but it's not "evident as such". Pick a number between 1 and 20, and I'll crowbar the same concepts into that number, and then I can claim that it's "evident as such".

ALSO follows the control system paradigm (recurring theme)

Thanks for giving me that definition. But, as I've said at least twice before I'm an amateur semiologist. I know that the word "paradigm" means.

It is interesting that you use the word, though, as all the items in a paradigm are interchangable and the preferred reading remains the same. Sound familiar?

Would you care to debunk the 3x3 matrix of Cognition-Locomotion-Reproduction?

Well, no. A metaphor is a metaphor. If you debunk that Freddy represents homosexuality in the second Nightmare On Elm Street flick, I'll debunk that for you. No? Why not? Well, then, there you go.

Another example since the computer one did not receive a response[...]

I responded. Maybe there was sarcasm in my reply, but you cannot pretend that I didn't reply.

Given your understanding of the mapping of the TOL to the body, I think it is now safe to call you an uninformed debunker.

So before that, what was wrong with just being "a debunker"? You've still not answered the question.

You are not being asked to prove a negative. I am asking you to provide positive evidence for your claim about these liklihoods.

Yes I am. I'm being asked to provide evidence of the non-existence of a God. You can rephrase it as "I'm asking you to provide positive evidence for you believe that there is no God", but it's still asking me to prove a negative. I have already explained my thinking on this matter.

OvrLrd said:
This is a more complete image of the Tree. What do you see?

Not much of any significance. Why, what do you see?

Hmmm, imagine that....a religious model regarding structure of creation sure resembles something the modern scientists are discovering now..regarding the structure of creation.

It very, very vaguely resembles it - in as much as it's a 3-D structure (and the 3-D structured Tree seems to have 16 ponts, not the 10. Where are the others from? What do they represent? Are both the middle ones on the left representing the left arm? Or is one the front of the left arm and the other the back?) consisting of spheres joined together by lines. In the same way, you could say that a cup and the Grand Canyon resemble each other because they are both hollows that can contain water. this is undenyably true, but I don't think it'll tell us much of significance about the structure of hte universe. I also don't think it makes them connected.
Re: Cookbook for Creation


Not much of any significance. Why, what do you see?

This just looks like sqwiggles and dots, connected with lines.

I also don't think it makes them connected.
Re: Cookbook for Creation

You know what I do when my friends and I cannot agree on something? We have a vote.
So, why don't we have a poll on whether you believe in god? Simple, yes or no, you've made your point, and then no more god posts for about six minutes.
Re: Cookbook for Creation

Not much of any significance. Why, what do you see?

I see a peice of music that, while pleasent enough sounding, is nothing at all special.

This just looks like sqwiggles and dots, connected with lines.

That's all it is. It symbollically represents something because that is what has been agreed upon by common consent.

You're right, though, that they don't have significance in and of themselves, and if you were to show that to someone who cannot read music, or, more specifically, who cannot read that particular type of musical notation (for there are many others, and the advent of synthesisers and, more specifically, sequencers has meant that there are many, many ways of representing music) then they would see nothing of any significance whatsoever.

There certainly is no greater significane to them than that you can produce a not unpleasent noise the way that someone else dictantes that you should.

I also don't think it makes them connected.

I bet you do. You can see that they're connected because you can see them next to each other. you cannot see that, say, the Tree Of Life and the intestines are connected because one is a physical thing and one is a purely human construct.
Re: Cookbook for Creation

Now hold on here, Roel, this is a contradiction to all you have been saying. If you believe this concept, then how can you believe the Universe was created through mulitple accidents?

I did not contradict myself. I believe in the concept of creation; we are selfaware and we can create the most wonderful things. That does not in any way imply that the universe was created. In fact, there's no reason whatsoever to think so.

If you still think I have contradicted myself, please tell me when, where and how!?

And to follow up on Rainmans request...at least we have brought in support for our postulates...I have yet to read anything that is even somewhat supportive of your claims that God does not exist.

Again, providing evidence for something that logically doesn't exist is hard to almost impossible. And I have admitted that, at the moment, I am unable to proof that god doesn't exist. However, I'd like to stress that the "support" you and Ray have brought is doubtful to say the least!

There is much evidence for this.

Oh, undoubtedly, but how is this even remotely evidence for the existence of god? These are just random facts that have no relation whatsoever to with god, unless you already believe that he has created these things.
