Quantum Scribe
Re: Cookbook for Creation
Okay, I thought I was going to have a bit of time to do this, but life has been happening in the mean time, so I still don't have much time to spend here. I will come back to this, but it'll be Wednesday at least before I can really spend any time here and give this my full attention. If not Wednesday, then Sunday at the earliest. I apologise, but I'm just really busy.
Anyway, I just wanted to pop back to say one or two more things about significance being attached to things. The first is bouncing off of OvrLrd's musical example.
Okay, back in the day Bach wrote chorales. As you may know, there are some rules to how to compose this kind of music - you do not use parallell 5th, you do not use parallell 8ths and you do not, not use a flattened 5th. In fact, in European music of this time, this was a cardinal sin - almost literally. To the ear of people of that time this made a horrible sound, and they called the interval between the root and a flattened 5th the Devil's Interval. And they really meant it. They were afraid of such a sound in the same way, maybe, as people today are afraid of ouija boards.
Now, that's attatching a great deal of significance to something arbitrary. I think you'd find few today who would give this claim any creedence. And I defy anyone at all to give me an example of a blues song that doesn't use it. It's called the "blues note" for a reason. Rock and roll & heavy metal would have a very hard time without that particular sound, too.
Okaym, the second example I wanted to give was touching on semiology again. I want you all to just consider the word "pain" for a minute. What does it mean to you? What connotations do you give it? How does it make you feel if you ponder it? Does it bring back any memories for you? What, basically, do you think the word "pain" means?
Really do just think about it for a minute or so. Why does it mean what it means? After all, it's just four arbitrary shapes. You can even use different shapes for some of the letters. If the "a" was not how it appears here, then it wouldn't necessarily be wrong. You could get rid of the bit above the loop and it'd still be correct and recognisably an "a", although you might want to stretch it vertically a bit. The letters themselves have no real significance. And the word itself has only the significance that you give it. I can probably guess the kinds of things you've been thinking about in relation to the significance of the word. Personally, I was using the French word for "bread".
This is how I see the Tree Of Life. You can give meaning to it if you wish. But it's the significance that you give it. Some find meaning in all sorts of things. Some people might give a certain song significance because it was on when they met their husbands or wives. It's "their song". It's profound to them. Does that make "Especially For You" a deep and meaningful song? In my estimation, no it doesn't.
Okay, I thought I was going to have a bit of time to do this, but life has been happening in the mean time, so I still don't have much time to spend here. I will come back to this, but it'll be Wednesday at least before I can really spend any time here and give this my full attention. If not Wednesday, then Sunday at the earliest. I apologise, but I'm just really busy.
Anyway, I just wanted to pop back to say one or two more things about significance being attached to things. The first is bouncing off of OvrLrd's musical example.
Okay, back in the day Bach wrote chorales. As you may know, there are some rules to how to compose this kind of music - you do not use parallell 5th, you do not use parallell 8ths and you do not, not use a flattened 5th. In fact, in European music of this time, this was a cardinal sin - almost literally. To the ear of people of that time this made a horrible sound, and they called the interval between the root and a flattened 5th the Devil's Interval. And they really meant it. They were afraid of such a sound in the same way, maybe, as people today are afraid of ouija boards.
Now, that's attatching a great deal of significance to something arbitrary. I think you'd find few today who would give this claim any creedence. And I defy anyone at all to give me an example of a blues song that doesn't use it. It's called the "blues note" for a reason. Rock and roll & heavy metal would have a very hard time without that particular sound, too.
Okaym, the second example I wanted to give was touching on semiology again. I want you all to just consider the word "pain" for a minute. What does it mean to you? What connotations do you give it? How does it make you feel if you ponder it? Does it bring back any memories for you? What, basically, do you think the word "pain" means?
Really do just think about it for a minute or so. Why does it mean what it means? After all, it's just four arbitrary shapes. You can even use different shapes for some of the letters. If the "a" was not how it appears here, then it wouldn't necessarily be wrong. You could get rid of the bit above the loop and it'd still be correct and recognisably an "a", although you might want to stretch it vertically a bit. The letters themselves have no real significance. And the word itself has only the significance that you give it. I can probably guess the kinds of things you've been thinking about in relation to the significance of the word. Personally, I was using the French word for "bread".
This is how I see the Tree Of Life. You can give meaning to it if you wish. But it's the significance that you give it. Some find meaning in all sorts of things. Some people might give a certain song significance because it was on when they met their husbands or wives. It's "their song". It's profound to them. Does that make "Especially For You" a deep and meaningful song? In my estimation, no it doesn't.