Here is what I intend to be my last set of questions for the time. May post more if I think of some good ones by Monday. Sorry if any of these are repeats of others, please dont skip any.
Who is "famous" in your time? Who are the Celebrities, Great Minds, Great Artists
A main hole in your story is that everything is based on "sound" which as far as I know is just vibrating particles. So what is the definition of sound in your time?Â
What happens to the United States of America as a country? Is it disbanded, do the states Seceede, Is it taken over, Does it reform?
Are there uninhabitable nuclear fallout zones still present from WW3?
What event/project kicked off or started the Cymatic technological revolution.
Who are considered the founders of the Cymatics movement
Could you please take Twilights test for time travelers located here.
Are there other time travelers in your expirement and why were you chosen to be one?
How old are you?
What are some future slang terms that you can think of and what do they mean?
What exactly is "the fourth destiny"?
Will you please post pictures of your computer, office, map, logos, newspaper and possibly yourself?
Do you know who your realatives are in this time? Have you contacted them? Will you and what do you think will happen if you did?
What is the future of the Time Travel Institue and some the frequent posters, namely the ones on this thread?
Could you read up on some of the other Time Travel Claiments and give your opionions on there validity (timeline_39, John Titor, Zeshua)
How is the Red Head population fairing, have our numbers increased or decreased?
Do you still have a national census in you time and is the 2010 census distributed and recorded?
What is the state of cancer and aids research?