Frequency Experiment 2009.

Ok I have some questions, I believe in you op...
1. What is going to happen to North Carolina, is it safe?
2. Is anything specific going to happen to me that I should know about?
Here is what I intend to be my last set of questions for the time. May post more if I think of some good ones by Monday. Sorry if any of these are repeats of others, please dont skip any.

Who is "famous" in your time? Who are the Celebrities, Great Minds, Great Artists

A main hole in your story is that everything is based on "sound" which as far as I know is just vibrating particles. So what is the definition of sound in your time? 

What happens to the United States of America as a country? Is it disbanded, do the states Seceede, Is it taken over, Does it reform?

Are there uninhabitable nuclear fallout zones still present from WW3?

What event/project kicked off or started the Cymatic technological revolution.

Who are considered the founders of the Cymatics movement

Could you please take Twilights test for time travelers located here.

Are there other time travelers in your expirement and why were you chosen to be one?

How old are you?

What are some future slang terms that you can think of and what do they mean?

What exactly is "the fourth destiny"?

Will you please post pictures of your computer, office, map, logos, newspaper and possibly yourself?

Do you know who your realatives are in this time? Have you contacted them? Will you and what do you think will happen if you did?

What is the future of the Time Travel Institue and some the frequent posters, namely the ones on this thread?

Could you read up on some of the other Time Travel Claiments and give your opionions on there validity (timeline_39, John Titor, Zeshua)

How is the Red Head population fairing, have our numbers increased or decreased?

Do you still have a national census in you time and is the 2010 census distributed and recorded?

What is the state of cancer and aids research?
I don't know if anyone else noticed but Damian's (369.994) last post was from Canada...

And I found this trend in the dates in his last post

August 31st = Day many schools are starting the school year

March 12 2010 = Last Day of school before Springbreak

2013 = End of a four year education you think we are someone's thesis?

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
In reply to:

I don't know if anyone else noticed but Damian's (369.994) last post was from Canada...

And I found this trend in the dates in his last post

August 31st = Day many schools are starting the school year

March 12 2010 = Last Day of school before Springbreak

2013 = End of a four year education you think we are someone's thesis?

Possibly, and if it is, its is a heck of a good one
I guess what I want to know is how is the connection made?

I mean when you view our forum is it on another computer where you are?
Do you see the same screens we see?
Where is the connection made?
How is it you can type out answers in your time and they appear over here?
Do you feed the answers into a machine from a computer or is the connection made
actually inside the computer. I would like to know how a bit of information ends
up over here where I can see it.

Also, I would like to know why sound bits like what you played in Chat comes in all
fuzzy and statically and yet you can type and words appear here as if you are here?

How does these words I write come to you as information? Do you see it on a computer
screen as I do?

Also when we were in CHAT and there were people talking on mic you seemed to have no trouble
understanding what they were saying infact it must have come in clear to you because you typed
out responses back to them. If you can hear clearly our way then why can we not hear your transmissions clearly from your time?

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Wasn't his thread supposed to be deleted half an hour ago on the GLP... Strike one I guess. Someone should ask him about it tommorow on the voice chat... wish i could, but im confined to my iphone till my laptop is fixed or get a new one.
****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL
Subtle. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I don't understand what you mean

I guess what I mean is that I'm frankly tired of seeing the same tired TT claims. Once in a GREAT while a computer savvy hoaxer will come up with a novelty to attempt to prove his story. But other than that, it's the same old crap. Same excuses OVER and OVER why they can't post schematics/vids/anything resembling accurate science (fill in the rest here). Sorry, I love this site. I'm cranky tonight. Don't mind me.
I guess what I mean is that I'm frankly tired of seeing the same tired TT claims. Once in a GREAT while a computer savvy hoaxer will come up with a novelty to attempt to prove his story. But other than that, it's the same old crap. Same excuses OVER and OVER why they can't post schematics/vids/anything resembling accurate science (fill in the rest here). Sorry, I love this site. I'm cranky tonight. Don't mind me.

I understand what you mean now, I guess we'll see on Monday.
Re: Questions answered by 369.944 on 8-31-09

This will be a true test and require you to look up the answer.

What are the lottery numbers for the Oregon Megabucks Jackpot for 9-21-09 ?? has the results.

This will not be a huge significant winning, but would allow me to provide a safe home for my family during the coming troubled times. We could stock up and disconnect from the grid and be self sufficient. We are not into having a lot of material things for we know true wealth has nothing to do with money and look forward to the time when there is no need for money.

It's probably a good idea to private message the numbers to me rather than publicly post them, It would cause quite a problem with the lottery commision if dozens of people had the winning numbers for that date. I promise I will come back onto the forum and post the results after that date.
Um, I don't know if you meant my Ventrilo server, but you could easily get banned on GLPs vent server, where as mine you can speak freely. Also, if you are a time traveler why didn't you know I couldn't get till after 00:00 CST

Port: 20490
Looks like a great web site. How do you get on voice chat though? I don't see a link or a button.
I want to be there incase he picks your chat device to speak on.

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
How is the Red Head population fairing, have our numbers increased or decreased?

LOLOLOL! I like this question. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I just wonder what web site is it?? and by the way when is he be online?? i live in toledo,OH i want to know that is this chat will be in Eastern times? also if i can't make it there can you post it on the Time Travel instutie..write back thank you.
Well, the guy posted on Alien-Earth and GLP. If you guys didn't know GLP went through a huge number of bannings after Mr. Trinity started his "Political Action Committee", er I mean experiment. Anyways a large number of us were banned for nothing from the GLP voice chat then from the website and we got another server where you won't be trolled by Trinity.

If this guy was from the future he would have already gathered he would be shut down on GLP voice chat (the new voice chat they can monitor your private chats) or not many people could get on.

So, to be honest, don't know if any of you know much about Trinity/Phoenix2012 from GLP, but I'm about 75% sure I know who Mr.Frequency is.

I signed up to your web site but it is rather confusing like GLP. I can't find where he posted.
Can you provide the link to where he is posting. Also, Can you tell us how to get on chat on your web site?

He just answered a private message here for me so he was here I do not know why he didn't post here as well.

Atleast when he is here we can tell it was him because he has to log in but when he posts over there on GLP how can you tell it is him? Anyone can post with that number.

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif