I compiled all my questions into one post that I'll edit if I think if any other ones.
Message to Damian, If You have already answered our questions and are just waiting to post them, You may want to read through these anyways, because I changed some too be more specific, and threw a couple more in that weren't in other posts.
1) Why is the "Invocation of Thoth's Chamber" signifigant, What is it supposed to represent. Is Thoth someone else other than an Egyptian God?
2) Do you have acess to the entire conversation that unfolds over the next few months? Or are you only supposed acess at a date realative to the last time you logged on (ex. November 12 2079 = August 24th 2009 and November 13th 2079 = August 25th 2009). How much of the internet do you have acess to? Could and would you post something like the frontpage current events on wikipedia for next monday.
3) How much of "our" internet remains in your time? Do you still have the internet or something similar?Â
4) How is the early 21st century presented in your history books? How is Barack Obama rembered by your time.Â
5) Would you prepare a political world map of your time?
6) Were there any entire species that went extinct between now and 2079?Was it becuase of the war, or something else like Global Warming
7) How safe is Arizona during WW3 and what is that area like during you're time? Is it still called Arizona.
8) What is the state of the educational system? Is it required for a elementary/high school/college education? What is the average age that one starts and ends schooling?
9) What is the Estimated world human population in 2079. What is the most inhabited country?
10) When/Why does Washington University change its name to the Cyma Institue?
11) I rember you saying South Dakota is the safest place during WW3. Why is South Dakota so safe?
12) Do we ever get to or settle on Mars? Do you ever find complex life there?
13) Is television still around? What kinda shows are on? What is your favorite show? What is it about? If there isn't TV anymore, why not? Was it because noone wanted it anymore or was it a nescisity to do away with it?
14) Are you enjoying your expirement and how did you get into "time travel"?
15) Do you know of anyone named Eli Mautner? He was the guy who supposedly sent a letter to GLP telling them to ban you? Â
16) Why will you be returning on March 12 specifically. Is that day important? Or is that just the day you decided on?
17) Why were you're first 5 posts from Johannesburg and then the next from Canada?Â
18) Are cell phones still in use?
19) Who are famous in your time? Who are the celebrities? Who are the great minds and thinkers? Who are the great artists?
20) What did you do before working in Cymatics?
21) Here is a simple one, Would you please look up in a dictionary from your time the definition of sound and just copy it in exactly?
22) What happens to the United States of America just as a country. Do the states disband, Do some states Seceede, Â Is the United States get overthrown by something else?
23) Are there still unihabtiable nuclear fallout zones still present from WW3?What is located at the sites where the bombs went off?
24) What event/project kicked off or started the Cymatic technological revolution?
25) Who are considered the founders of the Cymatics movement?
26) Would you please take Twilights test for time travelers located here.?Â
27) Are there other time travelers in Your expirement? Why were you chosen to be one?
28) How old are you?
29) What are some future slang terms that you can think of and what do they mean? I noticed you say "sir" alot, Is just that something you do, or is that common practice in your time?
30) What exactly is "the fourth destiny"?
31) Would you please post pictures of your computer, office, map, logos, newspaper and possibly yourself?
32) Do you know who your realatives are in this time? Have you contacted them? Will you and what do you think will happen if you did?
33) What is the future of the Time Travel Institue and some the frequent posters, namely the ones on this thread?
34) Could you read up on some of the other Time Travel Claiments and give your opionions on there validity (timeline_39, John Titor, Zeshua)
35) How is the Red Head population fairing, have our numbers increased or decreased?
36) Do you still have a national census in you time and is the 2010 census distributed and recorded?
37) What is the state of Cancer and AIDS research? Have there been cures?
38) Why do you think your thread wasn't deleted on GLP like you said it would be?
39) Were you not going on this thread and only answering PM for a reason? Â
40) What holidays do you celebrate? Why are those days holidays? What customs are associated with them?