Frequency Experiment 2009.

No..nothing personal about me just answered some questions I gave him.
Did he answer your questions today? He could not get into chat so I think he came over here.

Nope, but I didn't send it till like eight my time, and it only had a few stragler questions that weren't in my other questions post.

What I find interesting is that how the people on the GLP are going on about how his thread wasnt deleted and how he wasn't on the chat. Both of which are understandable becuase the people in charge of deleting threads, saw the post, and intentionally didnt delete it specifically because he said that they would. The same rule applies for the chat I think.

However big claims like how president obama will be assinated in Septmber, placing the us and uk and martial law, arent really determined by GLP moderators, so thats where I will start to make my judgement on his validity
I seen that type of print before. Usually it means that person have virus on his or her computer. But not always. Anyway, he/she need the check their computer for virus, worms, bugs and Trojans. Am I missing any others?
This is the day he was going to answer all the questions so people better put some out there if they are wanting him to answer.

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Damien, I put my questions together:

"I will however return and try to bring photography evidence of my travel."

You mentioned this. Did you bring the photographic evidence?

"instead we can re-direct it through several different dimensions making the individual almost unseen to the human eye."

Is this used in the future to spy on people?

Your physical body is just another frequency. The technology does not yet exist transport this - instead "we can re-direct it through several different dimensions making the individual almost unseen to the human eye. There are other beings that have fully mastered this technology and use special designed body suits and vehicles to travel through time and maintain there physical form. Ever notice how space crafts disappear into thin air. They simple move in a direction most minds cannot perceive."

Is your technology alien based then? Do aliens use this system? Are they aware of what you are doing here?

How do you communicate with an alien? Have you personally communicated with one. If so describe what it is like.

"There is techonology that exists in the year 2009 that these men use. They can attempt to manipulate your natural frequency, what the Old Ones called The Soul. This techonology
is not hidden from mankind, yet it´s agenda is."

Please expand on this further.

<font color="purple"> Important question:[/COLOR]
I mean when you view our forum is it on another computer where you are?
Do you see the same screens we see?
Where is the connection made?
How is it you can type out answers in your time and they appear over here?
Do you feed the answers into a machine from a computer or is the connection made
actually inside the computer. I would like to know how a bit of information ends
up over here where I can see it.

Also, I would like to know why sound bits like what you played in Chat comes in all
fuzzy and statically and yet you can type and words appear here as if you are here?

How do these words I write come to you as information? Do you see it on a computer
screen as I do?

Also when we were in CHAT and there were people talking on mic you seemed to have no trouble
understanding what they were saying infact it must have come in clear to you because you typed
out responses back to them. If you can hear clearly our way then why can we not hear your transmissions clearly from your time?

"The most common method is similar to telepathy, one cannot manifest in physical forms but rather influence the mind of anoother who is at different location in time."

You said this on GLP but when I asked you to do a telepathy experiment with me you said you could not do it through time. Please explain?

"Last but not least is the method of sending an individual back in time, unforunately the being will not take physical form. He, or she, will be traveling through channeled dimensions - a dimension that cuts directly through all dimensions perceived by man."

So how many times have you done this physical sending someone through time? If they are in the dimension next door why is it they can not "come through" all the way to this dimension?
What is it they can see and hear there and its it clear? Can they take equipment with them also?
Has the target ever heard them or noticed them there? If so what happened.

"Another method is via bit frequency." I am assuming this is the method you are using with us?

"It is possible to travel to any location in time, although it is a little easier traveling within the digital age (stronger frequencies)."

Why are the frequencies stronger here? Does this mean you have limits to how far you can travel back? Can you go back to dinosaur age?

In 2012 a giant solar flare renders most satelites useless. Mankind starts communicating directly with other-wordly beings (we don´t use the term Alien anymore, it is considered to be rude)."

How does this happen do they land somewhere? is it on tv? How do they make themselves known to everyone?
How do people react to this news?

"Other-wordly beings present themselves closer to the time of the"Harvest" to those who are ready. There are also manipulative beings who try to distract you from the truth."

What is this Harvest you speak of and what does it mean?

What specifically are you trying to change in this timeline? Who will be effected by it? Will it create dejavues or ripples?

What are some new things developed in science that we do not know of today?

"I ask you all to do yourselves a big favor. Search for "Invocation from Thoth's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza", listen to it. Meditate to it. It will tune into the Earth. It may even open your mind to things you´ve never seen before"

Do you have anymore to say about this? explain to us what YOU know about this pyramid.
Have you visited this pyramid in any of the three ways you mentioned? If so what did
you find?

Thank you for your time.

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Oh maybe I got the date wrong. Give me more time to ask questions. I wish he would answer them in more detail though when he does answer. I could easily ask thousands of questions but I want others to have their questions answered as well. I don't want to hog him all to myself. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Did anyone post that sound clip of the assasination attempt he played? I never got to hear it I was wondering what it sounded like.

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I compiled all my questions into one post that I'll edit if I think if any other ones.

Message to Damian, If You have already answered our questions and are just waiting to post them, You may want to read through these anyways, because I changed some too be more specific, and threw a couple more in that weren't in other posts.

1) Why is the "Invocation of Thoth's Chamber" signifigant, What is it supposed to represent. Is Thoth someone else other than an Egyptian God?

2) Do you have acess to the entire conversation that unfolds over the next few months? Or are you only supposed acess at a date realative to the last time you logged on (ex. November 12 2079 = August 24th 2009 and November 13th 2079 = August 25th 2009). How much of the internet do you have acess to? Could and would you post something like the frontpage current events on wikipedia for next monday.

3) How much of "our" internet remains in your time? Do you still have the internet or something similar? 

4) How is the early 21st century presented in your history books? How is Barack Obama rembered by your time. 

5) Would you prepare a political world map of your time?

6) Were there any entire species that went extinct between now and 2079?Was it becuase of the war, or something else like Global Warming

7) How safe is Arizona during WW3 and what is that area like during you're time? Is it still called Arizona.

8) What is the state of the educational system? Is it required for a elementary/high school/college education? What is the average age that one starts and ends schooling?

9) What is the Estimated world human population in 2079. What is the most inhabited country?

10) When/Why does Washington University change its name to the Cyma Institue?

11) I rember you saying South Dakota is the safest place during WW3. Why is South Dakota so safe?

12) Do we ever get to or settle on Mars? Do you ever find complex life there?

13) Is television still around? What kinda shows are on? What is your favorite show? What is it about? If there isn't TV anymore, why not? Was it because noone wanted it anymore or was it a nescisity to do away with it?

14) Are you enjoying your expirement and how did you get into "time travel"?

15) Do you know of anyone named Eli Mautner? He was the guy who supposedly sent a letter to GLP telling them to ban you?  

16) Why will you be returning on March 12 specifically. Is that day important? Or is that just the day you decided on?

17) Why were you're first 5 posts from Johannesburg and then the next from Canada? 

18) Are cell phones still in use?

19) Who are famous in your time? Who are the celebrities? Who are the great minds and thinkers? Who are the great artists?

20) What did you do before working in Cymatics?

21) Here is a simple one, Would you please look up in a dictionary from your time the definition of sound and just copy it in exactly?

22) What happens to the United States of America just as a country. Do the states disband, Do some states Seceede,  Is the United States get overthrown by something else?

23) Are there still unihabtiable nuclear fallout zones still present from WW3?What is located at the sites where the bombs went off?

24) What event/project kicked off or started the Cymatic technological revolution?

25) Who are considered the founders of the Cymatics movement?

26) Would you please take Twilights test for time travelers located here.?;view=collapsed&amp;sb=5&amp;o=2&amp;fpart=1

27) Are there other time travelers in Your expirement? Why were you chosen to be one?

28) How old are you?

29) What are some future slang terms that you can think of and what do they mean? I noticed you say "sir" alot, Is just that something you do, or is that common practice in your time?

30) What exactly is "the fourth destiny"?

31) Would you please post pictures of your computer, office, map, logos, newspaper and possibly yourself?

32) Do you know who your realatives are in this time? Have you contacted them? Will you and what do you think will happen if you did?

33) What is the future of the Time Travel Institue and some the frequent posters, namely the ones on this thread?

34) Could you read up on some of the other Time Travel Claiments and give your opionions on there validity (timeline_39, John Titor, Zeshua)

35) How is the Red Head population fairing, have our numbers increased or decreased?

36) Do you still have a national census in you time and is the 2010 census distributed and recorded?

37) What is the state of Cancer and AIDS research? Have there been cures?

38) Why do you think your thread wasn't deleted on GLP like you said it would be?

39) Were you not going on this thread and only answering PM for a reason?  

40) What holidays do you celebrate? Why are those days holidays? What customs are associated with them?
Someone on GLP said that his post on proxywhore is a ".wav" file in ".txt" format and you have to copy it into a word processor and save it as ".wav" I tried it but I keep getting error messages.
Why ask someone a question when they don't have any truth in them in the first place? Why does he or she hide? Who is he or she hiding from? Who is he or she afraid of?

Does he or she knows that everything has a frequency? Does he or she knows that using dimension to travel through time is impossible? A dimension is how you perceive it and what you see. If a person see in all levels of dimension, they can see, hear and feel stuff that others can't see, hear and feel. Of course those who can't see in all 12 dimension. Will think those who can are nut and crazy and lock them up because they think something mental wrong with them.

My name is Lisa. I assume that some of you are aware of Damien (369.994). If you are not familiar with him or his claims you are more than welcome to do a simple search on 369.994. I am here to give our little experiment a nudge in the righteous direction. Damien has selected several ICM in which this experiment is to take place.

If you have been following this experiment you would have noted that at 0647EDT on the 20th of August, 2009, Damien officially took this experiment to the next step.

All of you are invited to participate in this process - it is most certainly as fun as it is enlightening.

For those of you who are interested in participating all you must do is this.

1. Visit a site called GodLikeProductions.
2. Start a, or post in an already existing, thread called 369.994 Truth.
3. Direct two very simple questions to the administration of the forum.

a) Do you support free speech?
b) Why was 369.994 banned?

Those of of who have shown serious interest in this experiment already know the answers to these questions and therefor can spot hypocrisy within their answers -- if answers are given.

Damien will return to answer all questions on the 31st of August. So, do not hesitate to ask your questions in any thread that is connected to him. I would like to remind all of you that all answers will be revealed in the Time Traveler´s forum.

Kindest regards,
Department of Sound Frequency
The Cyma Institute;message=48129

Think she is connected to this?
My questions for the time traveler.
The guitar playing technique that I've invented,
Is it used in the future?
When I had that medical procedure done at the "Udub", awhile back,
could you have the techs fine tune the implant for more clarity?
Do you all sit around all day thinking of questions to ask time travelers? What's the point? A real TTer won't tell you what you wanna know, and the rest will just bs you. I understand you're bored, why else be in the internet? But this is beyond absurd.
Do you all sit around all day thinking of questions to ask time travelers? What's the point? A real TTer won't tell you what you wanna know, and the rest will just bs you. I understand you're bored, why else be in the internet? But this is beyond absurd.

LOL Actually no. Questions just come naturally pouring out of me. I limited mine ALOT! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
However....I have ALOT more now that there is another one posting.(Lisa). LOL

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

This is one of the questions I asked you in PM and this was your answer to it:

<font color="purple"> How many people answer these questions we ask? You said "we". [/COLOR]

I, Damien, am the only one who answers these question. I am only speaking on behalf of my department.

Now my question is How many people are in your team and will there be many more posting?
Please list all the names ahead of time.

Plus by reading that message from Lisa. It sounds like they couldn't find another chat room and perhaps needs him to be reinstated there or unbanned.
We already KNOW why he was banned. He played a suppose news clip of president Obama even after he was told to stop several times and the webmaster doesn't want to get into trouble for such things.
They say it is "fun and enlightening" But it is no fun for people to get in trouble for someone doing such things. Why is it so important for that clip to be played? Are you trying to stop that from happening? If that was the case how could it be labeled as "fun"?
There are consequences for predicting things in advance since people do not believe in Timetravel and you guys claim you are not physically here....guess who they will come after and question?

<font color="blue"> Greetings,

My name is Lisa. I assume that some of you are aware of Damien (369.994). If you are not familiar with him or his claims you are more than welcome to do a simple search on 369.994. I am here to give our little experiment a nudge in the righteous direction. Damien has selected several ICM in which this experiment is to take place.

If you have been following this experiment you would have noted that at 0647EDT on the 20th of August, 2009, Damien officially took this experiment to the next step.

All of you are invited to participate in this process - it is most certainly as fun as it is enlightening.

For those of you who are interested in participating all you must do is this.

1. Visit a site called GodLikeProductions.
2. Start a, or post in an already existing, thread called 369.994 Truth.
3. Direct two very simple questions to the administration of the forum.

a) Do you support free speech?
b) Why was 369.994 banned?

Those of of who have shown serious interest in this experiment already know the answers to these questions and therefor can spot hypocrisy within their answers -- if answers are given.

Damien will return to answer all questions on the 31st of August. So, do not hesitate to ask your questions in any thread that is connected to him. I would like to remind all of you that all answers will be revealed in the Time Traveler´s forum.

Kindest regards,
Department of Sound Frequency
The Cyma Institute [/COLOR]

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif