Frequency Experiment 2009.

I'm wonder why he only doing a few post? If he was from the future? He could easily quote us before we even ask the question. But of course the dates on the quotes have to be dated after his answers. For example: We ask a question on Sept. 11 2009. He quote it and answer it on Aug. 31 2009.
I and many like me got banned from GLP because we were on voice chat. We didn't do anything wrong, but Trinity was interested in doing what he said "I want to Psy Op the Psy Opers". Basically he has created his own psychological guerrilla warfighters, in what he calls the "Political Action Committee".

Whether he is doing this on his own accord or doing it as part of his job (he works for the Air Force or is contracted by the Air Force), none of us are sure. But what he did was get rid of the strongest people first, and kept people who are easily influenced.

He booted out anyone who could have a voice of dissent for what he is doing (part of the Preparation, Planning, and Organization Phase in guerrilla warfare), this included many of us who was banned the night he started it. I was probably the first to go. After that they started the Initial Operations Phase which included small tasks for members of PAC by routing out potential "spies, shills, or detractors" and running off the GLP board (to enforce total control over what was being said on the board, which at that time was Obama is a Socialist/Communist thing they pushed).

They then began attacking ex-GLPers on other boards and flamed anyone who disagreed with them. After this Trinity began giving additional rules/orders that members couldn't talk to others, including private chat (of which he can see). Finally, after getting everything whipped into shape, he ordered his PAC members to go to town hall meetings. What exactly these "orders" entailed not many know, at this point most people were locked out.

As a disclaimer, as Trinity is quite quick on the legal threats. I do not establish any of such as fact, only speculation and opinion.
Finally, after getting everything whipped into shape, he ordered his PAC members to go to town hall meetings. What exactly these "orders" entailed not many know, at this point most people were locked out.

Wait, so have they gone to one yet? Or are they planning to. They are those people that go to town halls with Obama Hitler signs and assult rifles screaming that give people health care is unconstitutional.
but I don't know if we should derail this "time travelers" thread.

Thanks for the concern, Stukov, but this thread has already been "all over the place". In fact, I wonder if this thread ever had a "rail" to begin with! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Wait, so have they gone to one yet? Or are they planning to. They are those people that go to town halls with Obama Hitler signs and assult rifles screaming that give people health care is unconstitutional.
There were gonna people people there waving Hitler signs regardless, I can't say that the didn't send them there to do that, but I can't say that he did, I'm pretty sure sending them there was part of the plan, but I don't know the specifics.

He said "Psy Op the Psy Opers" and has signs of Obama on his website with Obama the joker. I personally find nothing wrong taking a rifle to a rally as it is legal to do in Open Carry states (something I personally support). Hitler signs may be a bit over the top, but there are a certain percentage of the population that will do that anyways.

He may have just send them there to ask questions, like I said, I don't know the details. I only know what many of us has found in the public domain. Far more than Tavistock or, but you get into TENA, FI210, IKE2 and more. As a private it citizen he can do what he wishes, but many of our concern is that with his connection to the Air Force and some of these above organizations (like some where he and the VP of AT&T are on the board together) bring great concern.

He will just tell his people that people are "stalking" him, that crazy people come to his home and what not. While I'm sure some have (Stevie) since he owns GLP, but he uses it as a crutch most of the time to say why he bans people who look into what he does.

Again, he is sue happy so none of this is fact, only speculation and opinion.
There were gonna people people there waving Hitler signs regardless, I can't say that the didn't send them there to do that, but I can't say that he did, I'm pretty sure sending them there was part of the plan, but I don't know the specifics.

Yet another reason to believe this is a GLP stunt.

The most recent post on the blog where the supposed August 19, 2006 email from 369.994 appears is this:

What the hell is with this so called “Health Care Reform.” Yes, I voted for change but not such radical changes that we end up looking like Nazzi Germany. Obama, do something about this or you will see more and more posters of you depicting Hitler. I had faith in you, Obama. Wow!

In fact, read the whole blog history - it should only take you about 15 minutes - it exists solely to place that "email" in 2006 and to set up a backstory of this guy voting for Obama, then becoming disillusioned and finally outraged.
this thread has already been "all over the place". In fact, I wonder if this thread ever had a "rail" to begin with!

Good point, Rainman.

It seems that we've both been more than fair regarding the contents of this thread, in the hopes of encouraging " the claimant " to interact with the members of TTI.

If the time travel claimant doesn't begin interacting within the thread he or she started "here" in TTI, and address the questions and comments written by the members of TTI, then I don't see any reason as to why this thread shouldn't be moved to the Off-Topic Section, or simply locked.

To those making complaints about others who have nothing to do with "here", complain somewhere else.

The point about GLP has been made, we get it.

To put it in simple terms, if the complaining about the GLP Administration continues to infest "this" thread any further, this thread will be locked.
Because the prospect of feeling power by having people believe you seems nice at first but since you haven't thought it really through and there are people smarter than you who're already tearing on your fake story the initial feeling quickly fades away and it might be best to stop answering.
This way at least it has a chance of still convincing naive people because they can rationalize your radio silence away.

P.S.: Just to prevent any misunderstanding. With "you" I mean such persons you've posted about. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
What always gets me is just how obvious these fakes are...right from the first words....

I am an amateur "psyentist" for The Cyma Institute (previously known as University of Washington).

Who, working for any sort of 'Institute', would describe themselves as an 'amateur' ? By definition, if your profession is as a scientist, then you are a professional ( i.e it is your job ) scientist.

A lawyer would never call himself an 'amateur lawyer'. A weather man would never call himself an 'amateur weather man'. And NO good scientist, 'psyentisy', or whatever would ever call themselves an amateur.

Case dismissed. Next.

Oh, the thread had a rail. It's the "social experiment" that our would-be TT claimed to be in play.

I'm pretty sure, based on several past TT "social experiments" where the TT's ultimately fessed up to the hoax, what the social experiment is this time. It's being played out here and on GLP. The experiment our TT is playing is "How many people will doubt their own common sense and argue the TT's claim is possibly real by assuming evidence which is not present in the TT's statements?"
Uh...He did say he was going to answer the questions tonight at 10:00.EDT remember??

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
To those making complaints about others who have nothing to do with "here", complain somewhere else.

The point about GLP has been made, we get it.

To put it in simple terms, if the complaining about the GLP Administration continues to infest "this" thread any further, this thread will be locked.

I was not complaining about GLP, some asked what was going on and in a few paragraphs I tried to explain. The reason it was relevant is because it most certainly involves GLP, if at the minimum there was a lot of questions and answers there.

I have no interested discussing GLP and I won't say anything else if no one else will either. Just please don't accuse me of "infesting" this thread, I even said I wasn't originally gonna say anything about it until someone pointed out the thread has pretty much died. And it does have to do with "here" as the same person advertised on "here", "GLP", and "Alien-Earth" (if not elsewhere), and invited people to GLP voice chat.

But, back on topic, the thread is pretty much dead anyways because unless the Obama happens to be assassinated in September (which I am highly doubt it would occur) this person is full of it like most of us already suspected.
Are you TRYING to get the thread locked? Please have some consideration for others. I would like to have my questions answered. I took alot of time writing them up. The least you could do is wait to continue the conversation of that after he has answered the questions. thanks. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Yeah, I mean, shouldn't the whole community have learned to immeditaly disbelief a TT claim as soon as it is posted without any SOLID proof?

But I guess it's human nature to be curious and always think: "What if?"
Because if one ignores this question he/she could miss out on something he/she will regret if there indeed will be someone who actually spoke the truth.

Curiosity and fear, I guess.
But I guess it's human nature to be curious and always think: "What if?"
Because if one ignores this question he/she could miss out on something he/she will regret if there indeed will be someone who actually spoke the truth.

Curiosity and fear, I guess.

Exactly my thoughts. Why should we just jump up and scream "LIAR!"

Also, every one should stop asking for this to be locked or whatever. He said he is going to be answering all the questions tonight at 8.