Frequency Experiment 2009.

Ok....I just posted a reply to twighlite and came back here and the post has not posted.
This is the second time this has happened to me tonight.
The post has disappeared. seeing if this one is going to post or not.
Ok the last one posted. going to see if this one posts.
Is this thread ready to be corrupted? There doesn't seem to be a lot of posts on it or anything.
I'm not sure how specific you would consider At the age of // in 2022 you will found the project that will lead to the greatest quantum physics project of all time.

Well...that could signify almost anything, as it's not clear whether you told him you currently work in physics or are a taxi driver, or what your chances are of heading a quantum physics project within 13 years.

I could tell anyone ' You will be King of England in 2022'. I'd have 13 years to make a book and a movie before my BS got called.
I can understand why the hoaxers come straight for forums like these. This is where the hopefuls hang out. And the hoaxers lap that up to no end. It would be interesting to see a TT claimant post on a forum that has NOTHING to do with time travel whatsoever. The problem being he'd be banned from the drop, labeled as a wackjob.
I don´t mean to be rude, Twilight, but you are coming off as a bit of a jerk. Why insult the people who are still not 100% convinced that this is a hoax, yet? And what is with the hostility. This website is called the "Time Travel Institute"-- if you don´t believe time travel exists why spend so much time here? Secondly, if you are so convinced this is a hoax why continue trying to debunk it? Fair enough, you believe it is a hoax and you are most likely right... but if this thread is really pissing you off because of people´s guilability, why don´t you just walk away?

I responded to Pamela exactly as she deserves to be responded to for repeatedly trying to play the 'Oh - you're so convinced there is no time travel ' card....which to me is the insult because she knows very well that's a total misrepresentation of what I have said. Sure...I'm 'hostile' to people who deliberately mis-convey my words.

I have never said time travel is 'impossible'. I have said there is not the slighest evidence ( and there isn't ) that it actually exists and is occuring. All I see here is hoaxers who frankly should be laughed at for their not very good efforts.

As for why I'm here.....well, maybe if there had been more like me here when Titor played his hoax, there would not be a Titor story.

As for those with a proper scientific perspective just 'walking away' would please the hoaxers more.
As for those with a proper scientific perspective just 'walking away' would please the hoaxers more.

Here here!

Actually, there are more people who think like Twilight that hang around here than most people might believe. Some just lurk, and rarely, if ever, chime in, because they enjoy the entertainment. Others post semi-regularly, and are very polite about it, but still will put before hoaxers and "true believers" alike the problems with the hoaxer's story. And then there are people who are constantly vocal, yet consistent in their respect and application of good science. (Yes, I am one of these). Far from being "rude", these people are the glue that hold a REALISTIC society together.

Since we like to talk about time here, I have a suggestion for people who "wanna believe" and take that to an extreme: Put yourself back in the time of the old west in the USA... back in that time there were people now referred to as "snake oil salesmen" who traveled from town to town, preying on people. Would you actually WANT to be sold snake oil? No, of course you wouldn't. So why do you behave in the equivalent manner today with respect to hoaxers who claim to be TTers? And before you say "well, I am not giving them my money"... you are giving them your time (and attention), and we all are aware that time=money, especially in today's fast-moving, connected world.

Well...that could signify almost anything, as it's not clear whether you told him you currently work in physics or are a taxi driver, or what your chances are of heading a quantum physics project within 13 years.

I actually didnt tell him anything but the one made up word... You should talk to him with the p.m. He spends more time there I think.
Well...just a couple of minutes ago I heard someone messing around my place outside by the airconditioner and brave soul I am I went outside and seen some bald guy in a white teeshirt out there doing Godknows what. I said "Hey! what are you doing?" and he just turned and slowly walked away.
I am going to go back out in a little bit and see if the butt head returns.
What the heck. Was he trying to steal my airconditioner? I also noticed my cable wires and other wires are there. He was doing something because I heard him like he was fixing it or something. He wasn't quiet about it at all. What the hell.

check the box that holds your phone connections, and also call the phone company to come check it. theres many, many things that could be.
Due to certain circumstances we are moving our point of operations away from this medium. I have received word from a kind moderator expressing his concern on the impact that specific information that I previously posted on this forum may have on this website. This forum is being monitored. I strongly advise that you make back-up copies of the conent of this thread. This thread will be deleted on the before 20:00, 28th of August, 2009.

Be seeing you in the future.

Kindest regards,
Department of Sound Frequency
The Cyma Institute

Shouldn't s/he have posted that information in the OP? Afterall, s/he already knew what was going to be posted.
Actually Ruthless I called the police to come out. They told me on the phone it is quite common for people to break into peoples air conditioners and "huff" the freon out of it. I never heard of such a thing. <font color="red"> Really bizzare. [/COLOR] The air conditioner is working ok so I think I may have scared him away before he had a chance to do it. Has anyone else ever heard of people doing this? Now I am wondering when they do this do they ruin the airconditioner or break it? I forgot to ask them that.

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I will make on appearance at live voice chat on the 29th of August, 2009, at 1800EDT. All answers to questions asked, on all forums, before and after this post will be answered here at the Time Travel Institute exactly at 2200EDT on Monday the 31st of August, 2009. I will remain on this time-line until exactly 0000EDT, Tuesday the 1st of September, 2009, where I will be available live in voice chat transmitting future broadcast signals. Location is yet to be revealed. I will then return on the 12th of March, 2010, at exactly 2000EDT. Unfortunately, that will be my last visit until the year 2013. At that time I will only remain in contact with a few people that have been hand selected to complete this experiment.

Department of Sound Frequency
The Cyma Institute
I will make on appearance at live voice chat on the 29th of August, 2009, at 1800EDT. All answers to questions asked, on all forums, before and after this post will be answered here at the Time Travel Institute exactly at 2200EDT on Monday the 31st of August, 2009. I will remain on this time-line until exactly 0000EDT, Tuesday the 1st of September, 2009, where I will be available live in voice chat transmitting future broadcast signals. Location is yet to be revealed. I will then return on the 12th of March, 2010, at exactly 2000EDT. Unfortunately, that will be my last visit until the year 2013. At that time I will only remain in contact with a few people that have been hand selected to complete this experiment.

LOL ! Total evasion of even the simplest of tests as provided on this forum. WHY..Mr F#....can you not just pop back on the internet to 2004 and perform the incredibly SIMPLE little test I proposed ?

You have already long since proven that your knowledge of science is below junior school grade.....yet still you carry on having the audacity to proclaim yourself a time traveller and 'scientist'.

As for your 'hand selected' crew....LOL ! you'll be telling us you're off to the space ship behind that comet.

Really I have only one question for you..............does bovine excrement still smell the same in 2079 ?
I will make on appearance at live voice chat on the 29th of August, 2009, at 1800EDT. All answers to questions asked, on all forums, before and after this post will be answered here at the Time Travel Institute exactly at 2200EDT on Monday the 31st of August, 2009. I will remain on this time-line until exactly 0000EDT, Tuesday the 1st of September, 2009, where I will be available live in voice chat transmitting future broadcast signals. Location is yet to be revealed. I will then return on the 12th of March, 2010, at exactly 2000EDT. Unfortunately, that will be my last visit until the year 2013. At that time I will only remain in contact with a few people that have been hand selected to complete this experiment.

My question is why March 12? And who are these people you have decided to stay in contact with.
Actually Ruthless I called the police to come out. They told me on the phone it is quite common for people to break into peoples air conditioners and "huff" the freon out of it. I never heard of such a thing. Really bizzare. The air conditioner is working ok so I think I may have scared him away before he had a chance to do it. Has anyone else ever heard of people doing this? Now I am wondering when they do this do they ruin the airconditioner or break it? I forgot to ask them that.

unfortunately, there really are idiots out there that "huff" freon. its very sad.

your air conditioner has to be at least ten years old. if you have the money, you can avoid this problem forever by going and getting a new air conditioner that uses r-134a refrigerant.

if he huffed alot of the freon out, you will have to put more refrigerant in it, and that wont be so easy. you have to have a certain kind of liscense to buy the old kind of refrigerant. if he did huff alot of it out, you will notice that the air conditioner starts to blow warmer air.

either way, stay away from that guy. he is bad news.
Hmmm ....I am thinking of doing something veeeeeeeeeery creative with the air conditioner so he will not want to ever return to it again. I have several ideas.... but nothing final yet. :D

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
This is over a four year time period????? Thats too long to wait inbetween!
Does this mean he will answer ALL of our questions??
I better get some more prepared. You need to come back and answer what we asked already
so we may form new questions from your answers.

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
This is over a four year time period????? Thats too long to wait inbetween!
Does this mean he will answer ALL of our questions??
I better get some more prepared. You need to come back and answer what we asked already
so we may form new questions from your answers.

For answers to any follow up question we gotta wait for the Winter Paralympics to begin... if WW3 hasn't messed up their plans by then. Guess we just gotta go all out on our question asking.
I don't know if anyone else noticed but Damian's (369.994) last post was from Canada...

And I found this trend in the dates in his last post

August 31st = Day many schools are starting the school year

March 12 2010 = Last Day of school before Springbreak

2013 = End of a four year education