Blast From The Past

With all due respect to everyone in the forum(even tho some of you dont really diserve it):

I think, and this is completely my opinion, that you are ALL missing the point of Zeshua. And you are ALL missing the point on what Peter is doing. I dont really recall seeing Peter say "Zeshua is definitely a time traveler" instead he is just proving that she said some stuff in the past that have come to pass one way or the other. He is not trying to make you guys think she is a time traveler, he is not trying to proove that. At least that is what it seems. There is no need to do so becuse that is not important, what is important is her message. Does it really matters whether Jesus was real or not? whether he was black, white, or none? No. What really matters is His messag,e what he wanted to say, and what he wanted to teach humanity. But people focused so much on who he was, instead of wha the was saying, that they also missed the point there...

So are you going to do the same thing with Zeshua? Are you going to let history repeat itself? Or are you going to open your freaking eyes and stop being so blind and ignorant and notice that things are falling apart around you?! Stand up from your sits, stop visiting this website 24/7 and do something about your lifes...but most of all about your country and the people that sorround you.

Regards and again Much Respect,
most of all about your country and the people that sorround you.

Thank you, Jose. I couldn't have put it any better myself. We're about our country and the people that surround us. No better compliment could have been said.
Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES

Stratfor reported that a Russian general announced that Iran possesses tactical nuclear weapons.


"A Russian general's statement about Iran's nukes fails to register with media. Sometime a slip of the tongue is so incredible that no amount of doctoring can explain it. And sometimes a slip of the tongue is as intentional as could be. Take an appearance by Russian Deputy Chief of Staff Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky. He gave a briefing on Friday in Moscow during the Bush-Putin summit and was asked about whether Iran actually fired the Shihab-3 intermediate-range missile in a successful test earlier this month. The second question was whether Iran can threaten Israel, Russia or the United States with its nuclear and missile programs.

Then the Russian general takes a surprise turn: 'Now, as to whether or not Iran has tested something like that. Iran does have nuclear weapons,' Baluyevsky said. 'Of course, these are non-strategic nuclear weapons. I mean these are not ICBMs with a range of more than 5,500 kilometers and more.
Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

Does outgassing of methane from the arctic qualify as "sighing" by Mother Earth?

Ominous New Climate Information
Monday September 1st, 2008

When Art Bell and I published "Superstorm" in 1999, we were criticized as being sensationalists who brought environmentalism a bad name, and hurt the movement. In 2004, when "the Day After Tomorrow", the film inspired by our book, was released, we received humiliating press treatment, and the film was generally condemned, once again, as being too sensationalistic.

Throughout this whole process, I continued to make the argument that it was NOT sensationalistic at all, but rather that it accurately reflected a type of climate change event that has been well documented. Now, however, two major new pieces of information have emerged that make me repeat my warning: sudden climate change is, indeed, VERY sudden, and it is staring us right in the face right now.

The first new piece of data has just been announced by a group of German scientists studying annual sediment layers at a lake in Northern Germany have discovered that a period of sudden cooling 13,000 years ago started in less than a single year and lasted for 2,000 years.

This means, basically, that an extraordinary weather upheaval took place over a SINGLE SEASON, which resulted in the whole of northern Europe and much of North America becoming radically colder for thousands of years.

If this happens again, western civilization will experience the worst disaster in its history, even worse than the climate upheaval 5,200 years ago that wrecked Egypt's Old Kingdom and caused the ruin of the Mediterranean world as it existed then. That disaster, which involved the sudden creation of glaciers in places as disparate as Switzerland and Peru, has, as yet, an unknown cause, but it was just as swift as the event 13,000 years ago. 5,200 years ago, an ice storm in Peru quick froze leafy plants--probably in a matter of minutes--that are found at the bottom of glaciers that exist to this day. In Switzerland, an ice storm overtook and buried Oetzi, the ice man who was found in 1991 in the Schnalstal glacier in the Ötztal Alps. When the storm overtook Oetzi, he was running through an alpine meadow. The glacier that resulted has only recently begun to melt.

The event that took place 13,000 years ago was even more dramatic and long-lasting. It is called by scientists the Younger Dryas, and previously it was believed that it emerged over a period of about ten years.

Now, however, the work of the GFZ (GeoForschungs Zentrum) German Research Centre for Geosciences at Potsdam, has shown that the change took place with horrific suddenness. Essentially, what happened was that temperatures plummeted, probably over a matter of a few months, and the whole of northern Europe was plunged into a deep freeze that, if it happened now, would destroy mankind's most advanced countries.

The United States would survive in a greatly diminished form, but the whole of northern Europe and the United Kingdom would cease, for example, to have a growing season long enough to produce crops. At the same time, their fuel demands would increase astronomically, and their industrial and social infrastructures would collapse.

The world would be plunged into a deep and abiding depression, would suffer vast population decline, and civilization as we know it now would simply unravel.

How likely is all of this to happen? Unfortunately, it is quite likely.

The reason is that conditions are emerging right now that mirror those that existed immediately prior to the Younger Dryas. Specifically, it will be announced shortly that there is massive outgassing of methane taking place in the arctic, precisely as it did just before the Younger Dryas. This outgassing is due to phenomenal arctic melt, and it is being accompanied by a flood of fresh water into the northern oceans, exactly the condition that caused the Gulf Stream to collapse immediately prior to the Younger Dryas.
Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES

Stratfor reported that a Russian general announced that Iran possesses tactical nuclear weapons.

Oh bloody yawn!

What you have not addressed (nor do I expect you to address) is the fact that Zeshua's "predictions" of Nuclear Islam hit this forum well AFTER a time when the entire world already knew of Iran's ambitions and became concerned. So almost exactly like the people behind Titor, the people behind Zeshua have done nothing but "encode" issues (and people's names) that were already readily part of the news-of-the-day. Hence, while you continue your Zeshua propaganda to get people to believe Zeshua "predicted the future", you ignore this fact that not only are they not predictions of the future, they are reporting of the present/past.

Care to take this challenge, Peter? No, I didn't think so. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Also the whole cryptic comment to prevent damage to the timeline- which once again isn't accurate enough to be wrong as a concept- falls into an error of inductive thinking.

Just because some half-baked riddle is used, the information is STILL communicated. And the riddle is trivial not obscure, and in any case is targeted to exactly the hypersensitive group most likely to believe and decode the gibberish. So in point of fact any attempt to be obscure is self-defeating and clearly no more than a classical con seen so often in religious scams.

Peter's real name isn't Jim Jones, is it? All of this fake time travel crap borders on some kind of MK ULTRA / BLUEBIRD level of bushwah imo.
Talking about climate change it is not well known that the Indians in north America in the early America complained about what was being done to mother earth by the invaders and that mother earth would eventually punish those that abused it. It would not surprise me at all if climate change pushes mankind close to being extinct or back to the stone age. What goes around comes around in the cycle of life. In a biosphere everything is important for keeping a balance and a cycle. Break that balance and break that cycle and the biosphere can collapse or dangerously change.
A Cosmic Clone Pole" = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

Zeshua came here in early 2005 warning of an impending economic collapse, and has repeated emphasized that theme over the subsequent three years, as she did here in her first post in the "Blast From The Past" thread on 11/15/06.

Today's news about Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and AIG make it crystal clear that these warnings of hers were absolutely prescient. There are also persisting rumors that Wamu is about to go under as well.

Regardless of her techniques or motives, one must now give her credit for seeing this future completely clearly, and wonder about her other predictions.

- Peter
1. A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES
10. Demons Former Jig Jug =
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS


Headline : Britain Adopts Islamic Law, Gives Sharia Courts Full Power to Rule on Civil Cases

- Peter
Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES;_ylt=AvgCoG2b1E9BQx9QETrtg_tbbBAF

IAEA info suggests Iran worked on nuclear missile

The U.N. nuclear monitoring agency shared new photos and documents purporting to show that Iran tried to refit its main long-distance missile to carry a nuclear payload, said diplomats who attended the meeting Tuesday.


I was just wondering about this today. Zeshua said that most of her predictions would come true in 2008 and 2009, so it would seem that her predictions of a Middle East war and an aerial nuclear attack from an Islamic nation are "supposed to be" scheduled for sometime in the next 16 months. This news story coming out today about Iran working on nuclear missiles seems to jive with these predictions.
As far as Iran. If we are going to see an attack on Iran it should come in the next couple of months before Bush leaves office. Israel would hit Iran while it still has white house support on this. News articles suggest America has already given them the bombs they need to attack Iran. If we are going to see nuclear war with Iran now would be their chance. America would wait until Iran attacks us before getting involved but that is what Bush wants. Let Israel hit Iran and use the Iran retaliation on us to attack them. Of course if Irans nuke capability survives then this would give them a pre-text later on to attack America and Israel with nukes.
On November 15, 2006, Zeshua came on this board and posted

Good Days to you All,

Below, A Brief Poem, Circa 2007-2009
Author and Title Anonymous

A Soldiers Most
Hail War As
A Renaissance Pi Melts
A Sidearm Dwelt
A Cosmic Clone Pole

Jihad Had Mom Due A Man
A Quarks Humble Tree
Manilla Curse
Foretells Kiwi Smirks
Demons Former Jig Jug
A Liberal Disses One
Toss My Foes A Reference
Heaters High Storm

I will respond in time...

These lines proved to be anagrams. "A Cosmic Clone Pole" turned out to be an anagram for “ECONOMIC COLLAPSE”, and not much else, as can be seen at

It turned out that all the anagram solutions were supposed to be from newspaper headlines from our time. Zeshua explained this repeatedly here :

My old friend, indeed you are correct, the quotation was from a newspaper article of your time. [...] do apologize for the misunderstanding we seem to be experiencing over the authorship of the articles and quotations in question. Please let me attempt to clear up any remaining doubt as to the authenticity of these statements. If you recall my initial post in this thread mentions the following as "Anonymous". This is indeed accurate. There is no archive or records in my time which were able to determine the initial authorship of said articles. These words were taken from titles and brief summaries of news events, circa 2007-2009. If anyone can validly confirm the authorship of said quotations, please do so. We do not have this information in my time. [...] The poem, made up from headlines of news stories circulating between 2007-2009, of which no Author was given specific credit due to the fact that their names and titles of their stories were not included within the text archives I was able to obtain.

So basically when Zeshua wrote this poem in November 2006, she was saying that all these phrases would become headlines in our news in the next few years.

She was certainly correct about “Economic Collapse” becoming a phrase that found its way into our news. At we read “U.S. congressional leaders and the administration of President George W. Bush reached a tentative agreement Sunday on what may become the largest financial bailout in American history, authorizing the U.S. Treasury to purchase $700 billion in troubled debt from ailing firms in an extraordinary intervention to prevent widespread ECONOMIC COLLAPSE.” At we read “One is the saga of a Senate Republican leader who's found himself in the precarious position of defending the Bush administration's $700 billion attempt to stave off ECONOMIC COLLAPSE.” At we read “ The seeds of the House Republican revolt over the financial-industry bailout were sown in an e-mail circulated Monday night as internal animosity built quickly over the Bush administration's request for $700 billion to prevent an ECONOMIC COLLAPSE.” At we read “Congressional leaders and the Bush administration came to a tentative agreement early today on what may become the largest financial bailout in American history, authorizing the Treasury to purchase $700 billion in troubled debt from ailing firms in an extraordinary intervention to prevent widespread ECONOMIC COLLAPSE.”

The list goes on and on. In 2006, the phrase “economic collapse” was nowhere to be found in our news services. Today, two years later, it is everywhere.

Just like Zeshua said.

- Peter
Read through the Zeshua post for current event this is what I found.

This event, which I have stated as Not being the Yellowstone Eruption which is talked about
for several years, is not so much catastrophic as it is cataclysmic. The catalyst is in
place, the powers that be are warming up. With the albeit slow decline of Western
Civilizations' most valued currency, many countries hang in the balance, words like
"Recession" and "Inflation" take on a whole new meaning. It is truly a Global Economy.
- A Pre-emptive strike occurs between two war bound countries in Europe/Asia.
- 2 Federal buildings are completely destroyed.
- A Sudden outbreak of influenza.
- The Patriot Act ends up in court, its powers used to spy on civilians "For their own good"
- A 3rd becomes next.
- A Massive Financial meltdown that puts the Euro as the preferred Global Currency.
Repercussions abound to the almighty US Dollar.
- A New form of computer virus programmed by a small team of individuals sweeps the globe within 24 hours.
- The Telluride Occurrence
Re: Announcing a new website for Time Travelers.

You were given two warnings via PM about promoting your competing website here without first asking Admin/Mop.
