Blast From The Past

I was under the opinion that that is what HDR is doing.

Yes. Think of the logical AND gate situation, rather than an XOR.

Oh well, perception being what it is......

Thats what I know, Gate circuits.

and shutting them off,and them turning them on, then off... and so on..Until they hum.

Its what I know, DC circuits.

My opinion on the subject is that, XOR cannot be carried out without a circuit being closed, and a signal from the circuit that says it is closed.

In fact, I wouldn't send a signal to open the gate in those circumstances.

Nor would I make, the next circuit without good information, that the circuit is closed.

I love logic circuits.

What I do, Is on a much larger power scale, the "recs" I use can handle 1500 amps, and it requires, 4 times that voltage to shut them off.

I can still make them hum.

but the circuits are the same...I can control the values with a small measurement, I can drop the contacts.
You have to give her credit for these two, if nothing else: (1) Zeshua predicted that the economic collapse would begin in 2007. It did. And (2) she predicted that despite everything people tried to do to stop it, it just got worse and worse. So far, it has. Remember that historic, unprecedented Economic Stimulus Package that we all got in the mail last Spring that was supposed to fix everything? Didn't work. Remember that historic, unprecedented $700 billion Emergency Economic Stabilization Act signed into law over two months ago? Hasn't worked so far (the Dow has dropped another 17% since then!). Zeshua says it won't work, and things are gonna keep getting worse and worse over the next two years. Let's see who turns out to be right. Why, despite the trillions of dollars thrown into the financial system over the past year, does the economy continue to collapse? Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and other luminaries insist that the bailout policies are working, that we just have to give them time, but the results do not match their assertions.

Oh, and Rainmantime? Those predicting quotes that you claim prove Zeshua was wrong? Like her statement on the FDIC charter? You are right - it hasn't happened yet, but that doesn't prove anything, because there was no deadline on that prediction. My guess is, we'll see it sometime in the next 6 years.

The real estate bubble cracked first, you say? Are you sure about that? How about the derivatives bubble? Some say that the derivatives bubble blew out first, and that's what took the real estate market down. Or was it the Subprime Mortgage Crisis that started it all? Or did all of that multi-faceted mess arrive hand-in-hand on our front stoops at the same moment in history, just as Zeshua declared it would?

The continuing collapse of the financial system, which seems constantly to take the ``experts'' by surprise, is consistent with Zeshua's predictions.

Zeshua has predicted a wide-scale Middle East war. Other than that, to my recollection, she was very cautious about making any comments about the war Titor talked about. That mid-east war has not started yet, but anyone watching the recent developments in India, Pakistan, and Iran know how close we are to seeing one flare up. It would be no surprise at this point if one did, tomorrow morning, or anytime. If and when one does, you could bet your bottom dollar that it would indeed lead to social chaos in many lands, which would very probably take the current state of economic collapse and multiply it by several factors. And from the other side of that chain of events, folks might look at where we are today and think that the REAL economic collapse hadn't even begun yet.

Got salt?
from peter

You have to give her credit for these two, if nothing else: (1) Zeshua predicted that the economic collapse would begin in 2007. It did. And (2) she predicted that despite everything people tried to do to stop it, it just got worse and worse.

Honestly. these two statements contradict each other. How can she be the only one who "predicted" an economic collapse, when clearly you're admitting right here, other people saw it and tried to prevent it, ahead of time ?

Zeshua has predicted a wide-scale Middle East war. Other than that, to my recollection, she was very cautious about making any comments about the war Titor talked about. That mid-east war has not started yet, but anyone watching the recent developments in India, Pakistan, and Iran know how close we are to seeing one flare up. It would be no surprise at this point if one did, tomorrow morning, or anytime. If and when one does, you could bet your bottom dollar that it would indeed lead to social chaos in many lands, which would very probably take the current state of economic collapse and multiply it by several factors. And from the other side of that chain of events, folks might look at where we are today and think that the REAL economic collapse hadn't even begun yet.

Why do you want the world to end?
Honestly. these two statements contradict each other. How can she be the only one who "predicted" an economic collapse, when clearly you're admitting right here, other people saw it and tried to prevent it, ahead of time ?

Beyond that, Michael, this is just more of Peter's confirmation bias tendency. The facts are, there were people (some informed, some just gloom-and-doomers) who were predicting "economic collapse" as far back as 9/11, and even well before! I remember reading (in PLENTY of places, mind you) about how the Bush tax credits were only going to "push off the inevitable economic collapse" and this was back in 2002.

Peter has never, not once, addressed the issue that whoever is behind the Zeshua hoax was doing nothing more than repackaging (in a "mysterious" package) all kinds of things that were already all over the internet at the time. The best example is "Jihad Had Mom Due A Man" = Mahmoud Amadinejad. It is not like this guy was an "unknown" way back in 2005. He was already known to be a wacko nutjob who was under the control of the Iranian Imams even BEFORE he became president of Iran. So why is it so amazing that Zeshua "embedded" this guy's name in her "mysterious anagrams"?

The fact that Peter has never addressed that ALL of Zeshua's "predictions" could have been found anywhere on the internet on conspiracy websites is evidence, to me at least, that Peter is nothing more than Zeshua's marketing manager. Otherwise, he would at least admit this is true and try to explain how it would not apply to Zeshua. It is an inconvenient truth for Zeshua's marketing manager.

ALL of Zeshua's "predictions" could have been found anywhere on the internet


That is a testable hypothesis. Where else prior to May 2005 have you found the prediction that the US economy would collapse starting specifically in 2007 and continuing thru 2011?
That is a testable hypothesis.

Is it? You'd first have to show where Zeshua made specific, unambiguous predictions that didn't require her Number #1 fan to interpret for us, wouldn't you? At this point in time the "meaning" of the messages (assuming that there really is any meaning) has been offered by you and not Zeshua. They're your predictions, not hers.

If that's not the case then you'd have to agree that anyone who brought contradicting "proof" should likewise be allowed to pick cryptic messages, interpret them for you and you then accept them as true based on the proferer's interpretation.

...not that anyone really cares one way or the other about what Zeshua has posted except that they might find the thread somehow entertaining.

You are so disingenuous and self-serving that it makes me ill, and I would hazard to guess it turns other people off here. Look at the drama you build into your statements without even thinking about how you discredit your own drama:

You have to give her credit for these two, if nothing else: (1) Zeshua predicted that the economic collapse would begin in 2007. It did.

#1 - I would like you to back up your assertion. Please create a reply to the exact post from Zeshua on this forum where she "predicted" what you say here. (And if you must resort to your "private emails" from Zeshua you will cut your own throat).

#2 - More importantly, here you state above that the collapse began in 2007. But in the very same response to me you state this later:

Or did all of that multi-faceted mess arrive hand-in-hand on our front stoops at the same moment in history, just as Zeshua declared it would?

History clearly shows that the market implosion began in earnest in late SEP of this year (2008). And then you are claiming that the economic collapse began in 2007. Not quite "the same moment in history" now is it??? You contradicted yourself, dude. How silly is that? And then there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the "economic collapse" even began before your claim that Zeshua predicted it would begin in 2007. Here is a fantastic chart (thanks to those guys at WSJ for this one!) that allows you to explore the history of the real estate market:

1) Note the "market peak" indicator on the chart at Q4-2005. That is before Zeshua's prediction of 2007, now isn't it?
2) Now do some clicking on the chart to look at the progression of delinquencies after Q4-2005. You will note that there is ONLY "blue colored" data (low/negative delinquency rates) up through Q2-2006. Then when you click on Q3-2006 you start to see the ochre color appear, mostly in SoCal and southern Nevada. Note that Q3-2006 is before Zeshua's alleged 2007 prediction. Now click on Q4-2006 and the ochre color gets deeper in SoCal. Again, before 2007. Is this not "the beginning" of the foreclosure problem? Or are you just going to ignore that and come up with your own definition of "beginning"?
3) But what is even worse is your dramatic tone to me, as if you thought by being dramatic I would forget what the point of "Zeshua's prediction" really was. Here is what you wrote:

The real estate bubble cracked first, you say? Are you sure about that? How about the derivatives bubble? Some say that the derivatives bubble blew out first, and that's what took the real estate market down. Or was it the Subprime Mortgage Crisis that started it all?

The point is not whether I (or anyone else) thought the real estate bubble cracked first (even though the WSJ charts certainly do support that). The point of my rebuttal was to show that the following statement is wrong:

Which Part of the Financial System cracks First? They all crack together.

By the way, Peter. Did you think I would not notice that the statement I quote immediately above was NOT FROM ZESHUA's POST that you were replying to? Do you think I am that stupid? AAMOF, why don't you show us the precise post from Zeshua where she uses those exact words? Go ahead.

But while you try to come up with something to cover yourself there, let me just state emphatically that "they" did not "all crack together". I have shown you data that shows the real estate market started unraveling in Q3-2006 (before Zeshua's alleged predicted timeframe). Things continued to get worse throughout 2007 and into 2008, and now here, late in 2008 is when the market has tanked. Clearly that is not "all cracking together" now is it? But now you will likely use your relative spin and put an interpretation on it with something like "considering the time Zeshua is writing from, a couple years might as well be the same time." Save your breath...I just issued your disingenuous excuse for you.

Oh, and Rainmantime? Those predicting quotes that you claim prove Zeshua was wrong? Like her statement on the FDIC charter? You are right - it hasn't happened yet, but that doesn't prove anything, because there was no deadline on that prediction. My guess is, we'll see it sometime in the next 6 years.

As Darby has pointed out, everything about Zeshua has amounted to nothing more than your "guesses". That is all it is. It is Peter Novak "interpreting" Zeshua'a anagramatic "riddles". And you are still not addressing the fact that the things in Zeshua's anagrammatic riddles were things that were already in the news back in late 2006 when she started this thread. The best example is "Middle East War". There was a "Middle East War" back in July of 2006 between Israel and Hezbollah factions in Lebanon. Do you really find it "amazing" that the Zeshua hoaxer would then encode the words "Middle East War" in November of that same year when she started this thread???? And why do you insist upon saying that the Middle East War she "predicted" has not happened when there was a war in that year? This is confirmation bias, Peter. No way around it. You refuse to address the more likely scenario where a hoaxer posing as Zeshua simply encoded things that s/he found on the net back then. Instead, you insist they are predictions.

Give it up...
You should refrain from opening your big mouth so much...

In reply to:
ALL of Zeshua's "predictions" could have been found anywhere on the internet


That is a testable hypothesis. Where else prior to May 2005 have you found the prediction that the US economy would collapse starting specifically in 2007 and continuing thru 2011?

1) You have yet to establish that Zeshua stated ("specifically") that an economic collapse would begin in 2007 and continue through 2011. But even beyond that, as to your challenge:

2) All too easy. Would a book published as far back as 2003 suit your fancy?

<font color="red"> The Coming Economic Collapse of 2006: Trends, Predictions, &amp; Prognostications for 2004-2006 and Beyond (Paperback)
by Michael Wells Mandeville

Publisher: MetaSyn Media (July 2003) [/COLOR]

And now I can already hear you whining "but this is not specifically predicting 2007, it is saying 2006." To which I would just reply: "It seems Michael Wells Mandeville is more prescient than Zeshua, since I have shown evidence that the real estate market did, indeed, begin to unravel in late 2006." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

3) But maybe I should give you some more evidence for your "testable hypothesis" based on your interepretation of Zeshua? Fine. Here is another guy who was predicting "economic collapse" back in 2005 also:

<font color="red"> Don't get caught in the housing bubble crash (part one)
Thursday, December 29, 2005 by: Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
Key concepts: Real estate bubble, Housing bubble and Internet [/COLOR]

And in this article he wrote:

<font color="red"> There's no question whatsoever that this housing market will experience a correction. ...It's eventually going to come tumbling down. The only question is whether it's going to be a correction or a crash.


So, it's December 2005. I'm going on the record as saying this bubble is going to pop, folks, and you can call me a pessimist or a doomsayer if you want. The fact is, if you understand math, you know I'm right. If you want to protect your own finances, you'd better take a good, hard look at this and make some decisions about what you're going to do.[/COLOR]

And again I will point out the obvious: This guy was specific in his prediction whereas Zeshua was not and she needed you to "interpret" her "predictions". This guy told people it would start with the real estate market. And so once again a pointed question to you: Isn't it more likely that the hoaxer behind Zeshua was just reading people like this and "encoding" it? Answer: Yes. But that does not suit your motivations, now does it, Peter?

BTW...I should also point out that this source above also debunks HDRKID at the same time! :D

If you guys are going out on limbs, I just gotta ask you to be careful and make sure it is a sturdy limb. I was one of those clueless young boys in my youth who went too far out on a limb while climbing a tree one day and... well, you can guess what happened! My first experience with heavier-than-air manned (parabolic) "flight"! :D

Poor Peter he is so blind,he doesn't want to realize that this whole Zeshua is nothing more than a well elaborated fraud and that's all,i wish Zeshua could answer to the challenge i did to her/him few months ago,as long as i havn't had no answer whatsoever i came to the conclusion that he is nothing but a huge piece and load of lies and another hoax,therefore please Peter i ask you to wake up from the long dream you are having,see ya bro! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif