Blast From The Past

Re: Announcing a new website for Time Travelers.

Its time team Zeshua Novak shut up. I debunked you over 18 months ago after months of email convos.
considering my accessto sources it was so easy.
Ciao folks. btw , have you seen his new site? where he has copied and pasted everything from this forum?
we caught on to it.
Heads up for u
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum. This is my first post.

Zeshua mentions that we will have a crisis unimaginable or unthought of. that it would be something that will take us by total surprise.
I started thinking "what do I depend on very much, that if I lose it , would blow my mind ?"

We are having an economical chaos at this time. What if this surprise crisis that Zeshua speaks of is about INSURANCE. My husband and I have, medical insurance, boat insurance, r.e insurance, railroad insurance ( two kinds), employment insurance, home owners insurance, car insurance ( three), and dental insurance, workers comp. I think that's the whole list. If we lost this we would feel as if we had nothing to fall back on. My fear of ' how to get covered' could petrify my very world.
Imagine having insurance to cover just your medical needs, such as medicine and then no insurance. Where would we come up with money to cover a monthly bill of 400 in meds? Or have to pay that 1200 for a dental crown or 80,000 for a hospital stay or..........the list goes on.
Like most people, we are pretty well covered, course at this time, we can afford it. What about the people that cant afford it and government kicks in to pay for there insurance? And their insurance disappears.
I can go on and on........

any comments?

Does that mean that people will get rid of their land-line telephone service?

Again, remarks made by some people just do not explain why they think the way that they do. Again, it seems as if they are talking only about theirselves, explaining to the rest of us, why there should be perhaps called a new form of slavery (?) perhaps according to their whims. Again, it is not all of the real reality that exists!
Donate!~ Save the Clock Tower! Lightning struck it 60 years ago in this town of Hill Valley. Oh, wait that is the "Back to the Future" movie again. I get mixed up with all of this, excuse me!
Doomers and Gloomers!

And Boomers!
Funniest thing I think I read on another forum:

"You are a Lucy SOB!"

(Mother of Man - Lucy - 3.2 million years ago!)

Back to Zeshua, I guess!

Oh, where or where, is the report from John Cramer about this backwards communication experiment with the photons he was suppos to do with the donated money to his science project!
And then again it was the paperwork that did it in (the economic collapse!)

And then, someone wants people to do Calculus?

Likely story perhaps?

Time Travel?
Communications Travel?
Travel expenses?
Flat Tax Rate?
The Future?

Well, here you all are on the Planet, still!

Live with the Yaks!

(phew, the smell?)

Another beautiful cloudy day in November of the year of the Lord 2008A.D. A year we are not sure of! again?
Hello everyone. I have been following these forums for a while, not a time traveller, just an interested present timer.

I noticed that the line - Demons Former Jig Jug - had not been solved yet, so I took it upon myself to try and make sense out of it. The only thing I could come up with was...

"Germs from Judge join"

I thought maybe it could be referencing a biological attack by our enemies, those who judge us. Just a thought.
Why so caught up in what Zeshua was saying? It should be obvious that he is only an imitator, realize that hes posting on the SAME website and the SAME time period Titor did. Titor is known by many now and people are going to try and imitate him to get similar fame and recognition.
zeshua the worst time traveler faker so far in the whole internet community,it just sucks how this stupid people play with our minds and innocence,i hope someday we have a 100% real traveler here,Zeshua you failed my test too,where are thou this days?

December 2, 2008

The march toward complete financial collapse of the USA is accelerating out of control. According to the US Treasury, "hundreds of banks" have asked for emergency help from the government.

To help you understand the frightening implications of this, consider the following:

Since the "financial crisis" began in September, The Treasury Department has injected $150 billion in capital by buying preferred shares in 52 institutions. 52 banks, $150 billion.

Todays news that "hundreds of banks" are now in danger of failing caught my attention, so I contacted my sources inside the Treasury and I almost fell over when they told me: "Five hundred twenty additional banks are failing; ten times the number of banks that have already been bailed out."

Do the math: If 52 banks needed $150 billion, 520 banks could translate into one point five TRILLION.

That isn't the worst of it. The chart below shows that our nation has already committed EIGHT POINT FIVE TRILLION to the financial mess and of that, they've already disbursed THREE POINT TWO TRILLION. Ask yourself this simple question: Where are they getting this money? The simple answer: They're printing it.

Let's not forget that the money listed above is ON TOP OF the ten trillion dollars the government already owes from past deficit spending!

Do the math again:
$1.5 Trillion needed for another 520 failing banks
$8.5 Trillion committed to more financial bailouts
$10 Trillion in national debt from years of deficit spending.
$20 TRILLION dollars in total (so far)

[...] How long is it going to be before the rest of the world says to themselves "The USA is totally bankrupt, they can't even hope to repay all the money they've borrowed, the US dollar isn't worth the paper its printed on because they printed so much of it, we're not going to accept it as money anymore."

I'll tell you how long it will be: The end of February or early March 2009. Best case? Late June, 2009. That's it. (Pete's comment: Zeshua insisted that she would not communicate with our timeline any later than that same date - March 2009?)

At this point I think it is worth reminding all of you that in December 2007 and January, 2008, I warned everyone via my radio show and web site that "September is going to see major financial upheaval." I told everyone when and why. It happened exactly as I warned. So I hope you heed my warning about total financial collapse early next year.

That's when the [censored] is really gonna hit the fan and this nation will fall into complete, total, economic collapse. A collapse brought about by our own federal government spending us into oblivion.

Why do you think they re-deployed an active duty Army Combat Brigade with 4700 troops and support personnel from Iraq back here to the USA? Why do you think the Pentagon announced yesterday they are going to increase the number of combat troops inside the US from its present 4700 up to 20,000? They KNOW the [censored]'s gonna hit the fan.

When the economy fails -- and it will -- they are terrified about what We The People might do.
They are afraid we might (rightfully) blame the government for wrecking our nation and that we might take retribution upon them by force.
When the economy fails -- and it will -- they are terrified about what We The People might do.


there was a Link ...

<font color="orange"> LOOTING///

by Thomas Northrop

If you’re a law abiding citizen I suggest you don’t read this section. In some historical instances extraordinary measures have been taken against looters during times of crisis. It’s not uncommon in some countries for looters to be shot, either by police, army, or business owners. Some governments will justify the shooting of looters with the excuse of “preventing further damage to the economy”. I suggest you get out of countries that value the economy over your life.

Warnings aside… Let’s get down to business! [/COLOR]

The link to ---------&gt;info of that subject...
"A Cosmic Clone Pole" = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE [...] The War triggers Social Chaos, which affects World Trade, which causes Economic Collapse [...] Which Part of the Financial System cracks First? They all crack together. There is a squeeze in the currency market, the dollar quickly loses value to other currency, at which point a major economic shift is undertaken by several countries to Uphold the Almighty US Dollar, at which point the currencies of other countries begin to fail while attempting to prop up the Dollar. The Euro is much more stable and becomes the preferred transaction type, this is another fundamental shift in economics that sets off even more global extremes. They will see it coming and attempt to counteract, just as they had dropped interest rates so sharply to offset a potential Recessionary movement, they believe they can balance the GDP, fluctuate the Interest Rates, and work with other countries to stabilize the dollar. It is a fruitless effort in the end. The Market functions on three fundamental values, Greed, Fear, and the perception of Value. If the perception of value vanishes, all you are left with is the underlying "gut feelings" of investors who are more afraid of losing money than they are of not making money. There is a banking system collapse. Hedge Funds only work when the overall system remains stable. Ifthe entire system is fluctuating, Hedge Funds you will find are useless. The FDIC charter that controls the insured amounts people place in banks, is rewritten. It is no longer guaranteed in the event of a banking collapse that the money is backed by the Full Will and Faith of the US Government. Money quickly goes overseas. Many in the Fed, the Secretary of Treasury, Vice President, President, and other world leaders get blamed for the financial system meltdown. There is blame everywhere. They are not all necessarily indicted or convicted but very much implicated. In the scope of things it does not matter tho. [...] JT makes no mention of the Global Financial Crisis or the events which lead up to it. Over here in the UK it is not necessary to physically go out and catch a meal, there are individuals who raise food and sell it, grocery stores, etc. The US is a different situation all together, the absolute First thing to go was shipping of goods cross country. Everything became immediately cut off and localized. Communication is possible, however not longer length transportation unless you fly. [...] Large numbers of Americans start dying of starvation after 2009. [...] One should prepare for a food shortage of several months to a year's time. [...] In some places precious metals are used as a form of currency, however in certain areas the monetary system collapses to such a degree that most things are bartered for. Most useful items to trade include tools such as shovels. Handheld radio's, Batteries, Salt, Bottled Water, Weapons and Ammunition. By 2011.

Three years ago (almost four years ago now; most of this dates from April-May 2005) the only person who was talking about economic collapse was Zeshua. Today it's the headline every single day in our newspapers.;_ylt=A0wNdOrKcjpJPzMB4KOs0NUE

Job losses mount as economic picture worsens

WASHINGTON – Record numbers of homeowners are falling behind on mortgage payments and the U.S. economy is losing jobs at an alarming rate with companies big and small slashing their work force.

A half-million American jobs disappeared month, the worst mass layoffs in more than three decades, as the nation spiraled downward in what could be the hardest hard times since the Great Depression.
Large numbers of Americans start dying of starvation after 2009. [...] One should prepare for a food shortage of several months to a year's time. [...] In some places precious metals are used as a form of currency, however in certain areas the monetary system collapses to such a degree that most things are bartered for. Most useful items to trade include tools such as shovels. Handheld radio's, Batteries, Salt, Bottled Water, Weapons and Ammunition. By 2011.

Just out of curiosity pete, when this doesn't happen next year are you gonna give up the zeshua scam?
Self sufficiency , is not a scam.

Don't associate the two(the zeshua prophecies vs. Self sufficiency), it is a waste of time.
The problem with Peter has always been one of confirmation bias. He selecitvely cherry-picks those aspects of Zeshua's guesses that align with events in our time, but simply ignores those which contradict events in our time. This posting of Peter's provides perfect examples of his active confirmation bias:

The War triggers Social Chaos, which affects World Trade, which causes Economic Collapse

Wrong. "The War" as predicted by Zeshua has not occurred, nor has "Social Chaos" (not sure why Zeshy needed to capitalize, other than poor writing skills). Peter may wish to try and tie "The War" to the war in Iraq, but he knows he cannot do that because this was not "The War" that Zeshua was talking about. Moreover, none of the skirmishes in the Middle East have caused "Social Chaos" to the point where they are responsible for "Economic Collapse". So Zeshua's predictions of the triggers for our economic condition are just plain wrong.

Which Part of the Financial System cracks First? They all crack together.

Wrong again. It has been clear that the real estate bubble was the front-runner to the issue of tight credit that has plagued us recently. So the first thing that Zeshua got wrong is that they did not "all crack together". Additionally, when you realize that the trigger for the economic crisis we find ourselves was the real estate bubble bursting, that also acts as data that shows Zeshua's prediction of the trigger as "The War" to be incorrect.

The FDIC charter that controls the insured amounts people place in banks, is rewritten. It is no longer guaranteed in the event of a banking collapse that the money is backed by the Full Will and Faith of the US Government.

Zeshy couldn't have been more wrong about this, for the exact opposite has occurred! The FDIC actually increased the level of insurance against savings beyond the former $100K level.

So these are just a few examples of where Peter ignores what Zeshua gets wrong, and pumps up those things he believes she got right. A clearer case of confirmation bias would be hard to find.

So these are just a few examples of where Peter ignores what Zeshua gets wrong, and pumps up those things he believes she got right. A clearer case of confirmation bias would be hard to find.

I was under the opinion that that is what HDR is doing.

I thought peter was just a fruitcake, and a cut and paster.

Oh well, perception being what it is......

Maybe, I had it backwards.