So here we go agian. How did Cash for Clunkers and the Obama Administration handling the Flu end up?

Cash for Clunkers? What flu? Don't know about Obama handling a flu /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Hey Ralph how's it going?

All I can do is watch mountains to the north, or read news/discussions online. What about you?

How long do you have to hang out at the farm until you have to go and do your duty?

As long as I need to get my stuff and complete my evidence search. In a year, September 5th, 2010, at noon, they're gonna start the re-translation, to bring me back to 2032. If I haven't come back, whether I haven't finished my job, or I'm dead, I would have a piece of paper saying I've gone, with the date on it, and a quick report of what I've gotten, etc. Then they'll start re-translation once every 4 months, for about 10 years. After that, they'll assume I'm dead probably, so by 10 years I should be able to complete this. Ultimately, someone will get the evidence back to 2032, that is a fact, because they will send a hundred people if they have to. Whether the Pakistanis will accept it..that's another story I suppose. I personally don't think so, because they're just looking for an excuse to fight. It might alleviate tensions though and allow for a peace talk or something.

Is someone going to pick you up and take you to the airport?

I was taught how to drive a car (not too hard), don't need one yet though.

Are you going there physically
or are you just going to do research from your spot there at the farm?

Yeah, will have to physically go there. I really don't want to die there though, that's a distinct possibility. Who knows what nuts are at Aba Khel.

The black cat is so sweet and lovable ....you won't miss it. hehe

Hehe, security will be tight, I promise, we won't let you take away our guinea pig /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Unless you're saying you already time-travelled and took it. In that case we'll be very mad with you /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Hehe, security will be tight, I promise, we won't let you take away our guinea pig
Unless you're saying you already time-travelled and took it. In that case we'll be very mad with you


<font color="purple"> Hmmm...The only thing left to wonder about though is...Do I have the real thing or a copy-cat? :D lol[/COLOR]

I just have a few more questions. What will happen to your mission if you fail other than the fact that they will assume you are dead after a certain amount of time? Will they send someone else? Do you have any fears that this forum will be read by the wrong person and your mission will be comprimised? Also, how do you plan on getting out of the US? Do you have identification, passport, etc.? Do you plan on sneaking out of the US? Oh, and how's farm life treating you? Other than the fact that it's boring, I mean. What kind of knowledge do you have about this time other than the impending war, that you can offer us? You said that nothing can change the path that is already set so whatever you say won't change that, right?
The punishments take the form of placed in cages and having a loud buzz after which you get shocked for about 1 minute. This happens once every couple of hours, except when you sleep. For breaking rules, the magnitude rarely determines the number of days this happens. There is nothing you can do, so nobody fights it and just accepts whatever you're told, since it is either acceptance, or futile efforts to resist, which is not healthy at all.

For everything, or just simple rule breaking? Is the length or intensity adgusted for different crimes or does a Person with a parking ticket get the same punishment as a murderer?

It seems strange that in just 23 the entire jail system is condensed into a cage with shocks for a few minutes. From living in our society for awhile would you consider it freer than yours?

Cash for Clunkers? What flu? Don't know about Obama handling a flu

What, have you been living in an abondoned farm in the outskirts of LA county? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif How could you not heard of SWINE FLU!!!?!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
So anyways, how is Barack Obama remembered in your time? Is he "just that first black president guy" or is he remembered for being horrible or great?

Why is it that you confine your self to this thread, since you are here as a bored individual interested in time travel, like many of the rest of us here, maybe you should involve your self in other threads and conversations? I don't remember a rule saying time traveler claiments had to post exclusively in the time travel claim section

I just have a few more questions. What will happen to your mission if you fail other than the fact that they will assume you are dead after a certain amount of time? Will they send someone else?

If I fail, they will send someone else again and again until they succeed, or something changes. They'll get enough evidence, which is pretty much shell fragments, crater size, etc., and if the Pakistani government has some different or higher standard of proof, they'll start sending again, unless it's some impossible standard. I suspect they may just decide to catch the initial terrorists and interrogate them instead, which would sort of make my mission ineffective.

Do you have any fears that this forum will be read by the wrong person and your mission will be comprimised?

Not really, as you can see, no one even believes me.

Also, how do you plan on getting out of the US? Do you have identification, passport, etc.? Do you plan on sneaking out of the US?

Airplane, nothing illegal. I have a passport and money.

Oh, and how's farm life treating you? Other than the fact that it's boring, I mean.

Occasionally I go a little north to watch the horses and drink yogurt, I found an air rifle, so that's kinda entertaining too /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

What kind of knowledge do you have about this time other than the impending war, that you can offer us? You said that nothing can change the path that is already set so whatever you say won't change that, right?

That's true, nor could I be the cause of it if I said something, because the information would then have come out of nowhere: like the famous Stephen Hawking example of a scientist receiving from six years in the future the proof of a theorem in mathematics or some field and publishing it in a science journal, and after six years being the one who sends it back to himself in the past. Where did the information come from? Nowhere. The thing is, I don't really know anything about 2009-2019 that would give background to the politics of my time on the LARGE scale, let alone anything that is to happen in the immediate future from now /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif
I don't know if you've all heard this a thousand times before, from the look of the Time Travel Institute discussions, it looks like you have, but I come from 2032.

Woah ! Hold it right there......

I studied in the University of California Northridge, though I have no degree since this job has good pay. In a computer class I met one of my friends, who is part of the science team, Praveen, who has a degree in (what else) physics. Unfortunately, since I don't have a degree in physics I can only answer semi-technical questions about how time travel works.

You are barely 22.....DON'T have a degree.....yet somehow magically get picked by 'the science team' with the aid of Praveen who himself is barely out of his university nappies. In most companies I've worked for, the 'grads' as we call them are still in an induction phase ( and learning that just because they have been to uni they DON'T know everything ) and barely trusted with making the tea let alone a time machine project, at that age.

Neil Armstrong was 38 before they let him loose on a space rocket. And you're telling me that some wizzo billion dollar time travel project is using kids barely out of high school who have only just FAILED to get a degree ??

The thing is, I don't really know anything about 2009-2019 that would give background to the politics of my time on the LARGE scale, let alone anything that is to happen in the immediate future from now

Oh come off it ! If I went back 23 years in time to 1986.....I could wax lyrical to the natives about events both big and small. I could amaze them with hundreds, thousands, of intricate details of their future. I could tell them exactly what was going to happen next....because I would remember having seen it on the news at the time.

I sure as hell would not turn up and say 'well....er....I'm not sure I can remember anything that happens in the next 10 years'.
Oh come off it ! If I went back 23 years in time to 1986.....I could wax lyrical to the natives about events both big and small. I could amaze them with hundreds, thousands, of intricate details of their future. I could tell them exactly what was going to happen next....because I would remember having seen it on the news at the time.

I sure as hell would not turn up and say 'well....er....I'm not sure I can remember anything that happens in the next 10 years'.

Well, since accordibg to his story he is -1 to 9 years old during that time period, I wouldn't blame him. I cant remember much from when I was that young. It not like the 00s and 10s are gonna be a huge part of a history textbook during the 10s, which is where he would be getting his education.
You are barely 22.....DON'T have a degree.....yet somehow magically get picked by 'the science team' with the aid of Praveen who himself is barely out of his university nappies. In most companies I've worked for, the 'grads' as we call them are still in an induction phase ( and learning that just because they have been to uni they DON'T know everything ) and barely trusted with making the tea let alone a time machine project, at that age.

Neil Armstrong was 38 before they let him loose on a space rocket. And you're telling me that some wizzo billion dollar time travel project is using kids barely out of high school who have only just FAILED to get a degree ??


Bwaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha! How true. So damn true, Twigh. I deal with 25 year old kids in engineering who (just like me when I was that age) think they've got it all wrapped up. But I am the one put in charge of them to teach them how much more they need to learn.

Not only that, but yesterday was my first day of ARO 101 classes with my new batch of freshman (18-19 year old) minds. The breaking in phase of teaching is always the most fun. :D


Well, since accordibg to his story he is -1 to 9 years old during that time period, I wouldn't blame him. I cant remember much from when I was that young.

You are kidding here, right? Please tell me you are. I was born in 196x, but I "remember" a lot of things about World War II, and how things went down. In fact, I "remember" a lot of things about what lead up to WW II. But even better, I "remember" one whole helluva lotta chit about two dudes from the late 1800s and early 1900s named Wilbur and Orville. They were brothers that came from my home state of Ohio. Brilliant chappies, if I must say from what I "remember" about them.


I could race back to say, ohhhhhhh maybe 1870, after the Civil War, and tell people very detailed stories about these two brothers (who were already alive) and what they were going to do. It matters not that I was born in 1964. I am a normal, typically educated engineer of my day and age. Why would Ralph not be able to do now, what I could do back in 1870?

You are kidding here, right? Please tell me you are. I was born in 196x, but I "remember" a lot of things about World War II, and how things went down. In fact, I "remember" a lot of things about what lead up to WW II. But even better, I "remember" one whole helluva lotta chit about two dudes from the late 1800s and early 1900s named Wilbur and Orville. They were brothers that came from my home state of Ohio. Brilliant chappies, if I must say from what I "remember" about them.

Sure, I can tell you about WW2 and The Wright brothers... But I can't tell you what Legislation was past by Regan in Oct in 1984. I was Taught about the 40's but was never taught about the 90's and I'm gonna assume you weren't taught about the 70 when you were in school. when you were 8 did you care about the war in vietnam? When Ralph is 8 is he gonna care about barack obama? He gave a couple of near future events that he remembered which i think would be reasonable.

Say you were sent on a mission to October 1920... What could you tell them? The ecomomy will collapse in 9 years? Hoover will be the president? Maybe a more few broad events. Could you tell them what stocks bring the crash? Could you tell them which states voted for hoover? Which banks will stay open the longest after the crash? I know I couldn't.

So I'm just sayin a lack of knowledge about the past doesn't immediately mean your not from the future.
You are barely 22.....DON'T have a degree.....yet somehow magically get picked by 'the science team' with the aid of Praveen who himself is barely out of his university nappies. In most companies I've worked for, the 'grads' as we call them are still in an induction phase ( and learning that just because they have been to uni they DON'T know everything ) and barely trusted with making the tea let alone a time machine project, at that age.

Neil Armstrong was 38 before they let him loose on a space rocket. And you're telling me that some wizzo billion dollar time travel project is using kids barely out of high school who have only just FAILED to get a degree ??


What kind of degree do you need to be able to follow simple instructions? Praveen was simply the one who recommended me, and he wasn't exactly a C student. Neil Armstrong was going to the moon, which requires a lot of physical and technical qualifications, such as how to fix X. Hardly a comparable example.
Oh come off it ! If I went back 23 years in time to 1986.....I could wax lyrical to the natives about events both big and small. I could amaze them with hundreds, thousands, of intricate details of their future. I could tell them exactly what was going to happen next....because I would remember having seen it on the news at the time.

I sure as hell would not turn up and say 'well....er....I'm not sure I can remember anything that happens in the next 10 years'.

Maybe you could. That would make you very good at history. Personally I could never read about which Bill was passed when, and what small event shaped the presidency of X. I was never part of 2009 to be able to tell you intricate details. Ask me something after 2025/2027, I could probably give you an overall good picture with semi-intricate details. Although since roughly the 17th century politics and world history are pretty much inseparable, I was never much interested in political issues.
Say you were sent on a mission to October 1920... What could you tell them? The ecomomy will collapse in 9 years? Hoover will be the president? Maybe a more few broad events. Could you tell them what stocks bring the crash? Could you tell them which states voted for hoover? Which banks will stay open the longest after the crash? I know I couldn't.

So I'm just sayin a lack of knowledge about the past doesn't immediately mean your not from the future.

Well....I was in the 1-10 age bracket in the 60s......and I sure as hell don't 'remember' a lot of world stuff as I was too busy being a kid. But if I travelled back to 1960....I could tell them all about the Vietnam war, the Beatles, the assassination of JFK and Martin Luther King, the Apollo moon landings, mini skirts, the Summer of Love, the Berlin wall, the Cuban missile crisis, the invention of colour TV, Star Trek, ....etc, etc, etc.

Plus.....any good time traveller would surely read up on the time he was travelling to, and events thereabouts. Would you time travel to 1860 and not read up on the 1860s first ??
You are kidding here, right? Please tell me you are. I was born in 196x, but I "remember" a lot of things about World War II, and how things went down. In fact, I "remember" a lot of things about what lead up to WW II. But even better, I "remember" one whole helluva lotta chit about two dudes from the late 1800s and early 1900s named Wilbur and Orville. They were brothers that came from my home state of Ohio. Brilliant chappies, if I must say from what I "remember" about them.

WW2 was a major event in the 1940's. Nothing like that in 1999-2009. The Wright brothers made a revolution. If it was known who helped invent time travel I would have told you. Now that I think about it, it's pretty sad that I can't.

I could race back to say, ohhhhhhh maybe 1870, after the Civil War, and tell people very detailed stories about these two brothers (who were already alive) and what they were going to do. It matters not that I was born in 1964. I am a normal, typically educated engineer of my day and age. Why would Ralph not be able to do now, what I could do back in 1870?

I certainly hope that last sentence doesn't imply you were born in 1870 /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif.
Well....I was in the 1-10 age bracket in the 60s......and I sure as hell don't 'remember' a lot of world stuff as I was too busy being a kid. But if I travelled back to 1960....I could tell them all about the Vietnam war, the Beatles, the assassination of JFK and Martin Luther King, the Apollo moon landings, mini skirts, the Summer of Love, the Berlin wall, the Cuban missile crisis, the invention of colour TV, Star Trek, ....etc, etc, etc.

Plus.....any good time traveller would surely read up on the time he was travelling to, and events thereabouts. Would you time travel to 1860 and not read up on the 1860s first ??

The thing is, my knowledge of 2009 consists mainly of who to avoid/talk to in Pakistan. Political issues don't really play much into what I'm supposed to be doing. In general, it's not like I'm being sent to 8th century Japan so that I need to know not to salute with my left hand in order not to get it chopped off by an angered samurai.