Quantum Scribe
What does me being Bulgarian pose as an obstacle if I've lived in the US long enough, and LA was just the starting point. They won't send me in Pakistan where there's no supplies. don't think that sending an American into a Pakistani village to poke around for info on a bombing is going to stick out like a sore thumb a little ?? You mean they could not find a single Pakistani, or someone who would 'fit in'.... to do the job ?
What espionage do I need to know in order to arrive to a village in Aba Khel?
Lol. Anyone can 'arrive' somewhere. But you are specifically after the alleged bombers, yet are not Pakistani, do not speak the lingo.....and seem to have a rather arrogant ' oh..they speak English' stance. What if the one person you need to speak to doesn't ? And why on earth would Pakistani officials want to speak to a 22 year old American failed university grad about ANYTHING.....let alone a security matter ?
Intelligence gathering has no part in a physical investigation. Learning Urdu was supposed to be a requirement, but it was delaying things too long, and they know English as it is, at least the officials.
What ???? You don't seem to have the first clue about 'intelligence' OR forensic examination. Intelligence is one of THE key factors in tracing bomber suspects. When the July 2005 tubeway bombings occured in you really think Mr Plod the Policeman just walked up and said ' Yup.....looks like a home made bomb'. Of course not. MI5 were onto it immediately, and were likely ( though I doubt anyone would officially admit it ) tracking the suspects beforehand.
The idea that some 22 year old American just turns up in Pakistan with his 'Dummies Guide To Bomb Bits' and is given immediate access to officials and key info and forensic evidence is truly quite comical. Urdu was a requirement, what's the 'delay' ? From the future perspective you have all the time in the world to learn it and then be sent back to the correct time. And you're telling me there's not a single trained CIA operative in 2032 who CAN speak Urdu, does have intelligence and forsensic skills, and would not stick out like a sore thumb ??
How did you determine I have no training in information gathering.
How likely is someone who has only just failed university and is barely have key skills in information gathering ??
Seriously....your whole story makes me laugh. American university dropout from 2032 gets sent on VITAL time travel security mission thanks to his mate Praveen who amazingly has a degree in physics ( wow ) and got our intrepid hero on 'the science team'.
Intrepid 22 year old hero gets the job in spite of there being 10,000 CIA agents who DO speak Urdu, would not look out of place in Pakistan, and who have years of intelligence and forensic skills. And in spite of the fact that the most blindingly obvious thing to do would be simply to make a 'tip off' phone call to existing agents on the ground and say ' hows about a look at this ?'
I'd really give up while the going's bad if I were you. But maybe not.......I'm enjoying the comedy. Wayne's World has nothing on this.
Cue Bohemian Rhapsody......take it away guys......