Re: 3rd Annual \"Titor Was BS\" Party- 1 Jan 2008
As for...
"Whoa, CigMan. I recall that you were upset when I spent a few minutes looking at the IP's that you were posting from. And now, at least from your commentary, it appears that what's good for the goose isn't necessarily good for the gander. The only way that you could know, if it's true, that Ray has posted from work is because you spent "a few minutes" looking at his posting IP's."
I didn't look at Ray's IPs until he acknowledged by his postings that is was
o Posting From Work
o Reading and Responding to TheCigMan in Real Time
o Had revealed TheCigMan supposed middle name "Joseph" - Not Public Knowledge - (Anywhere...

Darby... Dude... What's your problem?!!! You seem to be a "dis-information" agent employed the United States of America...
You always seem to be "lying..." and "disagreeing..." with my statements and postings here.
All anyone has to do look it up to find out you are probably not "being honest..." here... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
What do you rack in? Really? Have your own island somewhere? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I am sending someone to Ray's party in my place...
o TheCigMan (Does he really exist? Does anyone really know...?)
o "John J. McMonagle"
o Government Agents To Arrest Raymond Hudson of Huttington Beach, CA - Employed By Northrup Grumman /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
o "Raymond Hudson" is probable a "Military Industrail Complex" cover...
And Frankly, I miss California... I used to visit alot...
I might want to stop by... And have a soda pop... and meet "The Gang" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
(And no... I'm not Joseph McMoneagle of Project Stargate Remote Viewing Fame... As people suspect here.)